Xia Mo is still very confident about her figure and appearance.

Everyone is not stupid. Xia Mo's appearance and temperament are no worse than those of the stars on the screen.

Now that they see that she is very close to Lin Bin, everyone begins to doubt Lu Zhiyong's words.

Before, Lin Bin had been blocking the door and not letting anyone in. The police were still a little suspicious, but after listening to Xia Mo's words, they were a little unsure.

When everyone was deadlocked, Wang Tao finally arrived at the scene.

"Make way, everyone make way!"

Wang Tao did not come alone, he brought with him a middle-aged man in his forties.

When the two policemen saw the newcomer, they immediately stepped forward and saluted,"Chief!"

"Ms. Lin, are you okay?"

Wang Tao had just run all the way here, and she was still breathing heavily, with her chest shaking.

Lin Bin shook his head,"Sister Tao, I'm fine, I just couldn't sleep because of the noise."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I will handle this matter."

Wang Tao finally put her mind at ease.

Lin Bin is the God of Wealth in Zhushan County. Now the film and television base is under development. If something unexpected happens at this time, the loss will be great.

"Come, let me introduce you, this is Director Zhao, with him here, I guarantee you won't be in any danger in Zhushan."

Wang Tao immediately introduced the newcomer to Lin Bing.

Zhao Xueyi was in his forties, with a dignified face, and was the director of the Zhushan Public Security Bureau."Boss Lin, we didn't do our job well and frightened you."

"Director Zhao, you are too polite. It's all a misunderstanding. Lin Bin said politely to the other party.

The two policemen looked at each other. They didn't expect that such a small matter would even cause the director to come in person.

It seems that this young man in front of them is really not simple.

"Xiao Wang, Xiao Liu, what's going on here?"

As soon as Zhao Xueyi asked, the two policemen immediately told him the story in a simple way.

The incident was instigated by Lu Zhiyong, and there was also suspicion of blackmail.

"Since you knew he was here to cause trouble, why didn't you bring him with you?"

Lu Zhiyong had been scared silly.

He was a scoundrel at best. He had never even met the director, let alone had any relationship with him.

But in front of that pretty boy, the director was actually very respectful.

After Wang Tao brought Zhao Xueyi here, the matter was quickly resolved.

Lu Zhiyong was taken away by the police for provoking trouble and blackmail.

And Lin Bin was just a good citizen who was acting in self-defense. He just recorded a few sentences of confession and didn't even have to go there.

As for what kind of end Lu Zhiyong would have, Lin Bin was too lazy to care.

In the middle of the night, after being tossed around like this, Zhao Xueyi took the initiative to leave after the matter was resolved.

After everyone dispersed, Wang Tao explained:"Abin, I reported this matter to Secretary Liu before. He wanted to meet you in person, but it's too late today. When do you think you have time?"

Lin Bin scratched his head. He had just come back and immediately told Wang Tao not to tell anyone about it.

Lin Bin really didn't like to get involved in official affairs.

But now it seems that he can't hide anymore.

"Sister Tao, how about tomorrow morning? I happen to be free."

Wang Tao agreed with a smile,"Okay! Then tomorrow morning, Secretary Liu will also visit the film and television base."

An investment of more than one billion yuan is definitely a big project for the entire Zhushan County, and it also has great development prospects.

After discussing tomorrow's affairs, Wang Tao also said goodbye.

Lin Bin watched her go downstairs, and turned around and was stunned

""Huh? Where's Old Xia?"

Xia Mo was not interested in dealing with outsiders and went straight into Lin Bin's room.

"Tsk! Where can someone hide in such a small place?"

Could it be possible to hide under the bed?"

Xia Mo glanced at the empty room, sat down on the bed, and lifted the bottom of the bed.

Then, she lowered her head.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Xia Mo looked at the three heads lying side by side, her head buzzing.

She even reached out and rubbed her eyes.

"you...Who are you?"

She knew the other two people, one was Zhou Manqing and the other was Su Fei, but the remaining one was unfamiliar.

Xu Panpan looked embarrassed, slowly crawled out from under the bed, and asked first,"Have all the people outside left?"

Xia Mo's mind was full of question marks, and she subconsciously said,"I guess they haven't gone far."

Xu Panpan originally wanted to leave directly, but after hearing what she said, he immediately stopped and said,"I...I am Lin Bin's old classmate."

Old classmate? Why are you crawling under the bed?

Xia Mo's face changed.

What a great Lin Bin, he really seduced someone's wife away!

Xu Panpan seemed to have guessed her thoughts and explained quickly,"There's really nothing between Lin Bin and me, if you don't believe me, ask them!"

Although she had the idea, she really didn't have time to do it.

Xu Panpan pointed at Zhou Manqing and Su Fei. The two of them had been lying under the bed for a long time and could be considered"seniors".

Xia Mo reacted at this moment,"What are you two doing here?"

Zhou Manqing and Su Fei looked at each other, both feeling a little guilty.

"I..."I came to discuss some work with Abin." Zhou Manqing hesitated.

Xia Mo gritted her teeth,"Do we need to hide under the bed to discuss work?"

Zhou Manqing was speechless, her eyes flickered.

She had just left a small piece of clothing on Lin Bin's bed. If someone found it, it would be so embarrassing.

"What about you? Are you here to discuss work as well?"

Xia Mo saw that Zhou Manqing was speechless, and turned to look at Su Fei.

Su Fei was quite calm,"I'm here to see Manqing."

"Well, are you guys playing hide-and-seek? I found everyone under the bed!"

Xia Mo was so angry that she was about to smoke.

It's really about preventing fire, theft and best friends!

Su Fei was also silent.

Just now, when the three women met under the bed, everyone knew it, so no one mentioned it, but now Xia Mo insisted on getting to the bottom of it, which was hard to explain.

Lin Bin just returned to the room and saw this scene.

Xia Mo was sitting on the bed alone, and Zhou Manqing and the other three were standing side by side against the wall, each of them lowered their heads and didn't speak like students who had made mistakes.

Damn! What should I do?

Only two people can play poker, but now four women are sitting together, I'm afraid I can't sleep.

"Ahem, since no one can sleep, why don't we play mahjong?"

As soon as Lin Bin opened his mouth, eight eyes immediately looked over.

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