In the private room, the atmosphere was silent for a while.

Guan Peng and Qiao Mengyao opened their eyes wide, showing confusion and shock.

"Lin Bin is actually the boss of TT Live, the man who spent tens of billions?"

The two were still digesting this shocking news in their hearts.

Guan Peng: It was this guy Binzi who started the company, which led to the club having no pretty girls!!!

Qiao Mengyao: It was Lin Bin who caused Douya's stock price to fall below the limit, causing him to be in debt of millions!!!

The two had different thoughts, but the look they gave Lin Bin was a little subtle.

"Ahem, let's not just sit there, let's drink."

Lin Bin felt uncomfortable being stared at by the two of them, so he took the initiative to change the subject, opened three bottles of beer, and handed them to Guan Peng and Qiao Mengyao.

"Humph! What a rich man you are, you hide your wealth so well. I'm going to drink as much as I can tonight and make you bleed!"

It seems that there is no hope of finding the young lady, Guan Peng can only turn his grief and anger into drinking, pick up the bottle on the table and start drinking.

Lin Bin shrugged,"It doesn't matter, as long as you can drink, you can drink as much as you want."

"You said it!"

Guan Peng just took a sip and had time to catch his breath. Hearing this, he drank even harder.

Qiao Mengyao was more rational and advised,"Forget it. Even if you drink until you are unconscious every day, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket for Boss Lin."

Although she said this, she also picked up a bottle and blew it.

"Cough cough cough——"

Guan Peng was drinking heavily when he choked to death when he heard what Qiao Mengyao said.

Indeed, even if he finished all the wine in the club, Lin Bin probably wouldn't feel bad.

After thinking it through, Guan Peng looked at Lin Bin with resentment in his eyes.

Being stared at by a grown man like this, Lin Bin shuddered all over,"Come on, I'll toast you a bottle as an apology."

Only when a big boss worth tens of billions of dollars personally toasted him did Guan Peng's temper calm down.

Then, you took a bottle, I took a bottle, and the three of them started to compete.

Lin Bin's physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people now, and he can hardly get drunk, so naturally he won't admit defeat.

He fought one against two, and he was not at all inferior.

Although Qiao Mengyao is a woman, she can drink surprisingly well.

In the end, Guan Peng was the first to lose.

"No...I can't drink any more."

Guan Peng's eyes were blurry with drunkenness. Although he wasn't completely drunk, his tongue was already a little tangled when he spoke.

Looking at Qiao Mengyao again, her pretty face was flushed, and her every frown and smile was more charming than usual. However, her eyes were clear and it was hard to tell how drunk she was.

Lin Bin felt nothing except that his stomach was a little bloated."Dapeng, you can't drink this much. How about we slow down a bit and continue?"

Guan Peng shook his head repeatedly."I really can't drink anymore. If you want to drink, you guys drink. I have to go to work tomorrow."

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Lin Bin didn't care, but Guan Peng insisted on leaving. He could only look at Qiao Mengyao."Qiao squad leader, why don't we go together? Money is a small matter. Don't come here again in the future."

""Okay." Qiao Mengyao smiled and agreed immediately.

Lin Bin was a little surprised. He thought that the other party would reject his kindness.

After paying the bill, the three of them went out and called a taxi for Guan Peng first.

After watching him get in the car, Lin Bin said again:"Qiao squad leader, where do you live? How about I find someone to take you back first?"

Qiao Mengyao smiled and shook her head, looking up at the night sky, her voice a little drunken,"I don't want to go back tonight."

What do you mean? Lin Bin was stunned.

"There is a five-star hotel next door, and I have never stayed there in my life. I used to be reluctant to spend money, but now I have no money. I want to stay there tonight."

Qiao Mengyao felt her cheeks getting hotter and hotter. She didn't dare to look at Lin Bin's eyes when she spoke.

Lin Bin's expression was a little strange. She didn't know if she was really drunk or had other thoughts in her mind.

However, after saying this, even a fool could hear what she meant. After hesitating for a while, Lin Bin finally nodded and said,"Okay, I'll treat you tonight and get you the most expensive room."

The hotel was just across the street from the club. After drinking, the two of them didn't drive and walked over together.

"Hello, give me a presidential suite."

Lin Bin didn't even blink when he asked for a presidential suite for 8,888 yuan a night.

It was just a small amount of money for him. After the room was booked, Lin Bin was still hesitating whether he should stay.

After all, Qiao Mengyao might be drunk now. If he went up, he might be suspected of taking advantage of her.

"you...Do you want to go upstairs and rest for a while?"

Qiao Mengyao suddenly said.

Forget it! I really can't leave now.

Being a beast is better than being worse than a beast.

Lin Bin agreed immediately,"Okay."

The two went upstairs together, and after entering the room, Qiao Mengyao looked at the luxurious decoration in the room curiously.

Finally, she stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the night view outside, and sighed sincerely,"It's so beautiful!"

"Well, it's really beautiful."

Lin Bin looked at her profile, her long skirt fluttering in the wind, and he felt a little eager.

Qiao Mengyao admired the night view for a while, and when she saw that there was no movement behind her, she turned her head and found that Lin Bin was staring at her with a fierce look, and her pretty face became even redder.

"Lin Bin, you know, this period of time is actually quite difficult. I almost couldn't breathe because of the pressure."

"Mengyao, you don't have to worry about money. You know I don't need money at all."

"You don't understand."Qiao Mengyao shook her head.

At a class reunion some time ago, everyone bought the funds they recommended, but because of the stock market crash, everyone lost a lot of money.

Later, Qiao Mengyao borrowed one million from Lin Bin and paid for everyone's losses out of her own pocket.

At that time, it was the first time she asked someone to borrow money.

Later, in order to repay the money as soon as possible, Qiao Mengyao borrowed money again to buy the bottom of the market, but she didn't expect to lose even more.

She has to face debt collection from all sides every day, even so, she still has to send 10,000 yuan back home every month.

The pressure these days is like an invisible mountain, pressing on her heart, but she can't even complain. No one said it.

Qiao Mengyao felt very tired.

For more than 20 years, she had been working hard, never admitting defeat, and had never even been in a relationship. But in the end, she was still pushed to the edge of the cliff.

Especially tonight, after learning that Lin Bin was the boss of TT Live, Qiao Mengyao's mind completely collapsed.

Who doesn't want to live an easier and more comfortable life?

Qiao Mengyao also drank a lot of wine tonight, and now she finally wanted to let loose while she was drunk.

Lin Bin looked at Qiao Mengyao quietly and said nothing.

The two figures slowly approached and finally stuck together.

Looking at each other, everything was in silence

"you...Will you look down on me?" Qiao Mengyao bit her lip and suddenly asked

"How could that be possible? Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"I am a poor student. You are the most promising one in our whole school." There was another long silence.

Qiao Mengyao said in a low voice,"Then...Let's talk about love for two hours."

Lin Bin was stunned, then he curled his lips,"Qiao squad leader, you know nothing about my strength, two hours may not be enough."

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