Wang Li, who was frightened, felt relieved when she heard Zhuo Xinyi's next words.

"Brother Bin, I'm no longer angry, let's go." Zhuo Xinyi gradually stopped crying.

Lin Bin shook his head and said,"No, you're no longer angry, but I am."

He left the two of them and walked to the side of the road, picking up a half brick.

Seeing this, Wang Li was shocked again, and she backed away while screaming,"You......What are you going to do?"

Lin Bin didn't even look at her, he walked directly to the front of the newly bought Range Rover, picked up the brick in his hand and smashed it.

With a bang! Even the people watching the excitement on the roadside were shocked.

Facts have proved that a luxury car worth more than two million yuan can't withstand being hit by a brick! After being smashed by Lin Bin, the right side of the car window glass shattered.

Lin Bin was not satisfied with only breaking a piece of glass, so he found a few more bricks and continued to smash.

After smashing all the remaining pieces of car glass, Lin Bin's anger finally subsided.

He didn't expect that smashing luxury cars, a plot in novels, was so fucking cool

"Come, both of you come and have some fun too."

Sharing joy is better than enjoying it alone, so Lin Bin invited Zhuo Xinyi and Bai Lele to come and experience it as well.

Bai Lele, who had been frightened for a long time, reacted when he heard the invitation,"Uncle, we have already bought this car, why do you want to smash it?"

Lin Bin pouted,"This car has been ridden by others, I'm afraid of getting a skin disease."

On the side, Wang Li's face turned green with anger when she heard him say this in a roundabout way.

But she didn't dare to say anything, for fear of being caught and beaten up again.

What's more, Lin Bin paid 2.8 million in real money, and the car now belongs to him, so he can smash it if he wants.

Bai Lele didn't dare to do it, and wanted to persuade him but couldn't.

Zhuo Xinyi knew Lin Bin's character better, so she didn't hesitate to pick up a stone from the roadside and smashed it at the Land Rover.

The crackling and clanging sounds sounded like slaps on her face to Wang Li, making her want to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. More than ten minutes later, looking at the unrecognizable Land Rover Range Rover, Lin Bin stopped and didn't bother to look at Wang Li from beginning to end.

"Okay, the anger is out, let's go."

Lin Bin took a look at the condition of the BMW. It was just a minor scratch, no big problem.

On the way back, Bai Lele didn't dare to drive anymore, so Zhuo Xinyi had to drive by herself, and Lin Bin drove the Mercedes-Benz G to escort the two of them.

When the car arrived at Bishui Bay, it was already past ten o'clock, and Lin Bin's anger had long dissipated.

But after such a commotion, he was embarrassed to go to Cheng Ke'er again, so he could only pull a face and feel a little depressed.

In the lobby on the first floor, seeing Lin Bin's unfriendly expression, Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi looked at each other, and they all became uneasy.

The atmosphere was a little dull, and finally Bai Lele couldn't help but said:"Uncle, I'm sorry, it's all my fault tonight. I don't have good skills and I shouldn't drive."

Zhuo Xinyi hurriedly explained,"Brother Bin, I let Lele drive the car, so I should be blamed."

The two of them had discussed before that they could go out for fun when they were free in the future. Bai Lele, a novice driver, was afraid to go on the road, so he used a BMW to practice. As a result, what happened today happened.

Although Lin Bin didn't know the whole story, he didn't blame them,"Okay, as long as no one is okay."

The two girls breathed a sigh of relief. Bai Lele thought that Lin Bin was unhappy about spending 2.8 million yuan, and said,"Uncle, I hope you're not angry. I'll give you all the money in the card."

Originally, Lin Bin was no longer angry, but when she mentioned the money, she immediately got angry,"Who are you two looking down on? Do I look like a person who is short of money? Just because of this little thing, I have to go out in person. What can I do in the future?"

The two girls saw that Lin Bin was angry again, and they were so scared that they quickly shut up.

Seeing this, Lin Bin could only shake his head helplessly,"Okay, you two should go to bed."

After returning to the bedroom, he began to think whether he should take the two girls to broaden his horizons, otherwise he would have to trouble himself again when encountering trivial matters in the future.

What happened tonight was that the two girls were not confident and did not know enough about Lin Bin's financial resources. Otherwise, how could they let an old woman bully them casually?

How could a wealthy woman be bullied by a nouveau riche?

Just as he was thinking, there was a noise at the door.

""Brother Bin, are you asleep?"

Zhuo Xinyi lowered her voice and squatted quietly at the door like a thief.

Is that bitch trying to steal food again?

While Lin Bin guessed, he shouted,"Come in, the door is not closed."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuo Xinyi walked in with a small gift box in her hand.

"Brother Bin, thank you so much for what happened today."

Lin Bin could hear the sincerity in her voice, and he also noticed that Bitch's attitude seemed to be a little different.

"What's wrong, are you going to thank me with your mouth?" Lin Bin said teasingly with a smile.

Zhuo Xinyi blushed and quickly took out the gift box in her hand,"Brother Bin, this is the gift I bought for you today, do you like it?"

"What gift?" Lin Bin asked curiously.

Zhuo Xinyi said:"I saw that you don't wear anything on your wrist, so I bought you a watch. But I don't have that much money, so I can't afford something too expensive."

As she spoke, she opened the small gift box, and inside was an exquisite men's watch.

Lin Bin used to be a poor guy, so he couldn't afford a watch. He could only play with it and tinker with it when he had nothing to do.

He really didn't know anything about watches, and didn't know the value of this watch.

"What brand is this?"

Zhuo Xinyi said carefully:"This is Patek Philippe, I don't know if you like it."

Although he couldn't afford it before, Lin Bin had heard of the Patek Philippe brand, and thought it shouldn't be cheap.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a consumption rebate of 268,800 yuan from Zhuo Xinyi, a sincerity index of 79.88, and a reverse critical hit of 7988 times!"

"The amount received is 2147174400 yuan, please check it!"

Fuck!" Lin Bin suddenly got up from the bed, scaring Zhuo Xinyi

""Brother Bin, what's wrong with you? Don't you like it?" Zhuo Xinyi asked anxiously.

This watch has used up all her savings. If Lin Bin doesn't like it, then she won't have money to buy another gift.

Lin Bin didn't bother to answer the question. He counted the amount of money that came out again, and then he confirmed that he was not wrong.

More than 2.1 billion!

It doubled his savings!

More importantly, the normal index of the bitch has also reached 79.88%, and it is about to break through 80, catching up with the little white rabbit.

Lin Bin suddenly got excited,"Xinyi, didn't you say before that you wanted to learn more skills? Otherwise, I will give you some tutoring tonight?""

I can't go to Cheng Ke'er's place tonight, but the bitch with an extremely sincere index is not bad.

No matter who the bride is, he will be the groom anyway!

Zhuo Xinyi was happy and finally got what she wanted,"Brother Bin, please give me a lesson (intercourse)."

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