God Prohibitions

Chapter 1188: Wendy's reason

After quietly removing the soundproof barrier, Robben said with a smile: "Teacher, I have a personal matter these two days, so... I'm really sorry."

"It's nothing, it's just that I was asked a few words, and I don't know how to answer it. I was so angry that I knew you would leave without saying goodbye yesterday. To wait for you, I was pulled by a few old guys and drank a lot of wine."

"Teacher, come and sit down." Robben saw that Zog didn't seem to mean to come in again.

Zog did not respond to Robben’s words, but asked, “Where’s Wendy? She ran here early in the morning, and she has not yet returned. I have something to talk to her today. Upstairs?"

"I'm..." Wendy showed her head from the railing on the second floor reluctantly, and looked at Zog and asked strangely, "Grandpa, why are you here? Chapter 1188 Wendy’s reason? I want to sleep here today."

Zog looked at Wendy's appearance and couldn't help but sighed and shook his head, "No today, go back with me, I have something to talk to you."

"What is it... I'll say it here, OK, or I have to come back tomorrow, it will be very troublesome to go back and forth."

Zog's beard straightened up uncontrollably and stared, "You little bastard! Are you even moving here now?"

Wendy stuck out her tongue, "Brother Ang's home here... isn't that my home?"

Zog couldn't argue, so he waved his hand, "Hurry up and change clothes, we are going back."

"Oh... I know..." Wendy pouted, but still retracted her head, seemingly to change her clothes.

Turning his head, Zog suddenly asked: "Ann, where have you been in the past two days? I am very anxious without saying hello. Do you know that something big has happened in the city? Now is not the time to walk around randomly."

Robben was a little uncertain about Zog's intentions. It seemed that Zog was here to pick up Wendy, but there seemed to be something different. He looked at his eyes with an elusive guess. Perhaps it's just because of Wendy's restriction, he can't make a hole to blame himself now, of course... just to pick up Wendy by accident is not impossible for Wendy's reason in Chapter 1188.

His eyebrows narrowed slightly, and Robben guessed. But he couldn't guess Zog's true intentions, and replied: "This... is a private matter. I also heard the movement and realized that something big had happened, so I rushed back. I don't know what the matter was like?"

Zog smiled playfully, "That guy Krollo is unlucky. There was a strong energy impact under a house where he often lives. You should see the beam of light, that came out of his backyard. Yes, everything around has been destroyed, but no one seems to have been injured. Although the energy burst is fierce, the main impact force is bound to the air, leaving a huge hole in the surrounding area. The ruins, nothing more."

That's it... Robben's forehead was slightly sweaty, and it should have been four or five hours since he detonated the underground laboratory. Zog got news that seemed to have been surveyed now.

Zog continued. "This is the situation, but the reason is still unclear. It just seems that Crocker is very nervous now, and I don’t know what the outcome of this matter will be if we investigate it, but what is certain is what should be in Crocker’s backyard. , Um... the air is filled with the smell of pure magic crystals quickly consuming, I am the laboratory, it is best not to be a shameful laboratory, ha ha..."

Robben looked at Zog's relaxed smile, but he couldn't smile.

There was a string of light footsteps on the stairs. Wendy ran down in a hurry, and asked before she settled, "What's wrong? I heard that the guy from Crowe was bombed into the sky in the backyard. Did the shock just come from his house? And that A beam of light!"

Zog smiled, "Why, did you see it all?"

Wendy came to Zog and said vividly: "Of course. The beam of light is amazing. I think even if you are sleeping, you must be awake! I and Cosette and Sister Rifa can see clearly from the window. ."

"Oh... what you saw here with Cosette and Rifa, what about Ann?" Zog seemed to ask carelessly.

"That idiot hasn't come back yet!"

Zog smiled, his eyes fell on Robben again, and said, "Wendy, go and wait for me right away. I and Ann have a few more words."

Wendy was a little confused, "Didn't you have something to say to me?"

