God Prohibitions

Chapter 1140: Break into


"Ann, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon." The little old man, the Blue Mage Hatmaster Zog, sat on a rocking chair that turned into a fireplace, and said carelessly at Robben.

That strange girl Wendy is standing behind the rocking chair, gently pinching Zog's shoulders

Robben looked at the girl and said with a slight embarrassment: "I didn't expect...she would be your granddaughter, it's really rude."

Zog blew his beard, "No, she likes to run around, and I can’t do anything with her. This matter has nothing to do with you. I heard her say that a training ground at Yunhai Castle was destroyed. Will be responsible for compensation"

Robben was overjoyed, but his face was calm, "No, no, how can I make you spend money?"

Zog looked at Robben, "Then you will pay for it? Are you jingling poor now?"

"Ah...haha" Robben wondered how you, an old man, can pick up the shortcomings of others and come out and say

Wendy, standing behind Zog, saw Robben look embarrassed, and couldn't help but gently pushed Zog's shoulder, "Grandpa, I broke that place..."

"Hmph, you know you are going to get into trouble." Zog snorted in his nose, Wendy suddenly lowered his head and stopped talking.

"You go out first, I'll say a few words with Ann" Zog said to Wendy with a slight dissatisfaction.

Wendy didn't seem to dare to speak, but just nodded slightly and walked out slowly

Robben looked at all this, thinking quickly in his mind. Wendy seemed to have said that this old Zog was a little unhappy, and the document only stated that Wendy’s relationship with him generally seemed to be really not that kind of grandfather. Take care of granddaughter

When Wendy walked out, Old Zog sighed slightly and complained: "Really, it's restless..."

When Robben was looking at the door thoughtfully, Zog couldn't help but stared, "Ann, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, nothing..." Robben quickly retracted his gaze

Zog's complexion looked a little unpleasant, and he snorted, "That's my granddaughter Wendy, who only came here a few days ago. She has finished her study career and is planning to travel and increase knowledge and experience.

Sure enough, it was Robben who just arrived here, thinking

Speaking of this old Zog, he became a little irritable, "You have also seen that she... has always been learning magic in a good environment, and has not had much contact with strangers, nor can she quickly distinguish the intentions of others. The impression of others is also very simple, so..."

Zog stopped when he talked about it, and he seemed to have no idea how to go on

Robben understands what Zog meant. In fact, Zog is saying that this good baby who grew up in a greenhouse has not touched anyone. Such a girl is a stupid girl in the eyes of many people. Maybe Her impressions of others are simply divided into bad people and good people, and there are many childhood fantasies in her mind...

In short, she is a timid and shy girl with youthful dreams and no contact with this complex world...

"I understand..." Robben said softly, lest the old mage racked his brains and couldn't say what she meant in front of him.

"You... just understand." Old Zog sighed again when he talked about Wendy, he lost all the cheerfulness and agility of the previous invitation."

With his hands crossed in front of him, Zog shook his rocking chair gently, and said, "But anyway, she is my only granddaughter, and is a very good child by nature, Ann, you know why she Run to you?"

Robben shook his head. To be honest, Robben doesn’t know why this girl or how he got to be a member of the magic group.

"Actually, this is very simple, um... the reason is the first day she came." Zog's face was a little ugly. "She told you that she went to the Magic Guild, and it turned out..."

"Ah, I've said..." Robben replied in advance, lest Zog should be embarrassed and Robben understands now. I'm afraid Tina didn't say her identity at all when she went, otherwise the Magic Guild would not. Will blast out the baby granddaughter in the blue hat

"Well... this kid is not mature yet, and he panicked after leaving his familiar environment. I really can't imagine that would happen..." Zog sighed, as if he got a little more angry when he talked about it.

Following his own anger, Zog continued: "She blames herself and becomes afraid of it. There is nothing I can do about it. A magician must rely on her own experience, otherwise she can't be alone anyway. I also understand that she happened to see you when you came over that day, so...she went to your place."

Robben was still confused when he heard it. What does it mean to run to him when he saw himself? There seems to be no logical relationship between them.

Zog moved her eyebrows. "Do you know why she went directly to you?"

Robben shook his head again

"You are hiring, right?"

In fact, Robben wanted to shake his head again because he didn't know these things, but after thinking about it, Robben thought it should be, and quickly nodded, "Ah...yes"

Zog curled his lips, "It can be seen that your recruitment process is too cautious. She just used a few small magics in the past to pass, and she didn't even check her identity thoroughly. She started training the next day. That’s why it appeared on the training ground."

