"Uncle, you are such a big eater. You have taken all the food."

Bai Lele looked resentful. Lin Bin coughed lightly,"Xinyi, right? Thank you for the skewers. I just heard Xiaobai say that you are a game anchor. How about I give you a tip?"

Hearing this 'salesman' calling her Xinyi, Zhuo Xinyi felt a little uncomfortable and said coldly,"No need."

"How can that be? I never eat for free. If there is nothing more, I will give you the most expensive gift."Lin Bin insisted

"Uncle, you are kidding, I remember that Douya’s biggest gift costs 6666 yuan!"

Bai Lele exclaimed, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Lin Bin clearly meant: You are losing a lot.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a few thousand yuan, not even enough for a meal."Lin Bin shrugged.

Zhuo Xinyi was even more disgusted with the man in front of her. Not only did he eat for free, but he also pretended to be a rich man.

""Okay! You said so, give me the most expensive gift."

She immediately took out her phone and logged into her live broadcast account. She had been doing live broadcast for almost a year, and although she had received a lot of gifts, the most expensive one was only 666 yuan. She had never met a real rich man.

"Sister Xinyi, uncle was just joking, why don't you just forget it. Bai Lele quickly persuaded

"I didn't force it, he said he wanted to give a reward."

Zhuo Xinyi had already decided to embarrass the other party, and she had already opened the live broadcast room without stopping her hands.

Lin Bin glanced at the live broadcast room number, and without any nonsense, he directly logged into the account and searched, and soon found the live broadcast room with the ID called"Whose Sister-in-law".

Then he clicked on the reward interface, and as Bai Lele said, the highest gift, the Royal Salute, cost 6,666 yuan each.

Lin Bin used to watch live broadcasts occasionally, but they were all free, and there was no money in this account. Fortunately, payment was very convenient, so he directly rewarded two Royal Salutes.

Zhuo Xinyi was waiting for this man to lose face, but she didn't expect that the other party would actually reward, and rewarded two Royal Salutes at once.

Seeing the barrage prompts in the live broadcast room, she was stunned on the spot

"Uncle, you really gave me a tip? No, why are there two Royal Salutes?"Bai Lele exclaimed

"Oops, I accidentally clicked two"

"Sister Xinyi, why don't you return the money to them immediately? It's more than 10,000 yuan."

"No, it's just ten thousand yuan. The barbecue just now was delicious, I haven't eaten enough."

Lin Bin hinted at something.

Zhuo Xinyi reacted quickly,"Le Le, I'll go buy you some more skewers."

After saying that, she turned and left, as if she was afraid that others would ask her to return the money.

After Zhuo Xinyi left, Bai Lele looked at Lin Bin in surprise,"Uncle, are you rich?"

Lin Bin glanced at the little white rabbit,"Not bad, several million a month."

Bai Lele was stunned. Although she was not short of money, it was only more than ten thousand yuan a month. It was the first time she met a real rich man in reality.

After a while, Zhuo Xinyi bought the barbecue back and handed it over with a smile on her face.

"Brother, what should I call you?"

"My name is Lin Bin, you can just call me Brother Bin"

"Brother Bin, these are for you. If they are not enough, I will buy more."

Zhuo Xinyi naturally knew the difference between the important and the unimportant.

It was just some skewers, a few dozen yuan at most, but the other party had just tipped him more than 10,000 yuan without blinking an eye.

Moreover, people who can spend so much money online must have a lot of money.

If you have a good relationship with the other party, you may receive more rewards in the future.

Lin Bin was not polite and started to play

"Ding! Trigger a critical hit, here comes Zhuo Xinyi's 88 yuan consumption rebate, sincerity index 21.46, reverse critical hit 2146 times!"

"The amount received is 188,848 yuan, please check it!"

The woman smiled sweetly, but her heart was not sincere at all. She was indeed a bitch.

Lin Bin didn't care, anyway, he had also fleeced more than 200,000 yuan from the other party.

Then, the two added each other on WeChat.

In order to prevent misremembering, Lin Bin directly changed her note to bitch and Bai Lele's note to little white rabbit.

Then, the three of them didn't play games, but sat and chatted while eating.

Finally, in order to show his financial strength, Lin Bin rewarded the other party with two royal salutes.

If this happened to Bai Lele, he would definitely think that his motives were impure. But Zhuo Xinyi accepted it with a clear conscience, calling him Brother Bin affectionately.

Lin Bin would naturally not let go of such a good opportunity to make money. He wanted to eat this and drink that, and Zhuo Xinyi ran around and kept showing her courtesy.

However, this bitch's sincerity index has always been low.

In one afternoon, Lin Bin got more than 600,000 yuan from her before he stopped.

When night fell, the three of them parted ways. After eating for an afternoon, Lin Bin was not hungry, so he simply did not have dinner.

When he returned to his residence, he immediately opened his mobile phone to check the account balance.

"Dear customer, the balance of your account with the last number 5678 is 1,486,855.66 yuan. [Industrial and Commercial Bank of China]"

After counting carefully twice to make sure he had counted correctly, Lin Bin felt like he was dreaming.

In just one day, he had earned more than one million yuan. It was simply too exaggerated.

Looking at the time, it was only eight o'clock in the evening. Lin Bin first transferred 50,000 yuan to his family, and then called

"Dad, I just made a big deal recently and got a bonus. You and mom should eat and drink well at home. Don’t be reluctant to spend money. I will make more money in the future.

Lin Bin’s hometown is in the countryside. He is an only child.

His parents are farmers. Like parents all over the world, they are reluctant to spend money all their lives. They earn money to marry their son.

In the past, he only had a salary of several thousand yuan a month, and his daily expenses were not small. Lin Bin had never sent money home.

���Now that I have money, I should not only enjoy it myself, but also let my parents enjoy it together.

My parents chattered on the phone for more than ten minutes, and every word was full of concern. Lin Bin listened patiently, and finally promised to bring back a dozen daughters-in-law to the old couple, and then hung up the phone.

In the future, I will become richer and richer. By then, I will buy a few big houses and bring my parents to the big city to see the prosperity of this world.

Anyone who is really good to me, I will repay a hundredfold.

Lying in bed, thinking about all sorts of things, tossing and turning, I couldn't fall asleep. It was past twelve o'clock in the morning, and Lin Bin suddenly had an idea.

He left, picked up his phone, and sent a circle of friends.

"Today is my birthday, and I don’t know if anyone will give me a red envelope as a blessing? (I feel wronged)"

In order to prevent being exposed, he set permissions in advance and blocked his family and relatives.

"I don't know if someone will give me a red envelope tomorrow morning!"

After a while of random thoughts, I fell asleep without knowing when.

That night, Lin Bin dreamed of several people.

There was the breathtakingly beautiful Cheng Ke'er, the gentle and kind female squad leader Lu Xiaoyu, the cute little white rabbit, and even the long-legged bitch.......

He had a dream that lasted until dawn, and he was exhausted.

When he woke up, his waist and legs ached.......

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