God Prohibitions

Chapter 1175: Demon Goddess

"Hey Robben, what's the matter with this invitation?" Su held the invitation card in one hand, and asked with a trumpet-like shape in Robben's ear with the other hand folded. -

Lilith also said puzzledly: "Why did you go out with Wendy and immediately received an invitation?"

Robben finally took off the dress and sat there panting lightly and said, "I don't know too much. This old man invited me to a banquet. This kind of thing is really strange."

Speaking of Robben, he took the invitation card in his hand again and read it over and over again. There was no flaw in the invitation card. It was obviously true. The last invitation was clearly written with the words Dim.

This makes Robben very puzzled. Even if it's an invitation, it should be an invitation to Zog. By the way, he should bring his own name. How could he send an invitation to himself alone?

Robben took the invitation and recounted what happened just now.

Su double eyebrows raised, "Oh... you still haven't let Wendy go. Now the relationship has gone even further and he has become his brother!"

"Su, you seem to have brought a lot when you came from Portfitel, aren't they all love readers?" Robben found that Su seems to be particularly fond of making jokes about himself recently.

Su Wei was taken aback for a moment, "You...how do you know?"

Robben: "..."

Scratching his head, Robben changed his tone and said, "Anyway, I will go to Zog's place tomorrow. This may be a good thing. By the way, have you contacted Sasha and the others?"

Su nodded, "I have already written the letter and sent it back in an expedited way. If Sasha and the others reply immediately, we should receive it within three or four days."

Robben stood up and stretched, "That's good! Sleep! Exhausted..."

One night passed. The next day Robben woke up and thought of Zog to find out about the news, only to find Wendy was standing at the door pretty early.

Today, Wendy's hair was clearly combed and draped softly behind her back. The fitted and simple dress looked fresh and elegant. Seeing Robben nodded and saluted a very lady, he said sweetly: "Brother Ang."

To tell the truth, Robben has a feeling of numb bones. If you come every morning, there will be such a beautiful and peaceful girl calling your brother sweetly. This is really a good life.

Robben smiled haha, and walked around and rubbed Wendy's head unceremoniously, "Why... only one day has become so polite."

Wendy's head dangled with Robben's hand, and he couldn't help but push Robben's hand away in annoyance, "Don't laugh at others... just learned the etiquette not long ago. Grandpa taught me again yesterday and said..."

Make a face. Wendy took out the same accent as Zog: "Look at Ann. Although he is always messing around, he is polite in real situations. He is a completely elegant gentleman. Look at you again! I don't even know how to dress myself! Make trouble everywhere!"

After finishing Wendy's flat mouth, "That's it..."

Robben couldn't help laughing.

"Don't laugh..." Wendy felt helpless.

Robben stopped laughing and said to Wendy, "It's okay, I'm not one of those noble masters. You don't need to be polite in front of me. For me, Wendy is kinder."

"Really!?" Wendy's eyes widened happily. Looking at Robben very seriously.

"of course it's true."

Wendy giggled, and circled Robben like a butterfly, and finally straddled Robben's arm, "That's not allowed, and what else... If Grandpa scolds me for these things, you have to help me. I'm busy."

"Okay, okay..." Robben replied with a smile.

"Unexpectedly, Wendy would really become your sister." Lilith walked down the stairs slowly.

Wendy let go of Robben, got close to Lilith and hugged her affectionately, "Sister Refa, I will also be Brother Ang's sister in the future!"

Lilith was somewhat helpless between her brows, and she was Ann's cousin. It's almost the same as Wendy now.

"Wendy, come here quickly, my sister asks you something." It seems that the happiest person now is Su. Wendy only started calling Robben brother, so Su said his sister's name.

"What's the matter?" Wendy asked with a smile when she came to Su.

"Do you have any plans for today?"

"Well... Grandpa seems to be going out later. But I didn't ask where to go, so I came here. Grandpa drank a lot of wine yesterday and is still sleeping."

