God of Wine

Chapter 130: Tyrant V Thunder Emperor

From an inner point of view, Ferry hoped that Ji Dong could accompany him to the battlefield of the holy capital this time. There is no doubt that Ji Dong, who instantly killed Ji Yifeng a year ago, will definitely become his powerful arm on the battlefield. But he also understands Ji Dong's position in the heart of Master Zu x Master. There are unpredictable dangers on the holy and evil battlefield, who can say what will happen?

Therefore, when Teng Snake and Yin Zhaorong were arguing, Fu Rui did not participate in the opinion. At this time, Ji Ji moved in front of him, and he never had the idea of ​​letting go. What a joke, throwing water in front of two venerable masters, isn't that just asking for fun?

, Junior Brother, please. "Fury shouted loudly. The upper body of ** was immediately covered with a layer of blue-purple brilliance, and the sound of crackling thunder and lightning could be heard from time to time. As a senior brother, his cultivation base is so different, of course he can't be the first to do it. He gave Ji Dong the first opportunity.

Ji Dong took a deep breath, his whole body seemed to swell a little with this breath, the white light on the surface of the skin suddenly became stronger, and the pieces of Suzaku inner armor in the form of phoenix feathers came out quietly , covering the whole body. At this time, he no longer needs to be taught by Lie Yan to use Suzaku's inner armor! To activate the spell to release it, you only need to fuse your thoughts with the Suzaku inner armor branded inside the skin, and it can be released in an instant. At the same time, its own magic power communicated with Suzaku's inner armor.

Two-color black and gold, four crowns and three and a half stars, the Yin-Yang crown representing the forty-seventh-level Binghuo Grandmaster appeared above Ji Dong's head. The black-gold extreme twin flames that rose up along with it didn't rise up on their own as before, but circled around Ji Dong's body. This is a natural change that occurred after Ji Dong's magic power was released after breaking through the realm of the four crowns. The ultimate twin fires appeared, and the magical elements in the sky suddenly became richer. An invisible violent breath spread.

Ji Dong's eyes turned from cold to hot, and his own arrogance and this firesmith's ruthlessness formed a perfect fusion almost instantly. Although his figure is far less tall than Fu Rui, but at this moment, the aura he exudes is like the arrival of a king, and his momentum is even taller. This is a violent king, a generation of tyrants.

Ji moved his hands up slowly with the flames swirling around his side, his extremely coordinated body suddenly shook, and in an instant, one gold flew and the other black, two halos appeared from time to time, the Suzaku stared and the snake stared coldly, unexpectedly It was at this moment that the yin and yang double fire condensed magic circle was released.

When Lu released Suzaku's inner armor and spread his wings, Ji Dong's aura had already been raised to the level of a five-crown magician, and he was a five-crown magician with the ultimate double fire. At this time, as soon as the double fire system condensed magic circle came out, his whole aura was immediately pushed up Kuifeng. Lei Di Fu Rui's complexion also became dignified this time.

For more than a year, the two brothers and sisters can say that Lan has practiced independently. Although Fu Rui knows that Ji Dong is constantly growing, he doesn't know how far his cultivation base has fallen. At this time, when he really faced his little junior brother, he realized that with the advantages of his own attributes and the help of the Five Elements Array, Ji Dong was already able to rely on his own strength to fight against Liuguantian without the help of the eclipsing phoenix. Sergeant-level strong.

Fury couldn't help but said: "Little brother,

Your progress is astonishing. Come on, let me see your five-element magic circle. "

"Senior brother, be careful." Ji Dong shouted loudly, kicked on the ground with strides, and the whole person jumped out as if gliding close to the ground. The wings of Suzaku spread out behind it, and it looked like the coiled ultimate twin flames were clinging to the ground. Like flying.

With his arms stretched out on both sides of his body, Ji Dong's eyes were already full of strong fighting intent, even if he was facing Lei Di Fu Rui, he didn't have the slightest cowardice in his heart. Both hands were swung close to the ground at the same time, gold and black, two flames shot at the same time, bringing two dazzling light tails on the ground, and went straight to Fury.

It is Mingyang Yan, the skill of the Flame King, and Dark Moon Yan, the skill of the Dark Flame Demon King.

Ming Yangyan and An Yueyan can use the skills of mutual generation and mutual restraint. They look exactly the same, but they represent different flames, but their power and effect are completely different.