"Go, you little girl!" Zog glared at Wendy feigningly. Wendy made a face, turned and walked out.

As soon as Wendy went out, Robben felt that the air in the hall seemed to have lowered the temperature a bit, Zog's body exuded a faint wave of broadcast, and his face seemed a little stiffer.

"Ann, do you know what's going on now?"

"Uh...I am not very clear." Robben could only shake his head.

Zog held his hat in one hand and paced gently back and forth in place, "I told you just now that something has happened to the Crocker family. Although this has just happened now, as long as it is smart, I can feel that this incident is going to cause another big wave."

Robben didn't say a word, and it seemed that Zog had to continue.

After a moment of silence, Zog's pale eyebrows slowly wrinkled together, "Ann, I am a little worried now, do you know what I am worried about?"

"No, teacher, what are you worried about?"

"Ann, tell me, where have you been these two days?"

Robben was startled slightly, Zog brought the subject back again, and coupled with the magic wave that he was already preparing for now, it seemed that he had definitely doubted himself.

"Ann, tell me the truth, as long as it's not something that is unforgivable, I can treat it today as if I didn't hear what you said...I can promise!"


Zog's gaze swept across Su and Lilith, "Do you two know what Ann is doing?"

Su slowly shook his head, "Master Zog, this is his personal affair, and we won't bother about it."

"Well, that's good..." Zog nodded, "Will you two please avoid it? Maybe some things are not safe to say in front of you."

Both Su and Lilith were taken aback, Robben's heart sank even more. If Su and Lilith were to leave the field in this situation, they definitely meant to take the initiative when they acted defensively.

Sue and Lilith obviously also understand this. Now that Zog seems to be a bad person, how can he leave at this time?

"Why, is this difficult for you? Or... is there any special reason?" Zog's eyes were aggressive.

Robben said softly: "Sister, cousin. You guys avoid it first, I have something to talk to the teacher."

Su and Lilith knew that Robben was not willing to say these words, but the current situation forced them to leave, otherwise they would immediately aggravate Zog's suspicion.

"Okay..." Su spit out two words. Going upstairs without looking back, Lilith had no choice but to turn around and leave.

Zog's gaze kept watching Su and Lilith disappear at the corner of the stairs, still watching... After a while, he nodded, "Okay, Ann. They both went back to the room, what Tell me about it!"

In this short period of time, Robben tried his best to think about how to explain this matter, but he couldn't find any good reason.

Seeing Robben's eyebrows kept silent, Zog was slightly disappointed, "Ann, what's the matter? Still don't want to say it? Okay, then I'll say something."

Zog raised his eyebrows. Some said with emotion: "You are still young. When you are my age, you will know that you will inevitably make mistakes in your whole life. You may even make irreparable mistakes. Sometimes you are young and vigorous, sometimes because you don’t think about it. Zhou, in many cases we can’t actually grasp the situation we are facing. Although those mistakes are irreparable, and even unacceptable and unforgivable by others,...that’s what actually happened to every life. I have also I have made unforgivable mistakes, even fatal mistakes that are fatal to others. But...After facing it calmly, although I have not been forgiven, I am still living well. I am still Zog, Ann, you understand Do I mean?"

Robben was very heavy. Of course, he understands what Zog meant, but his own affairs are not as simple as making mistakes. Once he let go, a series of problems will be highlighted and ultimately involve his identity.

After waiting for a while, seeing Robben still being silent, Zog shook his head gently, "Ann, you are very smart, I think you know what the situation is like now, something big happened in the city, K The backyard of Crowe’s house is definitely not an accident. That old guy has always been cautious. For so many years, there hasn’t been any mistakes, and no one has ever caught a special handle. I believe it was man-made destruction, and this People will definitely become the target of the consortium’s attention immediately."

"Teacher, you...doubt me?"

