The entire Longhai Building is considered a landmark building in Jiangcheng, but Lin Bin is still not sure how much it is worth.

However, judging from Zhou Manqing's shocked expression, it is probably not cheap.

"How much does this building cost?"

"Two years ago, the entire Longhai Building was valued at 6.8 billion, and it must have risen a lot now. The most important thing is that this place is only for rent and not for sale!"

Zhou Manqing revealed an astronomical figure, and Lin Bin frowned when he heard it.

6.8 billion! He only has more than 5 billion in his account now.

However, the gap is not big.

Just ask Bai Lele or Zhuo Xinyi to buy him a gift of hundreds of thousands, and it will be enough to hit it casually.

As for renting but not selling? Impossible!

Maybe there are really things that are not for sale in this world, but Longhai Building is obviously not one of them. The other party is unwilling to sell it just because the price is not attractive enough.

Lin Bin thought about it and said,"It's not too expensive. You can contact someone and see how much the other party is willing to sell it for."

6.8 billion is not expensive?

Zhou Manqing was immediately shocked,"Mr. Lin, this is 6.8 billion, not 680,000. If you really have so much money, you can at least rank in the top ten of the Jiangcheng rich list."

Rich list?

I got this money through the system. Although the channel is formal and I am not afraid of others checking, I can't explain it clearly. Lin Bin still thinks it's better to keep a low profile.

Besides, when I introduce myself to others in the future, it would be too low-class to mention my ranking on the Jiangcheng Rich List.

Even if I want to be one, I should at least be the richest man, right? Lin Bin continued:"I don't care about the false name, rich or not. Manqing, you go contact the property management. As long as it can be acquired for about 8 billion, we will buy Longhai Building directly."

Zhou Manqing's breathing was a little rapid. She knew that Lin Bin was rich, but she didn't know how rich he was.

Not to mention the live broadcast company and the 4S store, after all, the investment is not large, but the film and television company and the film and television base development, that is real money.

She heard from Xia Mo that Lin Bin spent 1.9 billion to directly acquire a film and television company in Shanghai.

Now the total expenditure of the software company is less than 100 million, which is acceptable, but if it really buys Longhai Building, it would be a bit exaggerated.

Zhou Manqing showed a wry smile on her face and persuaded,"Mr. Lin, even if you have money, there is no need to buy the entire building. After all, we are in the Internet industry, and the real industry has little impact on the company's valuation......."

"I have an idea."Lin Bin raised his hand to interrupt her,"I will set up an investment company separately, including Longhai Building, film and television base, etc. These physical industries will be planned under the name of the investment company.

Moreover, our Shuangmu Network is not only developing live broadcast software, but may also develop its own online games and even other software in the future. Don't stop recruiting, just think of it as a reserve of talents first."

After listening to his big cake, Zhou Manqing was even more shocked. She also yearned for the business empire that Lin Bin once talked about.


Since Lin Bin was so courageous, she naturally would not stop him, and she became even more motivated.

Then, they talked about other details in the company.

Finally, Zhou Manqing asked if she wanted to get familiar with the company's senior management. Lin Bin thought about it and refused.

"Wait a little longer until the live broadcast software is completely completed, then I will hold a celebration party for everyone."

There were too many things to do in the company, and the two of them chatted for hours.

Time passed, and soon it was noon.

Lin Bin stood up from the sofa, stretched, and joked,"Manqing, I have been with you for the whole morning today, how about you treat me to lunch at noon?"

After spending this period of time together, the two were very familiar with each other, and they were no longer restrained when talking.

Zhou Manqing looked at him with disdain,"Boss Lin, you are such a big boss, and you still have the nerve to let me treat you."

"Well, I brought you a gift before, how about it, do you like it? Just treat me to a meal as a return gift."Lin Bin was quick-witted and made up an excuse.

However, as soon as he said this, he regretted it.

Sure enough, Zhou Manqing blushed immediately, glared at him fiercely, and was so angry that she couldn't speak.

This guy, obviously meant something.

For some reason, when she mentioned the gift, a mosaic picture appeared in her mind.......

Although they said the wrong thing, they still went to a seafood restaurant at noon.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 880 cash consumption from Zhou Manqing, sincerity index 82.46, reverse critical hit 8256 times!"

"The amount received is 7265280 yuan, please check it!"

The sincerity index of the aunt has reached more than 80%, so Lin Bin is naturally happy.

After dinner, the two went straight to the Starbucks where Mu Wenjun worked part-time. In the afternoon, Zhou Manqing made an appointment with the investment company.

Sun Ping'an is 35 years old. He looks just like his name, ordinary, but his resume is not ordinary at all.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Sun is an elite in the investment industry. He has worked at Sequoia Capital overseas for more than ten years."

After Zhou Manqing's introduction, Lin Bing only talked to the other party for a few words and was quite satisfied.

He made the decision on the spot.

"Mr. Sun, the investment company's affairs will be handed over to you in the future. If there is anything in the daily life, you only need to report to Mr. Zhou."

In the coffee shop, Lin Bin looked at the elite man in front of him and spoke with a smile.

Sun Pingan was also looking at the young man in front of him. He had been working overseas before, and now he wanted to return to his roots.

He thought he couldn't find a suitable job in China, but he didn't expect to meet a real billionaire.

"Mr. Lin, please rest assured that I will definitely cooperate with Mr. Zhou's work."

"OK, the first thing to do is to acquire Longhai Building, so hurry up and do it. If you need any kind of manpower, you can ask Mr. Zhou for it."

Lin Bin plans to continue to be a hands-off manager, and the investment company's affairs will usually be handed over to Sun Pingan, and Zhou Manqing will be responsible for the overall situation.

""Okay, Mr. Lin, wait for my good news."

Sun Ping'an saw the courage of the new boss when he bought a building worth billions of yuan.

Although he didn't know the relationship between Mr. Zhou and the big boss, he didn't ask much.

After Sun Ping'an left, Lin Bin said,"Manqing, I won't increase your salary for the time being, but this investment company will give you 1% of the shares."

Zhou Manqing was shocked when she heard this. The acquisition of Longhai Building alone would cost 8 billion yuan, and with other projects, it would definitely cost tens of billions.

One percent of the shares would be 100 million yuan.

"Mr. Lin, I can't accept it! The salary you offered me is already very high."

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"Don't refuse yet, this is what you deserve. And when we are in private, don't call me Mr. Lin, just call me A Bin."

What does he mean? He doesn't really have any feelings for me, does he?

But I am several years older than him!

Zhou Manqing was thinking wildly, and her heart was beating wildly.

The blurred picture in her mind seemed to gradually become clear.......

After the two separated, Zhou Manqing still had to go to work, while Lin Bin went straight back to the villa in Bishui Bay.

Zhuo Xinyi was still in the live broadcast company, and Xiao Baitu went out to play again. There was no one at home, so he started watching the live broadcast.

In an afternoon, he watched the most popular live broadcasts on major live broadcast platforms.

Lin Bin already had his own ideas about how to poach people.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, just after dinner, he logged into his Douyu account.

This account has not been logged in for a while.


Young Abin is online again! ps: Next, let's start the whole thing!

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