"I will handle this immediately when I go back" Robben said quickly

Zog didn't seem interested in this at all, waved his hand and said, "Those are your business, I don't want to care about it, but what I want you to understand is that Wendy will come to you specifically for a very simple reason. There are three things in all. , You better be clear"

There was another question in Robben's stomach. Why did I have to listen to this girl's reason? Is this important?

"First, she wants to find someone to try her true level. What happened in the Magic Guild was a big blow to her. She will never go again in a short time."

"Second, she needs a person with sufficient strength to be her opponent and in order to test herself, this person cannot be an acquaintance"

"Third, and most importantly, she must have the conditions to be able to perform magic with all her strength, that is, she must not have any concerns."

Zog pointed to Robben, "It just so happens that you meet these three conditions."

Robben rubbed his head, "This...I understand the first two, but the last one, I..."

Zog said unceremoniously: "Because your consistent behavior is bad, from Wendy's point of view, there is enough anger to support her full play."

Robben's heart was directly thrown into the cold water. It turns out... the girl who seems to be the only one who has chosen herself as a negative example is going to have a hard time...


"Understood..." Robben replied feebly

"It’s fine if you understand, Ann. This is also the main purpose of my calling you this time. I don’t like to go around in circles, so I just said that my granddaughter is not deeply involved in the world, and your consistent behavior makes me a little worried, I don’t want to My granddaughter is too close to you, do you understand?"

Ah... It turned out that it was because of this reason that he specifically called himself over, Robben suddenly understood everything

A wife in his family turned upside down and a lover refused to give up. No wonder this old man worried about his granddaughter.

After being said so unceremoniously, Robben has no temper in his heart. This An consistent style of work seems to be so doubtful.

"Please rest assured that I didn't mean this, uh... to be honest, I'm already overwhelmed by myself and... I also intend to converge, after all, this is not the way to go on."

Zog nodded immediately. "It's okay if you can say that... I don't want magicians who agree with me to be blamed for some other misdeeds in the end, Ann, if you can change it, I really want Happy for you"

"Yes, I will work hard, then... if nothing happens..." Robben looked out the window, meaning that it was late and I should go back.

"Well, there is nothing special, you just go back, I will send someone to see you, otherwise you will not think of home tonight on this crowded street"

Robbenlian claimed to thank him and got up to leave

When he walked out of the castle, Robben felt a little more relaxed. It seems that this time there will be no more bad results. In the end, it is just the thing that the girl named Wendy did by herself. When the small square over there is repaired, This matter will be forgotten after a while, and it should not have any impact on your actions

"Ann...Mr. An" Robben was about to get into the carriage and leave here, a cautious voice came from behind

Robben had no choice but to put his raised feet back, turned around and said to the girl who came out from behind a tree: "Miss Wendy, what else do you have?"

Wendy looked a little twisted, walked to Robben and lowered his head as if muttering something in his mouth, but Robben couldn’t hear.

"Miss Wendy, if there is nothing important, I have to go back. What happened today makes my family very worried. They must be waiting for me now."

Wendy twisted her finger when she heard the words, "That... sorry, very sorry"

"Ah no, no, there is nothing to be sorry about. Let it pass today, Miss Wendy just forget it." Robben smiled

From the bottom of his heart, Robben really didn’t want to have too much contact with the characters who were inserted in the accident. Zog’s warning is a good retreat.

Hearing what Robben said, Wendy showed a little guilt on her face, lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Mr. Ann, I'm really sorry, I blamed you."

"Wrong...wrong me?" Robben blinked and was a little unclear. "No, you must have nothing wrong with me, things are just like you think."

"I think... Mr. An should not be a good person, so... I ran there, originally wanting to get a thorough understanding of my own strength, but I didn't expect... but it caused trouble for Mr. An."

Robben was sweating secretly, this statement is really straightforward...

"Don't care, it didn't cause any loss anyway, but..." Robben thought for a while, and then said, "I want to know my own strength in the future... Although I'm not a good person, I don't use it to find me. If you blow up something again, you will still lose money after all, and you have seen it. In fact, your own strength is completely beyond the imagination of those magic guild guys. You should go back and burn their desks in front of them now. "

Wendy couldn't help but laughed when he heard Robben's words, "I don't dare to go, my grandpa has forbidden me to go to the Magic Guild anymore, and...this time there may be really no way to try with Mr. Ann."

Robben was very happy that Wendy could say that, but he asked politely: "Oh why is this?"

