God Prohibitions

Chapter 1165: 2 options

"Fools looking for death"

Old Tiru saw that Robben actually rushed over, and couldn't help but smile and anger. Of course, he knew about the fact that An would hit people with his fists, but he really thought that a magician could break through the most powerful magician with the power That kind of offensive shield?

His heart was waiting for the opponent to be bounced back after being injured. Old Tiru did not hesitate to continue chanting his own spell, and made up his mind that he must kill this guy in the next blow, and then leave here.

Without encountering any obstacles, the short distance was almost in an instant. Robben approached the golden ring-shaped magic shield opened by Old Tiru, ​​and reached out and pressed his hand on the light curtain as if it were substantial. A mottled light jumped from the curtain and wrapped around Robben's palm

It turned out to be an aggressive magic shield. Robben couldn't help but frown when he saw the light waves entwined in his palm, but he was not too surprised. When the magic shield was opened just now, it even broke the house here. Robben had long expected this magic shield to be offensive, but he didn't expect the strength to be somewhat beyond his expectations.

There is no time to think too much, a lot of elemental power is gathered in the palm of his hand to protect himself, and the seven-color light that has risen all over Robben's body is like boiling water.

Old Tiru was stunned when he saw Robben so suddenly, he didn't expect that the other party came over and just pressed his hand on the shield. He didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

Damn kid now, no matter what you do you are going to die

Although he was slightly surprised in his heart, the old Tiru, ​​who was absolutely confident in his own strength, still had no plans to change his actions. Old Tiru knew in his heart that when his magic was activated, the weird kid in front of him would definitely be wiped out.


The murderous old Tiru was thinking in his heart, but in his ears he heard the movement that made him almost flying out of the sky...The magic shield shining with golden light actually appeared cracks where Luo Ben's palm was pressed. Along the cracks, a weird seven-color halo is slowly flowing on the shield

Hell the old Tiru screamed in his heart, and the spell in his mouth could not help speeding up


Before Old Tiru’s spell was completed, the golden shield had collapsed and opened a big hole in the violent tremor, and the light suddenly weakened. The wind that penetrated the entire space outside relentlessly broke open along Robben. Pour in this hole

Old Tiru’s spell was abruptly interrupted

Although it is said that the caster will naturally resist the magic he uses, it is impossible to be completely immune to the power of his own magic. Old Tiru feels his body is tight, has been hugged by the gale, and the powerful tearing force is raging. The upper body had to immediately interrupt the cast, forcibly opened the close-fitting magic shield to avoid major damage

At the moment when the magic shield was opened, Old Tiru felt a ball of fire in his mind exploded directly, making himself dizzy and black in front of him.

Old Tiru staggered, almost fell, and the spell was interrupted. The magic backlash caused by more than half of the magic had already been activated, making Old Tiru unhappy for a while.

Robben’s current consumption is already very large, and such a good opportunity can’t be let go, but he hasn’t waited for the wand in the hands of Old Tiru to poke **** the ground to stabilize his body. The cyan light waves swept in all directions

Robben only feels that the space is being pushed by an extremely powerful force, his body is pushed back uncontrollably, the powerful force is pressing on him, and even his bones are rattling.

The gale that filled a small area within the small building disappeared in an instant, and the isolated world seemed to reconnect with the temporarily isolated space at this moment.

Robben was pushed over a distance of more than two hundred meters by this huge force, and finally hit a tall rockery and finally stopped, and there was nothing within a hundred meters radius of Old Tiru, ​​even The thick paving stones buried deep in the ground were ground into powder by the wind like a knife...

This old thing completely released the power of the wind magic just now... Robben stood up and moved his arms to make sure that his hands are now fractured, and there are many injuries caused by squeezing everywhere in his body.

Spitting out the suffocation in his chest, Robben smiled slightly. Although he was injured now, there is no doubt that he won the battle.

The corners of old Tiru’s mouth have oozes bloodshot eyes, and his eyes pass through the space that he has destroyed into a clearing, staring at Robben, which is full of bitterness.

