God Prohibitions

Chapter 1144: revenge

Robben was not sure what this Mick was doing again, but obviously he would not be here to greet everyone or invite everyone to dinner. Robben leaned forward.

"Wendy, you kept me looking for a long time."

Judging from the confidence of Mick's speech, his injury should be almost healed. It should be just that the trauma on his face has not been completely healed. Now it is a little difficult for people to wrap it up with gauze.

"Mick" Wendy's expression was slightly complicated, "Are you all right?"

"I'm okay? Are you asking now? You didn't even come to see me once when I was fainted, Wendy, I'm so sad."

"Hey! You're blocking our way!" Maybe Wendy could talk a little better, but Fanny is different...

"You?" Mick looked at Fanny, with a bit of contempt in his eyes, "Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who I am. You just need to know not to get in the way. A dignified nobleman stopped a few women in the street and flirted with all eyes. It really lost the family's face at home. No wonder it's like this. It was the one who was irritated and beaten by others." Fanny smirked and looked at Mick's gauze-wrapped head.

Robben was not secretly happy behind Fanny. Unexpectedly, Fanny knew such a sarcasm now, and thought she would be annoyed by a whirlwind to blow Mick and the carriage away in front of her.

Fanny's words obviously annoyed Mick immediately.

"Are you Andak's wife? It looks like...or the unidentified lover!" Mick's tone was full of maliciousness.

Not only was Fanny not angry, but instead she smiled, "Yes, I am the lover, but I have been living in Ann's house now. This is my sister. We are getting along well now." She said Fanny and stayed. Sasha's arm, "I just don't know if a noble person like you dare to take his lover home and get along well with his wife?"

Sasha secretly touched Fanny with her arm and motioned her not to anger Mick. But Fanny looked quite disgusted with this Mick, and as she spoke, she gave out two rows of white teeth and smiled. I've heard...You are very dissatisfied at home because of the flowers and grass outside..."

"Enough! You dirty..." Mick was furious. Just as he was about to yell again, Wendy said in a cold voice, "It's you who should be enough, Mick!!"

Mick was about to get angry and was taken aback when he heard Wendy's words.

"Mick, we have known each other since we were young, but we are still friends, but how do you become like this now? This is my friend. What are you doing? What are you here for? Is it to be with my friend? Are you arguing?"

Mick looked at Sasha and Fanny, then looked at Robben, and said amusedly: "Wendy, what's the matter with you? What am I here for? Of course I am here to pick you up. How can you interact with these? The people are mixed together, they are just the servants in the castle, you are a nobleman, you will make Grandpa Zog very embarrassed!"

Wendy looked at Mick. There was regret and regret in his eyes, "Mick. You really changed...I don't even know you. You didn't say anything like this before."

"Wendy, don’t be naive anymore. At that time, we were just children, no one would care about us, but now it’s different. We are nobles and we have rights! We control the world! Our inferior goods are It's completely different! We have our lives. You can only make your identity méng ashamed on this stinking street. What is on your neck. How can this kind of thing appear on you!?"

Seeing Wendy's neck with a thin necklace, Mick immediately became annoyed, and reached out to grab the necklace that was chosen by Sasha for Wendy.

"Pop" very loud sound...

Wendy raised his hand and hit the hand that Mick had stretched out. Mick's face twitched obviously, and he covered the back of his hand. Robben secretly laughed behind him. Wendy's strength increased during this short period of time. Quite a lot, this Mick's body is still recovering from a serious injury, but he can't help Wendy beating like this. If the hand goes back without treatment, it may take a few days to reduce the swelling.

"Mick! You are too much!" Wendy glared at Mick, "We played together when we were young, and I still keep the stone you gave me. I know it is just a stone picked up by the road. I think it was a gift from a friend, you...how can you do this!?"

Maybe I was afraid of being beaten, maybe I just wanted to ease the atmosphere, Mick nodded slowly, and slowly said: "Wendy, we won't talk about this now. You go back with me now, and we will talk slowly."