Robben couldn't help but think that it is not difficult for a magician to sober up. Besides, Zog is still a water magician, I am afraid he likes to sleep in this way...

Seeing Sue seemed a little hesitant, Wendy asked in a puzzled way, "What's the matter? Sister Cosette has anything to tell me?"

Sue took out Robben's invitation, "Look, do you recognize this?"

Wendy took the invitation and looked at it, and was suddenly surprised, "This is Master Dim's invitation? Grandpa was invited over yesterday, so why did you send the invitation today?"

Wendy looked even stranger when he saw that the only person invited by the invitation was Robben, "This... only invites Brother Ang?"

Robben and Sue looked at each other, and both nodded. Obviously Wendy is not clear about these things, but I don’t know if Diem will invite Zog today. If he invites himself alone, then this matter will be true. It's strange.

"Let's go to Master Zog to discuss it." Robben suggested.

"Ah...I just ran out and must go back..." Wendy's face suddenly became bitter.

Sue and Lilith were bored at home, and this time they simply followed Robben to Zog's side. Now that Robben and Zog have a relationship, how can the sisters and cousins ​​just show up... at least Sue said so.

When he arrived at Zog's residence, the little old man was still asleep in the bed, and in the end Wendy went to pick up his grandfather from the bed.

With a look of sleepy eyes, Zog walked into his laboratory in his large and thick nightgown. When Su and Lilith were there, he was taken aback, turned and walked back.

Ten minutes later, Zog, who seemed to have washed and changed his robe, returned.

"Is there anything important to run over so early in the morning?" Zog languidly sat in the chair.

Robben was not verbose, and directly took out the invitation letter, "Teacher, this was received when I got home yesterday. My sister and cousin said that the person who sent the invitation letter was waiting outside the door. For a while. Said that it must be delivered to me personally."

"Hoho..." Zog smiled a little weirdly, "I only showed up yesterday, and someone invited you today, oh... these guys. I want to form a party for private business all day long, what if... eh? "

As he was talking, Zog opened the invitation letter and took a look. He was taken aback, "Isn't this the old guy?"

When Robben saw Zog's reaction, he immediately understood that Dim hadn't told Zog about inviting him.

"Oh... this old thing started quickly!" Zog couldn't help but cocked his beard.

"Teacher, look at this..."

Zog closed the invitation with a "pop" and handed it back to Robben and said, "Go. Since someone invited you, it would be rude not to go, and if more people invite you in a while, you might not It's so leisurely as it is now."

"That..." Robben still hesitated a little.

Zog shook his hands in front of him, and said leisurely: "Go, don’t think too much, I don’t know Diem now. We are both water mages. We were very affectionate when we were young. It's my few old friends. You will definitely have no harm in going there this time."

Moved. Zog still couldn't help but glanced at his mouth, "But this old thing is much more cunning than before. According to you, he sent someone to send out the invitation letter before you left his house, but he was afraid. It’s as if you were snatched away by others first."

"Then teacher..."

Zog sighed, "I'm going to a banquet tonight, of course not to Dim. The schedule for this half month is almost fixed. Every day is going to eat and drink. I hope this day will end sooner. These old guys who live in the prosperous big city are really outrageous. I don’t know how long my old bones can stay here if I toss like this."

As he said, Zog stood up and planned to turn around and leave, but he remembered something and said: "Looking at the invitation, it doesn't seem to be the appearance of inviting a lot of people. You are ready to meet him alone."

Meet alone? Robben frowned slightly.

"That's right. I inquired about it yesterday. The arrangement for you has actually been set, but it has not been notified to you. It will only be in these two days. Don't be too anxious." He said the last sentence at the door, Zuo Ge left slowly.

Invite me alone? There seems to be no reason for this? Robben couldn't help thinking when he came out of Zog's house.

Wendy stayed with Robben all day, almost stepping and tending to be like a follower. This made Robben a little helpless, but Wendy was very happy when she saw it. She talked about this for a while and talked about that again. , It seems that there is always more to say.

