Lin Bin spoke openly and did not deliberately lower his voice, which was loud enough for the beautiful woman next to him in the corridor to hear.

Leng Yiza was a little irritable. She had not received any work in the past six months. As a member of the entertainment industry, she knew very well how important exposure was to a star.

She was originally just a small star. If she did not have any outstanding works for a long time, she would soon be forgotten.

This time, Leng Yiza went to Shanghai to audition for a crew. But she had just hit a wall in Jiangcheng these days, which made her feel unconfident.

After all, she was already in her thirties, and there were many people younger and more beautiful than her in the entertainment industry.

If you want to stand out in the entertainment industry, no matter how good your acting skills are, it will be difficult unless you meet a big boss to support you.

Behind the glamorous and beautiful, there is a price to pay. Leng Yiza is also very clear about the rules of the game, and she is not opposed to it. It's a pity that she has never met a real big boss.

At this moment, hearing the words of the young man next door, who wanted to open a film and television company and invest in film and television dramas, Leng Yiza suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Nowadays, there are so many Internet dramas that you can easily invest in a TV series or a film with a few million or even tens of millions. However, Leng Yiza doesn't even look down on those shoddy works.

This kind of small boss is not even in her eyes.

Sitting in her seat, Bai Lele covered her mouth and exclaimed,"Uncle, are you kidding me? How can those big stars be my sisters?"

In her mind, big stars are high above, and ordinary people can only look up to them.

Lin Bin pouted and said,"What's impossible? As long as the money is in place, you can also be a big star."

Bai Lele waved his hands quickly,"Uncle, I don't want to be a star."

Lin Bin was just joking. He liked Bai Lele's naive look, and of course he wouldn't let her mix in the entertainment industry."Okay, if you don't want to be a star, then don't be one. Why don't you ask for the other party's contact information?" Bai Lele hesitated for a long time and didn't muster up the courage."Uncle, I...I dare not."

Seeing her inexperienced look, Lin Bin felt a little disappointed,"Forget it, I'll get it for you."

As he said that, a confident smile appeared on his face, and he greeted the"big" star next to him,"Hi beauty, my friend likes you very much, can you leave your contact information?"

Leng Yiza did not expect the young man next to her to be so thick-skinned, but there were too many people on the plane, and she did not want to cause other troubles, so she just replied coldly,"No!"

Damn! This is not giving me face.

Lin Bin paused his smile, and said again:"Beauty, let's add each other's contact information, maybe there will be a chance to cooperate in the future."

Leng Yiza ignored the other party this time, pretending not to hear it.

"Uncle, forget it."

Seeing that Lin Bin was about to speak, Bai Lele quickly grabbed his arm

"Damn it! Just for this attitude, I must personally give you a trial, and I will also direct and act in a love action drama with you!"

Lin Bin said in his heart, and he also determined to enter the entertainment industry.

But for now, he can only keep the other party in mind depressed.

Seeing that he looked unhappy, Bai Lele quickly changed the subject,"Uncle, Sister Xinyi and I have planned that we will go to Disneyland first, and then to Happy Valley, and also to the Bund.

We don't have much time, and there are too many places we can't go. Is there any place you particularly want to go?"

Lin Bin temporarily put away his depression, stretched out his hand and rubbed Bai Lele's head,"If we can't finish it this time, we will come next time. As long as it is a fun place, we will visit them all."

My cousin is getting married at the weekend, and he directly promised to go back. This time he can only stay in the Magic City for three days.

Bai Lele seemed to want to comfort Lin Bin, and said obediently:"Then I must remember to buy business class tickets and five-star hotels next time." Lin Bin was immediately amused by her," Why stay in a hotel? When we get to Shanghai, we can just find a real estate agent and buy a house here, so that we will have a place to stay when we want to visit in the future."

Bai Lele began to worry again,"Uncle, the housing prices in Shanghai are too expensive, isn't it a bit of a waste?"

"What a waste! By the way, I heard that the houses in Tomson Yipin are pretty good. Let’s ask someone when we get to Shanghai. If there is a suitable one, we can just buy one."

Next door, Leng Yiza listened to the conversation between the two people next to her and couldn’t help laughing.

This young man in front of her was bragging too much.

What kind of place is Tomson Yipin? The house prices there are hundreds of thousands per square meter, and any house costs hundreds of millions.

Even the big stars in the entertainment industry can’t afford it.

This young man in front of him is just fooling the girl next to him. If he can really afford it, that would be weird!

The plane broke through the clouds and reached Shanghai in less than two hours.

The three of them left the airport and went straight to the Oriental International Hotel.

While on the way, Zhuo Xinyi booked a presidential suite in advance. It cost 42,000 a night, and she booked it for three days.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a consumption rebate of 126,000 yuan from Zhuo Xinyi, a sincerity index of 81.23, and a reverse critical hit of 81,223 times!"

"The amount received is 1,023,498,000 yuan, please check it!"

One billion yuan came out at once, which is enough to start a film and television company, and it is also enough to invest in several big productions!

"Wow! This hotel is so luxurious, isn't it?"

A five-star hotel, the conditions are naturally impeccable.

Bai Lele and Zhuo Xinyi ran around the room excitedly. The two chose a suite and Lin Bin chose one. They had a quick meal in the hotel at noon, and the three of them went to Disney in the afternoon.

Lin Bin actually found time to find a real estate agency and asked the agency to help inquire about the houses in Tomson Yipin.

In the evening, he took the two girls to the Bund to see the night view and had a high-end Western meal. The meal cost more than 100,000 yuan.

The next day, they went to Happy Valley.

Both Disney and Happy Valley were crowded with people. Lin Bin accompanied Bai Lele and the others and played almost all the projects.

The money was not much, but the whole person was almost tossed apart.

On the third day, Lin Bin planned to take a break. It happened that the agency also had news, so he took the two beautiful girls to see the houses in Tomson Yipin.

"Mr. Lin, I'm sure you know that Tomson Yipin's houses are famous in Shanghai, and they are hard to come by. It just so happens that there is a villa for sale now......."

The salesperson was a young man in his twenties. When he checked the funds, he saw the string of zeros in Lin Bin's account and became particularly enthusiastic.

"Okay, you don't have to say so much, just tell me how much it costs."

Lin Bin was very satisfied with the house after just one look.

"Mr. Lin, this house is 860 square meters in total, 219,800 per square meter, a total of 189 million......"

"It's less than 200 million, so it's not expensive."

Lin Bin bought it with a big wave of his hand.

In the Magic City, Tomson Yipin.

Leng Yiza walked out of a room frustrated. The role in the new play was taken away by someone else. If this continues, she might not even be able to take a plane.

After going downstairs, she was about to leave, but she saw a salesperson, smiling and accompanying a young man, walking towards her.

"Why does this young man look familiar?"

Leng Yiza frowned and quickly remembered the chance encounter on the plane.

Could it be that this young man really came to Tomson Yipin to brag?

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