"Go away!" Wendy opened Mick's extended hand again, "I don't want to go back with you, and I have nothing to go back with you, Mick...you go!"

After being beaten back twice, Mick's patient anger gradually appeared on his face, "Wendy, don't be ashamed here anymore!"

"Mick...you are embarrassed! I am going to be with my friend now, is your appearance as a nobleman when you appear so arrogantly in front of us? What is my relationship with you, you will take me away now, If I don't leave, will you still grab someone!?"

"You are going to marry me!" Mick suddenly roared.

This roar surprised Robben, Sasha and Fanny. Could it be that Mick is someone like Wendy's fiance.

Wendy seemed to be touched by the scales at this moment, and immediately became annoyed, and said loudly, "I never promised! Nor did my grandfather! I want to influence other people's thoughts when I decide, Mick! You fool! !"

The two people were arguing in the street, and the people around couldn’t help but point their eyes. The focus of their eyes was naturally on Mick. In everyone’s opinion, this must be a scene where a nobleman came to chase his fiancée, but was thrown away by his fiancée early. drama.

Hearing people around him talking, only a small part of Mick’s face kept changing blue and white.

Suddenly, Mick cast his eyes on Robben, who was standing behind him, with disgust and viciousness on his face.

Robben was quite surprised. He didn't say a word this time, and even stood behind purposely so as not to let this Mick feel resentment in his heart because of his height, but why did he see this again? Is it possible that I am not guilty of standing here...

"It's you!!" Mick was very angry and jumped out the two words "I?" Robben was really dissatisfied this time. The last time I said it bluntly, you owed it to you. This time I will not speak to you. Actually came to trouble again. "Do I have any questions?"

"It's your Gu Huò Wendy, right!? Otherwise Wendy would never be like this!" Mick was angry.

"Mick, what are you talking about? You are not allowed to talk to the teacher like that!" Seeing Mick suddenly pointed the finger at Robben, Wendy said immediately.

"Teacher?" An extremely surprised **** appeared in Mick's eyes, "Wendy. Is it true that the rumors are true! Not only do you hang out in the magic group, but you also enter and exit such dirty streets and even chaotic taverns! You are so real! Learn from him, he is just a liar! He is a liar!!" Mick yelled hysterically, "He is lying to you!! Even these two women are also lying to you! You will become their gold coins when the time comes. , Plaything! Look how poor they are! Look how nasty this guy's eyes are, you..."

"Shut up!!" Wendy closed her teeth and took a step forward, raising her hand to a palm!

Robben could not help but closed his eyes slightly in advance. Wendy's slap was angry, and his strength was not

"Plap!!" Mick, who was still roaring unprepared, was slapped in the face firmly by Wendy's slap, his whole body shook, and then he slammed his head against the carriage beside him. .

"Ah!" Wendy screamed slightly. She didn't expect her slap to beat an adult man like this. Mick's head hit the carriage, slowly leaving blood stains.

"It's okay. It doesn't matter to him..." Robben reminded in a low voice, lest Wendy panic. Wendy glanced at Robben, and felt quite settled.

However, this action fell into Mick's eyes and immediately ignited endless jealousy.

This time Mick did not come alone with the coachman. After the last time he was attacked, it was obvious that the castle protected Mick a lot. There were more than a dozen guards around the carriage, and Robben felt that there was at least Twenty people are closely watching the situation here.

It's a pity that these guards can't do anything about Wendy's coming to fight Mick.

Mick fell to the ground, and a guard immediately came up to help Mick up, and Mick who stood up pushed the guard away, watching Wendy’s eyes full of cannibalistic gods, "Do you dare Hit me... OK! Very good! Do you think you are a granddaughter with a blue hat? It's amazing? It depends on our face!"

Looking at Mick who changed his face instantly, Wendy was sad, "Mick, you really are not the Mick I know. Do you know why I didn't see you behind your injured?"