"Of course!" Zog replied without concealment, "And what I have to say is not that I want to doubt you, but that soon a lot of people will focus on you, a rising star, outstanding strength, and Keke There is friction between the Luo family, and the newcomer here just disappeared during the time of the accident, and reappeared immediately after the accident, Ann... how do you think the people in the consortium let you go?"

Robben couldn't help but sweat, and this action can be said to be too rash.

Zog said earnestly: "Ann, you'd better understand the current situation. You have to know that powerful young people like you will always be valued and at the same time be jealous and excluded. This is normal. , But even those who value you don’t want to see a guy who is so young and has no foundation to be so hot. This will attract a lot of unnecessary hostility. Of course, if you haven’t done it in this matter After what, these two days are just going out to do a private business, then... you tell me now, if I can believe it, even if you do this thing without shame, I will treat it as if I didn’t hear it. I will not say anything, and...I will help you slowly calm down the impact of this incident on you."

Robben feels that his brain has begun to cramp, and he now wants to find out something shameless and uncomfortable, as long as it becomes true, but... now no matter what reason he gives You can't afford to investigate, just ask yourself where you have been these two days, and then you can easily expose your lies.

I can't prove where I appeared during this time, and once I prove it, the lie will be exposed...

Slowly exhaled, Zog seemed a little tired, "Ann, this is what I was worried about earlier..."

Seeing Robben's tight face, Zog sighed and said, "Ann, you tell me now, did you do the things about the Crocker family?"

Robben's heart touched his throat at once, and he couldn't admit it anyway! West Germany has seen his face. He can't die, as long as he is alive to release the news, then the human Robben is the culprit in this matter. The news will be spread throughout the God Realm immediately, and acknowledging this matter now is equivalent to immediately leaving the God Realm with a blanket. Fled.

"No... that's not me!" Robben replied very firmly.

"Oh?" Robben's resolute answer surprised Zog. "Then what did you do in the past two days? Ann! Now a part of this matter will definitely fall on you. If you don't want to be scrutinized by the consortium and completely offend Crowe, please tell me!"

Robben's mouth twitched, but he couldn't answer at all.

"Ann, what did you...secretly do? You have no friends or relatives here, and suddenly disappeared for two days. And it was when you were busy, that I couldn’t understand it anyway, the only thing I can What comes to mind is that you did something completely inconsistent with your current status, and it was outside of your daily schedule, that is to say... something special happened to you that caused you to do this."

"The most important thing is..." Zog lowered his brows. "As long as you are not too stupid and do private things, you will know that such disappearance will be suspected. It will definitely appear before being suspected. If you are in the daytime today Just come back and show up before this accident happened. Then no one will doubt you, but you haven't shown up until I went to the banquet tonight, which means...what has happened to you irresistible? I can’t come back, Ann, am I right?”

"Yes..." Luo Ben felt miserable and almost gave up.

"Ann, the only reasonable reason I can think of now is that a certain lady invited you to go to the transitional night, but... it is unlikely that you will come back tonight, and the time to appear is just after the accident... if you I really haven't done this before, Ann...this is what I worry about the most. What identity are you...when you do this private thing?"

Stopped pacing, Zog stared at Robben and said, "Ann, you said earlier that you met a great magician who taught you water magic. I believe this, but of course I also doubt it. But I think There is nothing wrong with having more magic skills. I think you, a young man, are still very good. Although you are notorious, from the behavior of this period of time, you do have a great change, but this change does not Clear my doubts about you, and even your changes make me a little confused. Thinking about it carefully, your changes recently have been a bit too big."

Touching his beard, Zog asked, "Ann, do you have a new identity, or the identity you have been hiding now, have finally started to act? So there are many differences from the past. I have always treated you Confused, and now I can’t understand it even more. I now want to know what exactly you are doing these past two days? What status do you use? Why does the time of the Crocker’s family coincide so?"

Robben asked a series of questions feebly.

