I washed myself before going out, how could this guy still smell it?

Although Lin Bin felt a little guilty, he still said stubbornly:"What are you talking about? Be careful or I will sue you for defamation."

"Bah! I've been with more women than you've ever seen. I can tell you smell like a woman just by smelling you." Xia Mo looked at Lin Bin with disdain. Not only did this guy cheat, but he didn't even dare to admit it. He's such a coward.

Lin Bin lowered his head and smelled it, but he didn't smell anything. Naturally, he refused to admit it."You must have smelled it wrong. I just sprayed some perfume on myself. How can you smell like a woman?"

"I will tell you directly then, and see how you can still be so stubborn."

"Haha, you don't have any evidence."

Seeing Lin Bin's fearless look, Xia Mo was immediately furious and said to herself that she must find something to hold against him.

"Ahem, well, it's time for us to get down to business. You asked me to come here today, what's your plan?" Lin Bin didn't dare to force him and quickly changed the subject.

Xia Mo could only swallow her anger and temporarily write down this matter in her small notebook,"What other plans can I have? It all depends on your performance at that time." When it came to the real thing, Lin Bin was a little scared,"Old Xia, does your grandfather have any objection to us doing this?"

"My old man has passed away a long time ago, what could he have any objection to?"Xia Mo curled her lips.

So she is a widow!

If that's the case, then she won't have any psychological burden.

Lin Bin was completely relieved,"Okay, I'll do whatever you say."

Xia Mo didn't speak in a hurry, and walked around Lin Bin, looking him up and down, and then said:"Can you ride a horse?"

Lin Bin was shocked,"I'm not only good at riding a horse, I can also be an infantryman or artilleryman!"

"I'm talking about a serious horse, what are you thinking about?"Xia Mo frowned and looked at

""Ahem, I'm not really good at that." Lin Bin said shamelessly.

Xia Mo asked again:"What sports are you good at? Skiing, rock climbing, or golf?"

Lin Bin asked tentatively:"Does exercise in bed count?"

"What do you think?" Xia Mo was so angry,"You are a billionaire, but you are a loser."

Lin Bin felt embarrassed,"The term 'lose' is a bit too much, I am just good at something different from others."

"What else do you have besides your tough talk?"

My toughest thing is not my tough talk!

Lin Bin complained in his heart, and said,"Tell me about your stepmother first. Why does she have to know how to exercise?"

When it comes to business, Xia Mo's attitude is much more serious.

It turns out that her stepmother is called Li Anni. She was originally the old man's secretary. The two have been running a large company abroad.

A year ago, Xia Mo's father was critically ill and handed over almost all the company's affairs to Li Anni. The two even got a marriage certificate.

But soon, the old man passed away, and Li Anni inherited a large sum of inheritance.

According to Xia Mo, not long after Lao Wang died, Li Anni began to contact all kinds of men.

At first, Xia Mo didn't care, but she didn't expect Li Anni to get worse and even bring men home.

However, those men didn't seem to win Li Anni's favor and were soon abandoned.

This cycle went on and on, and Xia Mo couldn't stand it anymore, so she wanted Lin Bin to get close to that woman and teach her a lesson at the same time.

"From what I've observed, the men that woman has been in contact with are all strong and have some sports skills. You don't know anything now, so how can you attract her attention?"

Xia Mo looked like she was disappointed with Lin Bin and wanted to pull him out and whip him.

"That's not necessarily true!" Lin Bin's eyes rolled and he said,"Since you said that, the woman has looked for so many people before, but none of them persisted, so it's still not to her taste. Maybe, if we change the routine, she will like it."

Xia Mo was stunned. After listening to Lin Bin's words, it seemed to make some sense,"Then what are your specialties?""

Does my second brother's specialties count?

Lin Bin muttered in his heart, of course he didn't dare to say it out loud,"Well, you don't have to worry about this matter, the mountain people have their own tricks."

Xia Mo was suspicious. She really couldn't see what Lin Bin was capable of, and she didn't know where his confidence came from.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I have a lot of experience with women."

Xia Mo still remained skeptical,"Why do I still not believe it?"

Lin Bin said nonsense:"You don't like men, so you naturally can't see my charm."

He was not sure at all, he was just fooling Xia Mo.

After hearing what she said just now, Lin Bin naturally didn't have a good impression of the woman named Li Anni.

He was a rich man, why did he take the bus!

When the time comes, the worst that can happen is to spend a little more money, invite the woman to have a few meals, and then go shopping together, and that's it.

Anyway, by that time, the film and television company should have been opened, and if Xia Mo really didn't want to stay, he wouldn't be afraid

"By the way, I've done this for you, how are you going to deal with the film and television company?" Lin Bin urged worriedly.

Xia Mo was still thinking about Li Anni's matter, and being interrupted by him, she temporarily diverted her attention."I have two options now. The first is to take it step by step and recruit people to set up a company. The second is to directly spend money to acquire a film and television company, and then confirm the investment project.……"

There is no doubt that the second method is faster, and he has plenty of money.

Lin Bin raised his hand to interrupt Xia Mo,"Then let's just choose the second one."

Xia Mo nodded,"Then you should be prepared. If you buy it directly, it will definitely be a lot more expensive."

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about the money. As long as there is a suitable company, get it as soon as possible."Lin Bin made a decision directly.

When Zhou Manqing returned to Jiangcheng, she was also responsible for setting up an investment company. As long as the film and television company was confirmed, Lin Bin could do both.

After the two discussed the matter, they began to act separately.

Xia Mo contacted the film and television companies first to see which one was more suitable for acquisition. After getting preliminary results, she would notify Lin Bin.

Before leaving, she also sent Lin Bin a bunch of information, all related to Li Anni.

Lin Bin patted his chest and promised, then returned to his residence.

"Let me see what this stepmother looks like first!"

After returning to his residence, Lin Bin directly turned on his mobile phone and checked

"She looks really good!"

Although Li Anni is 35 years old, she is well maintained, with fair skin, beautiful face, long legs, and the added bonus of being a widow. She is simply the best.

After just one look, Lin Bin's eyes lit up, and then he read the information again, knowing what he was talking about, and then left the villa.

This time, he decided to really challenge his weakness!

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