Leaves and petals fall, and a half foot long silver needle like silk swirls into Yuanfa's "woling" cave through the air flow.

Gongyi shadowless opened his eyes and took in all his thoughts. A deaf mute for several years will dredge his hearing through this needle. As long as the toxin is expelled, it is just around the corner to return to normal.

Her eyes were in a trance again. She closed her eyes and then opened them. The person in front of her startled her.

Elder Yin wiped off the sweat on his forehead and said with a smile: "the residual poison in the girl's body is not sure whether it is all concentrated in her eyes. For the time being, she can't apply the needle and medicine... The girl can rest at ease for a few days. If she feels bored, go to the flower jungle and walk around."

Gongyi Wuying admires her very much and knows what she means. In fact, the weight of "medicine" has not been clarified.

She looked gratefully at Yuan FA sitting still not far away -- if you need to test the medicine, there are only two possibilities. Less weight will stimulate the attack of residual poison, and heavier weight will directly lead to the sequelae of damaged organs.

Who can find a similar poisoning patient when he has an accident? Native? The fourth Prince's family should be Shangguan family.

Her face showed admiration, and she sincerely concealed some speculation. She whispered: "I didn't expect that there would be a medical expert like the elder in Tianchen's official house..." then she folded a flower branch from her side, started off, but looked at the elder without trace.

Elder Yin turned his head in disdain, ignored Gongyi's shadowless praise, took a pill from his arms, slowly walked to Yuanfa, stuffed the pill into his mouth, and then left calmly.

Seeing Yuanfa trembling, his facial features twisted together, and cold sweat dripping on the ground like beans, Gongyi knew that his guess was good. Because the configuration of a drug was too low, it caused toxic hair

The drug needs to be taken in extremely small amounts, bit by bit, to achieve accurate weight, that is, the patient will no longer have a painful reaction after taking the drug, and then give himself an injection. It is conceivable that the pain in the drug testing process.

Who would be so cruel, but with such a clear mind?

Yuanfa stood up, looked at her for a long time, and suddenly raised his eyes and smiled.

Gongyi shadowless thought, is he stupid? Calm as if nothing had happened, that smile seemed to be full of gratitude.

Feeling guilty, she whispered, "I'm really sorry..."

I heard a trembling voice: "I'm lucky... With your blessing, I believe in my mother's medical skills... I can get out of the valley when I'm normal."

Gongyi Wuying watched him show his face foolishly. In order to return to normal and get out of the valley, he laughed away from the pain. He was even very grateful for the opportunity to "test the medicine". He didn't think he was still his "benefactor".

"Whether you are strange or grateful, don't make a mistake." she looked more serious. "Did the fourth Lord get me into the valley? Where did you get the worry free fruit to eat?"

When Yuan FA saw that she was serious, he was also awed.

"The girl doesn't look well. Is she hungry?"

Although it was a question, it sounded like stuttering reading word by word.

Gongyi Wuying was angry. He stammered and pretended. His voice was a little louder: "don't think you can answer the wrong questions if you suffer for me. The more you care about him, the more you prove that I didn't guess wrong."

"I can't hear you. What do you want to eat, girl? Write it on my hand. I can read." Yuan FA finally finished one sentence word by word.

Gongyi shadowless: "..." Ben Wang was talking to the deaf.

Looking at each other's sincere eyes and an apologetic face, she was speechless.

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