"I don't want to hear! You bitch!" Mick growled angrily.

"Sasha, wait." Robben gently pulled the corner of Rasasha's clothes behind. Sasha looked back at Robben, her brows were already frowning. Seeing Robben shook her head firmly to herself, she had to move away. I took it back again. The cold light on the cuffs flashed away

Mick covered his head, Zhong pointed at Wendy, shivering nervously and said, "I wanted to pull you back from these inferior guys. Now it seems that such a method is useless, Wendy! You too! Let me down! But it doesn’t matter, I will soon make you repent, and then you will cry and beg me to let me take you in."

Mick walked away with a smile, "I am tolerant, I don't care if you have been played, but you must be mine in the end, and I will love you until I get bored!"

After hearing Mick's words, Di trembled all over, her face was full of iron.

"And you!!" Mick pointed to Robben, "You **** servant who only deserves to look at my face, you will be unlucky, you will pay for your behavior, take advantage of your life now, Because you don’t have much time."

Robben blinked, thinking how he came to me again...

"Let's go!" Mick roared and pulled out the door and got into the carriage. After slamming on the door, the carriage slowly drove out of the street and disappeared around the corner.

"Let’s go, too, here it’s like being watched by a theater, and I’m so uncomfortable..." Robben looked at the pedestrians around him, Mick left, and these people naturally turned their eyes to his own. Personal body.

After turning a few streets, Robben stopped in front of a tavern. This pub Robben has come to patronize several times, because the location is a bit far from the port, there are not many guests here, but the shop is very clean. It mainly sells a beer-like wine, although we are not good at drinking, but this The taste of the wine gives Robben a breath of hometown

Sit down in the shop and order some side dishes. With a few bottles of wine, Robben is going to eat a meal to make up for his disappointment.

Sorry" Wendy sat across from Robben, with Sasha, and finally couldn't help crying at this moment.

"This kind of thing is beyond our control. Okay, don't think about it. Let's eat the food first. Although it is not as good as Cecily, it has a special flavor!" Robben happily raised his glass.

"It's my fault that I have to come among you, it's me who hurts everyone..." Wendy's teardrops became a string...

"Well Wendy, don't think about this anymore!" Sasha comforted Wendy, gently pushing the glass in front of her, "This is for you, especially with sugar."

Wendy felt particularly wronged in her heart and looked at the glass of wine. Suddenly she turned around and threw herself on Salsa and burst into tears.

The other customers in the store felt weird when they heard the crying, and couldn't help turning around.

Sir, this..." The shop owner now knows that this is the infamous Andac. He is afraid of something and hurries to ask.

Robben waved his hand, "It's okay, just drank a little too much, and it will be better soon, soon, I am sorry," Robben took out some money from his pocket and put it in the owner's hand.

"This..." The owner was embarrassed.

"I know it's a little bit small, but it's all my property. It will be good soon, soon..."

As Luo Ben was talking, a hand came over and snatched the poor money from the owner...

"Go ahead! Is there a word in your store that no one is allowed to cry?" Fanny raised her pretty glamorous eyebrows.

If you want to talk about it, it’s better for Fanny to be angry and look like Robben is better to talk, but Sasha is more terrible to be angry...

The owner was obviously frightened by the look in Fanny's eyes, and left immediately after apologizing.

Robben felt a little sad, and ordered something more and gave the money in his hand to the owner. After that, he opened a magic enchantment silently, and Wendy's cry was immediately blocked.

The shop owner was stunned by Robben's actions. When she wanted to say something, she saw Fanny's eyes but left with sweating profusely.

After crying for a while, Wendy sobbed and wiped her tears and lifted her head from Salsa's arms. When the three of them were looking at her, her face flushed, "I'm sorry...I've caused trouble again..."