Wendy thought for a while, "I originally inquired about Mr. Ann and felt that he should use all his strength without any worries, but... it seems that what those people said is not right at all, Mr. An... is not a bad person."

Was criticized so quickly?

Wendy recalled: "They said that Mr. Ann is a gambler, and he hasn't paid back the money he lost. The frequent drunk is not considerate and loyal to his wife, and he has something to do with... many women, and... I will cheat money everywhere, unscrupulously..."

Robben watched Wendy's face not red or white, and said that these waves of weakness in his heart, is it really okay to say this in front of someone...

"However, I don't think they are right." Wendy changed her tone suddenly.

what? wrong? I felt very sorry for Robben and looked at the girl in front of me strangely, "Is there something wrong?"

"At least... Mr. An didn't hurt me. I originally... just went there for the purpose of teaching Mr. An, but it seemed a little overwhelming. I thought I would be roasted into jerky, but... Hey" Wendy With a guilty smile, "I didn't expect to be unscathed in the end."

Robben rolled his eyes, "Could it be possible to roast the opponent into jerky meat during the competition..."

"I... I had some thoughts like this..." Wendy whispered, "And in the end, Mr. Ann didn't blame me. Just now he said I was great and encouraged me to go to the Magic Guild again... This shouldn't be That bad guy among those people"

Sure enough, it's a relatively straightforward idea, but... it makes people feel very comfortable to hear

Robben smiled, "Well, good people, assholes, you can do whatever you think, if you just want to apologize, then I have received your feelings. Later... before doing things, think again. it is good?"

"Well, sure" Wendy answered with a smile

"Then, goodbye." Robben waved his hand at Wendy, very happy. It seems that this girl will never come to compete with herself again. This is a very happy thing.

"Well, goodbye" Wendy said happily

The next day is the time for the magic group training. It seems that Zog has already ordered someone to explain what happened yesterday. After Robben returned to Yunhai Castle, he was called to ask a few words, and then the matter seemed to be over. Now, Robben was very happy in his heart, but Robben’s face was suddenly pulled to the ground when he arrived at the training ground today.

"What are you doing?" Robben glared at Wendy in disbelief.

Wendy looked at Robben strangely, "I...I'm a member of the magic group here. Didn't I already come to train yesterday, but I also came today."

Robben scratched his head vigorously, "No, Wendy, I didn't mean this, I mean... Didn't you come here to compare with me and see your own strength? We tried yesterday, right? You? I also said that I won't come to try again, right? So what are you doing here now?"

Seeing Wendy's somewhat suspicious expression, Robben asked: "And...do you know that Master Zog is here?"

The question was answered immediately: "I know, I told him yesterday that I joined the magic group here, and this Mr. Ann knows it too"

When Robben wanted to ask another question, he had heard a whisper from the crowd on the training ground...

The story of Wendy has been spread yesterday, and naturally Wendy’s identity has been completely exposed. Now these guys in the magic group who have been idle all day see Robben and Wendy whispering on the side, it seems to them completely Intimacy

Robben turned his head and said with a cold face: "Shut up all of you. Now I run ten laps around the training ground. The sand of this hourglass has not been finished before leaking. There will be a special program waiting for him today." Ben put an hourglass on the training ground

Everyone complained loudly at once

"Run for me or I will find something special for you right away" Robben's words immediately made all the protests disappear

A look of horror flashed across Wendy's face, "This...Mr. Ann, our magician... do we still have to exercise?"

"Let's not talk about this" Robben immediately interrupted Wendy's question, "Miss Wendy, what I want to say now is that this is a private magic group, there is nothing worthy of your magical experience, and the identities of the personnel here are relatively compared. Chaos does not fit the existence of a person like you. I think you did tell Master Zog yesterday that you joined here, but he should think that you are just trying to compete with me, but he absolutely does not know that you are here again today? "

"Hmm..." Wendy hesitated and smiled with a guilty conscience.

Sure enough, Robben immediately understood when he saw Wendy's smile...

Seeing that there was a look on Robben’s face that he wanted to drive away, Wendy quickly said, “I don’t know my grandfather when I came here today, but... but it’s clearly written in the house rules that the magician’s experience cannot be disturbed casually, even if It’s a kind of experience that you can’t join the magic group if you are the owner of the house, so... so Grandpa won’t care about it.”

Robben nodded secretly after hearing it, maybe...maybe it is indeed written in the house rules, maybe the old Zog really can't control Wendy, but...he can control me.