Seeing that Robben never said a word, Zog nodded, "It seems that you really have a hidden side, and you don’t want to be known anyway. Forget it, you don’t want to answer and I don’t want to force it. , But soon the eyes of the consortium and Crowe will be on you, Ann... I don’t want a guy with too many suspicious points to walk too close to my granddaughter. If you are found to have any amazing secrets, then ...I think I won't accept such things so easily if I leave this door."

Zog gave himself an ultimatum, Robben fully understood this, but as before, Robben really couldn't answer anything.

"Okay, let's stop here..." Zog was disappointed, "I won't explain more about you as my adopted son. After all, you have won me a lot of face, and no matter what You also take good care of Wendy. It can be said that Wendy has the current state is your credit. If this matter involves something extraordinary and I am also involved, I may not be able to protect you, but I won't fall into trouble. , I just hope you don't harass Wendy again, so be it..."

It turned out to be for Wendy... Robben suddenly felt a lot of relief somehow. Zog came here today entirely for Wendy. Even in this situation where he is suspicious, this little old man didn’t want to fight with him. I just want to protect his granddaughter...

Seeing that Zog turned around and was about to go out, Robben couldn't help but open his mouth. At least Robben wanted to say sorry. This time, this little old man will be very sorry and disappointed after he goes back...

But before Robben could speak, the big door outside was suddenly opened heavily. Wendy appeared there with frowning.

Zog didn’t have the slightest surprise on his face. He knew that Wendy was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, so he made some words so clear, "Wendy. You heard it too... Let’s go back, don’t come here again Up."

Passing by with Wendy, Zog stopped behind Wendy, "Wendy, let's go..." Zog also sighed and reached for Wendy's shoulder.

This hand caught nothing.

"Wendy!" Zog was frightened and turned around with a sharp scream. Wendy ran towards Robben desperately.

"Wendy, you..."

Robben felt uncomfortable for a while, Wendy looked at her with sad and worried eyes, but she had no doubts...

"Wendy, stop for me!" An aqua-blue shadow on the ground stopped Wendy, and Zog's body appeared out of the water mass as the water shattered and grabbed Wendy's arm.

Wendy took a halt, struggled hard but couldn't get rid of Zog's hand. He was anxious and angry, and shouted: "Grandpa, what are you guessing about!? I wanted Brother Ang to be with me for these two days! We have been here all the time! He didn't go out and do strange things! Yes! I don't want you to know!!"

Zog's eyes widened in astonishment, while Robben was stunned.

"What did you say?" Zog couldn't believe his ears!

"Let go of me!" Taking advantage of Zog's dazed effort. Wendy struggled away from Zog’s arm, a blue light on her body lit up, and the person arrived at Robben early, and he hugged Robben’s arm and said: "What is this identity and that identity! And what the **** is Kirk? Luo has nothing to do with Brother Ang. He has been with me at home for the past two days!"

Zog didn't pay attention and realized that Wendy had left his control and moved to Robben's side, and his beard couldn't help but twitched, "Wendy, you, tell me again!"

"Brother Ang has been at home these past two days! Never went out at all! Grandpa, you want me to say it several times!"

"But..." Zog stared. "Wendy, are you fainted? You asked me where Ann did not come back from the reception before? Now that he has been with you!"

Wendy pouted, "Look! You know that you will get angry when you say this! All day long, I know that I will take Brother Ang to participate in this and that party, a group of hypocritical old men, and a group of women who have bright eyes when they see Brother Ang. I don't want him to go!"

"You..." Zog was simply dizzy. Rubbed his forehead vigorously. Suddenly looked at Robben, "Ann! You say! What are you doing these two days?"

Robben smiled bitterly, what do you say...

Suddenly, Robben felt a slight pain in his arm, and Wendy pinched herself, obviously urging herself to help her lie. Robben could only smile awkwardly, "Teacher, look at this..."

Wendy said first: "Grandpa! You really are... come here to say that kind of thing before you figure out what's going on! That has nothing to do with Brother Ang!"

