God Prohibitions

Chapter 1135: New identity

In a dimly lit room, several people were nervously watching the visitors lying on the ground, either human or inhuman.

"This one seems to be...Ah!" One of them wanted to help a person on the ground, but was suddenly caught by his wrist, and could not help but whispered slightly.

"Who are you?" Robben shook his head slightly, threw out the dizziness that seemed to shuttle from far away, and looked around carefully.

This place seems to be just an abandoned basement of some building. There are unhealthy cargo boxes that seem to have not been used for thousands of years. The top is full of thick dust. There is an itchy nose in the air. Human smell, there are only a few dim magic lights here, and the distance is completely shrouded in darkness.

In this dim space, three people stood there, looking at themselves now, all with a look of surprise.

"I'm asking you, who are you? Where is this?" Robben grabbed the opponent's wrist and used a bit more strength.

"My lord! My lord calm down, Lord Robben! I'm the black emperor's spy, seven!!" The guy who was caught by Robben twitched suddenly, and his body softened.

"Oh!" Robben raised his eyebrows and immediately let go of his hand. Now that the other party called out his name, it seems that it should be the group that the Black Emperor arranged to pick him up. That is, Robben looked around again. This should be the God Realm.

"Have we reached the God Realm yet?"

Qiyi covered her wrist with her hand, still looking painful, "Yes, your lord, you have safely passed through the passage and came to the realm of God."

Where is this..." Su made a muffled voice, and slowly sat up from the ground.

The three people in this basement couldn't help but their expressions changed slightly, looking at Su in surprise.

Robben noticed that the faces of these three people were different, and stood up and asked, "What do you seem to be strange about, is there any problem?"

"Sorry, sir. We were just a little surprised. It was very difficult to pass through the passage. This time so many envoys came here together. We thought we were going to fall asleep for a long time. Unexpectedly...we woke up so soon. "Qi quickly replied.

"Oh, this channel is really not very good, it feels like it's going to blow your mind."

Robben talked and looked back. It seemed that he and Su were the only ones who woke up. The rest of the people were still asleep. It seemed that this might be related to the strength of his own strength. Thinking of this, Robben could not help but look at him and frowned while pinching himself Su. On the forehead, it seems that Su's strength has been rising after awakening, even stronger than Xiu who has been tempered by dark magic.

"Where is it? It's so choking!" With a cough, a figure climbed up from the ground, Robben was taken aback, and the third one who woke up turned out to be Sasha.

"Huh? Maomao, what are you doing, wake up!" Sasha unceremoniously tugged at Maomao's ears. Maomao "squeaked" and "squeaked" grinding her teeth, changed her posture and went to sleep again...

Robben sighed. Perhaps the longest sleeper among these people is this delicious, lazy dragon.

After waking everyone up in turn, Qi said respectfully to Robben: "My envoy, please come with me."

Robben and his party followed Qi and the other two guys out of the dark basement. After opening a door in the dark, they walked up slowly along the stone steps behind the door.

At the end of this passage is a closed room with no windows or portals, and no furnishings in the room, only a small teleportation array in the middle of the ground.

"Special Envoy, please here." Qidang stepped onto the teleportation array first, the teleportation array shimmered, and Qi disappeared.

"Be careful, everyone." With a warning, Robben was the first to step into the teleportation formation.

When the light appeared in front of Robben's eyes again, he was already in a spacious and huge round room, which looked like a banquet hall, but

Robben looked out from the window that circled the room, but he saw the mist, and after the mist, he could vaguely see the blue sea and the pale coastline.

This room is actually in the air! ?

When everyone came out of the teleportation array, the light of the teleportation array on the ground dimmed. It gradually disappeared, and Robben suddenly realized that he could not feel the traces of the magic array. It seemed that the teleportation array had disappeared directly on the carpet. .

Qi and the other two finally stood in front of Robben formally, and saluted in demon clan etiquette, "Special Envoy, we are the spies sent by Lord Black Emperor to take charge of this task."