Robben has also learned about Wendy. Wendy has a younger brother who is still very young and doesn’t have much common language with her. She has been strict with herself since she was a child. She practiced magic hard and communicated very little with her family. , It is said that his younger brother has a very good talent for water magic, perhaps this made Wendy a bit more troubled.

I have never been with my brothers and sisters... Suddenly I have an older brother, no wonder she is so happy, Robben thought in his heart, so he had to let Wendy go back and forth, talking and talking. Endless topics.

"Then I'm like this!" Wendy, who was still holding a snack in his mouth, posed an exaggeration, "Just burned the wind blade that the opponent put over, and his expression was so funny."

Looking at Wendy's giggling appearance, Ron looked out the window again, and night had slowly fallen.

"Well Wendy, I'll listen to you about these things next time, am I going out now, do you go back with me, or go back after dinner here."

Wendy thought for a while, and said flatteringly: "May I go with you?"

"Huh?" Robben didn't even understand, "You said... come with me?"

"Yeah!" Wendy nodded seriously, "The old man may have invited you alone, so there must be a problem. In case something happens, the two of us are better than one, right?"

Robben sighed helplessly, "Wendy, I'm not going to a duel, I'm just going to a dinner party, why do you think so strange..."

"I have nothing to do..." Wendy took Robben's hand and shook gently.

"However, the invitation letter only invites me. If you go, people may be unhappy."

Wendy smiled. "It's okay! People never write my name when they invite grandpa, and I follow along!"

Robben was speechless...

"Ann, take Wendy. I don't want to spend a good dinner time with a troubled little girl." Su waved his hand impatiently. Scrolling through the recipe, "But, you have to remember to come back earlier, we will eat very little for dinner, and insist until you come back to make supper and not starve to death."

Robben: "..."

"But Wendy, it's too late for you to go back and change your clothes." Robben made a final resistance.

Wendy smirked when she heard it, and took a step back and turned around in a circle. There is already an extra evening dress in his hand, "How about it! No reason this time?"

It turned out to be all ready... Robben had to admit his fate.

Robben finally put on the dress again, and Wendy wandered around the hall lightly in that evening dress with the help of Su and Lilith.

Very punctually, Tim's carriage came to the bamboo forest and waited.

Yesterday, the man who came to send the invitation was still politely waiting by the carriage, but was a little surprised when he saw Wendy beside Robben, but didn't say anything, smiled and greeted Robben and Wendy in the carriage.

The carriage went all the way, and it didn't take much time to reach the place where the reception was held yesterday.

Before the reception hall. Dim was already waiting there, dressed casually, Robben got out of the carriage quickly and saluted very respectfully. Dim smiled and led Robben into the door, but was taken aback when he saw Wendy who was inseparable from Robben.

The reception hall has been re-arranged, and the emptiness and luxury of yesterday have disappeared. Some newly added furnishings make this huge space very compact and friendly, and even divided into several areas. There are also many cages placed inside. The viewing area of ​​the weird little monster...

"Haha, my place is pretty good, although it's not comparable to those rich and expensive guys, but my own living is quite comfortable." Dim led Robben to walk slowly. Talking about topics that didn't matter.

Robben looked around, thinking that this building alone is enough to envy countless rich people in your place, not to mention those weird furnishings of unknown origin. Many of them are priceless treasures.

Seeing that Dim didn't talk about any important topics, Robben had to follow along, humming and agreeing with Dim's tone.

"Ann. I heard you have a wife, right?"

Ok? Robben felt strange. Why did the topic suddenly change, and it came to him whether he has a wife?

"Yes, my wife is now in Port Fett, living in my original house."

"Oh..." Dim touched his goatee, "Then you brought your sister and sister here, why not bring your wife? I heard that you have a lovely daughter. Do you miss it?"

Robben glanced at Dim, but he couldn't see anything from him. He was even more strange. He replied: "Fetter Harbor was hit by an unexpected blow. The opportunity for the influence of the consortium over there has been reduced to the extreme. I had to leave there in order to find a future, but I don’t want to involve my beautiful women. They are all ordinary women. I still want to keep them away from disputes. After all...The matter of Port Fettere also makes me a little worried, the more like that. Sometimes places are not safe."

