The beautiful receptionist took a look at the handsome guy in front of her, guessing his identity in her heart, and smiled sweetly,"Hello, sir, do you have an appointment with our General Manager Zhou?"

Unexpectedly, she had to make an appointment to see Zhou Manqing now. Lin Bin smiled and took out his mobile phone,"Forget it, I'll call your General Manager Zhou."

"Hello, Manqing, I'm at the company."

"Oh my God, you're finally back!"

Zhou Manqing complained on the phone, and then a series of rapid tapping sounds came closer and closer. After more than a week, the radiant Zhou Manqing looked a little haggard. When she saw Lin Bin, she said sadly,"If you don't come, the company will go bankrupt."

As she said that, she pulled Lin Bin up and walked towards the office in front of the shocked eyes of the receptionist.

"Mr. Lin, this is your office. Is there anything missing?"

Zhou Manqing led Lin Bin directly to a spacious office.

Although Lin Bin had not been to the company these days, Zhou Manqing would report the progress in a timely manner every day. He knew all the big and small things, but he had not seen them with his own eyes.

The entire office is about fifty or sixty square meters. In addition to desks and chairs, there is a lounge in the back and even a separate bathroom.

Daily necessities are also available. It seems that Zhou Manqing has put a lot of thought into it.

Lin Bin walked around the office, then stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, admired the river view in the distance, and felt proud.

Although he would not come here too many times in the future, Zhou Manqing's serious and responsible attitude made him extremely satisfied.

"Very good, I am very satisfied, thank you for your hard work."

Zhou Manqing was relieved when she heard this,"Boss Lin, let me report to you on the latest progress of the company."

"OK, I'll listen, sit down and talk slowly."Lin Bin sat down on the boss chair, Zhou Manqing sat opposite him.

"The company has currently hired 86 people, most of whom are software development talents. According to the current progress, it is expected that the live broadcast software will be officially launched in three months......."

Zhou Manqing introduced everything in detail, and Lin Bin nodded frequently.

Although it was his first time to be a boss, he quickly adapted to his current position.

Developing a live broadcast software is not complicated, and there are no technical difficulties. Three months is enough to complete it. The real difficulty is how to expand the market.

At present, the company is just starting out, focusing on software development. Zhou Manqing plans to set up a marketing department next to prepare for software promotion.

"Mr. Lin, the software development is going smoothly. As for the live broadcast company you requested, I didn’t have time to recruit people before, but I will definitely complete it within this week.

In addition, as for the 4S store, the site has been preliminarily determined, and I have also sent someone to apply for qualifications from the BMW headquarters. I believe it will be done soon."Zhou Manqing concluded.

The live broadcast company opened for Bitch is relatively simple. It has been renovated now. It is the 4S store that needs some trouble. It is estimated that it will take half a year to officially open for business.

Three months is a sufficient period of time to do other things.

Lin Bin sat up and said with a smile:"There is no rush for this matter. You can leave it to other people. Next, I have a new plan."

Zhou Manqing was stunned and blurted out subconsciously,"Mr. Lin, what are you going to do again?"

This aunt is a bit disobedient. Relying on being favored by me, she dares to challenge me!

Lin Bin twitched the corner of his mouth, coughed lightly, and said:"I plan to set up a film and television company, and at the same time build a film and television base to drive the development of tourism in my hometown......"

Zhou Manqing told him everything about her plan for Zhushan's take-off. She listened quietly, and gradually showed a look of shock in her eyes.

Investing in a film and television company is easy to say, but building a film and television base to promote the development of tourism in Zhushan County is a long-term project, which can take one or two years.

Not only is the investment huge, but there is no return at all in the early stage.

Zhou Manqing took a deep breath and almost popped the buttons of her uniform on her chest."Boss Lin, your idea of not forgetting your original intention is very good. If you have money, you should give it back to your hometown and help your fellow villagers get rich. I really admire this idea."

Seeing that she agreed with his idea and praised him fiercely, Lin Bin was proud in his heart, but he said modestly:"I just do what I can, how can it be as great as you say."

Zhou Manqing nodded and continued:"Boss Lin is very righteous, but you should ask someone else for help on this matter."

What the hell?

The smugness on Lin Bin's face disappeared in an instant,"What do you mean?"

Zhou Manqing smiled bitterly,"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for your appreciation, but I am not a celestial being and cannot bear this heavy responsibility. Now Shuangmu Network alone has exhausted me, and I really cannot set up a film and television company to develop the tourism industry."

Lin Bin smiled awkwardly. He also felt that he was a bit too cruel, using one person as several people.

But the film and television company's business was imperative, so he could only explain,"Although these things seem to be a lot, you don't have to do it yourself. Just recruit more talents."

Zhou Manqing said in a resentful tone,"I only have one mouth, and you have a new idea every day. Even if you recruit people, you can't recruit them all."

This aunt is not honest. She clearly has three mouths, but she says she only has one.

Lin Bin also had a headache. He scratched his scalp and said,"I also know that you are working hard. How about this, your salary will be increased by another 50%"

"This is not a question of money, I just don't have the energy to do it."Zhou Manqing shook her head.

Seeing her lack of fighting spirit, Lin Bin's eyes flickered, and he pondered for a moment, making a plan in his mind.

"Manqing, listen to me."

When Zhou Manqing heard Lin Bin's address, she shuddered and got goose bumps all over her body.���

Lin Bin stood up, walked to the French window, and said to himself:"Even if Shuangmu Network becomes bigger and stronger, the live broadcast industry still has its limitations. It can only reach a scale of tens of billions at most.

Is your goal so small?"

Zhou Manqing was stunned. She didn't expect Lin Bin to say this.

Lin Bin didn't wait for her to speak, and continued:"You are right. In the future, I will get involved in the film and television industry, the gaming industry, the catering industry, the automobile industry, and anything related to eating, drinking, and having fun. I will get involved."

"What I want is not only a listed company, but a big business empire. Don’t you want to get involved?"

Lin Bin turned around and stood in front of the French window, quietly looking at Zhou Manqing on the sofa.

A ray of sunlight outside the window fell on his body, as if he was covered with golden light.

Zhou Manqing was shocked by Lin Bin's goal and couldn't speak for a long time.

After a long time, she frowned and gritted her teeth and said,"I can recommend someone for you about the film and television company."

Lin Bin was overjoyed,"That's great, as long as the two of us work hard, we will definitely achieve great things."

Zhou Manqing also calmed down, knowing that she had been fooled again, but she had an inexplicable confidence in Lin Bin, and always felt that all this could really be realized.

"Don't be too happy, the person I'm talking about is a little weird, and the other party may not agree."

Lin Bin asked curiously,"How weird is it?"

Zhou Manqing didn't know what she remembered, her expression was a little strange, and she finally said a word after a long time,"She likes women"

"What's so strange about this? I like women too!" Lin Bin disagreed.

Zhou Manqing said:"But she is a woman!"

Lin Bin:"......"

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