"Boy I will kill you, don't forget my words"

Robben laughed loudly, the colorful light film on his body gradually turned into scattered light and disappeared in the air, and said: "Of course, I will try to remember your old man's words. Of course, you must first take care of the current troubles. Deal with it

Old Tiru didn’t react to Robben’s obviously provocative words, and put away his staff with a calm face, and slowly turned around.

Behind the old Tiru, ​​a young man dressed casually, without armor but with a sword hanging from his waist, was standing there with a smile but a smile. Some looked at old Tiru helplessly.

Old Tiru looked serious, stretched out his hand to pat the dust on his body, and saluted slightly, "Master of War, I didn't expect to have disturbed you here. I'm so sorry."

This young man is exactly Rem

"Tiro, I kindly let you live here, but why did you mess up this place? It took me a lot of hard work to build this place. If I want to rebuild it, I don’t know how much time and strength"

Old Tiru’s voice brought a somewhat formulaic trepidation, "Master of War calmed down, I didn’t intend to destroy it, but because there was a traitor in the castle, I planned to clean up this garbage, but I didn’t expect this to happen."

"Oh... traitor?" Rem asked with interest. "Which traitor do you mean? Is it the big man behind you?"

Old Tiru angrily thought that An Du had already lived here. Obviously you arranged it. Don't you know who he is? I'm afraid his true identity is your spy

He was annoyed, but Old Tiru’s face was calm, and he said, “Yes, Lord of War, this man was involved in leaking some secret information about the castle and caused huge losses to the castle, so it’s necessary to clean it up. It’s unlucky for him to think that I would run into him when he escaped here."

"Hahaha..." Rem chuckled lightly, and then slowly said, "Tirru, I have received news. It seems that you have been in trouble during this time in Fett Harbor, and there are always inexplicable intruders who do not know that this guy has Doesn't matter?"

"This matter is still being verified, and it will be handled properly when I go back." Although Tiru looked respectful, his tone of voice to Rem has never been considered polite.

"Oh? Do you still want to go back?" Rem smiled, and suddenly said something with a strong smell of gunpowder. Suddenly, the atmosphere of hypocrisy and politeness changed instantly. Old Tiru frowned slightly and said: "I'm not very Understand the meaning of Lord Ares, there are still a lot of things that I have to deal with in Fett Harbor. I just received the news that something happened again. I originally planned to explain some small misunderstandings to Lord Ares, but Now it seems that I can only talk about it later. Please forgive me, Lord Ares."

"Explain the misunderstanding? Haha...Yes, there have been too many misunderstandings since the completion of Port Freed." Rem beckoned behind him, and immediately ran out a few entourages from the messy forest, with the table in his hand. The chair fruit plate was quickly set up, and then quickly returned

Rem sat down and peeled a nut and threw the nut into his mouth and chewed it with satisfaction. It seemed that he had forgotten the old Tiru for a while.

Old Tiru looked at Rem’s actions, his heart became more and more uneasy. Judging from the current situation, this Rem actually seemed to really not want to let him go easily.

After thinking about it for a moment, Old Tiru said, "Master of War, the completion of Port Fett has brought a lot of benefits to Master of War. Now this city is in a lot of trouble, which will not only bring bad influence to the entire consortium. , It will also affect the interests of Lord Ares. Now... I still want to go back to the castle immediately to deal with the affairs, you see..."

"You don't need to go back. Your castle doesn't exist anymore. I sent someone to search it inside and out, and demolished it by the way." Rem said casually, as if it was a trivial matter.

When Old Tiru heard this, the eyelids of his eyes suddenly trembled a few times, "Master of War, you just said..."

"Then my soldier found a lot of interesting things in the castle, look..." As he said, Rem threw a thick stack of documents, scrolls and other messy things on the table.

Old Tiru's pupils shrank suddenly. Of course he knew these things. They were all important transaction and experiment records stored in his secret laboratory.

