"Abin, I......"

""Manqing, I miss you so much!"

Lin Bin turned into a hungry wolf, picked up the little sheep, turned around a few times, and then threw the little sheep onto the bed, pouncing on her like a hungry tiger.

"Wait a minute!"

Zhou Manqing quickly stopped him and then struggled to sit up.

""Manqing, what's wrong?" Lin Bin was a little puzzled.

Zhou Manqing blushed and whispered:"Su Fei hasn't slept yet, what if she wants to chat with me later......"

Lin Bin looked depressed and said in a resentful voice:"You two don't have so much to talk about every day. It's not enough to talk during the day, and you have to talk at night."

Zhou Manqing could only smile bitterly and said:"Wait a few days, when we return to Jiangcheng, it will be fine."

"We have to wait. If we wait any longer, I'm afraid he will rebel."

Lin Bin pointed to a flexible part of his body and muttered.

Zhou Manqing immediately spat,"Bad guy, can't you think about something else."

Lin Bin chuckled,"Don't you want to?"

Zhou Manqing blushed and was speechless.

She came here on the one hand to check on the ward, and on the other hand, she hadn't eaten meat for a few days and did miss it.

But how could she say this?

Lin Bin saw her expression and immediately understood.

Zhou Manqing is just thin-skinned and can't let go.

"Manqing, let's just keep our voices down." Lin Bin began to guide her.

"But, but......"

Zhou Manqing was still struggling, but finally gave in.

Where there are people, there will be friction. Zhou Manqing used to think that she had to use brute force to solve everything.

But tonight, Lin Bin showed her with his actions that sometimes, you can conquer the world with just your mouth.......

Su Fei hadn't fallen asleep. She was really worried that Zhou Manqing would not go to see Lin Bin because of her face.

After thinking about it, she decided to go and see for herself.

If Zhou Manqing didn't go, she could check the room. If Zhou Manqing went, she could interrupt.

After making a decision, Su Fei went to Lin Bin's room.

Bang, bang, bang!

There was another knock on the door.

Lin Bin was startled and trembled all over.


Zhou Manqing was choked, but when she heard the knock on the door, she was afraid of attracting other people's attention, so she quickly covered her mouth.

""Who is it?"

Lin Bin stretched out his hand to signal Zhou Manqing to stay calm, and asked

"Xiaobin, it's me." Su Fei saw that he didn't open the door, her eyes flashed, and a trace of suspicion rose in her heart

"It's Feifei, what should I do?"

Zhou Manqing lowered her voice, her face full of panic

"It's okay, don't worry."Lin Bin hurriedly comforted her, and then shouted to the outside of the door:"Sister Su Fei, I'm asleep, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing that Lin Bin didn't open the door, Su Fei became more suspicious,"Open the door first, I want to talk to you about something."

Lin Bin was also complaining in his heart, it seemed that he couldn't escape.

Zhou Manqing was busy tidying up her clothes,"What should I do? If Feifei sees it, it will be over."

Lin Bin knew that Su Fei had known about the two of them for a long time, but Zhou Manqing didn't know it yet, so he could only play dumb.

His eyes swept around the room, his eyes lit up, and he pointed to the big bed and said:"Manqing, you go hide first."

As long as Su Fei left, he could continue the unfinished business just now.

Zhou Manqing didn't have time to think about it, and directly lifted the sheets and got in.

After she hid, Lin Bin wrapped himself in a bathrobe and ran to open the door.

"Why did it take so long to open the door?"

Su Fei walked in directly and looked at the empty room suspiciously.

Lin Bin coughed dryly,"Sister Su Fei, I just fell asleep and had no clothes on. By the way, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Su Fei sniffed and always felt there was a strange smell,"Didn't Manqing come to your room?"

Lin Bin shook his head quickly,"No, isn't she in her room?"

Su Fei didn't speak, but looked straight at Lin Bin.

Lin Bin felt a little guilty when she looked at him,"Sister Su Fei, it's so late, what on earth do you want?"

"Can't I come to see you if I have nothing to do?"Su Fei replied.

Oh my goodness! Sister Su Fei is not thinking about that too, right?

Lin Bin secretly groaned in his heart.

He was obliged to do this kind of thing.

But now Zhou Manqing is still under the bed. If he really has sex with Sister Su Fei now, wouldn't it be a live broadcast?

Lin Bin dared not imagine the consequences of this

"Sister Su Fei, stop joking. It’s late at night and Manqing is really not here with me."

Su Fei raised the corners of her mouth,"Haha, don’t think I don’t know about you two." Lin Bin was completely panicked. Zhou Manqing was still under the bed. If Su Fei said something explosive later, he would not be able to cover it up.

At this moment, there was another knock on the door outside.

Lin Bin was stunned. What the hell, who is this?

Su Fei’s expression changed,"Don’t open the door first, it might be Manqing coming."

Zhou Manqing was under the bed, so there was no way she could knock on the door.

Before Lin Bin could speak, there were creaking sounds and footsteps outside.

""Oh no, I didn't close the door!"

Su Fei was shocked and quickly opened the bottom of the bed and crawled under it.

Lin Bin was completely dumbfounded.

He had no time to stop her!

"Eh? Lin Bin, why didn't you close the door?"

Xu Panpan thought about it again and again, and couldn't help but come over.

However, just as she was about to knock on the door, she found that Lin Bin's room door was not closed, so he walked in directly.

Lin Bin showed an ugly smile on his face,"Well, I can't sleep, so I'm going to go out for a walk."

As he spoke, he glanced at the big bed.

He didn't know what was going on under the bed.

Lin Bin planned to just go out and find a place to hide, letting Zhou Manqing and Su Fei chat by themselves.

Xu Panpan had just taken a shower and was only wearing pajamas, her hair was still wet, and she walked towards the bed step by step,"Binzi, thank you for what you did today. If you hadn't been here, I'm afraid that my divorce with Lu Zhiyong would not have been so quick."

Under the bed, Su Fei and Zhou Manqing were staring at each other, and when they heard Xu Panpan's words, their attention was immediately attracted again.

This guy, he even stole someone else's wife? And he's getting a divorce?

Lin Bin was secretly anxious in his heart, and smiled bitterly,"We are old classmates, so don't be polite. Well, how about we go out and talk?"

But Xu Panpan was not anxious at all, with a bit of shyness on her face,"Binzi, I thought about it, if you think we should take revenge on that scumbag Lu Zhiyong, do you want to help?""

Auntie, I really can't help you with this!

If it was normal, it would be fine, Lin Bin might really be a beast.

But now, there are two listeners lying under the bed.

Before Lin Bin could speak, there was movement outside again.

However, this time it was the sound of banging on the door

"Xu Panpan, you bitch, I know you are in there, are you having sex with your lover, get out of here!"

Hearing the insults outside, Xu Panpan's face turned pale.

"Oh no, it’s Lu Zhiyong!"

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here." Lin Bin was not panicked at all.

Xu Panpan shook her head quickly,"No! If he sees me in your room, we can't explain it."

Although she had this idea, she hadn't done anything yet, and she couldn't be caught by Lu Zhiyong.

After saying that, Xu Panpan hurriedly looked for a place to hide.

But the room was empty, where could she hide?

Finally, Xu Panpan's eyes lit up, she lifted the bed sheet and crawled under the bed


Lin Bin had no time to stop him.

What was going on?

The bed was so small, and there were three people lying on it. I wonder if it was crowded?

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