God Prohibitions

Chapter 1147: 1 person's commitment

"Is the magician trained by the consortium only at this level? I don't have the courage to be challenged by others. It's really...a bunch of waste"

Robben felt strange, and Rosie’s words were a bit too rude, as if he had a deep hatred with the magician of the consortium.

"I said Rosie, I really just... uh" Robben shut up immediately, but it was too late.

Losi was annoyed for a moment, "I also said that I was passing by, how do you know my name? You still call me so casually"

"I'm... wait" Robben wanted to explain, Rosie's people had already been killed in a flash and stabbed

Robben immediately avoided the sword with his body, the blue light flowing under his feet, his body floated slightly, and quickly floated to the distance of the training ground, "No, wait a minute, I just saw you in the stands today, so I just want to Inquired about"

"It's a good excuse to inquire casually. I am a special envoy who just arrived today. You just asked about my name casually. It hasn't been half a day since you saw me and it's been a death for me."

Now there is no way to explain it, Robben screamed in his heart

Luo Xi rushed up like an angry leopard. The long sword in his hand was shining amazingly under the moonlight. Robben dodged from left to right, and the ground under his feet was chopped by the sword energy oozing from the blade. But I didn't hurt at all

Rosie chased Robben and cut a large circle on the training ground, and suddenly realized that he hadn't touched the corner of the opponent's clothes at all, so he stopped.

Robben Dekong immediately said: "I did just inquire about it. I have a very good friend in the castle, so I got some news. I really didn't follow you."

Rosie didn't seem to be listening to what Robben was saying. He just looked at Robben with a scrutiny gaze, and then nodded slightly, "It's really strange."

"Huh? What?"

"I felt very strange when I saw you today. A magician would hit someone with his fist. Sure enough, you are not a pure magician. I underestimated you."

"Uh... I, I'm a very orthodox... Orthodox magician" Robben is somewhat lacking in confidence. Speaking of orthodoxy, then maybe the orthodox magician is going to kick Robben out of the house.

"Hey, the character who monitors me will be a weird guy. Okay, since you still don’t admit it, then I’m not welcome." Luoxi finished speaking, stepping back slightly with one-handed sword and changed to two-handed sword. A faint golden grudge exuded from his body, "Now tell me what exactly you do, or else..."

Rosie clasped the long sword in both hands, and the sword body rang softly, and the air around the training ground seemed to start to be rotated by an inexplicable force.

"Oh, no, no..." Robben waved his hand quickly, "Miss Rosie, you can't just use vindictiveness here to destroy things like this, and... I said wait" Robben could not help but yelled, but Rosie was already Both feet jumped into the air and fell like golden stars

Seeing Rosie falling fiercely from the sky, Robben felt like he had become a scapegoat. It was obvious that Rosie seemed to be holding a anger in his stomach, but at this time he bumped into him.

But this is not the time to think, Robben's slipper once again flashed far away, and Luoxi dropped a long sword from the sky with strong energy and struck the place where Robben was just standing, and the ground was suddenly torn apart. Slate crushing splash

Who caused her to provoke her, but it turned out to be unlucky for herself. Seeing that Luo Xi clearly saw that she was avoiding but had no strength and still slashed with a sword to the ground, Robben knew that the girl was venting. 'S angry

At the wrong foot, the long sword that smashed into the ground was picked up by Luo Xi, the golden arc of the sword swept through the night sky, and a sword light swept straight toward Robben, and the ground where he had said it was rustled. , Another large piece of ground scrapped

This guy really intends to take himself but punching bag

Robben did not hide this time. With one hand, a fiery red flame magic shield appeared immediately before his death. The golden sword aura burst out from the shield with dazzling fire, and the shield was immediately chopped and the sword light Weakened to be invisible, but the sword aura on both sides cut down the small trees on the periphery of the training field. Robben watched the dark jump. These losses are estimated to be counted on his head in the end.