Old Tiru understood in an instant that what Rem said was completely true. The presence of these things meant that someone had sneaked into his secret laboratory after he left. However, he had already taken that laboratory away because of the previous invasion. The entrance of is temporarily blocked, and if you want to enter, there is no other way but to violently break the wall... The castle was really destroyed.

Old Tiru looked at the record and couldn’t help burning with anger. The construction of Yunhai Castle took a lot of his own efforts. Now it has almost become a landmark building on this land. There have been countless big people gathered in that castle. I was ruined when I thought I had only been away for a few days

The hand hidden in the robe was firmly grasped, and the old Tirukan bones were all squeezed and rattled

However, Old Tiru also clearly understood what character he was facing right now. This somewhat irritable God of War is not a character you can resist. There are countless amazing and stunning figures in the entire God Realm, but in the end there are only six. Being able to become a **** of war is a real looking down on the common people and an unscrupulous existence in charge of life and death. The current situation is already very detrimental to him. If he does anything bad, then...

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Old Tiru lowered his head slightly and said, "Master of War, I have heard of those things. During this period of time, the castle has been in trouble, and there are malicious attacks on us by outsiders who want to rely on your power to threaten us. , But I have never taken it to heart. I think the interests of the consortium and Lord Ares are the same, and you are also the wisest and most just. You will definitely not let me be wronged..."

Rem looked at Tiru with a playful look in his eyes, and smiled: "Tiru, ​​do you mean that if you are in trouble, won't the consortium give up?"

Old Tiru laughed immediately and shook his head: "No, Lord Ares, you must not listen to the rumors outside, and do not easily believe these forged exhibits. On the surface, I am carrying out trade activities on behalf of the consortium, but in fact it is nothing. It's just here for the elderly. The real management of the consortium is my subordinates. There can be no threats to an old man like me, and even if I unfortunately encounter any problems, the consortium is absolutely loyal to Lord Ares, absolutely not. What inappropriate things will be done"

This time Robben at the back understands it, and Tiru is showing his cards again.

There is no doubt that Tiru is very nervous now. The appearance of Rem made him feel terrified, but at the same time he also has considerable confidence in his identity and the influence of the consortium. This is why he is knowing that the evidence has been taken by others After I found out, I dared to explain the reason to Rem by myself. There is no doubt that if something happens to the old Tiru here, the whole Fett consortium will be greatly shaken. By then this has grown into a god. The organization of the giant monster in the world doesn’t know what will happen

Rem didn't seem to be interested in Tiru's words at all. He still peeled the nuts to himself, and asked: "I heard a while ago. It seems that a group of inexplicable warriors have been sent to the human continent as the vanguard and Those witches fought, and the news I received about this matter surprised me, but I couldn’t start when I wanted to investigate something, because it involved another **** of war, and then I didn’t pay attention anymore, just... …Unexpectedly"

While talking about Rem, he took out a piece from which pile of things and looked at Old Tiru. Rem asked, "Tiru, ​​what's the matter with the Beast Warrior?"

Rem is holding a copy of the contract

Isn't even Rem's identity as God of War unclear about this matter? Robben was surprised when he heard Rem ask

Old Tiru’s forehead was dripping with sweat and cautiously replied, “Master of War, I don’t understand what you said about the Beast Warrior...what is it?”

Rem sneered and threw the contract in his hand on the table, "Tirru, your name is signed on the contract, and there is also a name I investigated before. Among these things found in your castle, many It all proves that you have a lot of secret contacts with that name, and... there are many transactions that are not very visible, but I am not interested in knowing those. I want to ask you, Beast Warrior...what is going on?"

"My Lord Ares, someone is attacking us. Those so-called exhibits are likely to be forged..." Although he was already feeling bad, Old Tiru clung to his last life-saving straw and refused to give up.

"Tir..." Rem made a cold voice for the first time, interrupting Old Tiru's words, "Your answer today will affect whether you can go back or not."