"Wait, wait for Miss Wendy, should we clarify things a little bit more clearly, now...you, a magician who should travel by yourself seems...have no meaning to stay here, so...you do it? What? Isn't it because you want to be a recruit here and experience the bitterness of earning some meager income?"

"This... is also an experience, but I'm not here for this." Wendy's face showed a serious look.

Robben didn't understand what the girl was doing here?

"I... actually came to learn from Mr. Ann" Wendy said positively.

"Learn from... me, learn from me?" Robben suspected that his ears had misheard

"Yeah" Wendy nodded formally "I plan to stay here for a while to learn some knowledge from Mr. Ann, and then start the journey of travel"

Robben squeezed the corner of his eyes, feeling a little dizzy, "Miss Wendy, did you make a mistake? You need to walk around now, increase your knowledge and experience, instead of doing magic training with me here. What kind of knowledge the teacher is here to learn? You have learned enough knowledge of magic, so you have to go out to practice, do you understand?"

"I...I didn't come to learn magic knowledge from Mr. An. Of course, it would be great if Mr. An could teach me something. I... I am a stranger in the family. A fire magician is in the water system family... um... ...Hehe"

Robben found that this girl would giggle when she got to the place she said bad...

"It's not here to learn magic knowledge, then what are you here to learn? I am a magic trainer, and the rest of me don't know much.

Wendy took a breath and said seriously: "Yesterday... Grandpa scolded me again, saying that I have no brains, um... I know I don't understand some things, but I am not reluctant to learn, but I just didn't have a chance. That’s it, I’ve been practicing magic since I was a kid, and I’ve been practicing magic every day...How do I understand those weird things?" Wendy's tone became a little more dissatisfied.

"But... I think now I have found a good teacher. From Mr. An's situation, he must be very good at this aspect. In fact, I am also worried that I might encounter a lot of trouble if I run out alone. Come to Grandpa to see if you can think of a way, but... Grandpa doesn't always like me very much, it seems...can't help much, so..."

Robben seems to understand...but it makes Robben feel very hurt

"Ah... I think I get it, you mean... you want to come to me and learn how to be a bastard, so that you can cope with the life of a person in the future, right?"

"Yes" Wendy couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw that Robben was talking about what he was thinking.

"Ah...hehe, heh..." The corners of Robben's mouth twitched. The first thing this girl must learn is not to say bad things in front of others...

"No" Robben refused, "I am very busy now and don't have time to teach you anything. If you want to learn these things, you can go back to your grandfather. Every old man is an encyclopedia of life. Ask him if he doesn't understand. Will get a better answer than me"

Seeing Robben's direct refusal, Wendy became anxious, "But grandpa is very busy, and doesn't like to care about me that much, besides... Besides, I can't let grandpa teach me to do bad things, so I will definitely get scolded again."

It seems that he has been branded with the seal of being a **** all his life...Roben really wants to tell this girl that he is a good person...

"Mr. Ann..." Wendy stretched out his hand pleadingly

When Robben saw an electric shock, he shrank his arms first. It seemed that no matter how she was a girl with no social experience, she would be able to act like a baby...

"I said Miss Wendy, did you make a fundamental mistake? You have to understand that you do lack common sense now, and you are very timid, but...you have to see clearly that you are a **** standing in front of you now He may be more dangerous than the situation you will face in the future. If you want to deal with the situation in the future, it is best to go slowly, honestly ask acquaintances for some things, and then go for experience. It’s safer than asking a strange man."

Without waiting for Wendy to speak, Robben immediately said directly: "Also, of course I am just a suggestion, and what I want to say is that I will not agree to you. I have many things to do now and I have no time to take care of you. Don't bother me, by the way, you will be expelled from now on, and you will no longer belong to this magic group and you will no longer belong to me, understand?"

Wendy looked at Robben with a faint surprise in her eyes, unconsciously stepped back, and mist floated in her eyes...

Don't cry... I didn't say anything special, so many people are watching... Robben felt his scalp numb

"Luo...an what are you doing?"

Suddenly a voice that made Robben want to become a Buddha and ascend into the sky came in, and he turned his head to Robben and found the strange face of Salsa, who is now the beautiful woman named Cecily standing there looking at herself. Wendy

Salsa has a small food basket in her hand

This is the strategy that Sa Sa took to the outside world. For now, it seems that Andak’s family crisis has reached a point where it cannot be reconciled. It is about to fall apart. As the hostess, Cecily understands the righteousness and takes the initiative to save this. The great action of the family

First of all, you have to calm down and ignore the lover who has been received at home, or just treat it as a servant. At the same time, adjust your relationship with your husband and use tenderness as a weapon to restore your feelings and your husband.