"Oh... Then isn't it as late and dangerous as Freeport now."

Robben chuckled, "The Sea of ​​Clouds Castle has been destroyed, and the power of the consortium there is gradually withdrawing. It will soon become an indisputable city. It may not be as prosperous as before, but it will definitely be quiet. of."

"Hahaha... That's good, and this plan is pretty good." Dim smiled and just came to the stairs on the second floor, "Go, let's go upstairs."

While still on the stairs, Robben smelled a strong scent of rice. He didn't notice that his index finger moved. He didn't expect that he would smell such a tempting smell when he came to the banquet today. If there are such occasions, there is no such banquet. taste.

"Oh... the food is ready, haha!" Dim smiled, stepping faster.

In the restaurant on the second floor, Robben saw a strange scene.

This restaurant does not seem to be used to prepare banquets. The area is not large, but it looks like a small private restaurant for guests. When he walked through the second floor just now, Robben saw almost all guest rooms on the second floor.

There is only one table in the small restaurant, and two women are sitting there.

One of them was gray-haired. Wearing a thick velvet robe, although there is a fire in the fireplace and the dining room is warm as spring, she still seems a little cold.

Age from appearance. Robben guessed that she might be Diem's ​​wife.

But the other was a young woman, sitting there quietly, her eyes closed, as if she was rejuvenating. What surprised Robben was that this woman's hair color was somewhat different from that of most Protoss.

The hair color of the Protoss is almost all golden, but the color is different. It is rare to see people with other hair colors, but this woman’s hair is a rare brown, very beautiful, with some natural waves, which reminds Robben of Metz’s long hair. The first impression of this woman improved.

There was no one else in the restaurant, and Dim sat down happily and pointed to the opposite seat. "Ann, Miss Wendy, I think you will like our dinner."

It's definitely a family dinner. It's just very delicate. After all the dishes were opened, Robben confirmed this, but this also made Robben even more puzzled: What on earth did Dim ask for himself?

Judging from the current situation, Tim really only invited one of him over, and he still had a family dinner. These two women should be Dim’s family, so this seems a bit uncomfortable, can it be this The old man really wants to poach himself from Zog?

Robben shook his head secretly, knowing that this idea was a bit absurd.

But if you come, you will be safe, anyway, the other party will always explain the situation. Robben thought. So he didn’t think about what Diem meant. What Robben knew now was that he had no good food in front of him. Since the other party invited himself to him politely, it would seem a little bad if he was polite, and I’m even more sorry. Own belly.

Glancing at Wendy, Wendy started by entering the door. I only smiled when I saw this table of dinner.

Under the silent exchange of eyes, both of them seemed to be able to see each other's words: "Eat!"

Of course, Robben and Wendy hadn't been rude to the table before eating. After a while, Dim said, "Ann, I'll introduce you."

Speaking of Dim, he looked at the old woman casually, "This is my old woman, who was also a great magician before. It's just that she's old and her mind is not bright."

"Huh..." Just after Dim finished speaking, the old woman snorted, and Dim was a little embarrassed.

Robben had been invited by Dim to sit down, and he couldn't stand up anymore. He nodded and said, "Madam, I'm bothering you today."

The old woman turned her head and opened her eyes for the first time after Robben entered the door, and then turned her head, as if she had no good impression of Robben.

It's just that at this moment, Luo Ben's heart was slightly startled, and there was a sharp light in the muddy eyes of this old lady.

Is it an old monster again? Robben couldn't help thinking.

"When you get older, you will get more and more weird." The old woman spoke abruptly, but the content of the words surprised Robben.

Does this old man know what I am thinking!

"Ha ha ha... young man, if it were me, I would not stare at the old woman like you, so all the secrets in my heart would be revealed."

Robben trembled slightly, couldn't help avoiding his gaze, and looked at Dim with incomparable strangeness.