"What are you looking at?" Luo Xi's cold voice suddenly appeared in front of Luo himself

Robben turned his head, Rosie’s sword-holding hand had already hit Robben’s lower abdomen, and the hilt was shining with a light that was more condensed than the body of the sword, apparently trying to inflict heavy damage on the opponent

With a loud "bang", Losi couldn't help being surprised, "You..."

Robben's hand appeared ghostly on his abdomen, and he directly grabbed Rosie's attacked wrist, "I said... you will break someone else's intestines if you hit like this..."

"Um...you monster" Losi struggled hard, and was surprised to find that the opponent's hand seemed to be standing still, and he was actually restrained by a magician with his hands.

"This statement is too unkind, but... I think if we can sit down now, uh..." Before Robben finished speaking, a black shadow flashed in front of him, and Rosie's foot was already kicking fiercely. On the chest

With a sigh of relief in his chest, Robben was talking. Thanks to his reaction, he quickly retracted his tongue. Otherwise, it would be a lot of trouble...

The tall Robben was kicked directly by Rosie's kick. Before he landed, he felt a flower in front of him, and Roben's angry face appeared in front of him.

Very persistent, Losi hit Robben's abdomen with a punch. Robben, who was in mid-air, hit the ground from mid-air without humming. The last few slabs in the training ground were finally crushed. Smash


With the sound of the clear sword, Rosie’s sword reached Robben’s throat. He stepped on Robben’s wrist and his knees against Robben’s other arm. Rosie rode directly on Luo himself, staring. Drink: "Say, who are you? What are you doing?"

Robben wanted to move his body, but seeing the cold light in Rosie’s eyes, he had a big disagreement, and he lay down on the ground honestly.

"This...Miss Rossi"

"Don't call my name"

"Ah, well, I mean... well, can we talk in a more peaceful way, you see, I am a magician, if you are like this... I will be dead"

"It's the magician like you." Roxi annoyed and put the blade closer to Robben's throat. "The consortium always makes strange things. You are just like those warriors."

"Huh? What did you say about the monster?" Robben was taken aback.

There was a sneer on Rosie's face, "Hum, don't you dare to admit that you have done something? Those ghosts have now come to the human continent. A guy like you... at least should know something?"

He descended to the human continent, didn't Rosie talk about the beast warriors? Robben was extremely surprised

"Say, what on earth are you doing with me? What is the purpose? Who sent you here? You'd better tell me honestly, otherwise..."

Luo Xi's words came to an abrupt end, her face suddenly changed and her body bounced off the ground. The golden vindictiveness on her body soared in an instant, and a black shadow shot like lightning on the boulevard not far away. Slammed into Losi's body

With a grunt, Losi was knocked out, rolled in mid-air for a few times and landed on the ground, but he had reached the edge of the training ground.

Everything happened too fast. Robben was thinking about the beast warriors. When he came back, Luo Xi had already been knocked out. He couldn't help but was taken aback. He jumped up from the ground and shouted, "Wait. Don't hurt her"

The black shadow in mid-air revolved around, and then slowly fell to the ground. Under the cold moonlight, a charming blond woman was illuminated.

Rosie fell on the ground, looking at the enemy who was suddenly killed in front of him, he couldn't believe everything. He reached out and touched his ribs and the pain in his heart spread all over his body. Her ribs were actually between the sparks and flints. Two were interrupted by the opponent

"Sasa don't move." The first thing Robben jumped up was to hug the woman who had fallen from mid-air. The person who came was naturally not someone else, it was Sasha.

It's just a gentle and cute, with a bit of nerves, Sasa is now full of murderous face, and her blond hair is lightly beating like a poisonous snake that wants to eat.

Robben himself was secretly surprised. Sasha was able to repel Losey with a single blow, and it was obvious that she had already severely damaged her opponent.

"Sasha, this is not an enemy, don't be like this." Robben hugged Sasha tightly, for fear that he would rush out without paying attention to Sasha. It was very obvious that Sasha was murderous.

"Not the enemy?" Sasha looked at Robben weirdly. "But just now, I obviously saw her want to kill you."

