God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1070: Killing Demon

"Who are you!"

Jiang Chen seldom showed a panic, except today.

His eyes stared at Shangguan Yunhe in horror.

At this time, Shangguan Yunhe greeted Jiang Chen without fear, with a horrible and sinister smile on his face!

And in Jiang Chen's pupils, there was a set of data reflected!

【Monster Name】: Killing Heart Demon

[Monster level]: Level 70 (king level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attributes]: Demon/Spirit

【Monster State】: Evil

[Character of Monster Beast]: A kind of demon parasitic in the heart of killing, possessing the ability to control the human heart

The Heart of Killing is extremely powerful, possessing the abilities of disguise, parasitism, bewitching brainwashing, mental interference, etc.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There is 1 evolution route...

"It... It's not Shangguan Yunhe at all!"

Jiang Chen trembled.

Everyone was silly.


Shangguan Fanxing murmured.

"It's not Daddy... how is it possible?"

Jiang Chen's expression immediately became serious!

With a big wave of his hand, he immediately summoned all the monsters!

"It's a slaughter heart demon! A monster parasitic in Shangguan Yunhe's body!"

Shangguan kitten heard it and said immediately.

"It's the inner demon? How could the inner demon come to reality?!"

Shangguan kitten now has a cold back.

That killing demon laughed evilly, and the horrible haze instantly enveloped everyone!

The shadows were shrouded, everyone instantly fell into the illusion of the heart, including the beast, all unable to move!

This is the power of the inner demon.

Create illusions in people's hearts. If you can't defeat the heart demon in the predicament, you will be parasitized by the heart demon!

Shangguan Kitten once experienced that in the ancient battlefield on the 9th floor of the Storm Tower, he was affected by the ancient war and spurred the killing spirit.

It was a terrifying memory!

Fortunately, Shangguan Xiaoxiao had no greed and no intention of killing in his heart, so he escaped!

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Yunhe, who is a Shangguan clan, did not resist the temptation of the demons!

At this time, everyone was in a illusion and couldn't help themselves!

But "Shangguan Yunhe"'s figure suddenly distorted and changed, like a cloud of mud, wriggling and reshaping, transforming into a black robe human figure.

If anyone from the Shangguan family saw this black robe figure, they would definitely exclaim.

"Is this person the first elder of my family?!"

Even if everyone in this world breaks their heads, it is impossible to think that Shangguan Yunhe Yan's obedient Shangguan family elder is a demon!

The mind demon swayed and turned into a solid body: The magnetic shackles in his hands also broke free and fell to the ground.


Under the black robe, two weird spots of light broke out!

The big mouths of ghostly fangs slowly opened, making a weird shuddering laughter.


"At this time, you can receive the killing souls of seven or eight overlords!"

"Being parasitic in Shangguan Yunhe's ambition, it's so profitable!"

I saw the killing demon swaying among the people in Chang'an.

A bright red tongue sticks out of the terrifying fangs!


The tongue was spinning around Li Xiaofu's big fat face, and the drool was dripping, it was extremely sticky!

"Hehehe! It's still fat and tender!"

When the demons speak, they are no different from vampires!

In the eyes, there is the light of greed.

If this were put on Li Xiaofu's peace, it would have been a sap on it!

But at this time, Li Xiaofu was trapped in the illusion of his heart, unable to extricate himself from it, and he couldn't take into account the fact that his heart would do whatever he wanted!

Looking at Jiang Chen, his eyes were dull.

In the illusion, Jiang Chen is experiencing the pioneer battle royale, embarrassed on all sides, blood pouring!

And Li Xiaofu frowned, he was going through an adoption event organized by the orphanage.

Every qualified couple walked in front of him and looked at her chubby body with disgust.

Li Xiaofu felt extremely inferior in his heart.

Tang Shishi was crying softly.

In the illusion in her heart, Jiang Chen and his father led soldiers to attack the Borderlands, and died in battle.

Wang Sicong rushed his head in anger.

He is experiencing all the unwillingness when he was driven out by the Wang family.

Seeing this, the heart demon was so refreshed!

It can't wait to speak and swallow someone.

At this moment, a strange voice came.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"Women are delicious too, with fine skin and tender meat!"

The voice was low and hoarse, ghastly.

The Killing Demon suddenly became nervous.

Turning his head violently, I saw a vortex of evil spirits rolling in.

A hideous strange face appeared in the pitch black magic fog!

Accompanied by the howling of ghosts and wolfs, a strange triangular face came out of the black fog.

If Jiang Chen's thinking was not controlled, he would recognize it at a glance.

It is the clown king who came!

Before the heart demon could react, the clown had already transformed his body, flexibly jumping behind the heart demon robe.

The blue veins in his hand burst out, and the sharp claws shoot out!

Five fingers are like five sharp scalpels!

Stabbed! !

The scalpel easily cuts the happy magic robe.

Roar! !

The heart demon was in pain, and suddenly shouted!

An extremely violent mental shock erupted from the wound of the heart demon.

Rumble rumbling!

For a while, the wind blew up and the sand was full.

A huge dark cloud appeared in the sky.

The dark cloud turned into a terrifying skull, emitting a devilish grin.

It turned out that the body of the inner demon was released from the wound.

The corpse on the ground fell down suddenly and changed back to Shangguan Yunhe's appearance.

The clown cracked open his terrifying mouth and let out bursts of low laughter.

"I just wait to collect your corpse!"

"The mere heart demon really treats himself as a dish!"

As he said, the clown snapped his fingers.


A wave of light instantly burst from the clown's dry claws.

Where the light wave passed, a blood-red light drew from everyone's ears.

Jiang Chen everyone woke up immediately.

But the clown escaped.

In the sky, the Killing Demon was completely dumbfounded.

The duck that reached its mouth actually flew, making it very angry!


The huge dark cloud roared in the sky.

A terrifying killing intent demon thunder descended from the sky, engulfing tyrannical coercion.

The air seemed to be torn apart by the demon thunder, shivering!

Upon seeing this, Shangguan Kitty went all out in the killing field.

Tens of thousands of **** murderous swords swept like a hurricane.

The demon knife was held in his hand and pointed it towards the sky.


The blade wind rushed into the sky.

The whole body of the Slaughter War Emperor Beast burst out with golden light.

The killing upright unfolded instantly.

The scarlet sword on his back was slowly taken off and stood on his chest.

The golden lines twisted and squirmed.

For a time, the stars were released, ejecting majestic power, as if a lightsaber was in your hand!

Roar! !

The Slaughter Emperor Beast roared up to the sky, stepped on the blade of thousands of killing intent, and rushed straight into the sky.

Point to the ground, murderous intent broke out!

The body of the Slaughter Emperor Beast instantly turned into a phantom, turning into a **** slash, splitting the killing intent sky thunder in two! !

This is the killing of Shangguan Kitty: Purification and killing!

No matter how powerful the murderous intent is, if it is hit by Shangguan Kitty's killing intent, it will be completely purified and there will be no killing intent!

The Slaughter Zhanhuang Beast stabs a blow against the dark clouds with all its strength!

The murderous aura converged into a meteor-like air wave.


The mind demon body was cut in half instantly!

The murderous aura in the dark clouds was all purified by the Xinghui Great Sword.

The killing demon who has lost the intent to kill is just a cloud of ordinary clouds, which can be slaughtered!

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