Wendy calmed down, sipped her sweet wine, and said softly: "Mick and I met when we were young, and we two learned magic together for a period of time. At that time, I always failed in water magic. He is better at it, I always cry, he will come to comfort me, we become friends, and sometimes we play together... Then I went to other places to learn magic, so I didn’t see each other much, but I always I remember him, I didn't expect him to be like this during this meeting..." Wendy shed tears again.

Sasha thought for a while, and said in a pretentious manner: "The teacher told me that a person will change a lot as he grows older. When he was a child, he was behaved, and he might become a bad person when he grew up. He was very disobedient when he was a child. It's possible to become a good person, and that Mick is nothing strange."

Robben rubbed his forehead directly in front of him. Not to mention whether Sa Sa's words are convincing or not, it seems that there is no comforting ability in simple terms. It is estimated that Yello has not said such things, and Sa Sa's ability to compose stories seems to be improved.

"Wendy, don't think about this matter. People will always change. Maybe you think he is still Mick before, but in fact, after a lot of time and many things, he is already different from before." Robben He smiled and said, "Look, Cecily was actually very unbehaved when she was a child, but now she is beautiful and obedient."

"Who said it! When I was a kid..." Sasha immediately retorted, but when she wanted to say something, she suddenly felt speechless...

Ha" Ending her laugh, Wendy couldn't help but laugh when she looked at Salsa.

Fanny raised her eyebrows. "When I was a kid, I wasn't behaved at all. I often caused headaches!"

Robben said amusedly: "I know that, fights are common, and family members are required to come to the aftermath."

Wendy couldn't help but looked at Fanny with some curiosity. She was a little bit more guessing about this woman with a bit of feminine appearance. Of course, Wendy wouldn't know that Robben and Fanny were talking about Fanny in the Academy of Magic. What happened to the eldest sister.

"What did Mr. Ann look like?" Wendy asked suddenly.

Wouldn't it be that you believed Sasha's words... Robben was sweating suddenly.

"He is a special case, from childhood to most of the bad water!" Sa Sa said immediately.

Wendy couldn't help laughing again. Gently turned the sweet wine glass in her hand, biting her mouth, chún said: "Actually, I understand that when I studied with Mr. An, I caused a lot of trouble for Mr. An... in trouble."

Seeing Wendy suddenly talking about this, the three of Robben were slightly stunned.

Wendy's gaze was fixed on the sweet wine in her hand, with gentle eyes. I couldn't help it. I have never been so leisurely. I have never bought anything at the market, drank alcohol, or even beaten it. Over the shelf..."

Wendy said, wiping the corners of her eyes, "I seem to have really broken my studies, but I'm very happy... and there is always a strange feeling. There are guys like Mr. Ann and sister Cecily in this world. Wife, and... um"

"Lover!" Fanny raised her eyebrows and said openly.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Wendy's mouth, "Anyway...it feels very strange, it seems that the relationship is messy, but it is very harmonious and warm. I never knew that my family was like this."

After sobbing softly, Wendy continued: "I'm sorry about Mick's affairs. I didn't expect that he would be angry that Mr. Ann would handle this matter properly and would not let him disturb everyone again."

Seeing Wendy's face firm and seeming to make some decision, Robben asked: "Wendy, do you have any good way to solve this matter?"

The meeting has figured out a way. If Mick continues like this, I want to go back and discuss with Grandpa. I definitely can't let Mick come to trouble again. Seeing how he looks today, it seems... very angry! "

Robben thought that of course he was angry, and you slapped him in the face in public.

He pondered. Robben said: "Wendy, don't do anything about this. We go back to discuss it and then make plans. Don't be so frowning. This is actually not a big deal. It's just that a noble child feels a little bit angry. That's it."

Robben said that it was relatively easy, but he was actually a little worried. It was often these noble children who did things that people couldn't understand.

Robben also feels very helpless with the current situation. The last time has been solved very well, but he seems to underestimate the stupidity and stubbornness of this guy Mick. Obviously he is now very dissatisfied with himself and last time. It doesn't matter, but simply thinks that he is preventing him from getting Wendy, and this situation is not something that he can avoid by himself.