"Uh... this, ha... this is a bit difficult to explain, but in general she is not an enemy, so... Rosie wait." Robben was trying to make Sasha quiet, and suddenly he saw Rosie's anger rise. , Completely entered the fighting state, rushed over again and couldn't help but rush

"Deal with her before talking"

When Sa Sa's words came, Robben felt his hands were empty, and Sa Sa's soft body was gone...

Damn it, Robben, who died this time, felt a cold sweat coming out of his back

Rosie was furious, her whole body's anger skyrocketed, and her degree suddenly increased several times faster than before, but Sasha rushed out like a ghost without the slightest light in her hands, cold light in her hands.

The two rays of light collided extremely


There was no loud noise or dazzling light. The moment Rosie and Sasha approached each other's body to make a move, they were completely frozen in the air...

On the ground, a small magic circle with a diameter of more than one meter appeared there at some unknown time. The magic circle emitted a faint light shining into the air, and the bodies of Rosie and Sasha were shrouded in this light. Motionless like a stone sculpture

However, the expression on Salsa's face can be seen to be very unhappy, and Rosie looked stunned, and then there was a look of extreme horror in her eyes.

The bodies of the two of them were frozen in the air, and Rosie’s long sword was slashed down, and it was already close to Sasha’s head, but Sasha’s left hand had pinched Rosie’s wrist, and the fingertips of her right hand reached Rosie’s throat. , The fingertips flickered, but a broken blade hidden in the cuff showed a hideous edge

My salsa... I'll be killed later. Robben looked at the two people who were still so good and could not help wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Quickly ran to Robben and pulled Salsa down from mid-air, out of the range of the magic halo on the ground, and Salsa's body moved freely again.

"Why protect her, she's going to kill you" Sasha couldn't help complaining once she could speak

"It's not the time to talk about this." Robben's toes touched the magic circle on the ground. The circle collapsed when the circle was touched. The mid-air Losy fell off with an exclamation. Robben stepped forward and hugged Losy without hesitation. I was about to hit Robben on the head with an elbow, but before I felt a heavy blow coming from the back of the head, the world suddenly went dark.

"Why? Do you still want to take her?" Sasha looked at Robben fainted and lost her.

"Let’s go away and the magic has been exposed. Someone really rushed over here." Robben could not help but ran away with Rosie and Salsa with one hand.

Less than ten seconds after Robben left the training field, a golden light fell from the sky and dozens of black shadows accompanied by golden light also appeared on the training field.


The golden light dissipated. Old Tiru held a long staff in one hand and was wearing a nightgown. He looked around with a serious face.

"Is there no movement around?"

As soon as Old Tiru’s words fell, more than a dozen figures walked out in the shade of the trees around the training ground. Like those who came to the training ground first, they were all wrapped in black, with no trace of skin exposed, only two. Eyes exposed

"The master didn't find any traces" later a dozen people in black replied

"The humming action is fast enough. As expected, the guy who dared to go wild here is not a bully character" Old Tiru snorted, his eyes swept across the ground, and was finally attracted by an ordinary broken floor, slowly Walked over

Looking at the empty ground, Old Tiru touched his gray beard and nodded, "Condensation technique? It seems that an incredible guy is here...I immediately strengthened the defense of the entire castle and entered a state of war. The clue is dealt with immediately, but don't make a noise to understand?"

"Yes, Master" all the people in black answered in unison and quickly disappeared into the darkness

"Could it be that little girl?" There was obviously only old Tiru left on the training ground, but another voice rang

Old Tiru shook his head, "Don't be stupid, that little girl is a warrior, and... even if she is a magician, she is far from reaching this level. The castle has not been flat recently. It seems that we have to reorganize it. Row"

"However, it may also have something to do with her. There are also many traces of sword aura on the ground. Obviously there are warriors who have fought here. That little girl is also a special envoy. If something happens to her, we won’t Good to explain to Master Rem"

"What is she doing now?" Old Tiru thought for a while, and asked with an eyebrow.

