Could it be Su Fei just now?

Yes! It must be Su Fei.

And it was because of what happened last night.

Lin Bin's mind turned quickly and he made a judgment immediately.

Today, only Zhou Manqing was wearing a shirt and trousers, Su Fei was wearing a long skirt, and Xia Mo was wearing shorts.

Lin Bin didn't consider Xia Mo at all.

After all, he had only had in-depth discussions with Su Fei and Zhou Manqing.

""Qingqing, it's just a meal, why are you blushing?"

Xia Mo finally realized that something was wrong with Zhou Manqing and asked

"without...It's okay, just a little hot." Zhou Manqing quickly found an excuse.

She tried to loosen her legs, but Lin Bin soon took advantage of her and forced her to keep her legs together.

Su Fei immediately remembered the foot under the table just now, and then thought about the relationship between Lin Bin and Zhou Manqing, and a light flashed in her eyes.

"Then I'll ask the waiter to lower the temperature of the air conditioner."

Xia Mo didn't think much about it. After all, if it were her, she wouldn't blush.

"No need!" Zhou Manqing hurriedly stopped him.

If the waiter came over and was seen by outsiders, he would be too embarrassed to face anyone.

Xia Mo saw Lin Bin laughing and thought it was because her sneak attack had failed, so she said viciously:"What are you laughing at!"

"Well, it's not illegal to laugh secretly."Lin Bin said shamelessly.

Although it was Su Fei who attacked first, he didn't have the courage to fight back, so he could only bully Zhou Manqing.

Xia Mo couldn't stand his cocky look,"You don't do your work all day, the crew is so busy, can't you come to the company to help?"

Lin Bin didn't want to find work for himself,"Old Xia, we made a bet, you are so concerned, are you ready to admit defeat?"

Zhou Manqing and Su Fei didn't know what the bet was, they just listened and didn't interrupt.

Xia Mo's breath stagnated, and his mind immediately thought of the night abroad, but he still said stubbornly:"What if you admit defeat, do you have the courage?"

Lin Bin said:"What do I have to be afraid of, my door will not be closed tonight, come if you have the guts."

When he said this, his feet kept moving, and he deliberately glanced at Zhou Manqing.

Lin Bin felt that Xia Mo would definitely deny it. After all, the other party was a lesbian, and he was just having fun with it.

He actually said that to Zhou Manqing.

Sure enough, Zhou Manqing also understood the meaning of his words, and her face became more rosy.

The two of them had agreed to do it last night, but they both overslept.

So he made another appointment for tonight.

Zhou Manqing thought so and so, and thought that Su Fei might want to chat with her in the evening, so it would be more appropriate to go to Lin Bin's place.

However, how could she agree to such a shameful thing in front of her bestie.

Seeing that Zhou Manqing did not respond, Lin Bin began to exert force with his feet.

Zhou Manqing was startled when she noticed his intention to attack.

Under such a threat, she subconsciously tightened her legs, which was considered a nod of agreement.

Lin Bin received the signal and finally retracted his foot.

""Pah! You wishful thinking."

Xia Mo snorted coldly, and did not take Lin Bin's words to heart.

Some things, unless she is willing, will not be threatened.

However, although she refused decisively, scenes emerged in her mind, making her feel itchy.

Su Fei stared at the expressions on Lin Bin and Zhou Manqing's faces carefully. She was not as careless as Xia Mo.

Although she knew what happened between Lin Bin and Zhou Manqing last night, looking at their expressions now, it was too blatant!

Moreover, Lin Bin's words just now were obviously conveying information to Zhou Manqing.

After intercepting this information, Su Fei's eyes flashed, and she had already made a plan in her mind.

"Humph! We can't let them do this so easily!"

The meal ended with the four of them thinking about their own things.

Zhou Manqing went to pay the bill first.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 288 yuan consumption rebate from Zhou Manqing, sincerity index 96.88, reverse critical hit 9688 times!"

"The amount received is 2790144 yuan, please check it out!"

Lin Bin was delighted when he heard the prompt in his mind.

Before, Zhou Manqing's sincerity index was only more than 80%, but now it has increased to more than 90% overnight. It's really exciting!

Could it be that her reputation will increase after having sex?

Lin Bin thought about it for a while, but he didn't remember that Xia Mo's reputation had soared before.

The whole afternoon, there was nothing to say.

In the evening, Lin Bin invited Zhou Manqing and Su Fei to have a delicious meal again, but Xia Mo was too busy to come.

After dinner, the three returned to the hotel.

Lin Bin took a shower early and lay on the bed to have a sweet dream.

Next door, Zhou Manqing was chatting with her bestie, and she looked down at the time from time to time, as if she was a little anxious.

Su Fei knew it well, but her face showed no expression,"Manqing, you won't go to bed so early tonight, right? Let's talk more, I'll be ready to go back in two days."

Zhou Manqing was stunned, and forced an ugly smile on her face,"Then...All right then."

We had originally planned to go to Lin Bin's place tonight, but it seems that this will be cancelled again.

I wonder if he will be angry?

Although Zhou Manqing was a little worried, she had no choice since her best friend refused to let her go. She almost didn't sleep all night last night. Although she slept all morning, she still didn't get enough sleep.

Lin Bin was waiting in the room bored and fell asleep without knowing when.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, a Mercedes-Benz stopped at the Lijing Hotel.

Xia Mo got out of the car quietly and went upstairs directly.

She looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that no one had noticed.

After seeing the house number clearly, Xia Mo pushed the door open and went in.

Sure enough, the door of the room was not closed at all. The room was pitch black, and Xia Mo didn't turn on the lights, but quietly slipped to the bed.


Looking at Lin Bin who was sleeping soundly, Xia Mo patted her chest gently.

Then, she unbuttoned her clothes and gently covered Lin Bin's face.

In a daze, Lin Bin felt a sour feeling. When he was about to open his eyes, he found that something was covering his head.

At this moment, he was half asleep and half awake, and his brain did not react so quickly. He just felt very good, so he did not resist.

Subconsciously, Lin Bin's hands were like radars, directly locking onto two conspicuous targets.


Manqing has become smaller?

But very elastic!

Xia Mo was so scared that she did not dare to move for a long time, thinking that Lin Bin was going to wake up.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, this guy was still sleeping soundly, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

For some reason, although it was not the first time, Xia Mo still felt guilty, and did not want Lin Bin to know.

Therefore, she did not dare to move too much next time, and could only move lightly, for fear of waking people up.

However, as time passed, Xia Mo gradually immersed herself in it.......

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