After Su Fei came downstairs, Lin Bin finally understood why the white coat she wore before was so loose.

At this moment, she was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, a proper queen style, and black-framed glasses, which added a bit of temptation.

Especially the greatness of her mind, without the cover of the white coat, was completely revealed.

If Zhou Manqing is volleyball, then Su Fei is at least basketball.

The trembling way she walked made Lin Bin jealous.

This kid's father is really lucky!

At this moment, Lin Bin suddenly flashed an advertising slogan in his mind: Not all milk is called Telunsu.

Not all cows are called Su Fei.

Su Fei walked out of the elevator and smiled at the two of them,"Let's go!"

Zhou Manqing was obviously waiting for her downstairs, but at this moment, she looked like she was too lazy to pay attention to her. She snorted and walked directly to the parking lot.

The three drove two cars, and Lin Bin led the way alone, and casually found a Sichuan restaurant nearby.

The restaurant is not big, but the business is quite good. It happened to be dinner time, so the restaurant was almost full.


After finally finding an empty table, Lin Bin glanced at the menu and ordered five signature dishes in one go.

"Give us fish-flavored pork shreds, boiled fish fillet, twice-cooked pork, mapo tofu, and husband and wife lung slices."

"Okay, we can't finish ordering so much."

Seeing that Lin Bin wanted to order more, Zhou Manqing quickly spoke up to stop him.

"OK, let's do it."

Lin Bin didn't care. No one drank in the afternoon because everyone had something to do. He ordered another bottle of drink and handed the menu to the waiter, who immediately went down to prepare it. Before the food came, he pretended to look around the restaurant, his eyes occasionally falling on Su Fei.

Su Fei and Zhou Manqing sat side by side opposite each other, the buttons on her chest were tight, and even the lace underwear inside was faintly revealed.

"Little brother, how dare you be dishonest with your eyes in front of Manqing?"

Su Fei had already noticed that Lin Bin was peeking at her. Although there was a faint smile on her face, her eyes were frighteningly sharp.

Not only were his eyes dishonest, but even his brother was dishonest.

Lin Bin crossed his legs under the dinner table, hiding the embarrassment on his face,"Sister Su Fei, you are joking. I am very honest."

"Oh, really?" Su Fei chuckled and turned to look at Zhou Manqing,"Manqing, is this guy well behaved at night?"

Zhou Manqing blushed, fearing that her best friend would say something dirty, and said angrily:"If you talk nonsense again, I will let that hooligan Lao Xia teach you a lesson."

Su Fei was not panicked at all, and smiled and said:"That's just right, it's just right for Lao Xia to teach you some tricks."

It seems that these three women know each other!"

Lin Bin was suddenly curious. Being able to be friends with Su Fei and Xia Mo, is there any side of Zhou Manqing that he doesn't know?

The food was served soon, and the three of them ate and chatted.

Lin Bin called Su Fei sister, and then sister Manqing, and seemed very close.

Maybe because it was the first time they met today and she was not very familiar with Lin Bin, Su Fei did not behave too much at the dinner table, which made Zhou Manqing relieved.

The meal took less than an hour, and Lin Bin was almost full, so he went to the counter to pay the bill in advance.

As soon as he left, Su Fei whispered in Zhou Manqing's ear and giggled,"Manqing, this little guy is ignorant."

Zhou Manqing was stunned, and recalled Lin Bin's proper performance just now. She was a little puzzled,"Why is he ignorant?"

Su Fei said seriously,"The sensible brother has been called by the sister a long time ago, and the ignorant brother is still calling sister.

Manqing, did you two do that?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhou Manqing trembled, and tried her best to deny it, but Lin Bin's figure appeared in her mind.

"Tsk! You look so excited, but you still don't admit it." Su Fei saw through her bestie's thoughts at a glance.

Before they said a few words, Lin Bin came over and said,"Sister Su Fei, today is too rushed. Let's have dinner together again when we have the chance."

Su Fei smiled and nodded,"Okay, sister, I'll be waiting for you."......

The three of them parted at the hotel entrance. Su Fei returned to Century Building, while Lin Bin prepared to send Zhou Manqing home first.

""Boss Lin, I'm really fine. How about we go to the company together this afternoon? I just want to report to you about the recent progress." Zhou Manqing is a workaholic and immediately said

"No! Manqing, you must listen to me and take care of your health first."

Lin Bin turned into a domineering president and sent him upstairs.

Mu Wenjun went to work again, and they were the only two at home.

Being alone in a room, Zhou Manqing felt uncomfortable all over. Every time she looked at Lin Bin, she felt guilty.

Especially when she thought of the things in the drawer of the desk, she didn't dare to let Lin Bin stay any longer.

"Mr. Lin, I'm a little sleepy and I'm going to take a break."Lin Bin was a little speechless. He wanted to find a topic to talk about, but the other party had ordered him to leave, so he had to leave first.

After leaving Zhou Manqing's house, he didn't know where to go for a while.

Little White Rabbit was still in Hangzhou, Bitch had gone to the live broadcast company, and there was no one in the villa in Bishuiwan.

Lin Bin thought about it and sent a text message to Cheng Ke'er first.

As a result, no one replied to the message for a long time.

When he called again, the other party's phone was turned off.

"That's not right, what is Ke'er doing?"

Lin Bin suddenly felt a little strange.

In the past, no matter when he sent a message, Cheng Ke'er would reply, but now she even turned off her phone, which was a bit strange.

He went to Shanghai some time ago and was busy with a lot of things, so he didn't contact Cheng Ke'er much.

Although Cheng Ke'er was considerate and always responded to his requests, she never took the initiative to disturb him.

So after not contacting him for so many days, Lin Bin didn't take it seriously.

Since he had nothing to do in the afternoon, he drove directly to Xingfuli.

"Ke'er, are you home?"

I called out twice at the door, but no one responded. Fortunately, Lin Bin had the key with him, so he opened the door and walked in.

""Strange, where did she go?"

He walked around the room, but he didn't see Cheng Ke'er at all.

When Lin Bin was puzzled, his eyes subconsciously fell on the coffee table in the living room, and he was stunned.

There was a small gift box on the coffee table, and there seemed to be a piece of letter paper under the gift box.

Lin Bin walked over quickly, picked up the letter paper and looked at it, and was stunned.

"Abin, when you see this letter, I will be gone. Remember, don't come to me......."

The letter was written by Cheng Ke'er, and the date was the same day when he went to Shanghai on a business trip.

Although they only talked for a few words, Lin Bin read it over and over again, and Cheng Ke'er's figure unconsciously appeared in his mind again.


With a deep sigh, Lin Bin put away the letter and put it in a gift box.

Cheng Ke'er had made it clear that she was going back to her hometown and asked him not to look for her. She even left the keys of her car and house. Lin Bin suddenly remembered that the watch she gave him before leaving cost more than 500,000 yuan.

It was estimated that Cheng Ke'er spent all the money she gave her on herself.

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