Rem's words made Old Tiru take a breath of cold air, because these words didn't seem to be just talking casually. A brutal murderous aura has slowly overflowed to his feet, and the cold feeling penetrated his bones.

"It's unbelievable. Our loyal fighters have gone through countless pains and tortures to gain the strength to defend our homeland. God has given them courage and glory, but when these fighters fought blood for the honor of the Protoss, they actually had Some stupid guys hiding behind and soaking in gold shamelessly trample on their last dignity and honor, Tiru, ​​tell me, those beast warriors...what the **** is going on?"

The corners of Old Tiru's eyes trembled uncontrollably, and the cold river on the ground seemed to have a cold river gradually overflowing his feet, pushing toward the top of his head.

"You said...you can leave, don't say...death" Rem's voice is extremely heavy and cold as ice

Old Tiru trembled, looking at Rem in disbelief. Could it be that the other party really wanted to kill him?

Say or not? Old Tiru was fighting fiercely in his heart. If this matter was spoken out of his own mouth, it would inevitably cause an uproar. I am afraid that his status in the consortium would be lost, but if he did not say it... Now, maybe I will die

"Tiru, ​​I don't have so much patience to spend with you..." Rem saw that Tiru no longer spoke. Although the expression on his face remained unchanged, his eyes seemed to be struggling and immediately urged.

"Master of War" Old Tiru finally made up his mind and said, "I have heard about this too."

"Hear heard?" Rem couldn't help but his face looked a little ugly when he heard this. "Hear heard...what does it mean?"

Old Tilu Xun sorted his thoughts and said, "Master of War, I have heard the name Beast Warrior, and I also know how this name appeared."

"Then just say it." Rem was quite unhappy about the old Tiru's intention to detour.

"Yes, Lord Ares..." Seeing Rem's murderous aura, Tiru said, "The number of witches on the human continent is much greater than before the beginning of the war, and there has been the Luo who took refuge in the demons. Ben, he messed up the war situation in the mainland, so this time we must send more soldiers to suppress this situation, but now the war has not started and the channel has not been opened on a large scale. It is very difficult to reach a large number of soldiers, so..."

Old Tiru said, he couldn't help forgetting Rem's glance

"Say..." Rem urged briefly

"Yes, so this compromise method was figured out. If we go to the human continent, many creatures in the God Realm will not have that kind of energy limitation when passing through the passage, so... if we can transplant this characteristic to ours On the fighters, and the power that they have gained, it's totally killing two birds with one stone."

"It's a good idea to kill two birds with one stone..." Rem's face was stiff but looked terrifying.

Old Tiru swallowed his saliva and continued: "It seems...it seems that at that time someone said that the creatures that are not restricted by the passage can be perfectly integrated with our warriors through magical transformation and fusion. Of course, this is just a saying, and When it was brought up, it met with collective opposition from the military, so there was nothing to follow."

Rem raised his eyebrows and said, "No more?"

"Uh, yes... Lord Ares please be happy and angry, I know this incident must make you very angry, but there should be no more information about this matter. As for some confusing information, please consider carefully. distinguish"

Rem looked at the old Tiru and suddenly understood something, and asked with a smile: "So, the Fett consortium stated in this contract is responsible for the experimental fusion, and the military is responsible for selecting fighters and finally checking and collecting them. The matter of paying you huge rewards is actually false information, right?"

"Yes, please don't believe those things, Lord Ares." Old Tiru was already sweating profusely.

"So... your signature on this must be fake?" Rem suddenly reached out and took out another contract, which looked exactly the same as the one just now.

Robben was puzzled and couldn't help but secretly scanned the two contracts, only to find that the one that Rem took out afterwards was actually genuine.

"Of course" Old Tiru replied with an ugly smile.

"In other words, it is the situation in the mainland that is pressing some of our people, so they have paid attention to the opinions put forward by a certain organization, and secretly cooperated with them. Of course, this statement and those found in your castle The so-called criminal evidence is actually nothing, it's just a trap left by some people attacking you.