Robben can also see the faces of the three people clearly. If these three guys are thrown into the Caton Empire now, no one will definitely find that these are three demons. They are exactly the same as humans. There is a difference. In other words, dressing seems to make them look more sunny...

"Just the three of you?" Robben didn't know why he suddenly felt a fragile taste.

There are two, but today there are tasks that are really inseparable, so only three of us can meet them. "

"What?" Robben drew his ears, "You mean...are there only five of you here?"


Robben looked at his side. This time he brought almost twice as many people as these spies. After scratching his head, Robben asked suspiciously: "This channel has been built for so many years, is there only five of you? Here?"

Robben questioned. Qi seemed to have no idea how to explain it. After thinking about it, he replied: "Special Envoy, we are here...it is also very difficult. It is not easy to survive. In order to preserve this passage, even if there is no Any obvious feature, once we feel that we are suspected, will disappear reasonably as soon as possible."

"A reasonable disappearance!? What is a reasonable disappearance, go back to the demon world?"

Qi shook his head, "This channel can't be opened casually, and we naturally can't do that. Once we are suspected, the rest of our companions will cooperate to deal with it."

"Chu" Robben came to understand... "So now there are only five of you left?"

Because the number of people left is too small, we have not dealt with it for a long time, and we are waiting for the next batch of secret agents from Lord Hei Di, but since this time the special envoys are here, we must have the next batch of secret agents. Delayed. "

Robben nodded, not wanting to circle around on this slightly heavy topic, and asked directly: "How about our identity preparations here?"

Qi quickly said, "My envoy, this is the Yunhai Castle in Fett Harbor. We are now on the tower of a castle. There is usually no one here. It is only open to those with identity during festivals, which is convenient at ordinary times. We are fully prepared for the identity of our actions. The information is on November, but today he can't get a temporary assignment. Please wait patiently until dark."

"Eleven?" Sasha asked curiously: "Your name is seven. Are your names all numbers?"

Qi smiled, "From the day we came here, this number represents all our special envoys. The one on my left is nineteen, the one on the right is twenty-two, and the eleven and twenty that have not come. Six, here... only five of us now."

Numbers... Robben felt slightly uncomfortable.

"Then...what about the other numbers?" Sasha asked quietly

"We have come to fifty spies in this batch, and the rest... have been disposed of."

After hearing the words of seven, everyone's expressions tightened slightly, and now there are only five of the fifty spies...the death rate is as high as 90%!

Qi’s face is a bit more proud, "Although we have lost a lot of manpower, the secret here has been well maintained and has never been leaked. I also hope that the envoy adults can have enough good performance and luck. ."

Robben can hear some arrogance and worry in this seven-tone tone, but it is no wonder that he does not look like a special envoy, but he seems to be a family traveling...

Nineteenth and Twenty-two seemed to be okay. They stayed for a while and left. Only Qi stayed here to accompany Robben, explaining the situation here.

"This is a very prosperous port in the God Realm, and business and trade are very prosperous. This castle was built by the Fett Consortium alone. This harbor was also built by this consortium. It often brings together many important figures in the God Realm. It can be said to be a wealth. There is also a lot of information flow. All of our five identities are servants of this consortium. Of course, we belong to different departments. Outsiders, they don’t even know each other. The consortium has the highest status and is responsible for managing some accounts. My status is the lowest, just a sweeping servant..."

Qi was talking endlessly, and Robben and the group sat in a circle and listened carefully.

The more I listened to Robben, the more I felt that the God Realm was different from what I had imagined. In his original impression, the God Realm might be a militarized world, but listening to Qi’s introduction, it seems that this place has more similarities with human society. Such things as large consortia are rare in the Demon Realm, and almost no Demon Clan concentrates on business...

Obviously Qi also knew that the special envoys like Robben had almost zero knowledge of the Protoss, and they introduced everything in detail.