"If there is no accident, she should be sleeping in bed now"

After hesitating, Old Tiru frowned, "I'll take a look."

In the castle, there are a few rooms with protruding balcony gardens on the third floor. Here are the rooms with the best view of the castle. You can also overlook the sea and clouds of the port of Fetterham. It has always been a place for entertaining guests.

Old Tiru changed into a slightly formal dress and stood outside the door, gently, Old Tiru knocked on the door

At the second knock, a vigilant voice came from the door, "Who?"

"Oh, I'm very sorry Miss Rosie, I came to disturb you so late, but there was a little accident in the castle, I'll see if Miss Rosie is still safe."

"Wow" the door was quickly opened. Losi wore a nightgown, frowning, and said with extreme displeasure, "Master Tiru, ​​don't you even knock on a lady's door late at night to be very rude? Do not you know?"

"Oh ha ha..." Old Tiruth smiled unconsciously, "Miss Rosie, I am old enough to be your grandfather, and I came here personally for this and safety considerations. Please also Don’t mind. I’m relieved to see that you are safe and sound. I will set up a few defensive magics outside your room. This will not affect your entry and exit. I hope you don’t mind.”

Luo Xi snorted, "Why, is the security of Yunhai Castle so bad? I never encountered such a thing when I was in the barracks."

"Hehe... we are just some old men, of course someone will bully the door, but Miss Rosie doesn't have to worry that we have controlled the situation, and there will be no accidents that will happen again. Please forgive me."

"Oh, is it? I wonder if I know what happened to Master Tiru to run away personally at this late hour?"

"Small things, someone sneaked in and did some bad things, Miss Rosie don't mind, I believe everything will be done by the time I wake up tomorrow"

"Oh... is there a thief? Do you want to search my room?" Rosie had a funny face

"Miss Rosie joked, good night" Old Tiru nodded with a smile, and turned away before Rosie could speak.

Losi couldn't help but stared, slammed the door heavily and returned to the room.

Passing through the long living room and back to the bedroom, Rosie closed the door without turning on the light. He took a deep breath, then suppressed his anger and said, "Okay, you two **** should tell me how to respond now? What? Who are you two?"

"Ah... this is really a problem..." There was a tall figure sitting by the bed, obviously Robben

"I think it's better to kill her..." In the darkness, a hand touched Losy's neck without knowing it.

Losi felt his scalp numb, even if he hadn't deliberately guarded or used vindictiveness, but this bedroom was so big, behind him was the door, and only one step away from his body, so he touched it without a sound and attacked from behind. My own guy is simply creepy

"Sasa, don't be like this... She is not an enemy, I said..." Robben smiled helplessly.

"But what do we do now? If you don't kill her, she will be exposed. This guy doesn't seem to be able to change her memory very well." Although she disagrees a little bit, Sasha let loose Rosie and walked gently. Sat down beside Robben

"Sasha...Sasha?" Rosie suddenly felt a little weird when he heard the name. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but immediately opened his mouth, "Samel...you..."

"Look...what do you do now?" Sasha pushed Tyroben in complaining

Robben scratched his head in distress. It seems that these people are already known criminals in the God Realm. Sasha's life was actually spoken from Rosie's mouth. This is really troublesome."

"Could it be...you...you...no, no..." Losi guessed in his mind, thinking of the possibilities, but immediately denied his thoughts. "Okay now I will give you the opportunity to introduce yourself, who are you... on earth? What's the purpose of coming here? There is also..."

"Rosie, we are not enemies" Robben said softly

"Why do you call it so affectionate?" Sasha twisted Robben's face.

Losi thought for a while, but also felt very weird, and asked, "Do we...know?"

"Yes, Rosie, we know, but... you may not remember me anymore, but I always remember you, never forget..."

"Ah, Robben, what are you talking about..." Sasha rushed to Luo herself and began to pull Robben's ears reluctantly.

