Latiao is also a well-known female anchor among the King of Glory anchors, and her skills are quite impressive.

She also watched for a while the commotion that Lin Bin had caused in Biaobiao

's live broadcast room. As a result, the other party turned around and went to Tao Yaoyao's live broadcast room, and Latiao didn't take it to heart.

After all, according to her thinking, this rich man had already swiped millions tonight, and he probably wouldn't swipe anymore.

Who would have thought that just as she started a game, the live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

Latiao's skills are very good. She can play games with ease. She can also check the barrage from time to time and interact with fans. So when hundreds of thousands of visitors suddenly poured into the live broadcast room, she was the first to notice it.

From the messages on the barrage, she learned that the rich man who swiped millions was coming to check the room, and Latiao was so excited that she almost jumped up.

"Brother Bing has arrived, the host kneels to welcome him!"

"Brother Bing has arrived, the host kneels to welcome him!"

"Brother Bin is coming, the anchor kneels to welcome him!"

The audience who came to watch the excitement in advance were swiping the screen crazily, and Latiao lived up to their expectations and directly took out a pillow and put it on the ground.

The game was temporarily idle.

When Lin Bin arrived in the live broadcast room, she knelt directly on the pillow.

"Welcome Brother Bin to my live broadcast room!"

Lin Bin was a little amused when he saw this female anchor named Latiao doing this.

He also saw the message"Brother Bin is coming, the anchor kneels to welcome him!" on the other party's live broadcast room. He was not polite and spoke directly.

"As usual, I won't stop until the game stops!"

Boom boom!

The Royal Salute kept exploding.

La Tiao saw the fireworks exploding on the live screen, and she was overjoyed and hurried to continue the game.

This round had been going on for twelve minutes, and the red team she was on had a huge advantage and had even pushed down a high ground of the opponent.

However, La Tiao was very clear about Lin Bin's rule that he couldn't stop playing the game. So, with her deliberate delay, the game was dragged to twenty-five minutes.

"Damn! Latiao is such a jerk, the soldiers just enter the line and don't click on the crystal!"

"There's nothing to say, there are 20 Royal Salutes in one minute, if it were you, you would definitely drag it out like this."

The barrage kept arguing, Lin Bin also saw the little thoughts of this anchor, but he didn't care.

It's just a few minutes longer!

So far tonight, he has only spent a little over 10 million on gifts, of which more than 5 million were spent on Bitch.

However, he got 280 million from Bitch.

At the current speed, it's no problem to brush all day.

The game is over, and it's time to move on.

Next, Lin Bin opened a new live broadcast room according to the message on the barrage in his own live broadcast room.......

"Brother Bin! Are you still sending gifts?"

Zhuo Xinyi hurried back to the villa, and the journey took less than half an hour.

When she returned to her room, she was shocked to see Lin Bin still sending gifts. When

Lin Bin saw that Bian Bian was back, he turned off the microphone first, and then said:"Come on, I'm a little tired of sending gifts, you help me send gifts."

"No, Brother Bing, why are you giving so many gifts?"Zhuo Xinyi was puzzled.

"I have developed a live broadcast software, which will be launched next month. But I don’t have a live broadcaster now........"

Lin Bin briefly explained the whole story and his plan, and Zhuo Xinyi finally understood.

"But, Brother Bin, it will still cost you a lot of money to do this, right?"

Although Zhuo Xinyi understood his idea, she was still a little worried.

"It's okay!" Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"I will come to fight for gifts every day, just remember to give me ten salutes every day."

Now the sincerity index of the bitch is very high. As long as she gives me ten salutes, she can get at least 200 million, which is enough for Lin Bin to do whatever he wants, and even have enough money to buy Longhai Building.

"OK, Brother Bin."

Although Zhuo Xinyi didn't understand his operation, she was still very obedient.

Under Lin Bin's command, she sat directly on his lap and started to give him gifts.

Basically, a game lasted ten minutes. Lin Bin turned over several King of Glory anchors in a row, and almost two hours had passed.

On the entire Douya platform, all the anchors with popularity exceeding one million were clicked by him.

Next, he didn't continue to give gifts to those anchors with less popularity.

Although he was not short of money, those small anchors were not worth the price.

And not everyone is as obedient as Bia Bia.

Lin Bin said:"Forget it, let's not look at the King of Glory anchors first, let's go and look at those who play the Chicken Dinner game."

Currently, the two most popular mobile games in the world are King of Glory and Chicken Dinner. The anchors of these two games are also the most popular on the Douya platform.

Although Lin Bin has never played the game of Chicken Dinner and didn't pay much attention to it, Zhuo Xinyi used to broadcast Chicken Dinner live, so she is very familiar with it.

"Okay, the most popular PUBG streamer right now is Datuanzi, Brother Bin, have we gone to her live studio before?" Zhuo Xinyi asked. Lin Bin nodded,"Since she is the most popular, let's go to her place."

"Wow, Brother Bin, you have over 3 million followers in your livestream, much better than me."

Zhuo Xinyi sighed as she switched cameras.

She had been a livestreamer for almost a year, but her followers were only a few tens of thousands. Later, she started a company, but after more than half a month, her followers only exceeded 300,000.

But Lin Bin's first livestream today, his followers exceeded 3 million, and it's still growing fast.

"Haha, there's nothing I can do. The Royal Salute on Douya is too good to look at."Lin Bin laughed and made a joke.

Zhuo Xinyi was speechless. No matter how good the special effects were, after watching it a thousand times, what good would it be?

She also knew that the reason why the young Abin's live broadcast room was so popular was because he spent money to buy it.

Lin Bin had never played the chicken game, and he didn't think much of it.���, but this big dumpling is worthy of being the number one player in PUBG, and his live broadcast room has more than 8 million viewers.

Such a popular person must be poached!

Without saying anything, Lin Bin started giving gifts directly!

""Thanks to the young Abin for the golden salute, thank you brother!"

Da Tuanzi is beautiful and has a sweet voice. Her number of fans ranks among the top three in Douya, and she receives a lot of gifts every day during the live broadcast.

However, when she saw the golden salute suddenly appear on the screen, she still opened her mouth to thank him.

However, what she didn't expect was that this salute never stopped from the first one.......

In a five-star hotel in Shenzhen, a man and a woman were in the bedroom, taking off their clothes one by one.


The sudden ringing of the phone interrupted Wang Zhenghao's good time.

"Damn it, that blind man, calling me at this time!"

Cursing, Wang Zhenghao pushed the beauty in his arms away and picked up the phone.

"Brother Hao, tonight a country bumpkin came from nowhere and has been giving gifts to Datuanzi to get him on the list. He is about to surpass you."

The voice on the phone was a little anxious, and Wang Tianhao knew it was his younger brother.

""Fuck! That jerk dared to snatch someone from me, wait for me, I'm going to top up my account right now!"

Wang Tianhao is the prince of Douya, he often gives gifts to his own anchors, if he likes someone, he will give him a big thumbs up, and finally give him a few shots.

This year, the company just signed a contract with Datuanzi, and he liked him at first sight.

However, this time Wang Tianhao wanted to try something new, so he didn't rush to force it, but kept giving gifts to the other party, firmly sitting on the top of the list.

Unexpectedly, a young man would show up now, daring to snatch someone from his own territory.

How could the dignified Wang Dashao swallow this breath?

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