Until dark, Qi kept saying that Maomao woke up once on the way, and fell asleep again in less than five minutes. Everyone was almost like this. Now only Robben and Metz are still eager to listen. Zhu Qi is still an introduction to the same tone...

Finally, Qiu, who hadn't drank a sip of water for a day, looked out the window and nodded and said: "Special Envoy, the time is almost up, eleven should be coming soon, let's take a break."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the huge banquet hall was gently opened, and a person walked in slowly.

When everyone looked back, they were all taken aback. The one who came in was a woman with the very obvious long golden hair that was unique to Protoss. This woman was very beautiful, but the expression on her face was a little stiff.

"Eleven, come and see the envoy!" Qi stood up.

This is eleven? Everyone can't help but curiously look at the woman who walked in. Gang Yuqi also said that in the Fett consortium, this eleven is the highest rank among the five spies, and has begun to manage the consortium's account.

Eleven, who was wearing a very valuable clothes, came to Robben's eyes. For a moment, Robben had an illusion that this woman didn't like herself, or said she didn't welcome herself, or even hated herself.

This inexplicable feeling made Robben a little confused. He must have met this woman for the first time, and had nothing to do with it before.

"I have seen the envoy on eleven." On eleven, he bowed his knees and bowed to Robben in the most solemn manners of the demons.

"Get up, you don't need to bow to any occasions in the future, I don't like this..."

"Being lurking here all year round, being able to salute adults is the last guarantee for us to remind ourselves of the identity of the Demon Race. I have dealt with spies for related reasons before and please forgive me." Eleven's voice was faint, with a hint of coldness. the taste of.

"Eleven, don't be rude!" Qiyou frowned. Eleven lowered his head and said, "Yes, my lord."

Obviously, eleven has the highest status in the Fett consortium, and seven has the lowest status, but in fact eleven has to listen to seven. Gang ォ Seven also mentioned that the secret agents sent here use numbers as the obedience standard, and the higher the position, the higher the status. Now there are five secret agents here, seven is the leader.

"Regarding the identity, you can explain it to the adults. I have to go to work at this time. I still need to find an excuse for not being here all day."

"My lord, please." Eleven slowly turned around, and nodded at seven and walked past Eleven.

Waiting for Qi to leave, Shiyi slowly took out a thick document from her arms and said: "Before the envoy came, the Hei Di had notified us of the envoy's situation. Based on this situation, we will provide for everyone The special envoy arranged the most suitable identity, but because it is difficult to find an absolute match, the envoy adults are also asked not to be too moved when they get their identity."

Robben fully understands this. It's impossible for someone in this world to live for you to impersonate. As long as you can find a similar identity, it's pretty good.

Seven was the first to walk to Robben and picked up the first file on the thick document, "Master Robben, this is yours..."

Robben stretched out his hand to take it, but found that Eleven's hand holding the document was trembling slightly, and he didn't release it for a while. He felt strange, "What's wrong, do you have any questions?"

Eleven's body trembled slightly and immediately let go of her hand, "No, no" in a low voice, Eleven turned around silently and walked towards Sasha next to Robben, "Is this Master Sasha?"

"Just call me Salsa, everyone is like this..." Sasha smiled embarrassedly, and reached out to take the document.

"Yes, yes." Qi nodded, without any change in expression on his face, and walked towards the next person.

Robben was already looking at his identity. My new name is Andak, a magic trainer from the Fett Consortium. His age is... 720 years old. Seeing this Robben wipe the sweat from his forehead, I don’t know how 720 years old is for this Protoss. What is the concept of a magic trainer, but it must be a guy who is similar to his own life stage.

Then there are personal information, resume, social relations, specialties, hobbies, etc... Robben then simply counted the documents in his hand, there were more than fifty pages in total...

Turning to the last page, Robben found a bunch of hair.