Dim looked helpless, "Okay...you old lady, don't scare young people, OK? You'll just read those two thoughts when others look at you. What is the secret in your heart? You guessed me yesterday. How many beautiful women have you seen?"

"Grandpa..." With a sigh, the woman who stared with her eyes closed finally opened her eyes.

Robben couldn't help but move his eyebrows. The eyes of the woman who opened his eyes attracted Robben like magnets.


The eyes are a window of the heart, and the emotions that the eyes can express are the most complicated and the most variable, but in these eyes, Robben only sees emptiness...

This is a very strange feeling. Even if a pair of false eyes are placed there, it will make people feel a little bit stiff, fresh, and even scary. It can be said that people will think of something when they see anything. Living eyes, but as long as Robben sees the emptiness...

When she quietly closed her eyes, this woman looked like a sculpture. And when I opened my eyes... it seemed that there was only an empty body left.

Seeing the woman speak, Dim grabbed his goatee, "Well...I was wrong. I was with those stinky old men yesterday. There are no beautiful women, oh...your grandma was also infatuated... …"


"Okay, I won't tell you..." Dim shut up immediately before turning to Robben and introducing: "Ann, haha... I made you laugh, this is my granddaughter, Lori. You guys should communicate more. ."

"Oh. It's Miss Lori." Robben nodded, but didn't get a response from the other party.

"As for the two of them, you also know!" Diem pointed to Robben and Wendy and said, "This is Zog's old immortal adopted son and Zog's granddaughter, Wendy.

Two women, one old and one young, didn't seem to have heard Dim's words at all, and didn't respond at all.

Dim didn't seem surprised at all, and he smiled on his own. "Okay! Let's have dinner! It will be cool if we continue."

There is not enough money, no flattery, and the small restaurant is filled with the smell of small pots of food. But Robben felt a bit twisted.

Although the atmosphere is not bad, Dim is obviously trying to ease the atmosphere, but the other two people are not like this. Since entering the door, the old lady and the Miss Lori have not taken the initiative to say a word, eat. It’s silent, but the table manners are comprehensive, but there is always a cold smell from the body...

What's this? Calling me to have such a strange family dinner... Robben couldn't figure it out no matter what he thought.

"Slowly use it." The old woman stood up and said the first words on her own initiative. Robben seemed to see that she only ate very little.

Dim didn't say anything, just talked about some topics on his own. Soon after the old woman left, Dim stood up, "Ann, take your time, old man, I'm going to rest first, and I'll talk to you later. You young people talk about your topics."

Ah...this... Robben watched Dim go out with a sweat.

There were only three people left in the dining room, Robben, Wendy, and Miss Lori who was slowly eating without anyone else.

"Why is it weird?" Wendy couldn't find it right no matter how stupid she was, and whispered in Robben's ear.

I also want to know why it is so strange. Robben now has to look at the Miss Lori. Now Dim and the old lady are gone. If there is any purpose for this dinner, 80% of them will be with This Miss Lori is concerned, and now that there are only three people left, there seems to be no need to hide anything.

Robben looked at this Miss Lori, hoping that she would take the initiative to speak.

Slowly and gracefully eating, Lori didn't seem to notice Robben's eyes at all.

What the **** does this family want to do? Robben was secretly puzzled.

"Eat things, grandma did it hard, don't waste it." Loli spoke softly again.

Robben and Wendy looked at each other and had to turn their heads to eat slowly. It seems that they will wait until Miss Lori finishes eating.

Finally, the Miss Lori put down the tableware.

"You two are slow to use, let's get out of company first." Losi stood up.

Robben and Wendy couldn't help being stunned. Why are they one or two, and now even the last one is going away? You are all gone... How can there be a reason to invite guests to dinner?

"That...Miss Lolly." Robben had to bite the bullet and stopped Lolly, who had already opened the door and was about to go out.

"What's the matter?" Lori turned her head slightly, and asked without even turning her face.