"Ahhh, Sasha, it hurts, wait for me to explain it to you... Ahhh, don't pull it here, it hurts..."

Adapting to the dim light in the room, Rosie grew up looking at the two people entangled on the bed, completely petrified in an instant...

"You...you...you...you are...yes, it's Robben" After a lot of effort, Losi finally said a word

"Kill you" Sasha immediately jumped up menacingly

"Sasha, you forgive me, who I really can't kill..." Robben hugged Sasha quickly

Rosie felt a little confused in her mind, "Wait a minute, you two... I mean, is this something? Are you kidding me? Or that old Tiru man is playing tricks on me, you guys, I said you two have I’m not listening to me, please give me a peace with you two." Rosie couldn’t help yelling.

"Roben, have you deployed silent magic?"

"Of course, otherwise you were discovered so early"

"Well, you two have enough trouble. Now it’s me who was caught by the two of you. What are you going to ask me, or what should I ask you two, instead of you two quarreling in front of me, I understand. Didn't you?" Rosie screamed frantically

"Look at Sa Sa, everyone is so enlightened, are we more serious?" Robben hugged Sa Sa and said with a smile

Sasha pouted and snorted and turned her head away, "I don't like this woman. If you want a woman, you can go to Su... I won't stop you from pursuing her, but this won't work."

"You guys, do you understand what I mean...Don't talk to yourself there, OK, I don't even know this man" Losi felt an inexplicable sense of powerlessness in his heart

"Sasha, this is not the case. I don't mean that to her at all. You see, she is neither beautiful nor bad. She wanted to kill me just now..."

"Hey...have you two finished talking? If not, please go outside and say, I want to sleep first. The ribs you just connected to me are still a little bit painful..." Luoxi felt like he was being affected today. Two idiots, idiots, idiots were caught...

"Sasha, this way...we'll explain things when we go back, but now we may have to talk to her as soon as possible, and we will discuss things in the evening."

"Hmm..." Sasha glanced at the magic hourglass on the table by the window, "Well, I also have to prepare supper too, it's going to be faster"

Robben wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Rosie, you don't have to stand and sit down."

Pulling a chair and sitting down, Losi couldn't help but mutter, "It's useless to call it so familiar. I won't tell you anything. As long as I can live, you will definitely pay the price."

"Let's not talk about this first, may I know first... what are you doing here?"

Losi snorted, stretched out his hand and said, "Should I give me the antidote before this?"

"The antidote?" Robben was stunned.

Losey suddenly became angry. "Don’t pretend to be garlic. When I woke up, the thing she gave me would be poisoned immediately if I didn’t listen. I’ve already driven away the old Tiru, ​​and now give me the antidote. Refuse to answer any questions"

"Sasha?" Robben looked at Sasha in astonishment. After moving Losy back to wake up, he didn't know that there was such a thing.

After hearing this, Sasha stretched out her hand and took out a small bottle in her pocket, "Is that this?"

"Of course it's this I remember clearly" Rosie pointed to the bottle as soon as he found evidence.

"Oh... that's all for you, you can eat whatever you want, I still have it." Saying that, Sasha threw the small bottle to Rosie, and took out another bottle by herself.

Luo Xi took the bottle in a daze, and did not react for a long time. After a full five seconds, Luo Xi jumped up from the chair, "You two bastards, when do you want to play me?"

An angry Losy was about to throw the bottle in his hand on Robben's face, but was stunned to find that Salsa twisted the cap, poured out a poison and threw it into her mouth, and took out one with a smile on her face. Into Robben's mouth next to him

"You...you, are you two crazy?"

Robben couldn't laugh or cry, "Rosie, you don't feel...Is the poison smell special?"

"Especially... uh, sweet, a little sour... it's quite delicious, but... but the poison is almost... like this?" At the end, Luo Xi felt strange.

"Sure enough, it's better to kill... My carefully prepared food is actually said to be poison." Sa Sa frowned immediately

"Food?" Rosie's eyes widened again, and he couldn't help but raise the small bottle in front of him.

