We are all adults, so we should just talk about it. There is no need to beat around the bush.

After Lin Bin finished speaking, he looked directly at Wang Han, waiting for her decision.

Wang Han knew exactly what they were doing at the hotel at this time.

Especially Lin Bin's undisguised gaze made her heart tremble.

What should I do? Should I go or not?

Wang Han asked herself this question in her mind, and soon she got the answer.

""Okay, Brother Bin, I'm sorry to bother you."

Seeing her agree, Lin Bin immediately knew that the other party must be coming for his account balance.

But what does it matter? Anyway, he is not short of money!

When leaving the restaurant, Wang Han hurriedly took the initiative to pay the bill.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, 240 yuan consumption rebate from Wang Han, sincerity index 50.16, reverse critical hit 5016 times!"

"The amount received is 1,203,840 yuan, please check it!"

Another one million yuan has been received, but this little money is not important to Lin Bin.

Thinking back to the beginning, he went to the subway to find strangers to make money, and worked hard for half a day to make hundreds of thousands of yuan. He was more eager to start a company.......

The next day, early in the morning.

When Lin Bin woke up, he was the only one left in the hotel, and Wang Han had long disappeared.

After the two had an in-depth discussion last night, the other party also stated his purpose, which was to want him to return to his hometown to invest and improve performance.

Lin Bin promised to think about it carefully, but he had no idea for a while.

Although he was not short of money, the conditions in Zhushan County were limited, and there was really no value in investment.

However, what Wang Han said made sense. If he could return to his hometown to invest in a business, at least his parents would be more respected.

Although the investment matter had not been clarified yet, he promised Wang Han that he would meet with her aunt in a few days and talk about investment matters.

Although the two were also locals in Zhushan County, they didn't know much about business matters.

After all, Wang Han's aunt was the director of the Investment Promotion Bureau, and she had a better understanding of the commercial value of the entire Zhushan County.

Therefore, the investment matter would have to wait until he met her aunt. Well...We'll talk about it later.

Just as I was thinking, my dad called.

My cousin's wedding was over, and it was time for these relatives to go back to their own homes.

After Lin Bin hung up the phone, he went to his uncle's house first, drove the car back, took all the things he bought yesterday, and then checked out.

""Binzi, don't worry. I have discussed with your sister-in-law and will introduce you to a beautiful woman in the next two days. Just wait for my call."

Before leaving, Lin Rui repeatedly assured that he would introduce a girl to Lin Bin, which made Lin Guosheng smile more.

Seeing his parents' happy faces, Lin Bin didn't say much and agreed at once.

On the way back, the family of three sat in the G-Class and headed back to their hometown.

In the car, Lin's father and mother sat in the back seat, both of them were a little hesitant, as if they were afraid of dirtying the car.

Lin Bin felt helpless and sad, so he had to confess honestly,"Dad, Mom, actually I resigned a long time ago, and I bought this car myself."

"this...Did you buy this car?"

Lin's father and mother were shocked. This is a car worth more than two million yuan. It would take decades for their family to afford it without eating or drinking.

Lin Bin nodded and said,"I won the lottery jackpot some time ago, and then I made a lot of money in the stock market. Even if I do nothing in this life, it is enough to spend."

He brought out the same rhetoric that he had used to fool Guan Peng before. After all, things like the system were too incredible.

Lin Guosheng didn't understand the stock market, but he had heard about winning the lottery jackpot from others.

The old couple couldn't believe their son's experience.

It took less than two hours to drive from Zhushan County to their hometown.

When the Mercedes-Benz G stopped in the small courtyard of their hometown, Lin's father and mother had not recovered from the shock.

Lin Bin looked at the familiar courtyard and several red brick and tile houses, and felt a little emotional.

The place where they lived was called Dashi Village. Although it was not rich, almost all the houses in the village were two- or three-story buildings. Brick and tile houses like theirs were rare.

Lin's mother Lin Bin's health has always been poor and he can't do heavy work, which means that his father can't go out to work.

These days, rural people can only make a living by farming.

A few years ago, Lin Bin went to college, but it emptied the family's assets. It was only in the two years after graduation that the family's situation improved a little.

It was already past ten o'clock when he got home. Mother Lin started to prepare lunch. Lin Bin went for a walk in the village and found that the village was full of left-behind elderly people and children, and there were almost no young people.

At noon, at the dinner table.

Lin Bin ate the familiar dishes and said,"Dad, I bought a house in Jiangcheng and opened a company. I guess I can't stay at home for long. Why don't you and my mom come with me to Jiangcheng?"

"Forget it. Your mother and I are used to living in our hometown. We won’t feel comfortable if we go to the city because we don’t know anyone there." Lin’s father shook his head.

Lin Bin had guessed this result a long time ago, and said,"Then I will buy you a house in the county town so that you can be neighbors with your uncle and his family."

Lin’s father still shook his head. He has been a farmer all his life. Even though he is not short of money now, he has long been accustomed to the life in his hometown.

Helplessly, Lin Bin had to say,"If you really don’t want to go, just rebuild the house at home. I will transfer two million to you first. We can talk about it if it is not enough.""

"Two million? What kind of house would cost so much money to build?"Dad Lin was shocked.

He didn't ask how much money his son had, but it was a car worth more than two million, and he was going to build a house. Lin Guosheng couldn't accept this speed of spending money for a while.

Lin Bin said,"If we want to build it, we should do it all at once, build three or four floors, and decorate it well. If I bring my girlfriend back in the future, it won't be shabby."

After hearing what he said, Dad and Mom Lin had no objections.

Their son is rich now, and he might find a partner in the city in the future. If they don't have a decent house in their rural area, I'm afraid no girl would be willing to come.

Lin Bin has figured out his parents' lifeline. As long as he mentions the matter of getting married, they won't object.

After dinner, he took out another 100,000 yuan in cash and gave it directly to his father as pocket money.

Dad Lin refused to take it,"Binzi, don't spend it carelessly even if you have money now. It costs at least hundreds of thousands to get married now, and there are many places to spend money."

Lin Bin stuffed it directly into his hand and said with a smile,"Dad, don't worry. I have more money now than I can spend on marrying dozens of wives."

Lin's mother interrupted,"Binzi, didn't your cousin say he would introduce you to a girl? You'd better seize the opportunity. If you can find a girl from Zhushan County, it will be more convenient to get married in the future."

Lin's father agreed,"Yes! It's better to find a local girl."

Lin's mother continued,"Your sister-in-law is sensible and kind, and Xiaorui is reliable. Since they have introduced you to a partner, you have to treat him well."

Sensible and kind?

Thinking of Ding Xiaoya's pitiful sincerity index, Lin Bin was powerless to complain.

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