Gongyi put his shadowless head on his knee, talked to himself for a while, and stared at the front for a long time.

The figure around him stood up quietly, sighed very shallow, and left with pity and reluctance.

I don't know when I went to sleep. In a daze, Gongyi felt that she was held by someone. The embrace was warm and the breath rippling at the root of her hair and ears was light and familiar.

Her body trembled and she suddenly woke up. In the moment of waking up, her heart jumped with joy.

She raised her hand, gently touched it in the direction of exhalation, blinked a few times, paused and said, "don't wake up."

She closed her eyes and opened them again in an instant. She seemed to laugh and feel sad. She whispered, "blind people are also good as blind people. It's dark to open their eyes."

Holding her hand suddenly tightened, like trying to resist an excited voice and laughing "hum".

Then she was put on a bed with the fragrance of pine.

Gongyi shadowless sighed, "it's Panasonic's small hut. It's not a dream. It's the improvement of the technology of touching the face... He touched someone holding his silly hum into brother Chen."

Brother Chen is the king of Tianchen. He is extremely proud in his face. How could he run to this unknown place and leave with a silly hum

It's not his style to be quiet and sneaky. Alas! One less ability is not good.

Without eyes


The silent night gradually faded, the dawn seemed to shine on Gongyi's shadowless body through the window of the hut, and she gradually woke up from her heavy, shallow sleep.

In recent days, elder Yin took care of Gongyi shadowless's work and rest. Gongyi shadowless didn't ask about her eyes, and she never mentioned it, as if it didn't exist.

But today, Gongyi knows that her dress has changed. She is a real man.

Elder Yin handed her a pill.

Gongyi shadowless put the pill in his breath for a long time and asked, "is this the pill to remove the toxin?"

"Yes, the girl once passed the acupoint with a silver needle and took this pill. As long as she insisted on washing her eyes with live worry relief spring water, it's a matter of time to restore her eyesight."

The door was pushed open, and a wisp of shallow incense penetrated through the door.

Gongyi shadowless gently smelled it and said, "the clothes and skirts with the smell of incense are placed outside the house?"

There was no response, but the sound of light broken footsteps moved from her side to the door.

"The elder changed my clothes, but because... I can leave?"

Gongyi shadowless swallowed the pill and walked slowly to the hut door with uncontrollable joy in his tone.

Gently lazy voice came: "I want to leave so much. Look, you can't wait..."

Gongyi was stunned. It turned out to be brother Jin. At the moment, he took off his clothes and suddenly noticed that the incense on the clothes was the same as that on brother Jin.

"Go out, where can I get the worry relief spring to wash my eyes? Who do you want to see?"

"Brother Jin." Gongyi was excited for no reason, and his voice choked, "why did you come..."

"King Chen came to the holy land of YUEWU nationality yesterday and lifted the ban on Yiming Valley as the new YUEWU nationality. Brother Jin took you here by the fourth prince, Shangguan Zemin... I'm sorry."

Gongyi frowned softly. Wasn't last night a dream?

Wu Jinyue approached her and gently took her hand. "You are brother Jin's sister. When you know brother Jin's mind... Shangguan Zemin won't reveal your identity..."

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