Seeing Ji Ji attacking, Fu Rui raised his right hand and let out a loud shout. It seemed that it was just a grasp of the void, and there was already a blue-purple lightning coiled thunder ball in his palm. The Seven Crowns and the Yang Crown appeared brazenly with the brilliance of thunder and lightning.

The thunderball shot out violently, not caring about the two extreme flames flying close to the ground, but went straight to Ji Dong and bombarded it.

The moment the thunder ball came out, the air in Ji Dong's eyes was completely distorted, and even Fu Rui's figure seemed to be distorted. The power of thunder and lightning interfered and disconnected instantly.

The attack of the magic skill needs the mind to point the bow. Without the magic skill of pointing the bow, how can it hit the opponent?

Obviously, all of this was caused by the thunder ball in Fury's hand, but only n shots, the Thunder Emperor forcibly reversed the situation of the second hand, making Ji Dong's advantage of taking the first shot disappeared.

The strength of the seven-crown celestial master-level powerhouse is fully displayed.

Faced with such a situation, Ji Dong didn't panic, his body still didn't stop for a moment, and continued to rush in the original direction. At the same time, with his hands together, Ming Yangyan and An Yueyan, who were flying close to the ground, suddenly changed direction, and at the same time moved towards The opponent rushed away.

The moment when the golden and black ultimate fires suddenly condensed was the moment when the thunder ball flew over them.

Boom, an incomparably violent roar sounded on the beach, and a huge pillar of fire rose into the sky, flying in all directions in a radioactive manner.

The thunder ball fired by Ying Rui was actually exploded in this huge pillar of fire, and the violent roar again seemed to help make the extreme flame boil even more violently. twist in the air

In this powerful explosive force, there is nothing left.

"Okay." Lei Di Fu Rui shouted, his figure has been revealed. Ji Dong relied on the attack that had already been used to generate a combination skill effect to just break his sky thunder bead, and he had reached a certain level in the lure of Lu Zuofei's magic power of the magic skill.

All of this happened almost instantaneously. Facing the shock wave of the explosion, Ji Dong didn't pause for a moment. Just as Fury yelled out good words, he had already rushed out of the flames and came to Fury.

Everyone watching the battle could clearly see that when Ji Dong was facing the shock wave, his body twisted slightly, his wings retracted behind his back, and he slid through like a spirit snake, trying to reduce the impact of the shock wave on his body as much as possible. The speed will be reduced in the slightest.

Teng Snake not only laughed when he saw this, there is no doubt that what Ji Dong used was the Huali technique he taught.

The battle situation in front of him has undergone subtle changes. Since Ji Dong was not affected by the shock wave in that direction, it caused that when he rushed to Fury, Fury was resisting the shock wave. Facing the shock wave of the previous explosion and Ji Dong's close attack.

When Ji Dong got out of the flames, Fu Rui was startled, but after all, he is worthy of being the most powerful primary disciple in the history of Yin Yang Academy. His whole body was full of lightning, and his body suddenly shook like a dragon shaking its armor. Countless strong thunder and lightning It exploded in an instant, and Ji Dong only felt his eyes brighten. The glaring light made him have to close his eyes, but his left hand with sticky black flames had already been grabbed.

Crackling, a bang, at this moment, Fury seemed to have completely turned into a thunderbolt, his body was shining with dazzling brilliance, and his whole body was like a transparent thunderbolt, Ji Dong's dark moon claw was violently shaken From then on, he only felt numb for a while, and then, a huge force had counterattacked like a landslide and tsunami. The instant thunder and lightning on Shu Rui's body seemed to be completely introduced into his body.

This is Pry Rui's unique skill of integrating offense and defense, Lei Guangyao Body.

Not only has the shock wave generated by the previous magic explosion been completely offset by his thunder body, but Ji Dong's dark moon claws have been swung up, and the power of thunder and lightning shown on Fu Rui's body is also crazily covering Ji Dong.

Once it is completely invaded by the power of lightning on this Lei Guangyao body, no matter how strong it is, it will be paralyzed for at least three seconds.

In three seconds, for Lei Di, there are at least one hundred deduction methods to instantly destroy the opponent. Relying on this technique of Lei Guangyao Body, Fury has killed countless opponents. Even Yin Zhaorong once praised Lei Guangyao's body as the strongest skill under the nirvana.

Teng Snake was already shaking his head, Yin Zhaorong frowned, and Zhu Yan even sighed. In their view, the gap in strength was too great after all. Only Yin Chaoyang, Yiri looks like the old god Fei with an indifferent face. It seems that he doesn't care about everything that is happening in front of him.