"There are not so many delicious things in the God Realm. I had to get some things I knew, and then carefully tried it. It took more than a dozen processes to make these small snacks that I carried with me. You actually said it was poison." Sasha was a little angry.

Losi felt like she opened the small bottle with a ghostly hand, poured out a "poison", and threw it into her mouth with difficulty. This "poison" immediately bloomed on her tongue with amazing deliciousness... realizing the truth. Losi has an urge to cry

He violently placed the small bottle on the chair, and Rosie pointed at Salsa and shouted: "You **** woman, you are that Salsa, is that human, right? According to the data, she is responsible for everyone's food or for use. The poison master is you, right? It must be you"

Robben's feeling is that Losi is a bit mad at the chaotic situation now...

"No" Sasa denies

"You just said that there is nothing good in the God Realm, right? I heard clearly that a Protoss would never say that."

"You got it wrong" Sasha answered calmly

"You...you two **** and me..." Rosie was a little dizzy.

Robben hurriedly stood up, "Wait, wait, I wonder if we understand the current situation a little bit...Sasha, can you wait for me outside for a while? I want to talk to her alone"

"Really?" Sasha asked suspiciously

"Ah...really just for a while"

"Okay..." Sasha stood up, and when she walked to the door, she suddenly turned her head and gently put Rosie's shoulder on her shoulder, "I will yell when there is danger, I will come to rescue you..."

Losi lay on the back of the chair without the strength, "I must be dreaming, you two **** don't exist... don't exist... don't exist..."

When Sasha leaves, Robben and Losy are left in the house.

Looking at Losi Robben who was muttering alone there, he said, "Okay, Losi, it's okay, don't be nervous, I won't hurt you, will your ribs still hurt? If you don't be quiet, the injury will not be quick Just fine"

Losi raised her head and said weakly, "One or two are so weird. Today, I must have encountered something unlucky. After sleeping, I will wake up from the dream. What is Robben and Sasha? How could human beings be here? There was such a **** of a person in front of me..." With that, Losi got out of the chair and touched the bed, looking like he wanted to climb up to sleep...

Robben touched his nose and had to say: "Losie, you can trust me, I really won't hurt you, so...you don't have to act anymore. The ribs still hurt. You know clearly that this is not Dreaming, my name is Robben, and the one who just came out of the human continent is my wife Sasha and the two of us...should be wanted here"

Losy's movements froze for a moment, but he climbed onto the bed slowly

"Lossi, I still know a little bit about you, you can use tactics when it is not good for yourself, especially for men who are much stronger than yourself. This should be in your training program, but I will not take you How is it, even if you plan to take off your clothes cruelly and get into the quilt waiting for the opportunity"

This time, Losi's body completely froze

"Hmm...Don't use the dagger hidden under the pillow, and Sasha has already taken it away."

Without warning, Rosie's body bounced off the bed and entangled Luo himself like an octopus. The strong twisting force immediately twisted Robben's body half a circle, and his body was unnaturally crooked. Past, but... it's only limited to this

Losi’s heart was frightened and angry, and he exerted all his strength, but the opponent’s body did not move at all, let alone squeezed the opponent’s bones.

An electric arc jumped out of Robben’s fingertips, and Rosie felt uncomfortable when he saw this, but unfortunately he hadn’t moved yet. A violent force had already rushed into his body, and Luo himself violently exploded with a flash of thunder. Rosie wrapped in it

In less than five seconds, Lei Guang disappeared cracklingly, and Rosie's limbs wrapped around Robben fell limply, and his body finally fell weakly on the bed.

Robben smiled, "It's a good thing to see you so energetic, but now please be quiet, I have something to ask you."

Rosie found that her whole body was completely paralyzed, except for her head that she couldn't feel the presence of her body at all. Obviously, the opponent's Thunder Magic selectively made herself unable to move.

It seems that there is absolutely no chance to escape today, Rosie's heart sank into the abyss...