Robben is also afraid of Wendy's actions. This girl is still not very good at handling such things.

Today’s shopping time ended early because of the appearance of Mick. Before we left, Robben repeatedly told Wendy to hide this matter from Zog, and waited for him to go home and discuss it before making plans. Wendy finally agreed. .

At night, Robben and his party met again in the secret residence. Today, it is mainly to discuss the affairs of Mick.

Metz kept frowning after listening to Robben's statement, and fell into deep thought. Everyone was a little serious after learning about this incident, obviously knowing that this incident might have a great impact on everyone.

For a long time, Metz had to sigh, "It seems that after we came here, the situation is more complicated than we expected. The appearance of Mick has somewhat disrupted our plans."

"Mayes, this guy" Robben felt somewhat apologetic, although he didn't regret Wendy's affairs, but it caused trouble after all.

Metz also saw what Robben meant, and shook his head lightly and said, "Don't look at me like this... This is impossible. It can only be said that our luck is not good."

After thinking about it again, there was helplessness on Metz’s face, “As for Wendy, we don’t need to change our attitude towards her, and...I think I’m going to draw a line with her immediately, I It will immediately become a minority..."

Fanny smiled and sat next to Metz, hugging her shoulders and said: "Sister~~ You will know her from now on, Wendy is a very good girl, you must have to ignore her..."

Mace smiled and nodded the tip of Fanny’s nose, "I know."

"So, what about Mick? We already know his identity. If he really finds trouble for us, it will be no small trouble for us." Robben asked.

Everyone's eyes converged on Metz's face. Everyone knew that Mick was a little ancestor. If he went crazy, it might make everyone feel peaceful.

Metz smiled indifferently, "It's okay, let him make trouble!"

Robben was greatly surprised, his eyes widened and asked: Mace, are you talking nonsense? ? "

Metz glared at Robben, "You just said nonsense, you can only do this, do you want me to figure out any way to do this? Or you can change his memory again!"

Robben said embarrassingly: "No one could do that that day. Now that kid is surrounded by many people guarding him. It is not easy to modify his memory without knowing it, and it is easy to be seen if he is too many times. There are flaws."

"I knew." Metz looked at the **** I had guessed, reached out and picked up the snack that Salsa had placed on the table, took a small bite, and then said leisurely: "So I said we don't have to do it now. What is the best way."

"Sister, what do you mean? You didn't see that Mick was arrogant today! And she looked angry, as if she was going to kill someone!" Fanny imitated Mick with a grimace.

Metz said: "In fact, there is nothing special, everyone might as well think about it. If the Andak family is really here now, what will they do?"

Everyone could not help but have a little suspicion in their eyes, and they had no idea about this issue.

Sasha pondered and replied, "Could it be that you took the risk to kill that Mick!"

Robben immediately shook his head, "I think he might go to beg for mercy right away. After all, all his foundation is in Yunhai Castle. If he angers the little master here, his life is half done."

Some nodded and some shook their heads, and began to discuss these two points of view.

Metz shook his head after listening to Sasha's words. When Robben finished speaking, he shook his head again. "No, I think... If it was Andak now, he wouldn't do it like this!"

Everyone is puzzled.

"This Ann is a bastard, yearning for a luxurious life, and doesn't try to fight for it. He only relies on some crooked ways to survive. If we don't come here, he is now empty of pockets looking forward to this month's salary, and the wife and lover of the family There is a lot of trouble. It can be said that he is already very embarrassed. In this case, I think he will take risks for the future!"

"Sure enough, kill that Mick!" Sasha couldn't help saying.

"No, that's not taking the risk. Ann's strength is not enough to kill Mick and then run away. That is self-destruction, and if you apologize as Robben said, you will only suffer endless humiliation, and you will not be able to raise your head in the future. As long as this Mick is in Yunhai Castle, Ann will not have a good life."

