Lin Bin was also curious. He looked at the three big men outside the gate. One of them looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was.

He was face-blind. Except for very pretty young ladies, he couldn't remember them.

"It's you!"

The leader of the three men was a little surprised when he saw Lin Bin following behind Bai Jie.

"Oh, you are the coach, what is his name?"

The other party suddenly spoke, and Lin Bin finally remembered.

""Hmph! My name is Wang Gang."

This man is Wang Gang from Zhenyuan Fighting Gym.

Although Lin Bin has trained there for more than ten days, Wang Gang is not often in the fighting gym, and the two have little communication, so he does not have a deep impression of him.

Lin Bin frowned and said,"Wang Gang, right? Why are you smashing my door?"

Wang Gang stiffened his neck and said,"This has nothing to do with you. We are here to find her."

"Looking for me?"

Teacher Bai's face was full of confusion. She didn't recognize the three people in front of her at all.

"Yes, we are here to find you. Come with us.

Wang Gang and his two companions were blocking the door, looking like evil men.

""Oh my!"

Bai Jie didn't dare to follow them. She stepped back a few steps subconsciously and accidentally fell into Lin Bin's arms.

Lin Bin quickly supported her, then pulled her behind him and stood in front of him,"What do you want from her?"

Wang Gang said,"She owes us money and we are here to collect it."

Bai Jie hid behind Lin Bin and shouted,"Impossible, I don't even know you, how could I owe you money?"

Lin Bin couldn't figure out the situation for a moment, and turned to look at Wang Gang,"What's the matter, Teacher Bai said he didn't owe you money."

Wang Gang snorted coldly,"Bai Kuan is your father, he owes gambling debts and can't pay them back, so we came to you for it."

Bai Jie reacted immediately after hearing what the other party said.

However, for that useless father, she had spent all her savings and lost several jobs. Now she works as a nanny, and others come to her door.

Bai Jie was immediately angry:"Why should he ask me for the money he owes? If you have the ability, go find him!"

Wang Gang said:"Of course we will look for him, but he has no money, so we can only take you back."

Lin Bin finally figured out what was going on,"Why? Where are you going to take him?""

"This is none of your business." Wang Gang said.

Lin Bin frowned,"This is my home now, you come and knock on my door, do you mind my business?"

Wang Gang was speechless, and another person behind him said,"Hey, since you are so rich, why don't you pay off the debt for this woman?""

"How much money does her father owe you?" Lin Bin was silent for a moment, then asked.

Bai Jie quickly said,"Brother Bin, you can't give the money. They are loan sharking, which is illegal."

Lin Bin turned his head and comforted her,"Don't worry, let me pay for it."

He also knew that these debt collectors were definitely illegal, but the other party had blocked the door. Even if he called the police, after today, the other party might come to make trouble again.

Wang Gang spoke directly,"Bai Kuan owes a total of 580,000 yuan so far."

"You're talking nonsense! My dad only borrowed 80,000 yuan, how did it become 580,000 yuan?"

When Bai Jie heard the number the other party said, she couldn't help but swear, and she was shaking with excitement.

"Humph! It was 80,000 before, but he has been refusing to pay it back, and now with the interest it is 580,000!" Wang Gang said coldly.

Lin Bin waved his hand,"Okay, it's just 580,000, I'll transfer it to you now."

80,000 became 580,000, these guys are really shady.

If he doesn't help Bai Jie pay back the money, there will probably be endless troubles in the future. If he is really taken away by them, it is unknown what will happen to Teacher Bai.

"Brother Bin, you can't pay me back."

Bai Jie grabbed Lin Bin's arm and rubbed it against her chest, shaking her head desperately.

"It's okay, just listen to me."

Lin Bin felt the weakness on his arm, but he didn't resist. He stretched out his other hand and took out his mobile phone to transfer the money.


Wang Gang looked at his mobile phone and saw that there was indeed an extra 580,000 in his account. He was relieved.

If he got this account back, he could get at least 20,000 commission.

"Let's go."

Since the money has been received, the three of them will naturally not stay any longer.

Wang Gang turned around and walked out a few steps, then suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at Lin Bin, and said:"By the way, let me remind you that it's best not to go out recently."

Lin Bin was stunned,"What do you mean?"

Wang Gang looked at him deeply, hesitated for a moment, and finally took a few steps forward, lowered his voice and said:"Yesterday someone on the street was looking for a man named Brother Bin. I don't know if it was you, but you'd better be careful anyway."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Lin Bin was shocked and wanted to ask a few more questions, but Wang Gang left without looking back.

Bai Jie secretly glanced at him, and seeing the solemn expression on his face, she whispered:"Brother Bin, I will definitely return the money to you."

Lin Bin shook his head,"It's okay, there's no rush for the money, you go and get busy."

Wang Gang's words just now were like a thorn in his heart

"Did I offend someone?"

Lin Bin's mind turned quickly, and after a moment, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he took out his cell phone and called Zhou Manqing.

"Mr. Lin, our new users have exceeded 50 million!"

As soon as the call was connected, Zhou Manqing began to report

"Manqing, is there any movement from Douya?"

Zhou Manqing was stunned, and heard Lin Bin's serious tone, and immediately replied

"Dou Ya sued us a few days ago, but it's not a big problem. They contacted us again today and wanted to meet with you in person, but I turned it down."

Lin Bin pondered for a moment,"Okay, I got it. Pay attention to your safety recently to prevent the other party from making a move."

Wang Gang's words just now reminded him. He was fine, after all, he was a man, and he had practiced for a few days.

But Zhou Manqing was a weak woman. If the other party really wanted to do something, it would be too dangerous.

Zhou Manqing was stunned at first, and then she understood what he meant,"Mr. Lin, I was negligent. Our company should strengthen its security force, and with your current worth, you should also hire more bodyguards."

""I'll do it myself!" Lin Bin thought for a moment and suddenly suggested,"By the way, can we acquire Dou Ya?"

Zhou Manqing was shocked,"Boss Lin, although Dou Ya's stock market has plummeted recently, its market value is still several hundred billion, and the other party may not necessarily sell it. It may not be easy to acquire it!"

"Money is not a problem. You can hold a meeting to discuss and set a suitable price. We will buy it directly."

Lin Bin said and hung up the phone.

The market is like a battlefield, not to mention a multi-billion-dollar enterprise. If it comes to that, the other party may dare to fight to the death.

In this case, it is better to just buy it to prevent future troubles.

"It's time to go to Shenzhen!"

Lin Bin was thinking about how much he should spend to buy Dou Ya directly.

In addition, he couldn't delay finding a bodyguard.

It was a matter of security, and Zhou Manqing and the others were usually stingy and reluctant to spend money, so Lin Bin decided to do it himself.

If he was going to do it, he might as well set up a proper security company!

After thinking for a long time in his mind, he suddenly thought of Wang Gang who had just left. A heroic figure appeared in his mind.

"I don't know if that beautiful coach is willing to be a bodyguard."

Although Cheng Ying is a woman, Lin Bin has seen her strength with his own eyes. Three or five ordinary men can't get close to her.

Since she is strong and pleasing to the eye, why not ask her to be a bodyguard?

Thinking of this, Lin Bin took out his mobile phone and called the other party.......

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