Secondly, something must be done, such as preparing food for the husband personally, asking for warmth, being considerate...

Finally, in front of everyone, as a wife, show an intimate relationship with her husband, and prove from the heart and public opinion that she is the hostess of this house

Of course, in fact, this plan is because it is difficult for Sasha to take it out after having a quarrel with her husband and Ann's lover at home like Cecily...Fanny's plan was successful last time, but the second time Sasha It doesn't feel anymore...

At noon, Sa Sa was already carrying a small basket to deliver food to Robben, which was in line with the battle plan set before...but Sa Sa was surprised to find that a girl she didn't know appeared here.

Robben stared at Sasa, not knowing how to explain the situation.

Seeing a woman suddenly appeared, Wendy hurriedly closed her tears, her face a little nervous

Salsa looked at Wendy carefully, and said guessingly: "This...is it Wendy you said yesterday?"

"Uh... yeah, this is Wendy, the granddaughter of Zog, who joined the magic group only yesterday." Robben finally found out what he could say

Sasha glared at Robben immediately, "They just came over to compare you with you, and didn't treat you like that. Why do you bully others with no tolerance at all"

"Ah...no Sa, I mean Cecily, you may not know the situation well, uh..." Robben shut up, because Sasha had already walked over with a face of consolation and wiped the tears from the corner of Wendy's eyes. Totally ignored myself

Wendy looked a little scared, but didn't dodge

Sarah pulled Wendy’s hand, "Don’t be afraid, in fact...Ann is also a good person and won’t do anything to you. I also heard about yesterday’s event. The training ground was rebuilt by your grandpa. Don’t worry if Ann bullies you, just tell me, I’ll take revenge for you, oh yes, I must have not eaten lunch yet, I brought some good stuff over,” said Shasha blinking mysteriously. Raised the food basket in his hand

Seeing that Sarah was happy with Wendy's hand, Robben interrupted and said, "Cecilia, I..."

Sasha turned her head and said directly: "Your lunch is gone and you made people cry for such a trivial matter. Fortunately, I am worried that you are hungry here, huh..."

Sasha, I was wronged... Robben wailed in his heart...

Obviously a crying girl can evoke other people's sympathy than a frowning man. Sasha has completely determined that Robben is talking to Wendy about yesterday's matter, and she took Wendy's hand and left with a smile. , And opened the food basket on the edge of the chair outside the training ground. Wendy was obviously surprised what she was talking about, while Salsa was proud. The two were eating and chatting, like friends for many years.

Where's Robben...so he was hungry...

After Salsa and Wendy finished eating, there were already more than 200 people lying on the side of the training court. None of the magicians could run the whole course without magic, they were so tired that they lay on the ground and stuck their tongues...

Sasha had planned to leave after eating, but looking at the panting magician lying around the training ground, she couldn't help but shook her head and said, "It's too weak...How can you be a good magician like this? If you continue to use magic Physically-needed"

Unexpectedly, Sasa just said casually, but Wendy's eyes lit up and she immediately said, "Yes, yes, I think so too, so I have also exercised physical strength and endurance, uh...but then my family didn’t allow me to do this. That said, this is completely unnecessary, but I still learned some swordsmanship, um... although it seems useless"

"You know how to use a sword?" Sasha looked at the weak girl in surprise

"Well... I will take it now..." Wendy flushed suddenly

After speaking, the two of them laughed together.

After laughing, Sasha said to Wendy mysteriously: "If you want to continue learning, I can teach you."

Wendy showed a more surprised expression than Sasha, "My sister knows how to use a sword? Did... have you practiced fighting spirit?"

"No, no, Sasha laughed." But... I have learned a little bit. It's okay to exercise your body or else..." Sasha's gaze fell on Luo herself, who looked resentful. A reasonable man is always bullied"

Wendy followed Robben's gaze, and suddenly a light flashed in his eyes, "Cecilia enchantment, then can you...really teach me?"

"Of course" Sasha agreed with a smile on her face

Sasha... the girl in front of you has clearly revealed the purpose, you... Robben heard these words clearly from a distance...

After packing up her things, Sarah led Wendy to Robben

"Don't bully her anymore. People are not careful, so don't care about it." Sasha was a little dissatisfied, and she wanted to begging to say to Robben.

