"Look, Lin Bin is back."

"What’s going on? Cheng Ke’er is actually holding his hand. Could these two be getting together so soon?"

"Is there any need to doubt this? Lin Bin is so rich, it seems that Cheng Ke'er is not simple either."

"LV bags and Chanel! Oh my god, they bought so many things!"

Looking at the couples and the shopping bags in their hands, all of which were big brands, the salesperson in the 4S store was immediately jealous.

"Ke'er, which car do you like?"

Lin Bin ignored the others and asked after helping Cheng Ke'er put away the things she bought.

"Just buy an A5."

Cheng Ke'er smiled faintly. She didn't have high requirements for the car.

A5? Lin Bin frowned. This car only cost about 500,000 yuan. In his eyes, it was too cheap and not worthy of Cheng Ke'er at all.

"Or, should I buy an A7?"

"In fact, there is no need to be so wasteful, it is just a means of transportation."

Cheng Keer smiled slightly, she could feel that Lin Bin was really willing to spend money on her.

Even if she was kept, it was a kind of luck to meet someone who was willing to treat her sincerely.

As the two were chatting, a figure came over.

"Brother Bin, what are you doing?" Wang Feng glanced at Cheng Ke'er and winked.

Lin Bin was also very familiar with this guy, and they had a good relationship.

Although this guy also had the surname Wang, he was not a local boss, and he was not that snobbish.

After Yang Man's incident, he was the only one who stood up for Lin Bin.

"What is it? Don't ask around, kid."Lin Bin scolded with a smile.

Wang Feng was not angry either. He smiled and not only did he not walk away, but he came closer.

"Brother Bin, let me tell you, the short guy surnamed Wang is here again, and he has ordered an A6 for Yang Man, but it is paid in installments, which is not as generous as yours."

Lin Bin raised his eyebrows and immediately raised his voice,"Ke'er, let's put it this way, I will buy you a top-of-the-line A8 first, and then I will change it to a sports car after a while."

Men, of course, all care about their reputation, and he is no exception.

What kind of car his woman drives can naturally reflect whether he has face or not.

Before, he was planning to buy an A7 for Cheng Ke'er, but now he has directly upgraded it to A8.

Others were originally paying attention to the movement here, and immediately heard Lin Bin's words clearly.

On the other side of the exhibition hall, the smile on Yang Man's face suddenly disappeared.

The A6 that was just ordered was not attractive at this moment, and it was even a bit annoying.

The top-of-the-line A8 costs more than two million, and his own A6 is only 500,000, which is not in the same class at all.

"It's too expensive! I don't need to compare with others."

Cheng Ke'er shook her head and rejected Lin Bin's proposal.

She had already put forward her own conditions, so there was no need to spend more money.

"Ke'er, I've said that I will repay anyone who treats me well a hundredfold. Don't worry, it's just an A8, I can still afford it."

Lin Bin was even more satisfied when he heard her refusal.

Compared with Yang Man, Cheng Ke'er in front of him is not only beautiful but also kind-hearted, they are simply worlds apart.

Although the other party said no, he didn't plan to save money.

What's more, he only made more than 18 million today. If he spends a little more money now, Cheng Ke'er's sincerity index will get higher and higher in the future.

Buy it if you say so!

Seeing this, Cheng Ke'er had to get up and get the contract.

Although others were envious, they knew very well that Lin Bin would not give such a big order to others, so no one came over.

Next, they signed the contract and swiped the card to pay.

It only took a few minutes to complete the whole process.

More than two million was spent, and Cheng Ke'er also got the key to the A8.

After seeing Lin Bin swiping the card again, Yang Man completely collapsed and didn't care about going to work. She fled in panic under the gloating eyes of others.

""Brother Bin, come and have a drink of water."

Suddenly, a delicate voice sounded.

Lin Bin looked up and was a little surprised,"Yan Zi, why didn't you go to accompany the clients?"

Wu Yan smiled awkwardly, but still stayed here shamelessly,"Brother Bin, it's the off-season recently, and there are not so many customers in our store."

Lin Bin looked at her with interest. When he just resigned yesterday, he asked her to run errands to buy a pack of cigarettes, but she refused on the grounds that she was accompanying a client.

Unexpectedly, she is still shamelessly coming over now.

However, since someone came to his door to let him take advantage of it, Lin Bin naturally would not refuse.

He took the drink from Wu Yan, took a sip, and put it down.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 4 yuan consumption rebate from Wu Yan, a sincerity index of 23.56%, and a reverse critical hit of 2356 times!"

"The amount received is 9424 yuan, please check it!"

The sincerity index is only 23%, which is the same level as a bitch.

Lin Bin immediately understood that the other party was after his financial resources, and he didn't even have the slightest intention of repentance.

However, although Wu Yan was very good at dressing up, she had a poor foundation, was average-looking, and was not sincere, so he would not spend money on her.

Seeing that Lin Bin didn't say anything unpleasant, Wu Yan also breathed a sigh of relief, and kept saying rainbow farts in her mouth, as if she was very familiar with Lin Bin.

But she didn't know that in Lin Bin's heart, he had already passed her by.

The reason why he didn't drive her away was because Lin Bin was too lazy to bother with these people, and considering that Cheng Ke'er was still working here, he didn't make things too awkward with others.

"Brother Bin, come and have a cigarette."

Seeing Wu Yan successfully strike up a conversation, Liu Weiwei, who was wearing black stockings, also came over and handed over a pack of unopened Huazi.

The sales staff here, even if they don't smoke, usually prepare a pack at any time, just to provide better service to those customers who smoke.

Yesterday, before Lin Bin left, he also asked her for cigarettes, but Liu Weiwei declined, saying that she had to call a client. Now, after seeing his financial resources, she took the initiative to offer her courtesy.

Although he looked down on these two people, Lin Bin did not refuse such a good opportunity to make money, and took it casually.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 45 yuan consumption rebate from Liu Weiwei, the sincerity index is 18.65, and the reverse critical hit is 1865 times!"

"Received a reward of 83,925 yuan, please check it!"

This pack of Huazi costs 45 yuan. I guess Liu Weiwei felt a little distressed, so her sincerity index is only 18%, which is lower than Wu Yan!

Lin Bin was completely speechless. These women, each with a smile on their face, were not sincere at all. If it weren't for the system, he would really be deceived by them.

It is said that time will reveal a person's heart, but it should be financial strength that reveals a person's heart.

With a few flattering"flies" around him, Lin Bin couldn't sit still.

"Ke'er, if everything is fine, I'll leave first. I'll call you when things are done."

Cheng Ke'er nodded gently, indicating that she understood.

Before leaving, Lin Bin directly transferred another million to her.

He didn't care about the monthly living expenses of 100,000. As long as this woman was sincere in following him, he would not let her lack money.

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