Robben was stunned suddenly, because as Rem said, he slowly folded the two contracts in his hand, and slowly tore them... torn apart, and instantly torn to pieces.

When Old Tiru saw Rem behaving like this, a stone fell in his heart, and his nervous body relaxed as if collapsed. He raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his head and said: "The Lord of War is really wise and wise. It shouldn’t exist. The consortium is just doing some business, but it will inevitably involve the interests of some caring people, and they will often be attacked like this. Please also ask the Lord of War to observe."

After throwing it away, the thin fragments of the two contracts floated up. Rem looked at the fragments flying in the air, and suddenly said with some emotion: "I didn't expect that under the glory of God, such a despicable situation would happen. Shameless things"

Old Tiru was taken aback when he heard this, and he was a little confused about Rem.

"Tirru, you really are bound by other contracts, right, this matter must not be explained to others, I guess it is good? Although you are a big person, this matter is very important, and... The characters are also not small characters, and it is reasonable to use the secret contract."

"Uh..." Tiru was a little confused. Why did the Lord of War tore up the contract just now and obviously didn't intend to pursue this matter?

"Master Ares, you laughed, the signature on that contract is fake, and I didn't really participate in this matter."

Rem nodded, "Well, it depends on you telling me something as best as possible, so that my suspicion has been confirmed. I will not pursue you for this matter anymore."

The heart that just hung up fell back. This time Rem personally promised that Old Tiru suddenly had a great heart about the contract. It was not that he didn’t want to say anything about the contract, but that he couldn’t say it at all, to the degree just now. It is already his maximum limit. It seems that this answer has made God of War very satisfied. Now the contract has been torn down. Although it will be a little troublesome to negotiate with the military in this way, the effectiveness of the contract will not disappear because of this, and Rem has now agreed. Let yourself go, this result is already very good in the previous bad situation

He glanced at him, and Robben was still standing there not far away listening to the two people talking. This made Tiru's heart itch with hatred, but Tiru also knew that he had to take this away now. It's impossible for a guy who broke his own major event...

Leaning slightly, Old Tiru said, "Master of War, if you have nothing else to do... I will leave first and wait until I have settled my affairs. Regarding the evidence of gossip and malicious slander, I will do this. Let me explain to you again"

"Ah, no," Rem answered casually

"Then... I will retire first." Old Tiru breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he could get away today, and answered without thinking, but immediately realized that it was wrong, how could the other party respond like this?

"For the sake of you confessing something, I won't torture your soul especially" Rem's voice rang like thunder in Old Tiru's ear

"You" screamed and found that the bad old Tiruchi gathered all the magic power, and a golden halo spread out again on his body, but...

Old Tiru opened his mouth in astonishment, his body was emitting a golden light in his sight, the staff had already fallen into his hand, but... the gap in the neck was spraying blood...

With a "boom", Tiru's head finally fell to the ground. Until then Tiru didn't believe that Rem would actually kill him.

Rem did not know when he had appeared behind the old Tiru, ​​the long sword in his hand was gleaming, and there was no trace of blood.

"For your identity, I will kill you with my sword." Rem swung his sword lightly. The blade made a pretty arc in the air and inserted it into the scabbard.

The moment the blade was fully sheathed, Old Tiru’s corpse suddenly swelled up and exploded into finely shredded blood foam. The surrounding area was blood red, and only the square inch where Rem was standing was as clean as ever.

Robben’s jaw dropped. Rem actually killed Tiru and didn’t even leave the whole body. Although there was no time to react at that moment, Robben can see clearly that Rem has passed the old When Tiru stood behind him, he had no idea how many swords he had cut Old Tiru. Old Tiru’s body was not broken by some force, but it was smashed by countless swords in an instant by Rem... …

Looking around, Rem sighed and seemed to have done a little meaningless thing just now. "It's a mess around. This place is expensive. It is probably very troublesome to find those rich people to compensate. I have to pay for it myself..."

