When Zhou Manqing mentioned that scumbag, she became a little excited, her chest trembling, and almost made Lin Bin dizzy.

Mu Wenjun asked curiously,"Aunt, who did you meet?"

Since that scumbag has my aunt's phone number, he must be an acquaintance.

Zhou Manqing had a gloomy face and gritted her teeth and said,"Humph! Who else could it be? A former colleague of mine, who looks like a human being, found a girlfriend in her sixties. Relying on some stinky money, she also wants to support her mother in her old age.

Don't you see if he has the ability to do it, a force eight little gale!"

Mu Wenjun was puzzled,"What is a force eight little gale?"

""Ahem!" Zhou Manqing coughed dryly, and said something too fast. She could only pretend to be angry and said,"Why do you ask so many questions, kid? Just apply your medicine properly."

Lin Bin was stunned at first, and then read the Level 8 Little Gale backwards, and then he reacted quickly.

Oh my god! This aunt is so good!

Mu Wenjun worried again,"What are you going to do, aunt? You can't always turn off your phone!"

Zhou Manqing's beautiful eyes showed a trace of melancholy, and she said a little irritably,"At worst, I will change all the contact information. If I can't afford to offend you, I can't hide!"

She was really fed up with the other party's pestering and disgusting look.

But if she really had to change the new contact information, her previous network of contacts would be completely cut off, which was a huge blow to her as a human resources practitioner.

Fortunately, Zhou Manqing has a new job, and her salary is almost doubled than before. As long as she works hard, there will always be a chance to make a comeback.

Lin Bin interrupted,"It's not a solution to always drag this matter. Is there anything I can help with?"

He's just a gigolo. Whether it's financial strength or practical skills, I can definitely beat him in all aspects.

Zhou Manqing shook her head,"Forget it, I feel sick when I think of that scumbag. Anyway, I plan to start anew."

Lin Bin nodded and analyzed objectively,"In fact, in my opinion, the root of this matter is that you are single now. If you are married, Miss Zhou, the other party should not be so entangled."

Although his words are somewhat reasonable, only Lin Bin himself knows whether there are other intentions.

Zhuo Wenjun paused and advised,"Brother Bin is right. Aunt, you should find a boyfriend."

Zhou Manqing is already 30 years old. A woman's best years have been wasted. This makes her feel guilty. She always thinks that it is because of herself that she has dragged her aunt down.

Mu Wenjun has often advised her, but Zhou Manqing has been busy with work and has never considered dating.

Zhou Manqing frowned,"It's easy for you to say it. I can't just go to the street and find someone to marry. These days, there are scumbags everywhere. I would rather be single all my life than fall into the fire pit."

Hearing her calling him 'I'm your mother' all the time, Lin Bin realized that the queen in front of him had an unknown side. Moreover, it seems that being an uncle-in-law is really not easy. Mu Wenjun has always been very obedient, but this time she retorted,"Aunt, you are just escaping from reality. I think Brother Bin is a good person."

After these words came out, Zhou Manqing and Lin Bin were both stunned.

Seeing their eyes on her, Mu Wenjun blushed and continued,"I think you two are quite suitable."

In the living room, the air froze instantly.

Lin Bin was overjoyed, but he didn't show it on his face: this niece is really suitable for playing as a support.

Zhou Manqing felt her pretty face burning, and reached out to grab Mu Wenjun's ear,"You little girl, what are you talking about? Help me to the room quickly."

She seemed to be aware of Lin Bin's burning gaze, her breathing was a little rapid, and she just wanted to escape the scene quickly

""Aunt, please let go, it hurts!"

Mu Wenjun could only stand up aggrievedly and helped her aunt back to the bedroom.

After entering the room, Zhou Manqing locked the door and stared at Mu Wenjun fiercely,"What were you doing just now? Why did you say that in front of outsiders?"

Mu Wenjun puffed up her face and said unconvincedly:"Aunt, I was telling the truth. Brother Bin is such a good person and he is also very outstanding. You two are a good match."

"You still say that!" Zhou Manqing was so angry that she slapped her niece's butt."I am already a 30-year-old woman....Lin Bin is so young, where can I put my old face?"

"What's wrong with being a few years older? Aunt, you are not bad looking, brother Bin will definitely like you."Mu Wenjun rubbed her buttocks and said.

She had wanted to matchmake for her aunt for a long time, but she couldn't meet the right person at school.

Lin Bin at the moment is a good choice, and Mu Wenjun doesn't want to miss it.

Zhou Manqing saw that she was getting more and more excited, and her face was even more shy,"Since you think Lin Bin is so good, then let him be your boyfriend, don't drag me into it."

Mu Wenjun's pretty face turned red, and she said shyly:"I do want to, but brother Bin sees you more often, so you two are more suitable."

In ancient times, Kong Rong gave up his pears, and today, aunt and Wenjun give up their boyfriends. The virtue of mutual humility is fully reflected in the two of them.

If Lin Bin knew about this scene, he would probably eat two more bowls of rice happily.

Zhou Manqing didn't notice the abnormality of her niece. She lowered her head and looked at her clothes. As if she thought of something, she was embarrassed and annoyed,"Don't talk nonsense, he and I are not suitable!"

Mu Wenjun sighed and said,"Aunt, I'm going to college, and you still treat me like a child. Besides, our teachers have taught us since we were young that when we encounter multiple-choice questions, we would rather choose the wrong answer than leave it blank. How do you know if you don't try?""

"Which teacher taught you this? I will go and settle the score with him tomorrow!" Zhou Manqing was completely embarrassed.

The two of them were talking louder and louder, but they didn't know that Lin Bin in the living room had come to the bedroom door at some point and heard everything that was going on inside.

"Multiple choice questions? Interesting, I like multiple choice questions the most!"

Lin Bin showed a strange smile on his face. He was going to leave, but now that he heard what was said inside, he was not in a hurry to leave.

Half an hour later, my aunt and Mu Wenjun came out of the bedroom.

Zhou Manqing's condition seemed to be much better, and she could walk normally without support.

"Oh, I forgot to greet the guests, Brother Bin, what would you like to drink?"

Mu Wenjun was busy applying medicine to his aunt just now, and now he feels a little rude.

Lin Bin said,"No need to trouble you, I'm not thirsty either."

Seeing that the water dispenser was out of water, Mu Wenjun took a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator and handed it over,"Brother Bin, I'm really sorry to bother you today, drink some water first."

Lin Bin took it with a smile and refused to leave

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, here comes Mu Wenjun's 2 yuan consumption rebate, the sincerity index is 93.21%, and the reverse critical hit is 9321 times!"

"The amount received is 18,642 yuan, please check it!"

Lin Bin didn't care about the more than 10,000 yuan, but the sincerity index of 93.21% made him a little surprised.

Such a high sincerity index is the highest he has ever seen.

Lin Bin suddenly felt a little expectant, and he didn't know if the system would have any special surprises after the sincerity index reached 100%.

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