"Look, isn't that Lin Bin? Why is he here?"

"Didn’t he just resign yesterday? Is he regretting it so soon?"

"And Yang Man, now there's something interesting to watch."

It was still early, and the store had just opened for business. There were almost no customers in the showroom except for the sales staff.

The group of people watched Lin Bin and Yang Man walk in one after another, and they were all waiting to see the show with a mentality of eating spectators.

Lin Bin curled his lips, and his eyes swept over the crowd, taking in their reactions.

After working together for so long, he finally saw the true colors of these people yesterday.

Except for Cheng Ke'er, no one here deserves his sincere treatment.

Soon, he saw Cheng Ke'er standing alone in the corner of the showroom.

Lin Bin strode forward, walked in front of the other party, pretending not to know the other party,"Hello, beautiful woman, I want to buy a car."

Cheng Ke'er was stunned, her beautiful eyes full of confusion.

When she saw Lin Bin just now, she also thought that the other party had changed his mind and wanted to come back to work. She never expected that this guy would suddenly say such a thing.

Not only Cheng Ke'er was stunned, but everyone else was also stunned when they heard Lin Bin's words

"Humph! Still pretending, let's see how long you can keep pretending!"

Yang Man snorted coldly, without lowering her voice at all, as if she wanted everyone to hear her words on purpose.

Everyone looked at each other, secretly wondering in their hearts, could it be that Lin Bin was provoked and borrowed money to pretend to be a rich man?

You know, the cheapest car sold in this store costs more than 200,000, which is really not something that ordinary people can afford.

Cheng Keer frowned, looked at Lin Bin and asked,"What car do you want to buy?"

""Beauty, I heard that Audi Q7 is good, how about you introduce it to me?" Lin Bin pretended not to understand.

When they heard the word Q7, they all understood that he was going to slap her in the face.

As expected, Yang Man was already angry and her face turned blue.

"Humph! A poor bastard like you will never be able to afford it in your lifetime!"

She didn't say this to herself, so her voice was particularly loud.

Lin Bin was unmoved. He looked at Cheng Ke'er and said with a smile,"Beauty, why don't you introduce it to me?"

Cheng Ke'er frowned, not wanting to get involved in such nonsense.

She didn't think Lin Bin could afford the Q7, and the other party had worked here for more than two years and was familiar with all the cars, so he didn't need an introduction at all.

However, as a qualified salesperson, Cheng Ke'er could only take him to the Audi Q7 in the showroom and began to introduce it.

"The price of this Q7 is 690,000......"

"It's only 690,000, so cheap, is there anything more expensive?" Lin Bin asked with a frown.

"Why are you pretending to be so arrogant? You don't even like the Q7. If you have the guts, go buy the R8 that costs over two million yuan!"

Yang Man said sarcastically again

"More than two million, that's about right, then I'll buy an R8."

Lin Bin nodded.

He hadn't planned to buy a Q7 in the first place. When he thought of Boss Wang and Yang Man, he felt it was cheap.

Besides, he wasn't short of money now. For his first car in life, he must buy an expensive one.

Seeing that he was getting more and more outrageous, everyone thought Lin Bin was crazy.

If it was a Q7 worth hundreds of thousands, maybe he could collect the money to pay the fee, and then find a way to return it after pretending to be cool.

But for a car worth more than two million, even the down payment would be hundreds of thousands.

If Lin Bin was really that rich, how could Yang Man run away with a local boss?

""Pah! If you can afford an R8, I'll eat this car."

Yang Man felt that Lin Bin was deliberately humiliating her, and immediately got angry in public.

"Alas, the staff here are of low quality, and they are always trying to cheat for food and drinks."

Lin Bin shook his head and took out the bank card from his pocket,"Beauty, please bring me the contract, I will buy that R8, by the way, the full amount!"

Cheng Keer looked at the bank card he handed over, and was obviously a little stunned.

What does it mean?

"Beauty, don't be stunned, hurry up."

Lin Bin urged again.

Cheng Ke'er came back to her senses and looked at Lin Bin in disbelief, as if she had just met him for the first time.

The next scene made everyone's eyes drop to the ground.

Lin Bin really took the contract and swiped the card directly without even bargaining.

An Audi R8, paid in full, cost a total of 2.28 million.

The key is that he took the card and swiped it successfully and completed the transaction.

Until the payment was completed, Cheng Ke'er seemed to be still dreaming, and the whole process was almost handled by Lin Bin.

It just so happened that there was a car in the store. When Lin Bin took the car key in his hand, everyone woke up from the dream.

This guy, how can he be so rich???

Yang Man had no idea where she had been hiding. When she saw Lin Bin swipe the card successfully, she was dumbfounded.

When she reacted, she left the exhibition hall as soon as possible.

If she continued to stay here, she would be a complete joke. She didn't want the handsome guy who could afford the R8, but she had to be a mistress for a short and fat guy who drove a Q7. Isn't this a joke?

"you...Very rich?"

Cheng Ke'er looked at Lin Bin in front of her and suddenly asked.

Lin Bin looked around and saw that Yang Man had gone somewhere, but others were still paying attention to this side. He deliberately raised his voice and said,"Actually, I'm really rich. I won't pretend anymore. I'm going to show my cards."

Seeing his exaggerated expression, Cheng Ke'er finally couldn't help but burst out laughing.

So beautiful!

This smile was like ice and snow melting and flowers blooming. For a moment, Lin Bin was actually stunned.

After seeing his reaction, Cheng Ke'er immediately put away her smile and returned to her previous appearance,"Sir, your procedures have been completed."

Lin Bin came back to his senses and subconsciously wiped the corners of his mouth. It was not that he was greedy for beauty, but he had never seen such a beautiful smile.

When he thought of this, his heart became hot.

"that...Ke'er, thank you for the pack of cigarettes yesterday....I'll treat you to a meal?"

Cheng Ke'er glanced at him, doubting his motives.

However, when she thought about the fact that Lin Bin had just bought an R8, her commission from this order alone would be tens of thousands.

"Forget it, if I'm going to treat you, it's for me."

"Okay! It's your turn!"

Lin Bin didn't care and agreed immediately.

Cheng Ke'er glanced at the time and said,"It's just past ten o'clock now, how about I wait a while before leaving?"

"It's okay, just think of it as accompanying a client."

Lin Bin meant something.

Previously, Yang Man used the excuse of accompanying a client to skip work for the entire afternoon.

As a result, Boss Wang bought a Q7, and no one said anything.

This time he came to buy a car just to repay Cheng Ke'er for a favor. Now that the car has been bought, Lin Bin doesn't want to stay here.

As for a woman like Yang Man, she is not worth his attention at all.

"OK, wait a minute, I'll go change my clothes."

Cheng Ke'er nodded, and didn't say much.

Soon, Cheng Ke'er returned again after changing into casual clothes.

In full view of the public, Lin Bin drove the Audi R8 and left the 4S store with the beauty.

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