The next day.

After getting up in the morning, Lin Bin took Ke Xinyan to do some exercise.

After more than an hour, they left the hotel together. As soon as the two left, Wang Xingsi appeared at the hotel lobby with a gloomy face.

"Go, send someone to check if there is anything in the room."

He took the initiative to offer the presidential suite, so there was no need to go through the check-out procedures.

Ke Xinyan left early in the morning, and Wang Xingsi was a little confused for a while, not knowing whether she had really left or just left temporarily.

Soon, someone came forward to report,"Mr. Wang, the luggage in the room is gone, they probably won't be back."

Wang Xingsi suppressed his anger and asked again,"Are you sure there is nothing left?"

The man hesitated and said,"Just...Only two boxes of used helmets are left.’......"

"Two boxes?"Wang Xingsi's eyes widened.

"Yes, the person who checked the room just counted it twice, and there are indeed two boxes, not one less."


Wang Xingsi felt his blood boiling, and he almost couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

When he thought of Ke Xinyan's attractive figure, he felt that his heart was chopped into dumpling stuffing.

The presidential suite was originally prepared for him, but it was taken by that guy Lin Bin.

He even used two boxes.

What a beast!

Ke Xinyan was too tired and fell asleep as soon as she got on the plane.

When she woke up, it was more than two hours later, and the plane landed steadily in Beijing.

Xia Mo vowed,"Let's go quickly, I have contacted everyone, and we must get the script today!"

After getting off the plane, the three of them took a taxi and went straight to their destination.

In an old teahouse in an alley, Lin Bin finally met the science fiction master Li Ci.

The four of them sat in a circle, and Xia Mo, who was anxious, got straight to the point,"Teacher Li, we are from Tianma Entertainment. This time we come to get your authorization to bring"The Big Bang" to the screen."

Li Ci is already over 60 years old, but he is full of energy, dressed very simply, and exudes a scholarly air.

"Xiao Xia, to be honest, it's not just you. Many large domestic film and television companies have approached me and wanted to buy the copyright of"The Big Bang". However, I didn't agree to any of them."

Xia Mo had done her homework before coming here, and nodded,"Teacher Li, I know you are worried that we are not strong enough to present your work perfectly.

But don't worry, although our Tianma Entertainment is a new company, this time we are going to invite a professional team from abroad to create an epic science fiction masterpiece."

Li Ci had obviously heard too many such words, and was not moved by Xia Mo's sincerity,"I think it's better to forget it. When our domestic level is improved, I will definitely take out the copyright. After all

, I also hope that our country can make more science fiction blockbusters."

Xia Mo was blocked as soon as she said a word, but she still didn't give up and continued to persuade.

But no matter what she said, Li Ci remained indifferent.

Even Ke Xinyan spoke up to help and said a lot of good things, but it didn't work at all.

After wasting half a day of saliva, it was all in vain, and Xia Mo's heart was cold

"All right, let's all have some tea." Li Ci smiled, but he just wouldn't budge.

Seeing this, Lin Bin had to step in personally,"Teacher Li, if you sell me the copyright, I plan to invest 3 billion this time.""

How much?

Li Ci's hands holding the teacup froze, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Lin Bin curled the corners of his mouth, stretched out three fingers, and repeated again:"You heard it right, 3 billion! If you are worried, we can write it into the contract."

3 billion!!!

Li Ci was shocked.

In recent years, the film and television industry has become more and more developed, and there are big productions in the country, but there are only a handful of those that exceed 1 billion, let alone 3 billion.

This is simply an astronomical figure.

Li Ci exclaimed,"3 billion, you invest so much, it is impossible to make money, and you may even lose everything."

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"Teacher Li, I don't make movies to make money."

"What's that for?" Li Ci asked back.

Lin Bin looked at Xia Mo subconsciously.

Xia Mo immediately had the wrong idea: This guy, he wouldn't really want to seduce me.

Retracting his gaze, Lin Bin said lightly,"Just think of it as a way to generate love."

Li Ci was speechless for a moment.

He asked for 3 billion right away, and he did it for love.

This young man is a little bit arrogant.

However, if the other party is willing to invest so much money, maybe he can really make a name for himself.

Although Li Ci is not in the film and television industry, he has sold a lot of copyrights and knows some inside information.

Those film and television companies often advertise that they will invest hundreds of millions of dollars, but in fact, not so much can be implemented.

Excluding the high pay, the investment in a play, the money that can be spent on special effects and props, is actually not much.

He had been reluctant to sell the copyright of"The Big Bang" before, because he was afraid that someone would ruin his hard work.

If, as Lin Bin said, he could spend billions to make a movie with care, what reason did he have to refuse?

Lin Bin observed Li Ci's expression and saw that he was moved, and continued to strike while the iron was hot,"Teacher Li, don't worry, I can guarantee that the 3 billion will be implemented and spent on the movie."

Li Ci's eyes lit up, but he was still a little hesitant.

Seeing this, Lin Bin continued,"In addition, I would like to ask you to be a special consultant for this movie and guide the entire filming process.

As for the copyright fee, I am willing to pay 100 million!"

Li Ci was speechless at the sky-high price. After a moment, he smiled bitterly and said,"Xiao Lin, you are really generous. However, I...I need to think about it."

Lin Bin was delighted, knowing that this matter was almost certain."Okay, Teacher Li, we will stay in Beijing for a day, and I hope to get your answer tomorrow."

"Come on, have some tea, have some tea."

After that, the few of them stopped talking about the script and chatted for a while before Lin Bin said goodbye.

As soon as they left the old teahouse, Xia Mo couldn't wait to say,"Are you crazy? We invested 3 billion and we won't make any money even if we make it."

Lin Bin immediately pretended to be affectionate and said,"Old Xia, I'm willing to spend any amount of money for you."

"Get out of here!"

Xia Mo's pretty face was burning, and she felt a little flustered, and even felt a little wet.

Ke Xinyan was full of admiration,"Brother Bin, do you think Teacher Li will agree in the end?"

Lin Bin was full of confidence,"Of course she will.""

"Why?" Xia Mo asked back.

"Haha, because intellectuals also need to eat!"

Lin Bin said confidently. He really thought that money ability was a joke.

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