"You...really that Robben?" Rosie's voice became cold

"Of course, if the fake is replaced, the fake one loses ten," Robben replied jokingly

"Then why are you here?"

"Um... Rosie, this is not right, but I want to ask you now, it's not time for you to ask." Robben immediately corrected the situation.

"Heh... I won't answer any of your questions. I want to do whatever you want, but you'd better kill me directly, otherwise you will definitely regret it."

"So fierce... before you could be very gentle" Robben smiled and straightened Rosie's body, then leaned her against the head of the bed and put a pillow to make her feel more comfortable.

"I haven't seen you. Don't say anything that makes me sick. If you want to **** me, just come. I don't want to see your disgusting face."

Robben moved his eyebrows helplessly, feeling very helpless, "It seems that you will not trust me anyway in this situation, so at least answer me a few questions? How do you say it has fallen into my hands, too. I should do something that is consistent with my current status. For this reason, I promise not to hurt you. Do you think this is okay?"

"No matter who you are, I won't answer your question. I am a warrior. I have my faith." Rosie yelled.

Robben scratched his head, "Could it be that he wouldn't agree even if he died?"

"Humph" Rosie snorted, already too lazy to speak, and closed her eyes.

"But if you die, your brother will be very sad"

"What did you say?" Luoxi opened his eyes sharply, but immediately, Luoxi smiled again, "It's so funny, you actually threatened me with my brother, you should know his identity, if you can deal with me, does it mean you can deal with him? My brother will kill you and avenge me"

"Hmm... I am really proud of my brother, right?"

"Humph as much as you want, but it's better not to say these stupid things without beginning and end" Rosie turned his head and closed his eyes again.

"Sigh..." Robben sighed, "Speaking of which, your brother is sad, and Sund must be sad too, seeing you die naked."

"You...you bastard" Rosie opened his eyes again, his face was full of anger, "You dare to treat me like this and I will make you worse than death."

Robben chuckled, "But the current situation is more favorable to me, you'd better... it's better to be quiet."

Rosie glared at Robben, her eyes full of humiliation and unwillingness, staring...staring... But there was a bit of pain in Rosie's eyes, she turned her head again, and she smiled, "Okay, it's yours. Well, anyway... he won't look at me more."

Robben knew that he had touched Rosie’s heart, and he felt a little helpless. He stood up and said, "Actually, I am a good person and I never do bad things. Of course, I will do it occasionally if necessary, but most of the time. I was indeed a good person back then, so I always do good deeds to help others solve their problems..."

"What do you want to say? Don't make a roundabout" Rosie interrupted Robben.

"Well...it's easy, I can...help you realize your wish" Robben said softly

"What?" Losi thought she had heard it wrong, and shook her head. "It's crazy today. I really thought I was dreaming and I met a guy who talks nonsense anytime..."

"I can help you get close to Send" Robben said softly

A word stopped Losy's complaint

"I can let your brother be at ease with you, let him still care for you, but won't cling to you, let him encourage you to find a man you like, I can help you become a man's wife , A quiet and happy life, far away from struggle, far away from restlessness, never use these hands to hold a sword again"

Gently ~www.readwn.com~ Robben took Rosie's hand and said as if promised

Rossi looked at Robben in surprise, and didn't know what to do for a while...

"You... what do you want? Who are you... on earth?"

"Rosie, I don’t want anything. When I came, I thought secretly, I must find you so that you can live a peaceful and peaceful life here. You don’t have to be troubled by those things, and you don’t need to cry for those things. Will make you happy"

"You...you...are you crazy? It doesn't matter what Robben you are, anyone is good, but I have never seen you at all." Rosie is really a little scared now, but he is not afraid of Luo. What I would do to myself, but a kind of inexplicable tension, as if you were walking on the street and someone rushed over and said that they would give everything for you...

"Maybe... But every time I think of burying a lonely soul in darkness and cold, I feel that I am going to go crazy slowly. I swear that if there is a chance, I will save her. Now, this opportunity has come. It's in front of me" (to be continued)

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