Robben really regretted not telling Sasha that Wendy was actually a big trouble yesterday. If she was here, that old Zog would never be at ease, and he would make trouble for himself.

"Um... I certainly know, and I didn't bully her..." Robben could only helplessly agree

Sasha smiled at Wendy, "It's okay, remember to come tomorrow, I'll prepare it, it seems that everything I have learned before me is almost forgotten, hehe..."

"Yeah" Wendy nodded heavily, "Thank you Sister Cecily"

After finishing speaking, Wendy glanced at Robben, her eyes were full of joy, and with some worry, she bowed to Robben, turned around and walked away quickly...

"Roben... let's not get into trouble, you said she is the granddaughter of that teacher, why do you still blame her, so we will be unlucky" Sasha whispered to Robben

Robben could only smile wryly, "Sasha...we will be unlucky if you keep her"

Waved to the surroundings, Robben said weakly to the wizards: "Today's training is over, tomorrow will continue, and I will save my strength when I go back. If it is still like this tomorrow, you will definitely be unlucky."

Suddenly there was another complaint

When she got home, Sa Sa immediately went to prepare another food and brought it to Robben's study and laboratory. Fanny sneaked over by pretending to be asleep. When Sa Sa came in, she suddenly smiled.

"Sasha, you are the best, what is today?"

Sasha had to smile and dodge, lest Fanny **** the entire plate, "Don't worry, you glutton, you have your share..."

The food was placed on the table, and Fanny was about to feast on it. Suddenly she found that Robben was a little slouched and asked strangely, "Roben, what's the matter? He looks angry"

Sasha leaned over to Robben immediately, "Roben...you just said that leaving Wendy is the trouble, what does this mean..."

Robben sighed, "I didn't fully tell you what happened yesterday. In fact, the true purpose of Zog calling me in the past is..."

Before and after, Robben said everything, especially the warning Zog gave to himself.

Fanny blinked after listening, "Oh...this way, it seems that Robben, you are indeed a bastard, and everyone has been wary of you."

"That's not me..." Robben argued weakly

Sa Sa said with a sigh of relief: "I thought it was something, but I don't care about it at all." Saying that, Sa Sa happily picked up a piece of stuff, "Roben, this is what I found today. How does it taste? ...I haven't tried it yet, but based on previous experience, the things that come out of this should not be wrong, try it soon"

"Sasha, the influence of the blue hat is great. We shouldn't provoke his granddaughter at this time. The every move of Master Zog may have a great influence on us."

Salsa stubbornly delivered the piece of food to Robben's mouth, and then said nonchalantly: "But it really doesn't matter. Could it be that you have any intentions with that Wendy?"

"Of course not... It's too late for me to avoid her..."

"That's not enough. People warn you not to hit her. If you don't have this mindset, we will be safe."

Seeing that Robben was a little unwilling to say something, Sasha picked up another thing to block Robben's mouth, "Okay... I'm just a girl, don't you want to be like this... You didn't see her pitiful She looks like she is actually very scared, but I want to have the ability to travel before I stand here. You are still murderous and made her cry."

Seeing what Robben was going to say, Sasha pushed Tyroben reluctantly, "Okay... but I have promised them, and I can't go back..."

Fanny said in an interface: "Sasha is right, and we didn't want to do anything to her, the old Zog will not cause any trouble, and...I believe Sasha's judgment is not wrong, generally. The guys that Sasha thinks are good are not too dangerous, of course, except Robben you."

Sasa can quickly become friends no matter how dangerous it is... Robben muttered in his heart

Putting down the chopsticks, Sasha said thoughtfully, "Actually... That Wendy really seems to want to stay, and there is no malice. I feel... She seems to desire this very much. She may not have any friends. She hadn't been in contact with anyone, she started to look a little scared of me, but soon she was happy to meet me again, presumably... she was alone for too long."

Robben was slightly stunned, UU read www.uukānshu. Com didn’t tell Sasa about Wendy in detail, but he didn’t expect it to be just a short time together, but Sasa clearly felt these things.

"Roben..." Sarah passed Robben's hand. "Shall we leave her...well, we are here without relatives and no reason... To do a good job, we also need to make friends. No, if we get along well, Master Zog might still be very happy. He is a famous person, and we can get a lot of information through him."

Sasha couldn't help but feel happy

Robben actually knows that it is useless to object, and Wendy will definitely come here happily tomorrow...

"Then...she is about to leave it to you. If I have too much contact with her, at least that Zog will be very disgusted now"

"No problem" Sa Sha agreed (to be continued)

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