Even Pry Rui himself thought that the battle was over, seven crowns against four crowns, in his opinion, such an ending could not be more normal. You know, Fury asked himself, with the strength of his seven crowns, he would still have the strength to fight against an opponent with eight crowns. No matter how talented the little junior is, his cultivation is still too far behind.

Is it really over? Hu Jidong doesn't think so. In his opinion, this battle has just begun.

The glare was too dazzling to be able to see, his left hand was shaken up again, and the huge thunder and lightning hit him everywhere. For all of this, Ji Dong was not affected in any way, and he did not make any resistance movements. His reaction was, There is only one, and that is attack.

The left hand was swung up, and the right hand, the most proficient Lieyang Bite, had exploded instantly with extremely strong golden charcoal. At this moment, the Yin-Yang crown above Ji Dong's head had turned into a golden Yang crown, and all the flames on his body were radiant. It disappeared in an instant, completely condensed on one point of his right fist, and in the two formations behind him, the Yanghuo condensed magic circle radiated bright light, and faintly, there seemed to be the sound of the crowing of a vermilion bird and a phoenix.

"Huh?" Fu Rui was stunned for a moment. He didn't think there was any point in Ji Dong's actions. When the thunder and lightning entered his body, Ji Dong would be paralyzed all over. How could this attack be powerful?

Ji Dong told Fu Rui with the facts that his idea was completely wrong.

Milky white luster flows on Suzaku's inner armor, each feather-like scale seems to come alive, slightly rhythmic, and the enveloping thunder and lightning rush towards the face, just as it came into contact with the Suzaku's inner armor, unexpectedly It was reflected and scattered, and there was no trace of lightning that could really invade Ji Dong's body.

Lei Guangyao Body is indeed a powerful skill, which can make the opponent temporarily lose their visual ability and integrate offense and defense. However, it has a flaw, which was judged by Ji Dong in an instant. That's the distributed nature of the attack.

Ji Dong has never thought that defense is needed in battle, only offense is what he needs, but it does not mean that he will only attack blindly. After such a long period of training, he has already mastered Suzaku's transformation like a finger, and he is very clear about the extent of the defense he can bear. Although the Lightning Radiant Body would bring him an energy shock, the lightning attribute was not enough to break through the defense of his Suzaku inner armor.

Naturally, Fu Rui wouldn't let Ji Dong punch him like this, with his right hand across his chest, and his palm collided with Ji Dong's fist. In an instant, the width of Fury's right hand turned into a transparent blue-purple. It didn't look like a palm at all, but more like an energy body formed by the condensed elements of thunder.

There was a bang, and Fury remained motionless, while Ji Dong's body was flying upside down. At the moment of flying upside down, his arm flicked, dispelling most of the momentum. At the same time, while raising his upper body, he kicked Fury's chin.

Fury still only used his right hand, slapped down, slapped Ji Dong's feet away, and at the same time turned his wrist over, and went straight to Ji Dong in a claw shape. With a bang of thunder, with Pry Rui's body in the foreground, the air behind him turned completely blue-purple. On this seaside beach, it seemed like a thundercloud descended. With this claw, five Dao Leiting echoed out, condensed into a giant thunder claw, and directly grabbed Ji Dong's body.

Compared with the giant flaming claws used by Huang Liming back then, Fury's blow was much, much stronger. The suction force possessed by the thunder and lightning made Ji Dong's body sluggish in mid-air, and the speed of the thunder and lightning was much faster than the flame. It was almost just a flash of light, and the giant thunder and lightning claws had already reached in front of Ji Dong.

Zhu Yan swallowed a mouthful of procrastination, and murmured: "Ke Rui, this kid, is already so strong. It seems that even if he doesn't ride Zilei Yaotianlong, I may not be his opponent! "

Yin Chaoyang gave him a flat look, "Is it an honor?"

Zhu Yan's expression froze, and he quickly turned his gaze to the battlefield, not daring to speak again.

At this time, the situation Ji Dong was facing was more difficult than before. The thunder and lightning giant claws were close to his body, and he was in the air, even if he wanted to dodge, it was extremely difficult.

However, don't forget that he also has a pair of wings, wings capable of alley-oop.

Suzaku's wings spread out suddenly. Facing the giant lightning claws that were bigger than his own body, Ji moved his wings down, and the sun crown above his head burst into dazzling golden light, and his whole body spun violently with the help of his wings.

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