The eleventh’s voice sounded: “Each document contains very detailed information about the target. Please envoy adults carefully memorize it. Future actions must also follow the code of conduct shown on the information. Don’t have too much information. In and out, in a few days, we will arrange special envoys to officially take over the identities of these people, so please read these materials carefully these days.

Robben flipped through the information in his hand and asked: "Then what will happen to these people who are replaced?"

"Hide it first, then think of a way, if it doesn't work, just deal with it." Eleven said lightly.

Robben immediately shook his head, "No, no, you can't kill them!" As Robben pointed to everyone present, "There are many women and babies among these people who are to be replaced, right?"

"Of course... there are also men." Eleven nodded.

"I don't want my daughter to become a murderer before she is fully sensible."

"Then the baby can stay, maybe she will never remember these things when she grows up."

Robben's voice sank, "Eleven, I mean I don't want anyone to die for this reason, do you understand?"

"Sorry, my lord, I don’t understand what you mean very much. We are on the land of the Protoss. Everything is the best. Our spies who came here have sacrificed most of them for this. I don’t think killing those Protoss to protect us. What's wrong with me."

This woman really didn't welcome herself, although her face was calm, she still showed some anger and resentment in her eyes.

Robben recalled carefully, it seemed that he could not have any holidays with this eleven anyway, why this woman hated herself so much, it was obvious that her attitude was aimed at herself, and she did not have this attitude when looking at others. Look.

"Protect ourselves? We won't stay here for long, we will leave after completing the task. Once we leave and these people died, there will be so many missing personnel at once. It is a strange thing not to be suspected, although we have to solve them The amnesia during this period is a bit troublesome, but I need them all to be alive and well. This is an order, understand?" Robbenhan looked up.

A flash of brilliance flashed in Eleven's eyes, and he lowered his head, "Yes, my lord."

Looking up again, Eleven already seemed to have never happened before, and handed the last two documents to Su and Lilith, and continued: "At the end of the document, there is a bunch of hair we collected. These can provide the physical characteristics of the person being replaced, presumably the envoys have been prepared accordingly.

Robben naturally understood the meaning of this sentence, the disguise core was on his body, and the faint golden brilliance of Robben's body was immediately revealed by the divine mind sweeping the bunch of hair.

The body has become a little stronger, with broad shoulders and taller height. Robben feels that his hair is long on the side, and after a glance, it has turned golden.

In less than a minute, a big Protoss with a height of more than 1.90 meters and a very strong body appeared in front of everyone.

To be honest, I don't like men with long blond hair. "Roben reluctantly grabbed his hair that had passed his shoulders.

Sasha looked at Robben with some surprise, and was speechless for a moment.

"It's ugly..." Fanny murmured.

Mace looked at Robben and snickered. "I always thought about when I would have brilliant blonde long hair. I didn't expect that this wish would come true in my husband first."

"Ah? Metz, are you making fun of me?" Robben stretched out his hand and directly pulled Metz into his arms, his body widened a lot, and Robben held Metz tightly in a bear hug.

Drive me eleven..." Meston was shy.

Robben felt that he was in good physical condition and was happy. When Metz said that there was a strange woman present and he was too rude. He quickly let go of Metz, scratching his head and said, "Sorry, sorry, this is my wife. Don't be surprised... uh"

Suddenly, Robben found that Eleven's eyes were a little bit wrong. From the time he entered the door to the present, his indifferent face was a bit desperate and a bit scared. His eyes were wide, staring firmly. Yourself.

Robben couldn't help mōmō's own face, "Uh...Is there anything wrong with me? A lot different from that guy?"

Eleven slowly, slowly lowered his gaze, "No, my lord, very similar! I'm just too surprised, Lord Hei Di did not mention the specific replacement of identities in the same way as we mentioned. I did not expect to see such a scene. Please forgive me."

This woman is obviously lying.