"That..." Robben didn't understand.

Mace suddenly smiled badly, "How can you forget the main character of this incident!"

"Wendy!?" Everyone was a little surprised.

"Yes! It's Wendy!!" There was a little gleam in Metz's eyes, "If I were Ann, I would not assassinate Mick, nor would I be softened. I would take advantage of Wendy's treatment of me. Trust is very dedicated to her. Obviously Wendy has not had much contact with people. She is simple and kind, and she is easily deceived. It is not difficult to obtain her trust completely, and she can even make her fall in love with me. With the contact with the blue hat, I can step into the blue hat family with one foot."

After thinking about it, Metz nodded and said with a certain degree of certainty: "Although Wendy is not valued in the family, she is also a member of the family anyway, and is a very potential magician. If Wendy goes Pleading, Old Zog will not necessarily refuse mercilessly, and as long as Old Zog has a little bit of caregiving, then I will be completely out of my current predicament, and I am no longer a servant of Yunhai Castle. You must know that Old Zog is very An influential teacher must be carefully considered by those who want to move him. Besides, I am still a lover with Wendy who has a good relationship with Wendy. Maybe I will inherit part of the family business in the future!"

Zog might not be able to protect Ann..." Fanny asked in a low voice.

"Yes! This is also a dangerous place. If Zog did not agree to anything because of Wendy, and completely cut off contact with me for this reason, then I will be in a very bad situation-and I may even leave Fithar Port. , Even leaving the effective sphere of influence of the Fett Consortium becomes nothing, but... if you want to stay here, you can only beg for mercy, but then my usual extravagant hopes will be in vain, so Wendy is my lifesaver! Catch Wendy firmly and you may escape this disaster and lead a better life in the future!"

Sasha looked at Metz with surprise on her face, looked at...After looking at it, she was relieved and patted ōngfu and said, "Fortunately...the vixen is not a man, otherwise..."

"Sister, you are terrible." Fanny hugged Mace's arm with a frightened expression.

Mace couldn't help but smiled, "Speaking of which, if I were a man, there would be nothing wrong with it. Then I can hug right and left, just like someone!"

Seeing Maes look over, Robben's mōmō nose was slightly embarrassed, "Mayes, you don't mean to... want me to approach Wendy now?"

Mace rolled his eyes, "Beautiful you, you still want to soak women under our three eyelids!"

"No way! Wendy is ours!" Sasha and Fanny immediately formed a united front with Metz.

Robben helplessly spread his hands, "Are we a little off topic"

"No digression, I'm just speculating about Ann's actions. Robben, you might as well do it now. Anyway, we have a good relationship with Wendy, right? But" Metz emphasized, "Just Sasha and Fanny. Go and make friends with Wendy, except to help her train her magic, you are not allowed to hit her attention."

"Of course I didn't. I didn't want to keep her by my side at the time." Robben smiled bitterly.

"Sister, but what about Sasha and I... It seems that please don't touch the blue hat. He can't hope that his granddaughter will marry two girls."

Maes slowly said: "Yes... We are now on the one hand to have a good relationship with Wendy, and try to get the support of Blue Hat. On the other hand, it depends on our luck."

"Look at luck?" Robben didn't think it was much like what Mace said.

Metz nodded, "Yes, we do depend on luck. To put it bluntly, we depend on Ann's luck. Up to now, we have no violent status. It can be said that if he is really Ann here, he may also want In the face of our situation, that Mick is an unstable factor. We can’t avoid him at all, and neither can Ann! It can be said that we are still on the track of Ann. We are in trouble, and Ann is possible. If you are in trouble, whether it is lucky or unlucky, as long as we don’t act violently and meet these things as Ann and his side, it can be said that we have survived this incident, regardless of whether we got the result or bad. As a result, we can all get closer to our identities and become less likely to be suspected. This is actually a good thing to avoid accidents at the critical moment, so that our chances of violence will increase."

