Lin Bin took a quick look and saw that they were all toiletries and cosmetics, which were not worth much in total. Besides, all these things were bought by the other party for him, so he didn't need to pick them out.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 8650 yuan of consumption rebate from Zhuo Xinyi, sincerity index 58.99, reverse critical hit 5899 times!"

"The activity amount is 51,026,350 yuan, please check it!"

Only more than 5 million? Lin Bin lost interest immediately.

Fortunately, the sincerity index of the bitch has also begun to rise steadily, and it is about to break through 60%, so his advice is not in vain. It was so careless!

Lin Bin looked at Bai Lele who was still packing up the pile of bedding, and his heart was bleeding,"Xiaobai, how much did you spend on these things?"

Bai Lele looked at Lin Bin with some guilt, and whispered:"Uncle, I bought the expensive ones. After the discount, I spent more than 280,000 in total." Lin Bin took a rough look. There were a total of twelve sets here, with a total price of more than 280,000. It seemed that the set he had just chosen was very likely the most expensive. Thinking of this, he felt much better.

���Where did you get so much money? Didn't I just transfer 200,000 yuan to you?"

According to Bai Lele's habit of spending lavishly, she shouldn't have more than 80,000 yuan in savings.

"Brother Bin, you don't know, this girl spent all the money, and even using Huabei wasn't enough, so I had to help pay for it in the end."

Zhuo Xinyi quickly spoke, adding her own contribution. She had planned to call Lin Bin, but Bai Lele insisted on not doing so. In desperation, the two had to pool their money and reluctantly paid.

Bai Lele lowered his head and said nothing, like a child who had made a mistake.

Lin Bin nodded, then turned to look at Zhuo Xinyi,"How much did you spend on these things?"

"Brother Bin, I don't have much money on me, plus I paid a little for Lele, so I spent more than 12,000 yuan on these things."

Zhuo Xinyi didn't dare to play tricks on money, so she could only speak honestly.

She bought a bunch of things, in addition to the more than 8,000 yuan she spent on Lin Bin, there were less than 4,000 yuan of things for her and Bai Lele.

Seeing this, Lin Bin nodded and took out his mobile phone directly,"I am a principled person. If others are good to me, I will return them tenfold. Since you bought these things for me, I can't be stingy."

As he said, he began to transfer money to the two of them separately, first transferring 2.8 million to Bai Lele, and then transferring 120,000 to Bia Bia.

Ding! When the two heard the phone notification sound, they quickly opened it to see

""Uncle, why did you transfer so much money to me again?"

Bai Lele exclaimed, looking a little nervous. Upon hearing this, Zhuo Xinyi immediately leaned over to take a look.

When she saw the series of zeros, she was completely dumbfounded.

Oh my God! 2.8 million! I only have 120,000!

Zhuo Xinyi's mood was very complicated, just like Lin Bin who was regretting just now. If she had known this, she would have bought more things for Lin Bin even if she had to borrow money.

Lin Bin took in the expressions of the two of them and nodded with great satisfaction in his heart.

For people like bitch, you can't give too much money at one time, otherwise this woman will eat and drink her fill, Maybe she will just walk away.

Moreover, after this incident, it will be much easier for Lin Bin to ask her to spend money on him. Maybe Zhuo Xinyi will even take the initiative to find opportunities to spend money on him.

Bai Lele is different. For a naive girl like her, the more money you spend on her, the closer she will be to you, and you can't get away from her. Moreover, the sincerity index of the little white rabbit is getting higher and higher, and it is about to break through 80%. If you give her more money, she will spend more on you. Lin Bin has figured out the minds of the two people a long time ago, and giving money varies from person to person.

"Okay, it's just a little money. By the way, it's still early, why don't you go back and move, it's better to come in tonight."

Bai Lele shook his head quickly,"Brother Bin, let's pack up the things in the villa first, there is no rush to move."

Although Lin Bin was very anxious, he also knew that it might not be a good thing to urge him too much. Anyway, the meat was in the bowl, and he could start eating sooner or later.

Just as he was thinking, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

He took out his phone and saw that it was the big muscle man calling.

"Hey, Binzi, you'd better come early for the class reunion tonight."

Lin Bin just remembered that he had to attend a class reunion today,"Okay, I'll be there later."

After chatting for a few words, he hung up the phone. Lin Bin looked at the things in the room, turned to Bai Lele and said,"Then you two should pack up first. I have to attend the class reunion tonight, and I will come back to stay here after the night is over."

"Got it, uncle."

The little white rabbit nodded obediently. Seeing this, Lin Bin curiously touched the two little balls she had tied, which immediately caused a roll of the eyes.

After Lin Bin left, Zhuo Xinyi immediately put down the things in her hands and moved to Bai Lele,"Lele, why don't we go back and pack some things and move them here, and then come back to tidy up, so that we can live here tonight."

Bai Lele seemed to be not stupid suddenly at this moment, and shook her head and said,"Sister Xinyi, don't do this. Think about it, uncle is going to attend a classmate party tonight, and he must drink. If he gets drunk again like last time, wouldn't it be too dangerous for us to live here?"

Zhuo Xinyi secretly complained: If a man doesn't get drunk, how can a woman have a chance.

However, no matter how she persuaded, Bai Lele firmly disagreed. In desperation, Zhuo Xinyi had to give up the little calculation in her heart and clean up honestly with Bai Lele.

The whole Jiangcheng is like a bitch's breasts, not big or small.

Although Lin Bin and this group of old classmates are in the same city, they don't have many opportunities to meet. Everyone is working hard for their own lives, and the blessing of 996 every day is just for a few taels of silver. Only at the annual class reunion can everyone have the opportunity to make an appointment to have a meal together, while reminiscing about the innocence of the school days, and chatting about the future.

Lin Bin participated in the previous two gatherings. Everyone was neither good nor bad. Except for a few individuals, no one looked down on anyone.

After getting in the Audi R8, Lin Bin looked at the last text message sent by Guan Peng, and it took a long time to come back to his senses.

"Binzi, it is said that the beautiful Qiao passed the postgraduate entrance examination and will work in Jiangcheng in the future. She will also attend the class reunion this time. Such a good opportunity, brother, you must seize it well!" The beautiful Qiao that Guan Peng mentioned is called Qiao Mengyao. She is not only their class flower, but also the goddess of Lin Bin and his entire school.

Qiao Mengyao is not only beautiful, but also a top student.

It is said that when she was taking the college entrance examination, an accident suddenly happened in her family, which caused her to miss a course. Otherwise, with her grades, she should have been able to be admitted to a key university.

Everyone found a job after graduation, but Qiao Mengyao relied on her excellent grades when she was in school, and was admitted to graduate school, and graduated in just two years. At the class reunion two years ago, Qiao Mengyao was still studying for a master's degree in another place, so I didn't participate, but I didn't expect that I would participate this time.

If it were in the past, Lin Bin would at most meet each other at a party. After all, their lives were too different and they were not in the same circle at all.

But now it's different.

Since Qiao Mengyao studied finance, she is most likely working in a securities investment company. What Lin Bin lacks the least now is money. Maybe he will have a chance to cooperate with her in the future.

Recalling the past, a beautiful figure emerged in his mind, and Lin Bin smiled.

Since he became rich, it seems that there are more and more beautiful women he can meet!

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