Robben understood in his heart, but didn't understand why there would be such a weird performance on November. He put the documents away and said, "Well, now that we have our things, can we take us out of this place first? Being here all day feels like being in a cell."

Eleven hurriedly said: "We are deeply sorry for this. We have prepared a secret room for the envoys. These days, please ask the envoys to stay there temporarily. Soon we will arrange everything and change the identity."

Soon, on November 11, he took Robben and his party around a twisted corridor and passage behind a door for half an hour and arrived at a strange place.

This is the door at the end of the corridor. It is inconspicuous. It seems to have been abandoned for a long time. It should be a storage room or a place to put some debris.

But after opening this door and entering, everyone was shocked to find that there was a magnificent hall inside, completely decorated like a castle.

The 11th introduction said: "This space is created by magic. It is the result of the efforts of our generations of spy agents. Please rest at ease here, the envoy will never be disturbed. Every day we will be asked about the needs of the envoy. , If you need anything, please tell us.

Robben was really surprised when he looked at the luxurious decorations around him. He didn't expect these spies to build such a space in such a dangerous place.

"There are no special requirements. It's good to have a safe place to live first. You can go and do your business. If it is inconvenient, you don't have to come here every day. We have to get acquainted with our new identity here.

"Yes." Nodded at eleven, walked slowly to the door, looked back... disappeared outside the door.

"Sasha! What's your identity!?" Eleven ォ went out. Fanny had already pounced on Sasha, craned her neck to look at the documents in her hand.

Sha hurriedly flipped through the files in her hand, smiled and looked at Fanny and said, "It's Robben's wife Celie, what a strange name!"

Fanny suddenly got a bitter face, "Why am I Robben's lover? Or the scourge of moving home..."

"Oh?" Sasha immediately glanced at Fanny's profile curiously, and couldn't help but giggle. "You are amazing!"

Fanny went crazy for a while, "You dare to make fun of me! See if I won't get you out of here! Then go to be Robben's wife by yourself!"

"Ah! Let go, ah ha ha ha..." Sasha suddenly laughed and fell on the carpet. Fanny was scratching her body with her and rolled into a ball with her.

Is Robben's cousin? "Lilith frowned while flipping through her information.

"Oh~~~ Really?" Su appeared behind Lilith in a timely manner, with a funny face.

"What are you laughing at..." Lilith glared at Su.

Su slowly fanned the paper in his hand, and said freely and easily: "It's a pity, it seems that my profile shows that I am Robben's sister."

"What!?" Lilith couldn't help being taken aback.

"That is," Su took a glance at Lilith, "You are my cousin. Come... Sister Scream, listen."

"Who the **** would call you such a **** sister!" Lilith glared at Su.

"Why... are you not convinced?"

"What can I do if I'm not convinced, want to do it!?"

"Am I still afraid of you?"

Robben saw this situation not far away, as long as he turned his face away as if he hadn't seen him, "Ahhhhh...it's starting again. Maybe you shouldn't have brought both of them back then."

Suddenly Robben saw Metz beside him with a calm face, watching the baby walking back and forth in front of him with full attention, with a smile on his face. She and the baby's files were put aside, as if she hadn't read it yet.

"Mayes, don't you look at your identity first?" Robben walked over strangely.

"I've seen it." Metz replied casually, still staring at the baby intently.

Robben took a look at the two documents that were much thicker than him. "

Si nodded, smiled suddenly, reached out and hugged the baby who was walking towards him with open arms and giggling. He kissed the baby's face and said to Robben: "Very simple identity, I have written it down, the baby's also There is no need, as long as you pay attention to the baby not to cause any explosion accident, there will be no problem."

After taking a look at Metz's information, Robben couldn't help but his expression changed, "What is this. Metz, you..."

So surprised, everyone has a different identity, this is something that has long been known. "


"Okay" Metz shook his head and took away the information in Robben's hand angrily, "Don't be like this, I can take care of myself, don't worry! You forget that when you were on the mainland, I was originally myself. People roam around outside, but after following you, they became a little woman."