As soon as he turned around, Rem looked at Robben and showed a big smile, "Are you Ann Duck? The same as Rafis and Losey described, but it seems that the strength is a little different."

Luo Ben felt a chill in his heart, looked away from the vague pool of flesh and blood on the ground, lowered his head slightly, and said, "Master of War, I also have part of the responsibility for the situation here. Please forgive me."

"Haha... of course, you don't have money to pay me anyway, come here, just because I want to talk to you"

Unparalleled sense of oppression

Robben felt that all his pores were under pressure. An indescribable sense of pressure was released from this Rem's body. This feeling made Robben's vigilance to the limit. Just now Rem was almost Killed old Tiru without warning, which made Robben particularly nervous

"I won't kill you, don't be nervous" Seeing what Robben was thinking, Rem smiled again

Looking at the appearance of Rem, Robben secretly evaluated the strength gap between himself and the opponent, and the final result made Robben somewhat helpless. When in the illusion, only in the last time his divine power gradually grows. It’s a long and short capital with God of War, and now the strength is not as good as before, and it is still limited by the body. It is impossible to be Rem’s opponent at all. Maybe he can defeat the old Tiru by doing his best, but... just now, the old Tirulian There was no room for resistance and was chopped to pieces by Rem

Sitting down, Rem frowned when he looked at the "remains" of the old Tiru on the ground, "This dirty old thing, blood is so ugly, let's talk in another place"

Robben naturally nodded in agreement. After a while, Robben was taken by Rem to the temple where he lived.

Rem entertained Robben in a big room with no furnishings but fifty meters long and wide.

The only furnishings in the room were a carpet that was only five meters square in the center, and a small table on it. Robben sat down opposite Rem, Rem immediately clapped his hands, and a small door opened on the edge of the huge hall. , Immediately a servant came over with wine and vegetables, immediately set a table, and quickly returned

"Killing that old thing is really comfortable from the inside out, hahaha, **** wine, which you can’t taste in Fett Harbor" Rem was very happy, poured himself a glass of wine, and then took the wine Put the pot on Robben's side

Of course Robben doesn’t have much mood to drink, but at this time, it seems best not to say anything horrible, so that Rem suddenly has some whimsical ideas to kill himself.

Picking up the jug, Robben poured himself a glass, took a sip, and couldn't help being surprised. The taste of this wine is so sweet and the charm is long. After a small sip, it is all over the body, and the bones are a little tingling.

Seeing that Robben actually picked up the wine and drank Rem, he was stunned, but he laughed quickly, drank his wine, and exhaled a long breath with a great heart.

Seeing that Rem didn’t mean to ask himself anything for a while, Robben didn’t say anything. He sullenly drank and ate. Salsa said it was good, when happy, angry, safe, especially dangerous. , No matter in any situation, you should fill your stomach first. Eating is a very important thing in human life.

After a short while, Robben couldn't help but raised his head. Seeing that Luo Ben was looking at himself a little sluggishly, he stopped his mouth and swallowed the crisp, spicy, unknown food before he asked respectfully: "Master of War, what's wrong with you?"

"Uh...nothing, are you...is this enough to eat?"

Rem never expected that he would ask such words one day. In these countless years, Rem did not know how many people he had invited to dinner. Of course, the other party was a very special person, but no matter how special and important the other party’s status was, No one can really eat the food on the dinner table as clean as the one in front of you

Looking at Robben up and down, Rem suddenly became suspicious. This guy would not be me, a **** of war, sitting here. He actually took care of himself and ate so happily. He actually gave that very rare pot of Mikka incense. After drinking most of it, I am not willing to drink this wine...

Robben also realized that he seemed to have implemented Sasha's so-called "way to go out" too thoroughly, and then smiled embarrassedly, "The Lord of War laughed, but he just kept coming here and didn't eat much. , Originally planned to make up at night, but I didn’t expect to meet old Tiru there"

Rem listened to Robben's explanation, and he felt like he wanted to laugh. Such a guy actually threw away his cheeks in front of him because he missed a meal.

