What you can't get will always make you restless.

Since Lu Xiaoyu is already married, it's a thing of the past, and there's no need for him to keep pestering her.

Lin Bin quickly shook his head and dismissed the idea from his mind.

He now understands that after becoming rich, he will also lose a lot of things, such as worries, which don't exist at all.

As soon as he got off the elevator, Lin Bin saw Jiang Yubing waiting downstairs.

"Brother Bing, shall we go see the villa now?"

""Let's go."

The two of them left immediately, and Jiang Yubing was lucky enough to get a ride in a luxury car again.

This time, the villa she found was also in Donghu District, and it was not too far from Xingfuli. It took them less than half an hour to reach their destination.

"Brother Bin, this villa area is called Bishuiwan, and the people living there are all successful people like you."

Jiang Yubing introduced the situation of the villa area while flattering him.

Not to mention, this woman is really good at speaking, she keeps talking all the way and doesn't make people feel disgusted. In addition, she has enough money, and the two���Even the lock could not be held, and a certain old driver had had enough of the sight.

Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"I'm not a successful person. I even just resigned. Now I'm a vagrant with no food to eat."

Jiang Yubing has always been curious about Lin Bin's identity, but it is not easy to ask him actively. Now after hearing what he said, she immediately said coquettishly:"Brother Bin, what you said, people like me will become beggars."

Lin Bin smiled but said nothing. Professional beggars these days have a lot of income.

Moreover, if he succeeds in buying the villa later, Jiang Yubing conservatively estimates that he can get a commission of more than seven figures.

Soon, the Audi R8 came to a villa under Jiang Yubing's navigation.

"Brother Bin, this villa area is jointly represented by our company. Although it has just been launched for a short time, many have been booked, and there are not many left. This one is the largest and best."

Lin Bin spent 9 million yuan before. Jiang Yubing was very confident in his financial resources, so he went directly to see this best one without any capital verification.

Jiang Yubing had brought the keys with her. After getting off the car, she opened the door and began to introduce it in detail.

The one she showed Lin Bin was more than 660 square meters in total. Not counting the basement and garage, there were three floors above the ground. It was fully decorated, and the home appliances and other equipment were all big brands.

Lin Bin followed her and took more than half an hour to walk around.

This house is definitely big enough.

It is close to Donghu Park, and the green scenery nearby is also good. The only drawback is that it is a bit far from the downtown area.

""Not bad, how much is this one?"

Lin Bin was quite satisfied after reading it.

Compared with the single apartment he rented before, it was completely different.

Seeing that he was very satisfied, Jiang Yubing was also happy,"Brother Bin, the total price of this villa is 52 million. Although it is a bit expensive, I think it is worth the price!"

52 million?

Lin Bin frowned. He had just under 51 million in his account. If he paid at this price, he would still be short of more than one million. As for spending all the money at once, he was not worried. Anyway, he had the system and could always find Xiao Baitu and the others to attack him.

"It's too expensive, can you give me a discount?"Lin Bin said.

Jiangcheng is not a first-tier city like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. A villa costs more than 50 million yuan, which is really unaffordable for ordinary people.

Jiang Yubing's heart was in his throat. This deal has a commission of millions, and he must win it.

"Brother Bin, this price is already the best price, it really can't be cheaper."

Jiang Yubing said aggrievedly, she was telling the truth, if this house could be sold, it would completely improve her life.

She really wanted it to be cheap so that Lin Bin could buy it directly, but the price of the house was not what she said.

Lin Bin frowned and thought for a while,"How about this, you ask the company for instructions, I will offer 50 million, or full payment, if it works, it's fine, if not, forget it."

50 million! There is still a gap of 2 million from the transaction price, but Lin Bin proposed to pay the full amount. Jiang Yubing gritted her teeth,"Brother Bin, wait a minute, I will contact the company and try to cut the price down."

""Okay, I'll just take a look around first, you go make the call."

Lin Bin said, and continued to walk around the villa. Seeing this, Jiang Yubing quickly picked up his phone to communicate with the company.

In this villa, there is a large swimming pool in the front and a 20 to 30 square meter garden in the back, where various varieties are planted, and each flower is blooming beautifully.

The more Lin Bin looked at it, the more he liked it. He was also thinking that the price difference of 2 million should be negotiable.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Yubing returned with a bad look on his face.

Seeing this, Lin Bin knew that the result might not be ideal.

However, he also believed that Jiang Yubing had tried hard, but the price really could not be negotiable.

"Brother Bin, I have tried my best. The company's offer is 51.3 million, and the property management fee will be waived for two years. In fact, this price is really low."

Jiang Yubing felt like crying but had no tears. If she went solo just because of the price difference of 1.3 million, she would regret it to death.

The property management fee for two years is only a few hundred thousand, which is better than nothing.

Lin Bin frowned, thinking whether he should settle on it first and buy it in two days.

Anyway, he is only a few hundred thousand short of it now, maybe he can get it later.

Jiang Yubing was anxious when she saw Lin Bin's expression. She didn't want the duck in her hand to fly away.

Moreover, with Lin Bin's hand, he has spent 50 million, so he should not be short of more than 1 million. The biggest possibility is that the other party is not satisfied with the price.

"Brother Bin, I really can't afford this price, but in other aspects, I can agree to any request you have."

Jiang Yubing gritted his teeth and hugged Lin Bin's arm, intentionally or unintentionally letting the White Rabbit go to touch the porcelain.

This attitude has already hinted quite clearly.

Lin Bin was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that this woman would have such capital.

Now that the other party has taken the initiative to deliver it to the door, he doesn't need to be polite.

"How about this, I haven't eaten this morning, and it's almost noon now, you treat me to a meal first, and we can discuss it in the afternoon after we're full."

She had already received nearly 200,000 yuan in commission for the previous house, and it was just a meal, which was really nothing.

Seeing that Lin Bin did not refuse directly, Jiang Yubing was delighted and immediately straightened her chest,"Brother Bin, don't worry, I will make sure you have a full meal."

Lin Bin glanced at him and thought to himself: The child's father has enough food.

The two of them went straight out of Bishui Bay and didn't go too far. They found a good Chinese restaurant nearby.

Jiang Yubing patted his chest and promised to treat them. Lin Bin was not polite and ordered six dishes in one breath, and none of them were cheap.

It took more than an hour to finish the meal.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 356 yuan consumption rebate from Jiang Yubing, a sincerity index of 33.33, and a reverse critical hit of 3333 times!"

"The amount received is RMB 1,186,584. Please check it carefully!"

The sincerity index is only 33.33%, which makes Lin Bin speechless.

This woman can get a commission of millions of yuan immediately, but she is not sincere enough to treat a meal worth a few hundred yuan!

"No! She must be taught a good lesson!"

Lin Bin thought to himself.

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