Robben frowned. Metz's identity is a bit special. She is not even a member of the Fett Consortium, but the secret lover of Andac. She already has a child. She lives not too far away from Yunhai Castle, but neither A place near.

Alone, with a child who can walk.

Metz turned over the information in his hand again, and thoughtfully said: "I will try my best to keep everyone together when I want to arrange identities, but...Obviously, our mother and daughter really couldn’t find matching identities, so we had to fabricate one temporarily. , I think the master of your identity may not have any secret lover at all, and of course there is no child. Now he is going to be a scapegoat for you."

Robben frowned and bowed his head silently.

Maes put down the information in his hand and gently stroked Robben’s cheek, "Luo...don’t look like this, I believe this is the identity chosen for the safest consideration. Don’t do anything. , And don't you believe me? I will take care of myself..."

This kind of thing. Absolutely not! "Roben interrupted Metz.

Metz sighed and frowned slightly, "Roben! We are in the realm of the gods, and everything must be done carefully. You can't be childish..."

Reaching out, he took Metz into his arms again, Robben pressed Metz's face and said, "Mace...I've always been childish, right?"

"Roben..." Metz felt a little weak.

"Once upon a time, I know that you have the strength and courage that other women do not have, but now you are a wife and a girl’s mother. You are not the one who was helpless a few years ago and had to carry everything on your own. Alone girl, Metz...you have me, I am your husband, and the father of our daughter."

"Dad..." The baby smiled and stretched out his hands towards Robben.

"Good boy" Robben took the baby over and put it on his neck happily. The baby was obviously used to calling ‘Dad,’ Mom.

Mace looked at Robben, and the corners of his mouth trembled a few times. She couldn't help but smile, oh...I have already given birth to you, so don't say these nasty things. It's not the little girl who was so easy to deceive. Now, and I'll be fine, don't worry so much, I... uh..."

Slightly surprised, Metz noticed that the corners of his eyes were a little moist, and quickly raised his hands to wipe them. Seeing Robben staring at him with bright eyes, he felt that he seemed to lose for a while, and he gave Robben two blows aggravatedly. She shrank his body into Robben's arms, "I hate to always coax us like this..."

Robben hugged Metz tightly and smiled happily, "If you like it, I will coax you forever." Hmm... Si's voice was inaudible.

"Uh... uh... uh..."

Sasha and Fanny were playing lottery over there, and Sue and Lilith were arguing. Robben and Mace were enjoying their sweetness as if no one else, and a somewhat embarrassing voice suddenly came from behind Mace.

Robben was taken aback when he saw Alia holding the document in his hand, his face was very anxious, and there seemed to be tears in the corner of his eyes.

Mess reacted much faster than Robben. He noticed that there was a voice behind him. He immediately turned from Cairo to see Alia standing there, and quickly stepped forward and took Alia's hand, "How about, what is the identity of the fact?" "

Aliya shook her head...

Robben's opinion was so sudden and careless, Alia's eyesight was not good enough to be able to carefully read the tiny and densely packed information on this document.

Metz was obviously aware of this, and took Alia's hand to sit aside, took Alia's information and looked at it slowly, but the more he looked at it, the more he frowned.

Robben also looked at this document behind Metz, and saw that half of his eyebrows were twisted together.

It seems that with special conditions, it is indeed not easy to find a matching identity. Alia’s situation is relatively protruding and special. First of all, a Protoss with such a weak body is extremely rare, and if you want to play the role of singing and dancing, you have to look for it. It’s even harder to be a girl of about the same age.

Alia’s identity is actually a dancer from an Outland, from a place that is very far away and even the specific situation is not clear, and the exact time of appearance around everyone has not been determined, that is to say... Actually, it is not yet complete. It is much more difficult to match Aliya’s identity and want to fabricate one out of thin air on Aliya’s terms than Metz and the baby.