He clapped his hands again, and immediately another servant came in to clean up the leftovers, and then quickly put it on the table again, but Robben was a little strange this time because Rem did not put the jug over after he finished pouring the wine. do not know why……

But since Lord Ares’s hospitality is difficult, I don’t want to refuse, and to be honest, the food on these countertops is mostly exquisite and exquisite, but the portion is small. Robben feels that he is really not full...

So the **** of war and magic trainer, who are not at all side by side, ate their heads in this strange hall.

"Your name is Ann Duck?"

Seeing that this table was about to finish eating again, Rem was finally helpless. If he was to serve another table, he would have to serve another bottle of Sansun, but this wine didn’t have much in stock, so I drank these two bottles together. I have drunk the amount for half a year, and coughed, Rem simply started to end the meal, and began to ask Robben.

Robben has eaten almost too. Although it doesn’t feel as delicious as Salsa’s food, it is good. After wiped his mouth, Robben replied with a smile: "Yes, Lord of War, my name is Ann Duck. The magic trainer of Yunhai Castle, only qualified for the captain of the Magic Guard a few days ago"

Rem squeezed the jug with one hand, and the other one looked at Robben again with the glass in his hand, "Can such a small person be able to withstand the attack of the old Tiru? It's not the old Tiru. Yes, or are the magicians in Fithar Harbor so good?"

Robben smiled on his face, but his nerves were already tense. Every word he said from now on will affect his future actions in the God Realm, and even affect whether he can walk out of this hall today, and if he can be mellow, Passing the level of Rem, then the possibility of being identified in the God Realm will be greatly reduced

"This...Speaking of the Lord of War, you may be laughing. How could a little person like me have fought a teacher like Tiru, ​​but I have prepared some things just in case, and this time I rely on them. Barely pass."

As he said, Robben spread his hands, and a few things in his hands suddenly fell into Rem’s eyes.

"Magic scroll?" Rem frowned slightly, reached out and took one unceremoniously, and looked at the front and back, "You actually use these things to compete with that Tiru?"

This is how the magician is very concealed in concealing his identity. When his identity ability is revealed, he can take out a magic scroll to explain the problem. This trick Robben has used several times, and Tried and tested

With a bitter smile on his face, Robben said: "The Lord of War may not appreciate these things, but for us, these things are very precious. They can save lives at critical moments, and...their prices also make us have to They treat them as treasures"

"Well, what kind of magic is this?" Rem said, actually pulling open the magic scroll directly. Robben was shocked before he wanted to open the magic shield, only to find that although the magic scroll was unfolded, it was nothing. It didn’t happen, but there was a faint, almost invisible golden halo covering the scroll

Robben's heart sinks slightly, this Rem can actually use the power of the two different attributes that rely on the fluctuation of the pressure to control the magic, but it is not so well coordinated.

Looking at Rem with a weird face~www.readwn.com~ Robbenga is sure that he can't beat him now, and the flow of vindictiveness produces magical effects. This technique seems to have been used by Rem to perfection.

"Oh, this is a very rare and powerful defensive magic. Although it is not very effective, it must be very expensive. You are so rich?" Rem rewinded the magic scroll, sealed it, and threw it to Robben, Robben. After catching it, I found that the scroll was intact as before. Although the seal was removed again, all the magical effects were retained.

"For this, I am already very poor" Robben smiled bitterly again

"However, using this kind of scroll itself also requires powerful magical powers. You have been in contact with Losey and Rafis before. From their words, I think your own strength is far more than what it shows?"

"Uh..." Robben didn't wait to speak, but his face instantly froze.

Rem took the sword that had always been on his leg in his hand, and said with a smile: "I don't want to talk nonsense, I ask you questions, you answer, leave here, don't answer or tell lies... die" (to be continued) )

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