When Lin Bin was looking at Wang Tao, she was also looking at him.

Although she had heard from her niece that Lin Bin was young and handsome, Wang Tao was still a little surprised after meeting him.

Judging from his appearance, he was only in his early twenties at most. It was shocking that he was worth billions at such a young age and had no background.

"Aunt, Brother Bin is the richest man in Zhushan County. If you can get him to come back and invest, this year's investment promotion task can be completed in one go."

Wang Han smiled like a flower and acted as a broker.

Wang Tao smiled and said,"Binzi, since you and Xiao Han are friends, just call me Aunt Wang."

"That won't do." Lin Bin shook his head and refused, which stunned the two women.

Lin Bin smiled and continued,"Director Wang is so young, and I call you aunt, which makes you look old. I'd better call you Sister Tao." It is said that money is a man's courage. If it were in the past, facing such a big shot, he would be nervous and unable to speak.

But now with billions of assets as a foundation, Lin Bin's personality has changed unknowingly.

Wang Tao was stunned at first, but soon reacted. Seeing that Lin Bin's eyes were honest, and the other party was more than ten years younger than her, she didn't think too much about it.

It's just that her niece called him Brother Bin, and he asked her to call her Sister Tao, which always felt weird.

"Binzi said jokingly,"I'm already old, I can't compare with you young people, let's sit down and talk."

Wang Han asked the waiter to start serving the dishes, and the three of them ate and talked.

Halfway through the meal, Wang Tao finally talked about business,"Binzi, Xiaohan should have introduced my situation to you, but I don't know what you think?"

Before, she had told Lin Bin about all the large and small projects in Zhushan County through Wang Han, and now it depends on what he is interested in.

Lin Bin smiled bitterly and said,"Sister Tao, to be honest, I don't care about investment, but the conditions in our county are limited, and I don't have any suitable projects for the time being."

Wang Tao only learned from her niece that Lin Bin was very rich, and she didn't know anything else, so she asked,"I don't know what industry you are in, Binzi?"

Lin Bin answered honestly,"I have been in Jiangcheng before, and now I have opened a live broadcast company, a professional game club, and a 4S store. If I have the opportunity in the future, I may invest in my own car brand."

He didn't hide anything and told all his plans in detail.

Wang Tao was even more shocked after hearing this.

Her niece only saw that the other party had several billion in his account, but she didn't know how much the other party had in total.

Now, after listening to Lin Bin's words, each of these investment industries requires a lot of money.

""Brother Bin, we have a lot of wild mountain products in Zhushan County. Can't your live broadcast company help sell them for us?" Wang Han's eyes lit up and he suddenly suggested.

Wang Tao also became interested after hearing her say that.

In recent years, the live broadcast industry has become more and more popular, with hundreds of millions or even billions of transaction volumes. If Lin Bin can really help sell the specialties of his hometown, it would be a great achievement.

Lin Bin shook his head,"Maybe I didn't make it clear. The live broadcast company I opened is mainly for game live broadcasts, and its ability to bring goods is definitely not as good as you think."

Whether it is the e-commerce industry or the short video industry, the domestic market has already been divided up. Even if he has money, it is difficult to expand the scale now.

If he only does game live broadcasting, the competition will be relatively easier.

As long as some famous anchors from major platforms are poached at that time, a large amount of traffic can be attracted.

Besides, Lin Bin started the company before just to increase the income of Biao Biao and Xiao Baitu. As for whether it makes money or not, he doesn't care at all.

If Wang Tao really wants to pin his hopes on live broadcasting, he dare not make any promises.

Wang Tao showed a trace of disappointment on his face, and continued:"What about other industries? If Binzi, you want to start a car company, you will definitely need a lot of parts. Can you build a factory in our county?"

Although the matter of the car company was still far away, Lin Bin still directly refused:"Sister Tao, you should know the situation in our county better than me. Let’s not talk about anything else. The transportation is too inconvenient."

Wang Tao knew that what he said made sense, but he was still a little unwilling,"Binzi, it is because our county is too poor that we need talents like you to come back to invest, otherwise we can only fall further and further behind."