Then Aliya can only be a person who can't show up recently.

Metz turned the material halfway over and closed it, stretched out his arm and hugged Aliya, and said with a smile: "It seems that we are all the same, so I have been living here with my sister recently, OK?"

Aliya was obviously suspicious, but looking at Metz's gentle smile, she nodded.

"Mace" Robben wasn't sure what Mace meant.

Mess simply put Aliya’s information aside, "This identity is not as good as we made up ourselves, forget it! Anyway, you won’t be assured that I live alone with my baby, I will live here with Aliya first. Well, when there is a suitable opportunity to appear in front of everyone with a brand new identity, so be it."

If you live here, it’s tantamount to shutting yourself up here

"Mace, I will definitely get your identities soon." Robben promised.

"Hehe, in fact, it would be nice if I could stay here quietly for a while, there is a sense of tranquility here, I like it very much..."

Robben felt a little bit sour after hearing Metz's words. This once vigorous and steel-willed girl is now a wife and a mother. All she wants is a peaceful and peaceful life, but he did not give her this...

Metz talked and snickered and looked at the baby and said, "I can also spend a part of the time to teach the baby that this little girl is already a little lawless!"

The baby immediately hugged Robben's head, and said gruffly, "Mum is bad!"

Meston seemed to have been hit by a lightning bolt, and cold light appeared in both eyes, "Little thing! What did you say!?"

"Mayes, calm down, calm down... the baby may not mean that"

The baby giggled, "Dad stay."

Robben suddenly petrified...

Maes quickly snatched the baby away. It seemed that he was taking aside to educate the baby seriously, but how Robben saw it was that the baby said something to please Maes, just like Mei who just looked like he wanted to kill. Si now has a flower with a smile on his face.

It seems that my daughter is much better at coaxing people than himself. When I was this old, I probably wouldn't look at the adult's face at all. Seeing the cute baby every day, Robben felt a sense of accomplishment for no reason.

With a glance, Robben saw Natalie, who was leaning on the edge of the table and still sitting not far from Xio, with a nervous face.

"How is it, what's your identity?" Robben walked over and asked.

Xio raised his head and glanced at Robben, then silently flipped through the information in his hand, and replied slowly for a long time: "I didn't expect to come to the God Realm, but it must have been specially arranged to return to the original one."

With that, Hugh closed the material in her hand and threw it on the table, "The Bright Sacrifice is in a cathedral outside this Yunhai Castle. It seems that I have to go back to my old career, ha ha... that It seems to be a long time ago."

Guangming sacrifice is indeed a suitable identity for Xiu. In any case, Xiu was also a priest before, and if according to the original development, Xiu's status may now have completely surpassed ordinary Guangming sacrifice.

"Natalie, how about you?" Robben looked at Natalie, who was nervous on the side.

Tally looked at Robben, but she seemed to get stuck and could not speak.

"Huh?" Robben looked at Hugh strangely, as if Natalie's reaction had something to do with Hugh.

"She is my wife~www.readwn.com~Xio said lightly.

what! ? Robben's pair of star-eyed bosses.

Xio sighed slightly, "It's okay, it's just a disguised identity. I will not put everyone in danger because of my personal factors. I will try to play a good role in front of outsiders."

Robben understood what Xie meant. He played his role in front of outsiders, so there was no need to pretend to be behind others. For Natalie, Xio didn't even feel the slightest feeling.

Hey... Secretly sighed and looked at Natalie, who was delighted and nervous, Robben wondered if her mood would make her suffer even more in the future.

"Roben, why don't you ask me?" A weak voice came from under Robben's feet.

Robben moved his feet impatiently, shifting the fur that used his feet as pillows a little further, "Forget it, anyway, it's a pet. No one will pay attention. Even if he notices it, he just wonders what happened to this pet. Suddenly became greedy"

Maomao rolled his eyes, "Although I said so...but it seems to be the case"! .

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