After leaving Mu Wenjun's house, Lin Bin took a taxi directly back to the villa in Bishui Bay.

""Little white rabbit, I'm back!"

As soon as he entered the door, he shouted excitedly.

After not seeing each other for so many days, he really missed the jumping appearance of the big white rabbit.

""Huh? Why is there no one here?"

He walked around the villa but didn't see a single person. Not only was Bai Lele not at home, but even Biao Biao was not there.

Lin Bin immediately took out his cell phone and called.

No one answered Bai Lele's phone, so he called Biao Biao again.

"Ah? Brother Bin, you are back!"Zhuo Xinyi was surprised when she heard the news.

""Xinyi, where did Xiaobai go?" Lin Bin asked curiously.

Zhuo Xinyi:"Brother Bin, Lele went to Hangzhou with his friends......."

It turned out that this year's King of Glory Summer League had already started, and Xiao Baitu went to Hangzhou with his friends to watch the team competition. Zhuo Xinyi didn't have time to go with them because her live broadcast company had already opened.

Less than half an hour after Lin Bin made the call, Zhuo Xinyi returned to the villa.

The two of them went out to have a meal casually. At the dinner table, Zhuo Xinyi carefully reported the situation of the live broadcast company, and was in high spirits.

"Okay, you just need to take charge of the company's affairs, and you don't have to report everything to me."

Lin Bin didn't care about this small live broadcast company at all. Instead, he would go to Zhou Manqing tomorrow to have a good chat about the progress of software development.

After dinner, the two returned to the villa. After more than ten days of not seeing each other, Bitch naturally did everything she could to see Lin Bin back.

The next day, it was already past eight o'clock when he woke up.

Lin Bin, who was full of energy, originally wanted to do some morning exercises, but when he saw Bitch who was still frowning in her sleep, he had to give up this good habit of getting up early to exercise.

"Alas, people are still different."

In the Magic City, Li Anni could go in and out seven times, and Leng Yiza could fight hundreds of battles before being defeated, but the young Zhuo Xinyi surrendered completely in just three rounds last night.

It is true that the older you are, the stronger your ability is.

Lin Bin suddenly wanted to miss Sister Hong again, and the more he thought about it, the more irritated he became.

He got up and took a cold shower first, which barely suppressed the random thoughts in his mind.

"Still so handsome!"

After looking at himself in the mirror, Lin Bin found that his hair had grown a little long, so he decided to get a haircut first.

Not far from the villa, there was a barber shop called Shangxuan.

The barber shop was not big, just an ordinary roadside shop.

According to Lin Bin's current net worth, he should at least get a haircut worth 10 billion yuan, but he had something to do today, so he was too lazy to go far away.

Early in the morning, the barber shop had just opened, and there was not much business in the shop. There was only a young woman in her thirties.

"Handsome guy, would you like a haircut?"

As soon as he entered the room, the young woman responded.

Lin Bin nodded,"Yes, a haircut"

"Come over and wash first."

The young woman was wearing denim shorts, and her long legs were white and slender.

Lin Bin followed her and looked around the store. Seeing that there was no one else, he felt a little confused.

"only you?"

"Yes! The shop is small, there are not many customers, only me."

The young woman didn't know how to cut hair, Lin Bin was a little nervous, but since he was here, he couldn't just leave, so he asked casually:"How much is your haircut here?"

The young woman said:"Wash, cut and blow dry 50, dry cut 30."

Then just blow dry, isn't it only 20?

This is quite cheap.

Lin Bin, under the guidance of the other party, lay on the chair

"Handsome guy, are you not working today?"The young woman was very skilled. While washing my hair, she took the initiative to find topics to chat.

"Come on, I'm just here to get a haircut, I'll go later."

Lin Bin lied with his eyes open, mainly because the young woman was bending over while washing her hair, and there were two balls in her clothes that were shaking, which was dizzying.

"You're working so late, you're doing a really good job."

The young woman was washing when she accidentally let the yo-yo slip out of her clothes. She quickly put it back into her clothes and pretended nothing happened.......(A true experience)

Before Lin Bin finished cutting hair, two more customers came to the shop.

After the cut, he took a look and found that the skills were just average.

However, thinking about the experience of washing hair, he understood why this small shop was doing so good business.

After leaving the barber shop, he picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was almost ten o'clock and no one had called.

Zhou Manqing didn't know what happened. Knowing that he had returned to Jiangcheng, she should have been in a hurry to report her work, but she hadn't called until now.

After thinking about it, he was afraid that the thing he saw in the drawer when he went to her house yesterday might have been discovered.

When Lin Bin thought about this, he felt a little overwhelmed.

"Forget it, never mind! Let's take it one step at a time."

Helplessly, he had to take the initiative to call.

When the call was connected, Zhou Manqing's business came from the other end,"Boss Lin, I feel a little uncomfortable today and I'm not in the company now."

""Manqing, what's wrong with you? Is it serious?" Lin Bin's heart tightened and he asked hurriedly.

Zhou Manqing heard the concern in his tone and said lightly:"It's okay, I just feel a little low. I came here to ask a friend to prescribe some medicine. I will go to the company in the afternoon."

"Work is not urgent, health is more important." Lin Bin advised,"By the way, where are you now? I'll come to find you."

"No need, I'll be back soon."

"It's okay. I'm free today anyway, so why don't I go to your house and wait for you?"

Zhou Manqing naturally didn't want Lin Bin to go home. Mu Wenjun had already gone to work. If she and Lin Bin were alone, she would feel uncomfortable.

In desperation, she had to send her location.

Lin Bin looked at the location on his phone and drove over immediately.

"No, this doesn't look like a hospital."

Twenty minutes later, Lin Bin arrived at the downstairs of Century Building and suddenly felt something strange.

In the end, he followed the message sent by the other party and took the elevator to the 26th floor.

Looking at the prompt, Lin Bin came to Room 2601 and looked at the sign hanging above. He was suddenly puzzled.

This was a psychological counseling clinic.

"Hello sir, do you have an appointment?

As soon as he entered the door, someone took the initiative to answer.

"No, I'm here to see a friend." Lin Bin shook his head in confusion.

The receptionist smiled and asked,"Are you Mr. Lin Bin?"


"Hello, Doctor Su told you to wait in the lounge first, she will be out soon."

What Doctor Su? Could it be the friend Zhou Manqing mentioned?

Lin Bin followed the receptionist to the lounge with a lot of doubts in his mind.

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