Although Lin Bin was also an acquaintance, they were of different genders after all, so Xia Mo also restrained herself a lot.

After the waiter served the dishes and the door of the box was closed, the atmosphere returned to normal.

Xia Mo protected Zhou Manqing and Su Fei behind her like an old hen, and in her eyes, Lin Bin was just a greedy fox.

""Lin Bin, how did you know I was here?"

She had just arrived in Jiangcheng this morning. After not seeing each other for a long time, she made an appointment with Su Fei and Zhou Manqing, and did not inform other people at all.

Seeing Xia Mo's eyes on her, Zhou Manqing suddenly felt guilty and said stubbornly:"I didn't say anything. It was President Lin who insisted on coming with me. I had no choice."

As she spoke, she gave Lin Bin a look.

Zhou Manqing didn't want Xia Mo to know that she had betrayed her whereabouts, otherwise she would definitely not escape the ravages of the other party's clutches.

Lin Bin received the signal from his aunt at the first time, and said nonsense casually:"I didn't know you were here too. I just wanted to have a meal with Manqing, but I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

By the way, Lao Xia, are you going to report to me about your work?"

Although Xia Mo was a little suspicious, she was interrupted by Lin Bin and could only say:"I will report to you about work in the afternoon. Now it is a private dinner, please avoid it."

How could Lin Bin avoid such a good opportunity? He said shamelessly:"Hey, since you are here, and you can't finish all these dishes, I will help you to avoid waste."

Xia Mo was furious.

If Lin Bin was not here, she would definitely take advantage of her two girlfriends, at least she could have a good time, but now there is an eyesore, she can't go too far.

Su Fei kept looking at the people sitting there, not knowing what she thought of, she curled her lips and showed a charming smile.

Lin Bin greeted them warmly,"Come on, everyone, don't be polite, use your chopsticks. I'm treating you to dinner today, as a welcome for Comrade Xia Mo."

""Tsk! Who asked you to treat us? This meal was invited by Xiao Feifei." Xia Mo said with disdain.

It doesn't matter who treats who, but Su Fei is not small at all.

Lin Bin was not polite and started eating directly.

Jinhu Hotel is also a time-honored brand. The food is indeed well cooked, with good color, fragrance and taste.

Seeing that Lin Bin had already started eating, the three women also started eating.

The four of them ate and talked.

Xia Mo picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs,"Mr. Lin, I heard that you spent tens of billions for a woman a few days ago. You are really a modern version of Liang Shanbo."

This woman is probably cursing herself to die early, right?

Lin Bin secretly glanced at Zhou Manqing, and seeing that the other party's face was indeed a little stiff, he immediately understood that Xia Mo had deliberately mentioned this matter in front of Zhou Manqing.

Everything that happened in Shenzhen was because of Cheng Ke'er, and this matter really couldn't be concealed.

Lin Bin deliberately changed the subject,"Yes, I am such a loyal person. Old Xia, if you want to find a boyfriend, you can consider someone like me."

Xia Mo snorted coldly,"Humph! Qingqing, you have to look carefully, there is no telling how many women this guy has around him, you must not be fooled"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What does this have to do with me?" Zhou Manqing's face immediately turned red.

Although she didn't admit it, the reaction on her face was obvious to any fool.

Lin Bin chuckled, and immediately got another eye roll from Zhou Manqing.

Xia Mo was so angry that she wanted to throw the chopsticks away,"Bah! Bastard!"

Zhou Manqing almost had a fit on the spot.

Xia Mo shrank her neck and restrained herself a little. She sat opposite and stared at Lin Bin with gritted teeth.

This shameless guy in front of her was the biggest stumbling block on her way to conquer Qingqing.

"Old Xia, I think what you said just now is not right. Su Fei suddenly spoke, smiled, and continued

"Xiaobin is young, so it's normal for him to be immature in his feelings, but from what happened before, at least we can see that he is sincere to that girl."

Lin Bin immediately picked up the teacup,"Sister Su is indeed an expert, she saw through me at once. Come, I'll use tea instead of wine to toast Sister Su."

Su Fei pursed her lips and smiled, also picked up the teacup, gestured in the air, then took a sip before putting it down,"But, Xiaobin, it's hard to say how much of your sincerity is."

Lin Bin's forehead was sweating when he heard it, and he secretly glanced at Zhou Manqing, but she was also looking at him. As soon as their eyes met, they quickly separated

"Sister Su, to be honest, I am too simple. No matter who treats me well, I will return it a hundredfold. Sister Su, if you are ready to get married, you can also consider me."

Su Fei looked at him deeply, and said meaningfully,"Hehe, I am the same as you, I don't plan to get married."

None of the three women is easy to deal with. Lin Bin's head was buzzing during the meal.

After the meal, before he went to pay the bill, Su Fei had already paid the bill in advance.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 320 yuan consumption rebate from Su Fei, a sincerity index of 87.56, and a reverse critical hit of 8756 times!"

"The amount received is 2801920 yuan, please check it."

Hearing the reminder in his mind, Lin Bin's eyes lit up.

In order to quickly bring down Wang Tianhao, he had spent a lot of money before, and now there are only a few billion left in the account.

It's time to swipe some more money!

Although a meal only cost 2.8 million, Su Fei's sincerity index is not low.

"It seems that I need to get in touch with this Sister Su more often in the future if I have the chance."

After dinner, the four of them parted ways.

Zhou Manqing still had to go to the company, and Su Fei also had to go back to work, so Xia Mo could only stay to report to Lin Bin.

The two did not go anywhere else, and went directly back to the villa in Bishui Bay.

Lin Bin's eyes fell on Xia Mo, and his eyes turned, and he immediately suggested,"Old Xia, why don't we go to the swimming pool and lie down for a while, and talk about the company's affairs by the way."

Although it was known that this guy had bad intentions, no one could refuse the swimming pool in summer.

Xia Mo gave him a contemptuous look, and drove outside to buy a swimsuit.

The water in the swimming pool had just been changed, so there was no need to bother.

The two swam for a while, and while Lin Bin was admiring Old Xia's figure, he smiled and asked,"By the way, how is the film and television company going? They should have started filming, right?"

Speaking of business, Xia Mo hesitated for a while before speaking,"I have something I must tell you first."

Lin Bin was stunned,"What's wrong?"

""The Leng Yiza you introduced before has signed a contract with another company."

What the hell?

Lin Bin was a little dumbfounded,"What happened?"

Xia Mo said,"Not long after you left Shanghai last time, I contacted a script and a famous director. As a result, before I had the chance to sign a contract with Leng Yiza, she was abducted by the director."

This news was really unexpected.

Lin Bin was silent for a moment.

Xia Mo advised again,"I told you that there is no true love in the entertainment industry, but you insisted on getting together with that woman. Now you're all green on your head......."

Lin Bin smiled faintly,"What nonsense are you talking about? Leng Yiza and I have only had sex a few times at most. She can have sex with others, what does it have to do with me?"

Thinking about it carefully, there is no relationship between him and Leng Yiza. He just wanted to satisfy his curiosity.

Besides, if that woman didn't have the aura of a star, her figure and appearance would not be comparable to the three women who had lunch with me today.

Moreover, he only spent two million on that woman, and they had so many exchanges, which was worth the price.

More importantly, the other party's sincerity index was only about 60%. At best, it was just a piece of junk iron ore. It would not be a pity to abandon it.

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