After making money, of course you have to learn to enjoy it.

Before the food was served, Lin Bin took out his mobile phone and opened the shopping website. Finally, he chose a Huawei mate50RS, which was priced at 11,999 yuan, and placed an order without hesitation.

He has been using this phone for almost two years now, and it still freezes occasionally. He had been reluctant to change it for a new one before, but now he is not soft-hearted at all.

After buying a mobile phone, he was still not satisfied, so he simply spent another 4,999 yuan and placed an order for a tablet.

In the blink of an eye, two months' salary was spent, and he finally felt a little excited.

After all, this system was just obtained, and after being a loser for a long time, Lin Bin was not used to the identity of a super rich man for a while.

"Hello, here is your stir-fried pork."

At this moment, the meal was finally ready, and the proprietress brought it up herself.

"Thank you."

Lin Bin didn't even look up, reluctantly put his phone into his pocket, and then started to eat.

It was already past one in the afternoon, and there were few people eating. He was the only customer in the small restaurant.

After the proprietress brought the food, she did not leave immediately, but stood there, staring at the customer in front of her.

Lin Bin was eating, and he always felt that someone was staring at him. When he looked up, he saw a pretty face.

"Who are you...Lin Bin?"

A crisp voice sounded.

Lin Bin was stunned. Could it be that he knew her?

He stared at her carefully.

The proprietress looked to be in her twenties, with a few strands of long hair hanging down messily at her temples, and some fine beads of sweat on her smooth forehead. Her figure was beyond words, and she was definitely the best in the slightly plump world.

She looked familiar.

The next moment, Lin Bin had a flash of inspiration in his mind and opened his mouth,"Are you the squad leader?"

Lu Xiaoyu smiled,"What squad leader? It was many years ago. You can just call me Xiaoyu."

Lin Bin quickly swallowed the rice in his mouth, took a piece of paper to wipe his mouth, and stood up a little awkwardly.

"Hehe, we were used to calling each other that way back then. We haven't seen each other for five or six years, right? You haven't changed at all."

The Lu Xiaoyu in front of him was his class monitor in high school and also the class belle.

Back then, she was the goddess of countless people, and Lin Bin had secretly had a crush on her, but his grades were poor and his family conditions were not good, so he didn't even have the courage to confess his feelings back then.

After graduating from high school, everyone went their separate ways and lost contact over time.

Unexpectedly, they would meet again today.

Lu Xiaoyu asked him to sit down, and she sat opposite him. While watching Lin Bin eat, she said,"Who said you haven't changed? We have all changed, and you have changed even more. I almost didn't recognize you just now."

For some reason, looking at the former class belle in front of him, Lin Bin suddenly remembered his system, and his heart started pounding.

"class..."Xiaoyu, did you open this shop?" Lin Bin asked tentatively.

Lu Xiaoyu smiled and said,"My grades were too bad back then, so I stopped going to school after graduating from high school. I came to Jiangcheng two years ago to open this shop to make a living."

Unexpectedly, the two of them have been in the same city but have never met.

When he came in just now, he was only thinking about things and didn't pay attention at all. Only then did Lin Bin look around the whole restaurant. The small restaurant is not large, with only six tables.

"Why are you the only one in this store without any help?"

"Well, the business in the store is average, I can handle it by myself, and I have a younger sister who will come to help on Sundays and holidays."

"You are really amazing. You are now a boss."

Lin Bin said sincerely.

Opening a restaurant is not easy at all. Lu Xiaoyu can run a small restaurant by herself. It is really amazing.

"What kind of boss am I? You all went to college, which is much better than me."

She smiled, with a gentle expression on her face.

When she mentioned the word college, Lin Bin clearly saw her eyes flicker, as if she was a little disappointed.

"What's the point of going to college? Nowadays, you can't hire a migrant worker with 3,000 yuan, but you can hire a bunch of college students."

Lin Bin said with a wry smile,"Besides, I only went to a junior college, and I found a sales job after graduation. I just lost my job today."

"You are so talented, you will definitely find a good job."

Then, the two chatted casually, and even recalled the interesting things when they were in school.

When Lin Bin frankly admitted that he had a crush on her when he was in school, Lu Xiaoyu blushed immediately.

The meal lasted almost an hour.

"Xiaoyu, how much are these just now?"

Lin Bin didn't pay attention to the menu just now, and asked a few questions casually

"What's the matter with money? I can afford to treat you to a meal."

Lu Xiaoyu stood up and started to clean up the dishes.

"That won't do. If all your businesses are like me, they will be closed down." Lin Bin shook his head and took out his phone to scan the code.

Lu Xiaoyu put down his bowl and chopsticks and grabbed his hand,"It's just a meal. If you pay, it means you look down on me."

Feeling the other person's gentle hands, Lin Bin's heart was moved and he blurted out,"What if I come here every day in the future? Can you still take care of me for the rest of my life?"

"I was afraid you wouldn't come, so if you come, I'll make sure you're full."

Seeing that she didn't let go, Lin Bin could only put away his phone.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 18 yuan consumption rebate from Lu Xiaoyu, sincerity index 90.56, reverse critical hit 9056 times!"

"The amount received is 163,008 yuan, please check it!"

Another 160,000 yuan!

Lin Bin was stunned.

Especially the sincerity index of 90.56%, which was much higher than Cheng Keer's.

It seemed that the other party really wanted to treat him to a meal.

Seeing Lin Bin put away his phone, Lu Xiaoyu continued to put it away.

Looking at her back, Lin Bin became angry.

"Xiaoyu, what’s your cell phone number? Let’s add each other on WeChat. We’ll be in the same city in the future, so please keep in touch when you have time."

"OK, my phone number is 135********, WeChat is also a number."

Lin Bin immediately took out his mobile phone, saved the other party's mobile phone number, and then added WeChat.

After she agreed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

While Lu Xiaoyu was still packing, he quickly scanned the QR code on the wall and transferred two hundred directly.

If he sent a red envelope, the other party would definitely not accept it, so he directly scanned Alipay

"Ding! Two hundred yuan has been received in Alipay."

Lu Xiaoyu, who was busy in the kitchen, ran out immediately after hearing the payment information.

"I already said it was my treat, so why is this person like this!"

""Haha, Xiaoyu, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. Bye."

Lin Bin ran out of the small restaurant as if he was escaping. When he stood across the street, he could still see Lu Xiaoyu waving at the restaurant door.

He also waved, with a happy smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that there are people in this world who are willing to spend money on me."

Lu Xiaoyu's figure reappeared in his mind, and Lin Bin suddenly realized that the girl he had a crush on was so beautiful.

As for Yang Man, compared with Lu Xiaoyu, there is a world of difference.

Men really change their hearts when they have money, and they fall in love with every woman they meet.

In the morning, he was still grieving for Yang Man, but now, he was moved by Lu Xiaoyu again.

However, he was not the kind of gentleman who could remain calm when a woman's lap was in his arms, not to mention that he now had the system in his hands.

"It's not that I'm a scumbag, I just want to give those girls a home."

After eating and drinking, Lin Bin began to think about his plan to make money.

Although he earned another 160,000 yuan from the meal just now, he only had more than 400,000 yuan in total, which was not enough for an Audi Q7, and he was far from being a real rich man.

Now that he has a system, he must get back the lost face.

He must make Yang Man regret it.

And those ungrateful female colleagues, let them kneel down and sing"Conquer!"

"Um...Earn enough money to buy an Audi Q7 today!"

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