The housekeeping company does not have a suitable candidate for the time being, but they repeatedly assured that they would recruit people in time, and would notify Lin Bin as soon as they found a suitable one.

For this reason, Lin Bin first paid a deposit of one thousand yuan as a labor fee.

Of course, if no suitable candidate is found, the deposit can be refunded.

After leaving the housekeeping company, he didn't know where to go for a while.

It was impossible to go to the company, and he was too lazy to go to work.

As for those big anchors, most of them only start broadcasting during the prime time in the evening, and there is no need to watch live broadcasts during the day.

Lin Bin thought about it and took out his mobile phone to search for any boxing gyms.

He was not going to practice boxing, but was going to test his strength.

Jiangcheng is a first-tier city after all. A search on the mobile phone directly found more than a dozen boxing gyms.

Lin Bin looked at the location, chose the nearest place, and drove off directly.

Half an hour later, the Mercedes-Benz stopped in front of a store called Zhenyuan Free Fighting Hall.

""Huh? Why is it so deserted?"

After entering the door, there was no reception desk and no one was training. Lin Bin even suspected that this fighting gym was not open for business.

Just when he was wondering, someone finally came over.

"Hey, what do you do?"

The man was in his twenties, with a muscular body, looking fierce and rude, and he didn't look like a businessman at all.

Fortunately, the T-shirt he wore had the two big words"Zhenyuan" printed on it, otherwise, I really wouldn't know what this guy did.

Lin Bin was speechless,"Of course I'm here to consume, aren't you guys closed?"

Wang Gang was stunned. The fighting gym couldn't be opened anymore, and all members had been notified, but he didn't expect that there would still be people coming.

However, there was still more than half a month before closing, and it was nice to be able to make some money now.

"We are open for business. By the way, my name is Wang Gang, I am the coach here, sir, what do you want to practice?"

"How do you charge here?"

"If you practice by yourself, you will be charged by time, 60 yuan per hour. If you need a coach, you will be charged by course, 200 yuan per class, but our fighting gym does not offer long-term membership."

Wang Gang's eyes flashed, hiding the news that the fighting gym could only operate for more than half a month.

"The price is not expensive. I will practice by myself first and pay when I leave."

""Okay! Then you can practice casually, you can use all the equipment here."

Wang Gang said and left, not afraid that the customer would default on his payment.

After all, there are not many people who dare to default on their payment at the fighting gym.

Seeing this big guy walking away on his own, Lin Bin was speechless.

This was his first time in such a place, and even if he practiced on his own, he didn't know how to use the equipment.

There was no way, the guy named Wang Gang had already gone far away, and the other party's tone was not very polite, Lin Bin was too lazy to go back on his word, so he just looked at it on his own.

The fighting gym is not large, but the facilities inside are very complete, but it is very deserted.

Lin Bin casually threw a punch, then picked up a pair of boxing gloves and put them on, and attacked the sandbag.


He punched out with all his strength, the sandbag was lifted high, and then fell back.

Lin Bin had no experience and was almost hit by the sandbag that was swung back.

"You are not fighting right like this."

A cold voice sounded from behind, and Lin Bin turned his head quickly.

He saw a woman in a white training suit, shaking her head at him.

She looked to be in her twenties, with a delicate appearance. Against the background of the training suit, she looked heroic.

The white training suit also had the two big characters"Zhen Yuan" embroidered on it.

"Are you the coach here?" Lin Bin asked curiously.

The woman said,"My name is Cheng Ying, and I'm the owner of this gym."

Such a young owner, and a woman!

Lin Bin was also a little surprised,"Why was the fight I just did wrong?"

Cheng Ying frowned and said,"You probably haven't had any training. Although your strength is very good, you don't have any skills, and even the most basic force-generating posture is wrong."

Could it be that the other party is here to sell courses?

Lin Bin guessed in his heart.

However, he is not short of money anyway, and if the other party is really capable, she deserves to make money.

"So how should I exert my strength?"

"Like me, the Qi is in Dantian, the waist and horse are united, the body drives the arms, and the arms drive the fists......."

The other party demonstrated as he spoke.

Bang! The fist hit the sandbag, making a dull sound.

Lin Bin looked at the sandbag flying high, and was a little shocked.

He was a real man, and he had taken a powerful pill, so his strength was much higher than that of ordinary people. However, the woman in front of him could hit the sandbag to a height far higher than his own.

""Let me try!"

Lin Bin imitated Cheng Ying and did the same thing.

He threw a punch! Bang!

The sandbag flew up high. Although it was a little worse than Cheng Ying's performance, it was much higher than the first time he hit it.

What a great strength!

Cheng Ying narrowed her eyes and was shocked.

She has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, and it has been almost 20 years now. Although her strength is not far beyond that of ordinary people, her skills are not comparable to those of ordinary people.

The young man in front of him obviously knows nothing, but the strength he exerts is actually comparable to her own.

"It’s really powerful!"

Lin Bin looked at the effect of his punch and was quite satisfied...."Master Cheng, how about you teach me a few moves? You decide how much the course will cost."

After all, she is the master, and a beautiful one at that, so the price cannot be the same as that of coach Wang Gang.

Lin Bin originally just wanted to test how strong he was, but now he has only learned some force-generating movements, and the effect is so obvious, so naturally he has more ideas.

If he can exercise his body, maybe in the future he can do 90 with his left hand and 100 with his right hand without any effort.

Cheng Ying shook her head,"I'm sorry, our Zhenyuan Fighting Gym will be closed in more than half a month, and we will not be recruiting students for the time being." Lin Bin was stunned, but when he turned his head and looked at the deserted fighting gym, he understood.

With business so bad, it is reasonable to close down.

"Master Cheng, you said there is still more than half a month left, so just teach me for half a month."

"you...What do you want to learn?"

"Anything is fine, as long as it can strengthen the body, and it would be best if you can fight ten people at once."

Lin Bin didn't know what to learn, the more powerful the better.

Cheng Ying was speechless,"You want to fight ten people at once in half a month, you might as well go and practice Taoism."

"Hehe, it would be great if you could teach me how to cultivate immortality. I want to learn it, too."

Finally, for the sake of money, Cheng Ying finally agreed.

But her price was not high, only two hundred yuan per class, and she promised to teach until the day the fighting gym closed.......

In a labor agency, Bai Jie sat at the table with a melancholy face, listening to the chatter of the staff in front of her.

"Miss Bai, this is a good opportunity. Although it's a nanny, the salary offered is very high, including food and accommodation, and the monthly salary is 12,000 yuan.

This treatment is one of the best in our Jiangcheng, you have to think it over carefully."

When Bai Jie heard that she was going to be a nanny, she planned to refuse directly, but when she heard the salary offered by the other party, she began to hesitate.

She used to be a teacher, although she can't be one now, she wanted to find a tutoring job, but she didn't expect it to be so difficult.

If she hadn't been desperate now, she would never have been a nanny.

What's more, the other party is still a young man in his twenties. He offered such a high price, and maybe he had other intentions.

But when she thought of those people who blocked her door all day long to collect debts, what could she do?

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