New Century Hotel, in the presidential suite.

Wang Xingsi looked at the beauty in front of him, a trace of greed in his eyes,"Ms. Ke, we at Warner and Zhongxian Media have always been very friendly.

You should have received the notice before you came, so don't agree to the matter of Tianma Entertainment this time."

Ke Xinyan is only 26 years old this year, but she has been in the industry for several years, has appeared on the screen for a long time, and has won many film and television awards.

She is a serious first-line big star, and the leading actress of Zhongxian Media.

Some time ago, Xia Mo met Ke Xinyan through Wang Xingsi's introduction, and invited her to be the heroine of this drama.

After reading the script, Ke Xinyan agreed at the time.

But today, she had just arrived in Jiangcheng, but suddenly received an order from the company, asking her to follow Wang Xingsi's arrangements, which was a bit puzzling.

Ke Xinyan was naturally no stranger to Wang Xingsi, and had even heard a lot of gossip about this guy, so she was always on guard.

"Wang Shao, can you tell me why you do this?"

Wang Xingsi smiled and shook his head,"You don't need to know so much, just listen to me."

Ke Xinyan frowned,"What if Tianma Entertainment finds other people to play the role?"

After reading the script, she was still very interested in this workplace drama.

Moreover, the overall environment of the film and television industry has not been very good in the past two years. Now that she has finally encountered a suitable script, Ke Xinyan does not want to give up easily.

Wang Xingsi looked disdainful,"Haha, it doesn't matter to tell you, not only Director Tian is my man, but the screenwriter is also my man.

If Tianma Entertainment really dares to shoot, then the worst that can happen is to terminate the contract, and even if they shoot it, it will be invalid."Ke Xinyan was horrified. Wang Xingsi did this, it seems that he wanted to make Tianma Entertainment die.

Seeing that her expression was a little moved, Wang Xingsi continued:"Don't worry, after this matter is done, you will definitely benefit.

We at Warner are preparing to shoot a science fiction blockbuster this year, with an investment of more than 1 billion yuan, and we will give you an important role at that time.

Of course, if you perform well, you may also have the opportunity to be the leading actor."

Having been in the entertainment industry for so long and having seen all kinds of things, how could Ke Xinyan not understand the meaning of these words?

However, whether it is worth it or not, that still needs to be carefully considered.

It's just that poor Tianma Entertainment, this time it's probably impossible to escape.

Looking at Wang Xingsi's undisguised gaze, Ke Xinyan smiled and said,"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your kindness. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely cooperate with Warner."

As the two were chatting, someone knocked on the door and walked in.

"Young Master Wang, CEO Xia from Tianma Entertainment is here."

Wang Xingsi was shocked,"Oh? Is she here alone?"

The visitor said,"CEO Lin is here too."

When Wang Xingsi heard about Lin Bin, his face turned ugly,"Humph! Don't think you're great just because you have a few bucks. Today I'll let you know what connections are."

He knew very well why Lin Bin and Xia Mo came to him. Now that he held great power, he naturally wouldn't refuse.

Soon, the four met in the hotel lounge.

"Ke Xinyan, you are here after all!"

When Xia Mo saw the woman next to Wang Xingsi, she immediately rushed over and asked loudly:"We agreed on this, why are you going back on your word?"

Ke Xinyan looked a little embarrassed, and hesitantly said:"Boss Xia, I'm really sorry, the company has other arrangements, and I can only obey......"

After the analysis with Lin Bin just now, Xia Mo had already guessed that it was Wang Xingsi who was behind the scenes, and said angrily:"Wang Xingsi, what do you mean?"

Wang Xingsi curled his lips and pretended to be innocent,"Momo, don't be angry first, I didn't expect it to be so coincidental. Miss Ke just came today, I specifically went to her to understand the situation and see if there is room for maneuver."

This bastard, pretending quite well!

Lin Bin smiled but didn't say anything, and was too lazy to watch him acting here, but carefully looked at the beauty in front of him.

Ke Xinyan is one of the more famous actresses at the moment. Lin Bin has seen many of her works on TV before, but this is the first time he has seen her in person.

She has a sweet look, a slim figure, and the key is that she has an elegant temperament. No wonder she has always been the goddess in idol dramas.

However, this big star is not big at all.

Lin Bin's eyes swept across her chest, which was normal.

Xia Mo has a bad temper and is used to being straightforward. She can't stand Wang Xingsi's perfunctory response."Don't talk nonsense. Just tell me what you want. If you are a man, don't stab me in the back."

Wang Xingsi was embarrassed by the retort."Momo, this matter is really not up to me. Let's discuss it properly......."

Lin Bin suddenly interrupted and said,"Since you, Lao Wang, don't have the final say, why don't you let me have a good chat with Miss Ke."

As soon as he said this, the other three looked in his direction.

Ke Xinyan was stunned. Although she didn't know the young man in front of her, since he was here, he must be no ordinary person.

Although she was a star, she also knew that there were many people she couldn't afford to offend.

"She can't make the decision, what can you talk about with her?"

Xia Mo obviously thought wrong, thinking that Lin Bin was attracted by her beauty, her face looked a little unhappy, and her words were not polite at all.

Ke Xinyan was even more embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a while.

Lin Bin smiled,"It's okay, maybe we can find a way to solve it if we talk about it."

Wang Xingsi smiled in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He didn't worry at all that Ke Xinyan would change her mind,"Mo Mo, why don't we find a place to discuss it, maybe there is a way."

Xia Mo didn't want to stay with this guy, but when she saw Lin Bin winked at her, she could only leave angrily���

"You two, take your time chatting, and we'll have dinner together later."

Wang Xingsi showed an intriguing smile on his face, and chased after Xia Mo.

When the two walked away, Lin Bin smiled and stretched out his right hand,"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Lin Bin, the boss of TT Live, you can just call me Brother Bin."

TT company with a market value of tens of billions?

Ke Xinyan was shocked and stretched out her hand to shake it lightly,"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm Ke Xinyan"

"I know you, you're a big star." Lin Bin smiled and nodded,"By the way, I'm also the boss of Tianma Entertainment. Miss Ke, would you consider coming to our company?"

Ke Xinyan didn't want to offend anyone, so she politely declined,"I'm really sorry, I've already signed a contract with Zhongxian Media. Everything has to be arranged by the company. I'll have a chance to work with President Lin again."

Lin Bin raised a finger and shook his head,"Contracts are meant to be breached. It doesn't matter, I'll pay for the liquidated damages, and I'll give you a signing fee of 100 million."

100 million? Although she was a little tempted, Ke Xinyan still shook her head.

"Two hundred million!"

Lin Bin raised two fingers.

Is there anyone who wants to raise the price like this?

Ke Xinyan opened her mouth wide.

As long as the money is in place, there is no corner that cannot be dug up.

If there is, it means that the money is not enough.

Seeing that she has not agreed, Lin Bin frowned slightly and raised three fingers again.

"Three hundred million!!!"

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