Cheng Keer saw Lin Bin's face change and stopped moving,"Abin, you should answer the phone first. If everything is fine, I'll feel more at ease."

""Okay, I'll take a call first."

Lin Bin stood up and answered the phone in front of Cheng Ke'er without any hesitation.

"Uncle, Sister Xinyi was beaten, come here quickly! Woo woo~"

Bai Lele's crying voice came from the phone, and she could faintly hear the quarrel.

When Lin Bin heard it, he immediately exploded.

Damn! I haven't even hit a bitch, who is so brave?

""Xiaobai, what happened? Where are you now?" Lin Bin asked immediately.

Hearing Bai Lele's helpless voice, his heart was torn.

Bai Lele's crying voice came,"It's all my fault. I accidentally scratched someone else's new car while driving. The other party asked us to compensate for a new car, but Sister Xinyi didn't want to, so she beat Sister Xinyi......."

If the car is scratched, you have to pay for a new one. Isn't this bullying?

Lin Bin was furious."Okay, tell me where you are."

"We are at the Big Beard BBQ stall, come quickly, uncle!"

"Got it. Take care of your own safety first."

Lin Bin hung up the phone and turned to look at Cheng Ke'er with an apologetic look on his face,"Ke'er, there's an accident and I have to go over there."

Cheng Ke'er had already stood up to help Lin Bin pull up his pants, put away his gun, and carefully fastened his belt,"Do you want me to go with you?"

Although she didn't know what happened, she faintly heard the cry of a girl and showed worry on her face.

Lin Bin shook his head,"Forget it, you can't help much if you go, let me go over and take a look at the situation first, and I'll come over if everything is okay."

Cheng Ke'er helped him tidy up his clothes, smiled and shook her head,"It doesn't matter, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future"

""Okay, I got it."

Lin Bin nodded, letting Cheng Ke'er help him tidy up, then hugged her tightly for a while before letting go.

"I'm leaving. See you later."

What a mess every day.

After going downstairs, Lin Bin drove directly to the bearded man's barbecue stall. He began to worry about Bai Lele and the others.

If it wasn't for Zhuo Xinyi being beaten, this girl probably wouldn't have called to disturb him.

Fortunately, Xingfuli was not far from the bearded man's barbecue stall. More than 20 minutes later, the Mercedes-Benz G-Class stopped by the roadside of the barbecue stall.

As soon as Lin Bin got off the car, he saw an infuriating scene.

Not far away, Zhuo Xinyi stretched out her hands to protect Bai Lele behind her. In front of the two of them, a fat woman in her forties was pointing her finger at Zhuo Xinyi and cursing.

""Two little vixens, born to be mistresses, why are you trying to show off by driving a broken BMW? If you have the guts, call your master and compensate me for my new car!" What

Wang Li hates most in her life is mistresses. Her husband, relying on his wealth, flirts with some questionable women outside every day, and doesn't even look at her, but she can't do anything about it.

Who made her over 50 years old, old and fat?

Wang Li couldn't change her husband, so she could only vent her anger on others. When she saw those fashionable young girls on the street, she felt inexplicably disgusted.

What a coincidence, the new car she just bought today was stolen by Bai Lele, a novice.

Seeing that the other party was driving a BMW Z4 and they were two young and beautiful girls, Wang Li insisted that the two were mistresses and insisted that Bai Lele compensate her for a new car.

She was driving the top-of-the-line version of the Range Rover, and she paid the full price. Zhuo Xinyi was naturally unwilling to pay more than two million yuan, and it was just a scratch.

As a result, Wang Li was relentless and slapped her.

Zhuo Xinyi was hit hard, but seeing the other party's wealthy appearance, she did not dare to fight back.

What's more, they were the ones who hit others, and they were also in the wrong, so they could only swallow their anger and apologize.

As a result, the old woman was relentless and insisted that Bai Lele compensate for a new car.

Zhuo Xinyi insisted on only repairing the car and not paying for a new car, and the stalemate remained.

Seeing that the other party was pulling and tugging and wanted to fight, Zhuo Xinyi was afraid that Bai Lele would be injured, so she kept protecting her behind her, and she suffered a lot.

There were also many onlookers on the roadside who were not afraid of trouble, pointing and talking here, but no one stepped forward to stop them.

"Stop it!"

Seeing that the fat woman was about to attack again, Lin Bin shouted and immediately stepped forward

"Uncle, you are finally here!"Woo woo~"

Bai Lele heard the familiar voice, turned his head and saw Lin Bin rushing over, and immediately threw himself into his arms.

Lin Bin looked at the little white rabbit with tears in his eyes and a wronged face, and he felt distressed,"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore."

"Brother Bin, I'm sorry."

Zhuo Xinyi still had an obvious slap mark on her face, and her eyes were a little red, but she gritted her teeth and insisted, not letting her tears fall.

"What do you mean sorry? Are you stupid? You just stood there and let someone hit you. Can't you fight back?"

Lin Bin was furious and yelled at Zhuo Xinyi.

The bitch who had been holding back her tears could no longer hold back her tears. She dropped them, but she lowered her head without saying a word.

Seeing this, Lin Bin's anger subsided a little. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, the old woman opposite started to lose her temper again.

""Okay, you are their master, you are just in time, compensate me for the new car!"

Wang Li was a little surprised when she saw the handsome young man in front of her.

She thought that these two beautiful girls were mistresses of old men in their forties or fifties, but she didn't expect that they were young people.

Lin Bin frowned. The old woman's words were really unpleasant."Xiaobai, what's the matter?"

Bai Lele sobbed and said,"Uncle, I just scratched her car accidentally. I have apologized and promised to fix it, but she insisted that we compensate her with a new car."

Wang Li insisted,"This is a new car I just picked up today. Who asked you to fix it? You must compensate me with a new car today."

Looking at Bai Lele's aggrieved look, Lin Bin wanted to get angry but couldn't, and reached out to touch her head,"Compensate it, we are not without money, didn't I give you two million a few days ago?"

Bai Lele raised her head and glanced at Zhuo Xinyi cautiously,"I also planned to pay money, but Sister Xinyi didn't let me."

Looking at Zhuo Xinyi who was crying without saying a word, Lin Bin said with some blame:"You too, why don't you listen to Xiaobai and just compensate the other party."

Zhuo Xinyi wiped her tears and said stubbornly:"Brother Bin, she wants a new car as compensation, why?"

Lin Bin was also a little speechless. This old woman was indeed unreasonable, but the bitch looked too serious for money.

However, thinking of the scene he had just seen, Zhuo Xinyi tightly protected Bai Lele behind her to prevent her from getting hurt, Lin Bin didn't know what to say.

Now he also somewhat understood why Bai Lele believed in Zhuo Xinyi so much.

Lin Bin pulled the bitch over, reached out and wiped the tears from her face, and sighed:"Just compensate, I'm not short of money anyway.

Besides, what if you get disfigured by someone, isn't your face worth two million?"

Hearing his words, Zhuo Xinyi, who had been silently shedding tears, could no longer hold back and burst into tears.

For some reason, after hearing Lin Bin say this, she felt that all the grievances she had just suffered were worth it!

Zhuo Xinyi cried and shouted,"Brother Bin, your money is also hard-earned, you can't compensate!"

Hearing this, Lin Bin suddenly fell silent.

He has always disliked Bitch's behavior and felt that she was too greedy for money. But now, she would rather be beaten than let Lin Bin spend money in vain!

Can this kind of woman be considered a bad woman?

For some reason, Lin Bin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and secretly said: Damn it, I must spend money to hear a noise today!

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