"Hey...Don't go too far! We don't have too much time to be boring!" Wendy finally couldn't help it.

After listening to Wendy's words, Lori slowly turned around and looked at Wendy, still asking with empty eyes: "Are you Wendy?"

"I just said it! It's basic politeness to remember other people's names!" Wendy was annoyed.

"Sorry." Lori responded faintly. What made Wendy even more dissatisfied was that Wendy didn't find even the slightest sense of sorry in her face.

Robben was afraid that Wendy would say anything too much, so he quickly grabbed Wendy who had stood up, and said apologetically: "Miss Lori, I'm so sorry, my sister is a little frizzy, but... I want something to happen. , Can we... have a conversation."

"Your sister..."

"Uh... yes, although I am the adopted son of Master Zog. But... after all, the age is the same as Wendy, she calls me brother."

"I think..." Lori withdrew her gaze, "We have nothing to talk about, please forgive me. Please come back after dinner." With that, Lori turned around again.

"Hey!!" Wendy stood up very annoyed, and couldn't help but slapped her hands on the table, "What is your attitude!? Invite us! But leave us here without asking! Is it playing us? Grandpa told me Master Deem is his friend! I don’t think Master Deem would do such a thing!"

Slightly, Lori frowned, "Are you saying... I make you upset because of me?"

"That's the way it is! Saying nothing is like driving us away! Did Master Dim tell you to do this!?"

Robben was a little excited when he saw Wendy, but he didn't stop. At least Wendy is not too much, and what Wendy said is indeed her own doubts.

Lori stood at the door thinking for a few seconds, then retracted her footsteps, and slowly closed the door, "You are right, although there have been some accidents, but... I shouldn’t seem to call the shots without authorization, after all, it’s grandpa who invited you. Coming."

Wendy sat down with a triumphant expression. "It's almost the same, so what's the matter, say!"

"Then. Mr. Ann, please come out with me."

"Uh...what, why?" Wendy was stunned. Lori refused to give Wendy an answer, turned around again and opened the door, "Wendy, don't follow."

"Ah...what, what? I can't..." Wendy suddenly became even hotter than before.

"Wendy..." Robben gently pressed Wendy's shoulder, "Wait for me here, I'll be back soon."


"Soon..." Robben smiled and squeezed Wendy's shoulder lightly.

Seeing Robben's insistence, Wendy pouted and softened. "Then... hurry up! If it takes too long, I will find you!"

"Haha, yes, it must be soon."

As Lori left the restaurant on the second floor, Rossi took Robben and walked slowly like the first floor.

Only then did Robben take a full look at this weird woman proudly.

In terms of age, she is a bit older than Wendy, and her calm and icy temperament makes her more mature.

The face of this woman is actually pretty. But her facial line is very hard, because she never seems to laugh, and her eyes like the abyss of nothingness always make people ignore her true appearance.

The light brown hair is draped over her shoulders, her figure is slender and weak, and the simple dress makes her look a little bit dusty, and her body hardly rises and falls when she moves. Robben watched him walking slowly. The woman suddenly felt like a fairy walking on the waves.

Following Lori to the first floor, turning around a few corners, a miniature botanical garden appeared in front of Robben.

"Please sit down." Between the flowers and trees, there was a small square table. Lori knelt down at the table first. Robben saw that there was a pot of tea at the table, which was hot.

Already prepared?

Robben also sat down, only to realize that there were actually a bottle of wine and two wine glasses beside the table.

"Please use it." Lori poured a cup of tea for Robben. This action made Robben a little flattered.

"Miss Lori, just say anything if you have anything to say. I don't like to cover up so much." Robben took the tea and said directly.

Zi answered faintly, but still poured himself a glass of water, Robben strangely found that she poured out clean water for himself.

"The teapot is divided into two halves, half with tea and half without." Lori explained, taking a sip of water gently.

Robben didn't want to be underestimated. Besides, this tea will definitely not be a problem. He took a sip and put it down.

Lori raised her head slightly and looked directly at Robben, "Mr. Ann, am I pretty?"

