The sun gradually set in the west, and the afterglow of the sunset was reflected on the horizon, and the sea and the sky merged into one color.

Lin Bin used all his martial arts to try to blend in with the three women. After a lot of jokes, he finally got close to them.

"Old Xia, is that a birthmark? Let me take a look."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand in front of the leopard print.

With a snap! Xia Mo slapped his hand away and said with disgust:"Get lost, I'm not interested in you."

Damn, this woman is so alert.

Lin Bin smiled embarrassedly,"I'll just take a look at the birthmark......"

Xia Mo couldn't help but rolled her eyes. She seemed to have thought of something, so she pulled Leng Yiza up and said,"Yiza, let's go eat something.""

"Huh? I'm not hungry......."Leng Yiza , who looked confused, had no time to resist and was directly pulled up by her.

Li Anni was about to get up when she saw this, but Xia Mo turned back and teased her,"Don't leave, stay and watch this rich man, otherwise he will cheat on us."

Li Anni blushed and had to sit down.

This woman is quite tactful!

Lin Bin was delighted. After Xia Mo and Leng Yiza left the splint, he was no longer polite and took the initiative to sit next to Li Anni.

""Sister Annie, how long will it take you to come back after this trip abroad?"

Hearing his question, Li Annie felt melancholy in her heart, and she forced a smile,"I don't know either, let's see how the company is doing then."

Lin Bin only knew that Xia Mo's father had set up a big company abroad, and now the company seemed to be having some problems, but he didn't know the specific situation.

Seeing that Li Annie didn't say much, he didn't ask much.

Looking at that snow-white skin and great mind, Lin Bin immediately became eager,"Sister Annie, your skin is so good, don't get tanned, or I can help you apply some sunscreen."

Li Annie looked up at the setting sun, with a reproachful expression on her face, but finally nodded in agreement.

She lay down on the plywood, and Lin Bin took a sideways look.

The two peaks were deformed by the pressure, which was really distressing.

I really want to hold them in my palms and take good care of them.

""Sister Annie, here I come!"

Lin Bin smiled and immediately took out the sunscreen and started applying it.


Li Anni exclaimed

""What happened to Sister Annie?" Lin Bin was stunned and asked with concern.


Li Anni was lying on the splint, her pretty face blushing, not daring to raise her head.

Lin Bin looked down quickly, and it turned out that when he was distracted just now, he accidentally showed his advantage of understanding people's clothes.

Somehow, he untied the belt of people's clothes. Fortunately,

Li Anni was lying down now, otherwise the thin bra would be blown away by the wind.

"Ahem, the quality of this belt is not good, let me help you tie it." Lin Bin also blushed a little, and tied a bow in a hurry.

After realizing that the belt on her back was fastened, Li Anni immediately sat up with a red face,"Abin, let's chat?"


Lin Bin is only good at undressing. When he tied the belt just now, he didn't control the strength well, causing the fabric on Li Anni's chest to slide down a little, revealing a large area of snow-white.

Li Anni felt his burning gaze and could only pretend to be calm and stroked her hair,"Abin, can I trouble you for something?"

Lin Bin was stunned and asked curiously,"Sister Anni, just tell me if you have anything. I will do my best if I can."

Li Anni nodded,"I don't know how long I will stay abroad this time.

Momo just cooperated with a boss to set up a film and television company, and she can't leave for the time being. I wonder if you can help me take care of her if you have time?"

It seems that she doesn't know that the boss Xia Mo is talking about is herself!

Lin Bin agreed immediately,"Don't worry about this, Lao Xia and I are friends. If she has something, I will definitely take care of her."

"Then I feel relieved."

Li Anni was not optimistic about the situation of the foreign company. Xia Mo asked her to borrow money from Lin Bin, but she couldn't say it.

After all, it was more than one billion. Even if she could borrow the money, she was not sure she could pay it back.

Now that Lin Bin promised to help her take care of Xia Mo, she was relieved.

But for some reason, when she thought about not being able to see this big boy for a long time, she felt a little inexplicably lost.

For so many years, Li Anni came here alone and never had a heartbeat.

But when facing this big boy who was much younger than her, she suddenly lost her mind.

It can only be said that fate is a kind of Something indescribable.

A gust of sea breeze blew by, and Li Anni suddenly took the initiative to lean on Lin Bin's shoulder.

Lin Bin's body stiffened, as if he had sensed her thoughts, and slowly stretched out his hand, naturally hugging Li Anni's shoulders.

Although it is every man's nature to like beautiful women, he is also well-informed and not so greedy.

However, Lin Bin always has an indescribable feeling about Li Anni.

Perhaps it is the damn possessiveness that makes a voice in his heart always shout loudly, don't miss it.

The last ray of sunset stretched the shadows of the two people very long.....

Night began to fall, and the four finally returned to the dock.

Seeing that it was time for dinner, Lin Bin was naturally not stingy. He took the three girls to a Hunan restaurant and picked some dishes that Li Anni liked.

Although the restaurant was small and the prices were very cheap, everyone had a great time.

After eating and drinking, the four of them dispersed.

Lin Bin originally wanted to take Leng Yiza back to his residence, but the other party insisted on going to the hotel, so he could only return to Tomson Yipin alone.

As soon as he got home, his cell phone rang.

When he picked it up, it turned out to be Xia Mo calling.

Lin Bin picked up the phone curiously,"What's wrong, Lao Xia, you miss me so soon?"

Xia Mo said viciously:"Miss your head! Did Li Anni tell you something?"

It was not known whether she was thinking about Big Head or Little Head.

Lin Bin pouted and said,"Yes."

Xia Mo asked anxiously,"Then have you agreed?"

Lin Bin said,"I agreed!"

There was a bit more joy in Xia Mo's voice,"You still have���Conscience, when will you transfer the money?"

"Wait! What money do you want to transfer?" Lin Bin was confused.

On the other end of the phone, Xia Mo was obviously stunned,"You don't know? What did Li Anni tell you?"

Lin Bin said,"Sister Anni is afraid that you will be too lonely after going abroad, so she asked me to take care of you. Don't worry, if you need me, I can sacrifice myself for you at any time."

Xia Mo roared,"Sacrifice for your uncle! The company abroad has financial problems and now needs more than one billion, otherwise it is likely to go bankrupt. I asked Li Anni to borrow money from you. Didn't she tell you about this?"

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment and subconsciously said,"Borrow money? Sister Anni really didn't tell me about this."

Xia Mo only realized at this moment that Li Anni didn't ask for money at all.

However, since the words have come to this point, she didn't hide it,"Today, I've risked my life to accompany you for the whole afternoon, just tell me whether you want to lend me the money or not?"

No wonder Old Xia was so discerning today, it turned out to be for borrowing money.

Lin Bin only then reacted,"How much money do you want to borrow?"

""Five hundred million!" Xia Mo thought for two seconds and gave a number.

Fifteen hundred million? It's not much.

However, borrowing money is not such a simple matter.

Lin Bin raised his eyebrows and was silent for a moment.

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