Lin Bin looked at the girl in front of him. She was about 18 or 19 years old and looked very innocent.

Especially at this moment, her long eyelashes were blinking with a hint of mist, and her big clear eyes seemed to be able to speak. It was really pitiful.

Looking at the electric bike she was riding, Lin Bin knew that she was not a rich person.

"Forget it, it's just a small scratch, not a big deal."

Mu Wenjun was stunned. She didn't expect that the other party not only didn't blame her, but also didn't ask her to pay for it.

"no...After all, this is my fault, so I still have to pay for it."

Since the other party insisted on paying for it, Lin Bin was no longer polite and nodded, saying,"Okay, give me a thousand yuan and I will go and touch up the paint myself.""

"Little girl, this car costs more than 2 million yuan, and it's a new car. If you only pay 1,000 yuan, it's a fair price."

The waiter saw that Lin Bin had a good attitude and only asked for 1,000 yuan, so he quickly explained.

Mu Wenjun's mouth began to curl again, hesitating:"I...I don't have that much money. Can I add you on WeChat first and transfer it to you when I get together?"

Lin Bin was speechless. He had said that he didn't need to pay, but the girl insisted on paying. Now he asked her to pay, but she couldn't pay.

"Forget it, I already said you don't have to pay"

"No, you have to pay for it."

Mu Wenjun's family education has taught her that if you do something, you have to pay for it. Now that she has scratched someone's car, she must pay for it.

Looking at this girl who is so serious, Lin Bin suddenly feels overwhelmed.

He just used the excuse of smoking a cigarette. If he delays for too long, Guan Peng might also run out. If he sees it, he will be in trouble.

"OK, OK, add WeChat."

Lin Bin just took out his phone when he heard a familiar voice.

"" You are so good, Lin Bin, you take advantage of your wealth to bully the little girl, right?" Wang Qiufang had a strange expression on her face, as if she had just met him for the first time.

This is nonsense!

Black lines appeared on Lin Bin's forehead, and he explained:"Which eye of yours saw me bullying the little girl?"

"I saw it with both eyes!"

Wang Qiufang said, gesturing with two fingers,"You are so young and you still have no intention of learning from others. You added a girl's WeChat."

It seemed that the WeChat addition was not going to work. Lin Bin put away his phone and asked with a smile,"What? Are you jealous? Oh, by the way, you are determined to marry a rich man and buy an R8."

Wang Qiufang was immediately angry and said,"Mengyao, this guy is bullying people, come and help me, I can't deal with him alone."

Qiao Mengyao had a chance to speak then, and asked with a smile,"Is this your car?"

Lin Bin nodded, and seeing that he could not hide it anymore, he simply stopped pretending,"Yes, I am the fool that Gao Hongfei said."

Puff! Qiao Mengyao was amused again. If Gao Hongfei knew that the car belonged to Lin Bin, he would definitely not say such a thing.

"Okay, what are you going to do now?"

Lin Bin spread his hands helplessly,"It's just a small scratch, I told her she doesn't have to pay for it."

"no...You have to compensate." Mu Wenjun whispered again.

The waiter was speechless about this girl who was so picky.

Lin Bin scratched his scalp and looked up. There was a convenience store next to the restaurant, so he said,"How about this, I'll go to the store to buy some things and you pay for me. That's compensation, okay?"

Mu Wenjun glanced at the convenience store next to him, thought for a while, and then nodded gently,"Okay then"

"You guys go back first, I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes."

Lin Bin greeted Qiao Mengyao and the others first, then took the little girl to the convenience store.

"Boss, give me a pack of cigarettes.

Lin Bin asked for a pack of cigarettes and saw a refrigerator at the door of the convenience store filled with all kinds of ice cream. He immediately said to the girl next to him,"Do you mind if I take another ice cream?"

Mu Wenjun shook her head quickly. She was afraid that the other party would buy too little and she would feel guilty.

Seeing that the other party agreed to take an ice cream at any time, Lin Bin opened the package directly.

"A total of 253 yuan."The boss took a look at the ice cream in Lin Bin's hand and said.

What is that? Lin Bin was stunned, and he suspected that he had heard it wrongly,"Boss, how much is it?"

"Huazi 45, ice cream 208, total 253!" The boss repeated.

Damn! More than 200 for an ice cream!

Although Lin Bin is rich, he is not stupid. If he had known that this thing is so expensive, he would not eat it.

This is not a matter of money!

However, now that he has torn off the packaging tape, it is impossible to return it.

Lin Bin was a little embarrassed,"How about I pay for the ice cream myself?"

"No thanks, I'll treat you." Mu Wenjun quickly shook his head and scanned the code to pay.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, here comes Mu Wenjun's 253 yuan consumption rebate, sincerity index 92.56, reverse critical hit 9256 times!"

"The amount received is 2341768 yuan, please check it!!!"

Lin Bin just took a bite of the ice cream and was immediately startled by the reminder in his mind.

More than two million yuan is not a lot of money, but this sincerity index is too high, right? Among all the people he knows, except Lu Xiaoyu, Lin Bin has never seen such a high sincerity index.

No wonder this girl is so serious, it seems that she really wants to compensate him.

After learning the truth, Lin Bin suddenly smiled bitterly.......

In the restaurant, after Wang Qiufang returned, she immediately banged the table loudly, attracting everyone's attention. Then she asked mysteriously,"Everyone, do you know whose Audi R8 outside belongs to?"

"What? Could it be your husband's?"Guan Peng joked.

Everyone remembered Wang Qiufang's previous"lofty ambitions" and burst into laughter.

""Guan Peng! Get out of my way!" Wang Qiufang retorted, and then continued:"You will never imagine that the car belongs to Lin Bin!"

Snap! Clang!

Chopsticks fell to the ground, and several plates and cups were broken.

"you...What did you just say?" Guan Peng was confused and shocked.

Wang Qiufang looked at the surprised expressions of the crowd, with an expression as if she had known it long ago,"Yes, that Audi R8 belongs to Lin Bin, Mengyao and I saw it clearly outside just now!"

Everyone looked at Qiao Mengyao again, and saw her nod with a wry smile, and this time they completely believed it.

When Lin Bin returned to the private room, he found that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and everyone looked at him strangely. He immediately understood in his heart that it must be Wang Qiufang, the big mouth, who told everyone about the car.

""Binzi, is that Audi really yours?" Guan Peng asked again.

What else could Lin Bin say? He could only nod with a wry smile.

However, when he saw Gao Hongfei's expression of eating shit, he felt sour in his heart.

Guan Peng's face suddenly became serious, and he said seriously:"Binzi, these years, I have always had a secret that I dare not tell you, but today, I really can't help it."

Lin Bin was stunned and asked subconsciously:"What secret?"

Guan Peng said:"In fact, I am your half-brother!!!"

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