The daughter left again, and this time it was unknown whether she would come back.

Cheng Gong now had nothing but the factory that was about to go bankrupt. In desperation, he could only approach Wang Tianhao again.

Dou Ya itself had become a mess recently, and Wang Tianhao had no mood to invest in the factory. However, he did not expect that Cheng would come to his door.

He was about to drive the person away with an impatient look on his face, but suddenly a figure rushed out from the side.

"Who were you talking about? What's your daughter's name?"

Cheng Gong was grabbed by the shoulders and was a little confused.

The young man in front of him looked to be in his twenties. He was sure that he didn't know him at all.

"Who are you? Let me go!"

Cheng Gong tried to break free from the other's hands, but found that the young man was very strong and he couldn't get away.

Suddenly hearing the news about Cheng Ke'er, although he was not sure whether she was the person he was looking for, Lin Bin was not going to give up easily.

He continued to grab Cheng Gong's collar and shouted:"You just said, what's your daughter's name, tell me now!"

Cheng Gong was a little frightened and replied subconsciously:"I...My daughter's name is Cheng Ke'er, what does it have to do with you?"

It's really Ke'er!

How could Lin Bin not be excited to hear the news about Cheng Ke'er again?

That stunningly beautiful face appeared in his mind again.

Maybe there are many coincidences in the world, but Lin Bin didn't believe that there happened to be someone with the same name,"Ke'er..."...Where is she?"

Cheng Gong was a little confused,"Who are you and what is your relationship with Ke'er?"

He could see that the young man in front of him was so excited, he must know his woman.

"My name is Lin Bin, I am… Keer’s girlfriend, where is she now?"

Lin Bin calmed down a little at this moment. As long as he had some news, he would be able to find Cheng Keer.

He was actually Keer’s boyfriend!

Cheng Gong opened his mouth wide, in disbelief.

The woman looked so unapproachable, but was she actually in love?

Although it was a little unbelievable, seeing her excited look, Cheng Gong thought that Lin Bin should not be lying.

Suddenly, Cheng Gong remembered what his daughter had said before.

"I already have someone I like, and I will only love him in this life!"

It turned out that the young man in front of him was the one his daughter liked.

""Come on, please speak up. Where is Ke'er now?"

Seeing that the other party didn't speak for a long time, Lin Bin immediately shook Cheng Gong's arm vigorously.

After being grabbed by him, Cheng Gong finally came back to his senses in pain.

He showed a bitter smile on his face,"I don't know where Ke'er is either."

Lin Bin was stunned and a little unbelievable,"How is it possible? Aren't you her father? How can you not even know where she went?"

Cheng Gong could only confess honestly,"What I said is true. Ke'er just left Shenzhen a few days ago. I really don't know where she went."

A huge sense of loss rose in his heart. Lin Bin finally let go of Cheng Gong and muttered to himself,"How could this happen, Ke'er, where did you go?"

Wang Tianhao took in everything that happened just now and was extremely disgusted with Lin Bin who suddenly appeared.

Although he only saw Cheng Ke'er once, he was deeply attracted by her beauty. But now, this guy actually said that he was Cheng Ke'er's boyfriend, which made Wang Tianhao furious.

"Boy, who do you think you are? How dare you interrupt me when I am doing something important?"

Lin Bin was about to continue asking Cheng Gong about Ke'er, and suddenly there was a loud noise. He looked up and seemed to notice that there was another person next to him.

"Who are you? Don't get in the way here."

Lin Bin was upset because he had lost the news of Cheng Ke'er again, so he was naturally not polite when he spoke.

Wang Tianhao was immediately enraged, stretched out a finger and pointed at Lin Bin's nose,"Fuck! Are you looking for death?"

This is the headquarters of Douya Group. How can he be afraid of others on his own territory?

Although he has been coming to Douya every day recently, Lin Bin doesn't like to join in the fun. He naturally did not participate in boring things such as negotiations, so he didn't know that the foul-mouthed guy in front of him was the prince of Douya.

He didn't even know that Wang Tianhao had been planning to hit on Cheng Ke'er, otherwise how could he bear it now.

Lin Bin took a deep breath, and in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he ignored this guy, turned to Cheng Gong and continued:"Let's find a place, and you tell me in detail about Ke'er."

Wang Tianhao has been particularly irritable recently because of the Dou Ya incident.

Now that he was being ignored, he couldn't bear it any longer. Without waiting for Cheng Gong to speak, he raised his hand and slapped Lin Bin.

"Fuck you, how dare you put on airs in front of me?……"

Lin Bin didn't want to deal with this guy, but he didn't expect him to suddenly attack.

Fortunately, he had trained at Zhenyuan Fighting Gym for more than ten days before, and after taking the powerful pills, his physical fitness was far superior to others.


Before Wang Tianhao's slap landed, Lin Bin kicked him out.

Wang Tianhao, who was completely unprepared, was directly knocked to the ground by his powerful kick.

"Let's go, let's find a place, and you can tell me about Ke'er."

Lin Bin didn't even look at Wang Tianhao, and repeated what he just said to Cheng Gong.

Cheng Gong was stunned by the sudden scene in front of him.

This is Wang Tianhao!

The prince of Douya Group.

Now that Lin Bin beat someone in Douya Group, I'm afraid something big will happen.

"You…you should leave quickly, or you will be doomed."

Cheng Gong immediately started to persuade him after he came to his senses.

Since this young man was his daughter's boyfriend, he naturally didn't want him to get into trouble.

Lin Bin frowned. This was not the place to talk about things. This father-in-law was still a little bit confused.

"It's okay, let's go together."

Wang Tianhao's face was in pain. He didn't hold back the kick Lin Bin had just given him. He felt like he was about to vomit bile."Want to leave? Let's see where you go!""

"Security! Where are the security guards? Come quickly!"

This is Douya Group after all, Wang Tianhao shouted loudly, and soon attracted the attention of others.

"Young Master Wang! Young Master Wang, are you okay?"

Soon, Douya's employees came over.

Wang Tianhao stood up while enduring the pain, pointed his finger at Lin Bin and shouted,"Someone, come and catch him!"

Lin Bin's kick just now left a deep impression on him, and he never dared to do it himself again.

The noise here was getting louder and louder. The security guards of Douya Group had not arrived yet, but Cheng Ying and others arrived first.

""Boss Lin, are you okay?"

Cheng Ying brought several tall and strong bodyguards to protect Lin Bin.

When Wang Tianhao saw this scene, he just wanted to curse.

It was obviously he who was kicked, how could the other party be in trouble?

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