Xia Mo's chest swelled up again and again, and she couldn't bring herself to ask for money.

Lin Bin felt a little uncomfortable with her strange look. He made an exaggerated expression on his face and joked,"Hey, Old Xia, what's that look? Are you attracted to me?"

""Tsk! What are you dreaming about!" Xia Mo said disdainfully,"I warn you, it's best not to do anything to Li Anni."

Lin Bin suddenly became interested, and approached her slyly and said,"Old Xia, you are not going to steal from the company and finish the work that your old man didn't do, are you?"

Although Li Anni and Xia Yutang are nominally husband and wife, there is no extraordinary behavior between the two.

It is possible that Xia Mo, the female hooligan, could really take this piece of fat meat.

"Is that the only thing on your mind all day long?" Xia Mo said with disdain.

Seeing her look, Lin Bin felt a little embarrassed and coughed lightly,"Yes, you are great, you are noble, if you have the ability, don't flirt with girls here.

Hurry up and settle the matters of the film and television company, I am in a hurry to go back to see Manqing."

When Zhou Manqing was mentioned, Xia Mo suddenly lost her temper, and when she looked at Lin Bin, she kept grinding her teeth, as if she wanted to bite him.

Lin Bin, on the other hand, had a proud look on his face, as if he had won a battle.

After using his words to control the other party, and taking advantage of his rolling eyes, he turned his head contentedly and began to look for new targets in the crowd.

But the next moment, a familiar figure suddenly came into view, and the proud smile on Lin Bin's face froze.

"Isn't this Leng Yiza? Why is she here?"

Lin Bin looked through the crowd and saw Leng Yiza, who was wearing a black tight skirt and dressed very brightly, sitting in a booth not far away.

At this moment, Leng Yiza was talking and laughing with a young man, which made him frown immediately.

Although this woman was not a big star, it was her first time to communicate with him before, so Lin Bin also planned to recruit her.

But he didn't expect that she was now hooking up with another man.

"What? Did you see someone you know?"

Xia Mo noticed that Lin Bin's face looked strange, and she followed his gaze and saw a beautiful woman, but she didn't recognize her identity.

Lin Bin's face was gloomy, and he shook his head and said,"It's okay."

""Tsk! You said it was okay, but you look so gloomy, could it be that someone stole your woman?" Xia Mo looked gloating. Lin

Bin suppressed his anger and said,"What do you mean by stealing? It's her freedom to do whatever she wants."

Although he said these angry words, his eyes were always on Leng Yiza, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"You men are all the same, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot. I advise you not to provoke too many women, otherwise you won't be able to finish plowing the fields at home, and there are many people willing to help."

Xia Mo said this without any intention of teasing, but more like admonishing.

Lin Bin had a cold face and said nothing.

The next moment, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Leng Yiza stood up suddenly, as if turning around to leave.

The young man on the seat suddenly made a quick move, and took out something and put it in her wine glass.

Then the man stood up, picked up the wine glass and handed it to Leng Yiza.

Because the music in the bar was too loud, Lin Bin couldn't hear clearly what the two said, but seeing Leng Yiza hesitated for a moment and finally took the wine glass, he couldn't help it anymore.

Men can be lustful, but they can't be vulgar.

If Leng Yiza went with that man voluntarily, he wouldn't care at all. But if the other party used such despicable means, that would not do.

What's more, this is his own bar. If such a thing really happens, it will also affect future business.

Guo Lixuan watched Leng Yiza take over the bar from him, with a hint of pride on his lips.

As the young master of Tianma Entertainment Media Company, he has used his status to pick up girls over the years, and the ones he succeeded in are all stars in the entertainment industry.

A few days ago, Guo Lixuan accidentally met Leng Yiza through a few friends in the circle, and was immediately shocked by her beauty.

Although this woman is just a second-rate star , but her figure is first-rate.

After learning that Leng Yiza had not had any announcements for almost a year, Guo Lixuan immediately came up with an idea and invited her to the modu bar on the pretext of a play date.

Who would have thought that this woman would not get it.

No matter what conditions he offered, Leng Yiza always maintained a polite attitude. After figuring out the situation, she even got up and left, unwilling to stay any longer.

Guo Lixuan had encountered many such situations before, so he was prepared.

While Leng Yiza was not paying attention, he quickly put a pill in the other's glass.

This pill is very effective and can be seen in just ten minutes. It will be effective. Then, she can just take the person to the hotel, and do whatever she wants without anyone noticing.

By the way, she can take some short videos and use the other party as a long-term artillery.

Even if the other party wants to regret it after waking up the next day, she can only swallow such a shameful thing.

At most, she can find a small character to get rid of the person easily.

Seeing that Leng Yiza had raised the wine glass to her lips, Guo Lixuan showed a greedy look, and all his attention was on the other party's seductive body.

At this moment, a big hand suddenly appeared and grabbed Leng Yiza's wrist.

Leng Yiza was stunned, looked up at the person who came, and was immediately shocked,"Bin..."...Bingo......"

Lin Bin said nothing and took the wine glass from her hand.

"Who the hell are you?"Guo Lixuan was furious when he saw that his good deeds were ruined by others.

"Get out of here!" Lin Bin was already furious, so he was naturally rude.

Guo Lixuan was furious, pointed at Lin Bin and cursed,"Boy, do you know who I am?"

"I don't give a fuck who you are!" Lin Bin picked up the wine glass and sniffed it, then looked at Guo Lixuan with a bad face,"Either get out of here now, or I'll call the police and they'll come and take you away."

Seeing this, Guo Lixuan immediately realized that he had been seen when he drugged her.

His little trick just now was not presentable, and if he was caught in the act, he would definitely go to jail.

However, he was a little unwilling to just leave like that, so he could only feel guilty and say stubbornly,"Yiza, let's go to another place and don't bother with this lunatic."

Leng Yiza ignored Guo Lixuan and looked at the angry Lin Bin, trembling with fear,"Brother Bin, I...There's really nothing between him and me."

Hearing her words, Lin Bin's anger subsided a little.

Although he didn't know what was going on, looking at the situation just now, Leng Yiza was obviously not willing.

However, this woman didn't stay at home honestly, but came out to the bar with others, and almost got cheated. She was so stupid.

Seeing that the two seemed to know each other, Guo Lixuan's face became even uglier,"Leng Yiza, as long as you come with me now, the company's next new play will let you be the number one heroine. I promise to do what I say."

"Stupid! Go back and let your mother be the leading lady"

"you..."Guo Lixuan was so angry that he couldn't speak. He wanted to take action, but when he saw Lin Bin, who was 1.8 meters tall, he didn't have the courage.

The commotion here quickly attracted the attention of many people. When Lin Bin left, Xia Mo followed him.

At this time, Guo Lixuan was feeling a little embarrassed, and when he saw Xia Mo just walking over, his eyes suddenly lit up.

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