"Experience more things, and become our current identity more appropriately, does that mean?" Robben asked.

"Almost, if nothing special can happen, and everyone’s impression of us is the same as before, it’s hard not to be violent. We must try our best to restore our original identity, but at the same time, we must also change. This is the only way to be safe. This time... it's the first chance."

Frowning, Metz said again: "I always feel that it is impossible to obtain some confidential information from the God Realm according to our current situation. I understand that it is very difficult for the Demon Race to install a spy in the God Realm, and there is no way to arrange special The identity is given to us, but in terms of everyone’s identity, it’s impossible to get any secrets in this lifetime unless we act secretly, but it’s too dangerous to be hard. If we now have an identity like Mick, it’s very dangerous. It’s easy to get some of the secrets of this castle, so...we might as well change our situation a little bit, Robben! You have to be careful about Mick’s revenge this time. This may really be an opportunity!"

This secret meeting did not decide on any effective course of action, except for getting close to Wendy as usual, just one word: wait.

Ian’s current situation is to face Mick’s revenge and seek opportunities from it. This is Metz’s proposition.

Wendy was very worried about this, and his indifferent attitude towards Robben showed even more worry. However, there was no movement on Mick's side for several days, which somewhat calmed Wendy's emotions. But on the fourth day, a message came from the castle.

This guy is very fast, and we don't know if we are honored to meet the big people in the castle this time. "Roben held a notice in his hand with a funny **** on his face.

Yunhai Castle issued a new recruitment notice to the entire Port of Fitur. In view of the previous attack in the castle, the owner of the castle has begun to question the defense capabilities of the current castle, so he began to recruit staff again, and opened the door to the outside world. Any powerful magician can apply for the job, of course, fighters are also needed, but the number is pitiful.

Moreover, all the original guards of Yunhai Castle will be changed. Except for some old subordinates who have followed the family for many years, they will all be temporarily dismissed, and the positions will be assigned after successful reapplication.

The way to apply is very simple, that is to show your strength! And if you want to compete for a certain position, then come to a duel with your opponent!

At the end of the notice, Robben saw a line of comments, which clearly emphasized that Mick, the victim of the accident in the castle last time, should sample the new defense system and may personally test the strength of each applicant.

"It seems to want to sweep me out!" Robben said after reading the notice.

Metz deeply agreed, "But maybe only after sweeping out will really clean up you!"

Su Dawei sighed and said, "It seems that I am tired. An's sister is also considered to be the old vassal of the Feite family, but this time I also have to reapply for the job. Should I consider changing my position? If I wear enough, does my profile show that I can use magic?"

Lilith snorted, "What are you complaining about? I just changed my identity. I was fired before I knew my environment. It's so pitiful."

Su immediately stared at Lilith again.

Fanny was full of excitement, "Sister, then... can I get an errand? My profile shows that I have studied magic, or wind magic!"

Metz said funnyly: "Be your lover with peace of mind! Una's wind magic is not enough to fly to the sky by herself~www.readwn.com~If you apply for a position of magic trainer or something, then you won’t be rejected. It's strange for people to doubt!"

"So, am I here too?" Xiu doubted.

Robben immediately shook his head, "No, Hugh, your identity is quite special and it is very useful to us. You should get acquainted with your environment as soon as possible. You may be able to rely on this identity to connect with the high-level gods, and you and Natalie's The identities are the same, if they change, they will be two people, so"

Right. "Xio nodded, not saying anything.

"How about Robben, there is nothing wrong with this situation, right?" Mayes asked.

Robben chuckled, "It seems that I have had a lot of uneasy days. How can I feel that Mick is playing with me, but that’s okay, everyone’s identities can be revisited, and they will still be recognized by the castle owner. After all, Mick is just the nephew of the owner of the castle. I think he may have miscalculated this time!"

"Then what do you want to do.

"Of course, first get the keys of the castle's various passage portals!"! .

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