Lin Bin said:"It's not that I don't want to spend money, but if there is no suitable project, even if I invest in a small business, there will be no development prospects in the future. This is not what you want to see, right, Sister Tao?"

For a moment, the atmosphere at the dinner table was deadlocked.

Just as Lin Bin said, his investment in a small business would not have much effect on the development of Zhushan as a whole.

Wang Han was a little dumbfounded. She thought it should be very simple to attract investment, but it seems that this matter is really difficult to do.

If Lin Bin's investment fails, wouldn't it be like splitting up his own name, and he would have wasted the whole night.

"Is there no other way?" Wang Han asked unwillingly.

Lin Bin shook his head helplessly,"The conditions are here. We are not afraid of being poor, but the key is that there is no value here."

How could Wang Tao not understand this truth? Although she had just taken office as the director of the Investment Promotion Bureau, she was the director of the county's Finance Bureau before, and she knew Zhushan's annual tax revenue very well.

"Binzi, our county still has many advantages, such as the beautiful scenery. You are knowledgeable, can you think of other ways?"

Wang Tao was still a little unwilling. If it was just a small fight, she would not have to do it herself.

Nice scenery?

Lin Bin was stunned, and then his eyes lit up.

He was not unfamiliar with Zhushan County at all. Maybe because there was no industry, the environment here was beautiful and the air was pleasant. Maybe it would be worthwhile to develop tourism.

Besides, wasn't he planning to open a film and television company?

Why not set up a film and television base here, and then promote the movies that were shot. Maybe it would really make this small county popular.

If tourism in Zhushan County really develops, then the high-speed rail and airport can be solved by the way.

"I have an idea, but I don't know if it's feasible......."

Lin Bin told Wang Tao about his plan, and Wang Tao became more and more excited.......

Four people were sitting in the private room of the Mudan Pavilion in Shenglong Hotel.

In addition to Lin Rui and his wife, there were two other men, one of whom was Ding Xiaoya's father Ding Peng, and the other was today's guest Zhou Dahai.

Zhou Dahai, who was in his fifties, was now the deputy director of the Zhushan County Finance Bureau. However, at his age, he was only a few years away from retirement, and it was estimated that it would be difficult for him to make further progress.

"Director Zhou, we don't need to worry about Xiaorui's affairs."

"Don't worry, brother Ding, leave this to me."

Ding Peng and Zhou Dahai are childhood friends, and they have always had a good relationship. They settled the matter at the dinner table today.

The four of them were full and Zhou Dahai had something else to do, so they prepared to leave.

Lin Rui had already paid the bill in advance, and now he and Ding Xiaoya were sending Zhou Dahai back.

Zhou Dahai just walked to the door and saw a familiar figure at the cashier. His expression froze, and then he immediately trotted over.

"Director Wang, you are having dinner here too, what a coincidence!"

The four people in Furong Hall also finished their meal. Wang Tao just found an excuse to come out to pay the bill early, but she didn't expect to meet an acquaintance.

Zhou Dahai is the deputy director of the Finance Bureau, and happened to be under Wang Tao before. The two are naturally very familiar with each other. As for the other people, she didn't know them.

Wang Tao glanced at the few people and nodded slightly,"It turns out to be Lao Zhou."

Although Lin Rui and others didn't know Wang Tao, when they heard Zhou Dahai's appearance, they knew that the status of the woman in front of them was not low, at least higher than the position of deputy director of the Finance Bureau.

Seeing that she had paid the bill, Zhou Dahai hurriedly said attentively:"Director Wang, how about I ask someone to drive you first?"

"No, I still have to wait for guests."Wang Tao shook her head and refused.

What kind of guest is so important that Director Wang has to wait here in person?

Zhou Dahai was suspicious and said,"Director Wang's guest must be a distinguished guest from our Zhushan County!"

When he thought of Wang Tao's identity, he guessed that this distinguished guest must be the president of a large enterprise. Zhou Dahai also wanted to meet such a rich man.

As he was talking, a man and a woman walked over here.

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