This question stunned Robben. If it were asked from Sasha and the others, Robben would definitely reach out and hug the beautiful lady with a smirk, and kiss him as an answer, but from a stranger, his attitude is still very It was very weird to ask this sentence in the woman's mouth without any expression on her face.


Before Robben thought about the meaning of this sentence, Luo Li's next question almost caused Robben to squirt out the tea that hadn't reached his stomach.

"Mr. Ann, will you marry me?"

After a violent cough, Robben opened his mouth in amazement, looking at the woman who seemed to be seriously waiting for his answer in front of him with a face full of surprise and even horror.

"This... Miss Lori, are you... uh. Are you..."

"It seems not." Lori had already handed over the answer to her question before Robben finished.

"Miss Rosie, can you tell me what the **** is going on? I am still at a loss." Robben really couldn't restrain the doubt in his heart. Monroe felt strange since entering this house. By now it is completely incomprehensible.

Lori's face was pale. Still having no expression, holding the glass of water as if he was warming his hands, he said softly: "I'm going to get married, and grandpa is looking for some men he thinks are good and come back to meet, that's it."

"Ah...yes, that's it..."

Robben was choked by this answer, a little speechless, as if this might be the case. But this explanation seems to have no explanation, but it makes people more confused.

"Mr. An, you have a wife, right?"

"Yes." Robben suddenly remembered what Diem asked him when he came in. Now he knows the reason for asking this, but...

"There are lovers, and daughters."

"Yeah..." Robben felt deeply that he was carrying a scapegoat again... or in front of a woman of his own age, "I have to correct it. I do have a wife. I also have a daughter, but the reason why I still have a lover is Because I haven't officially married her yet, they will soon become my wives. I have no idea of ​​fooling around."

"is it."

Robben felt a little panicked, because no matter what you say and no matter what she answers, her face is always empty and empty when you talk to the woman in front of you. You can't capture any of her mental activities at all, even just now. The two words that were said seemed to be only literal, and it was completely unclear whether she was approving or mocking, or anything else...

"You are not the first."


"It's the thirteenth man, the man Grandpa found."

"Thirteen..." Robben was speechless for a while.

"Losie is your sister?"

Robben's mind was slightly confused. Not only was this woman unable to let others get good feedback when she spoke. Thinking is also very jumping.

"Yes, I am her brother!"

"Really." Lori said two words faintly, and slowly drank the water.

This woman... Robben couldn't help feeling a little mad.

"Aren't you going to marry me?"

"No!" Robben quickly replied with a bit of refusal.

To Robben's suddenly very decisive and resolute answer, Lori was slightly stunned, "Oh... is it?"

Robben felt that he was completely defeated by the woman in front of him...

"Okay, Miss Lori. I think it might be a little difficult for us to talk like this. Can you... tell me the detailed reasons for calling me. How can I say that I was also invited. I don't think this request is too much? I don't want to go back with a lot of doubts."

"is it."


Robben felt that it might be the first time that he saw a woman and began to hate her in less than half a day. Even Natalie didn't have the urge to make him want to squeeze him.

"I said Miss Lori..."

"Okay..." Lori finally changed the word.

"Although they all refused ~www.readwn.com~, you are the simplest one to refuse. I can tell you the reason. Although this is no secret, the men who have been here after investigation should have been clear."

Putting down the water glass, Lori raised her hand gracefully, slowly combed her hair, and slowly lifted her bun, and said, "This is the reason..."

Robben watched, but he didn't want to watch it, because Lori's movements seemed to reveal some of her own secrets, or even flaws. In person, Robben felt that this would be a blow to Lori, even though she might have already numbness.

But when Robben clearly saw what he wanted to see, he still gasped.

Between Lori's hair, although it is not conspicuous, it is absolutely not wrong. Robben has seen such things countless times, and even mischievously hung many bits and pieces...

Lori, this Protoss girl, has a pair of horns hidden under her hair that are not prominent! It should be a horn that only the demons can have! To be continued. .

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