This apartment has two bedrooms and a living room, and is much larger than the single apartment that Lin Bin rented.

Although the decoration of the room is very ordinary, it is quite clean inside.

Lin Bin took a casual tour under Zhuo Xinyi's introduction.

""Brother Bin, when will you take me to visit your place?"

Zhuo Xinyi asked jokingly.

Although Lin Bin drove a luxury car worth more than two million yuan, it was hard to figure out how much he was worth. If we could see where he lived, we would be able to understand more clearly.

Lin Bin smiled and said,"The environment of the place where I lived before was also average, and I am planning to buy a new villa.

I would like to ask you to help clean it up when the time comes. After all, I, a grown man, am too careless, and you girls are good at this kind of thing."

This sentence contained a lot of information.

Zhuo Xinyi quickly realized the meaning: First, Lin Bin is still single. Second, he is very rich and wants to buy a villa.

"Okay, remember to notify me when the time comes." Zhuo Xinyi agreed immediately.

It was the first time for Lin Bin to enter a girl's room. He looked around curiously, but he didn't see anything of interest.

Only the small live broadcast room interested him.

Seeing Lin Bin sitting in his usual live broadcast position, Zhuo Xinyi immediately said aggrievedly:"Brother Bin, Lele said that you gave her thirty royal salutes yesterday. You can't be too partial."

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"You are different from her."

Bai Lele, that silly and sweet girl, has always maintained a sincerity index of about 70%, and he plans to cultivate her for a long time.

And Bitch is at best a tool, just take advantage of her.

Zhuo Xinyi misunderstood what he meant, and immediately straightened her chest,"How is it different, I can do what Lele can do, and I can do it better than her."

Lin Bin leaned back in his chair and patted his thigh,"Come on, it's so tiring to stand, let's sit down and talk."

Zhuo Xinyi hesitated for a moment, and finally bit her lip, made up her mind, and sat on his lap.

Fortunately, Lin Bin's hands were honest and just lightly placed on her waist, which made Zhuo Xinyi relieved.

Lin Bin showed a smile at the corner of his mouth,"I heard from Lele that you are very good at eating chicken?"

"Of course, Brother Bin, if you don't believe me, I'll show you." Zhuo Xinyi looked very proud.

"Well, let me see how good your skills are first."

Lin Bin's eyes lit up. After waiting for a long time, he finally got to the point.

"Wait for me, I'll get my phone."

Zhuo Xinyi was about to get up, but was stopped by Lin Bin,"Why do you want to get your phone?"

"Brother Bing, don’t you want to see my skills?"

"Yes, I am here to see if you are good at playing games, not to see how well you play.

Zhuo Xinyi was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted, her pretty face flushed.

She stood up suddenly, then took two steps forward, staying away from Lin Bin, as if he was a man-eating beast.

" do you mean?"

Zhuo Xinyi stood aside at a loss, looking at Lin Bin with a panicked face.

Lin Bin was not in a hurry, and patted his thigh again,"Xinyi, I never force others. It's just thirty Royal Salutes. I don't lack that little money, but you have to let me see your skills first."

Thirty Royal Salutes, that's two hundred thousand!

Zhuo Xinyi was immediately entangled.

She knew very well that this was the best opportunity in front of her. As long as she could meet Lin Bin's requirements, it would be considered a thigh report. If she chose to refuse, from now on, she would miss this local tyrant completely.

Is it worth it?

Zhuo Xinyi asked herself repeatedly in her heart.

Soon, she had the answer.

In the game, her chicken-eating skills are good, but she has no experience in reality.

"Bingo...I can't......"

"It's okay. You can learn slowly if you don't know how to do it. You will have to master this skill sooner or later. Learning it earlier can bring you a different life."

Zhuo Xinyi walked towards Lin Bin step by step.......(The following content can be viewed by giving a reward)

It can be seen that the opponent's skills are really not very good and he has no practical experience.

It is very likely that this is his first time.

Ten minutes later.

Lin Bin was refreshed,"Xinyi, it seems that you need to practice more in the future"

"Thanks..."Thank you, Brother Bin."

Zhuo Xinyi stammered, her words unclear, and turned and ran.

Hearing the sound of running water, Lin Bin also stood up and stretched his muscles.

Five minutes later, Zhuo Xinyi came out of the bathroom.

"Xinyi, do you have anything to drink? I'm a little thirsty."

Lin Bin said, he wanted to see if the bitch was different now.

"Brother Bin, wait a minute." Zhuo Xinyi quickly ran to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and took out a bottle of milk from it,"I only have milk here, is this okay?"

Lin Bin took one look at the Telunsu in her hand, and then looked at Zhuo Xinyi's red lips, and suddenly felt a little disgusted,"Forget it, I can't get used to it, you should keep it for yourself next time."

Zhuo Xinyi was stunned, and then she remembered what happened just now. She could only put the milk back into the refrigerator with a red face, and ran over to pour a glass of boiled water.

Lin Bin took it and took a sip, looking at Zhuo Xinyi who was still a little dazed, and said:"By the way, notify me when the show starts in the evening, and I will give you some gifts."

Zhuo Xinyi slowly came back to her senses, her eyes a little complicated,"Brother Bin, can you treat me like you treat Lele?"

She is much smarter than Bai Lele, the naive girl. Even though she had just done what he asked, she could still feel that Lin Bin's attitude towards her and Bai Lele was obviously different.

Since some things have been done, then the benefits must be maximized.

Zhuo Xinyi secretly told herself in her heart: I will hold on to Lin Bin, and I will hold him tighter and tighter.

This woman is not only smart, but also very greedy.

Lin Bin smiled faintly,"Let's go, let me tell you the difference between you and Xiaobai."

Seeing him stand up, Zhuo Xinyi immediately stood up as well. She wanted to see where she was inferior.

The two went downstairs quickly.

This time, Zhuo Xinyi finally got what she wanted and got into the luxury car. She carefully touched the decoration inside the car. All the unpleasantness just now was completely forgotten by her.

"Brother Bing, where are we going?"

"You'll know soon."

Lin Bin smiled mysteriously, started the car and left the community.

A few minutes later, the car quickly stopped by the roadside again.

Just when Zhuo Xinyi was full of doubts, Lin Bin lowered the window, pointed to a tobacco and alcohol store on the roadside, and said,"Go buy me a bottle of wine......."

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