"Wendy...you, give me a clear idea!" Zog's eyes flushed slightly. "This matter may be very involved. Do you dare to swear in the name of a **** that what you just said is true?"

Robben's heart trembled slightly, this kind of oath was not made casually.

"Of course!" Wendy replied very simply and neatly, "I swear in the name of the supreme God of Light..."

"Alright, alright!" Zog interrupted Wendy's words anxiously, "It doesn't need to be like this..." After finishing speaking, Zog stared solemnly at Luo himself, looking again...

Finally stomped and sighed, "Wendy, you go upstairs for me, I have something to talk to Ann!"

"I'm not going, grandpa, you lied to me just now!" Wendy immediately refused, and clasped Robben's arm tightly.

"You..." Zog breathed out angrily, "Okay, okay...then you just listen here, don't talk too much to me, understand?"

"I don't want to mix with the weird things you guys said." Wendy looked as if she didn't want to pay attention.

Whether it’s because he really believed Wendy’s words, or because Wendy is now in Robben’s grasp, Zog walked into the hall this time and sat on the sofa, but his face was still not so pretty, especially It was watching Wendy sitting next to Robben, not leaving.

"Wendy, you...you leave for a while, I just want to talk to Ann, you go upstairs with Cosette and Refa." Zog wanted to speak. But as soon as he saw Wendy's appearance, he couldn't help saying this.

"No..." Wendy looked distrustful.

Robben felt that he was still in the fog, and he was still a little confused about the situation. Suddenly Zog's suspicion of him turned into helplessness to Wendy. This situation was completely unexpected.

But one thing Robben understood. As long as Wendy is here, I'm afraid Zog can't say anything. What Zog values ​​most now is Wendy, and now Wendy is obviously on his side, which makes Zog hard to say a lot.

Patting Wendy's hand, Robben said: "Wendy, go upstairs first. It's just a misunderstanding. I will talk to the teacher and it will be fine soon..."

"Well... why did you say the same..." Wendy murmured.

"Go...get something and I'll cook you some food later, but...don't mess up the kitchen." Robben said again.

Seeing Robben insisting, and also having food as a temptation, Wendy thought for a while, "Okay. But hurry up." After saying that Wendy stood up, but did not leave immediately, but went around behind Zog's affection. Hugged the little old man. "Grandpa~~ Stop being stern, there are enough wrinkles..."

Zog said helplessly, "Well...you go up first, I won't do anything..."

"That's right... If something lie to me again, I'm going to pull your beard." After that, Wendy ran upstairs happily, and took off her shoes before going up the stairs. He trot all the way down the carpet and disappeared to the corner of the stairs.

Seeing Wendy's appearance, Zog sighed helplessly...

"Ann...you left the reception early and didn't go to me today. Was it really with Wendy?"

At this time, Robben knew that he had nothing left to say no, and replied: "Teacher, I'm so sorry, I actually think... those entertainments are very troublesome, but they can't be pushed away..."

Although there is no direct answer, yes. But the meaning in the words is very obvious.

Zog sighed again, pressing his hands on his forehead, "This dead girl!"

After a long time, Zog put his hands down, his face eased a lot, but he looked extremely tired, "If this is the case, then..." After a pause, Zog finally nodded, "Then things are It's easy to handle, at least nothing big will happen, but it will definitely be suspected. You are somewhat prepared."

Robben couldn't help being a little moved. Although Zog's sentence was brief, it contained extremely heavy meaning.

He would definitely be suspected, even if Wendy's statement were taken out to explain, he would also be suspected. If Kroo doubted himself, he would not even believe it at all. And to count it, Wendy is her own sister when outsiders come, and she just speaks for her by her family.

However, Zog said that things are easy to handle, and that he will support this statement in his own capacity. In this case, although things have not changed, the situation is completely different...

Everyone sees the things that Kroe made difficult for Zog, and if Zog said this thing, then once Kroo feels he is most suspicious, he will point the finger at Zog, thinking He was completely instructing, and many people might even think so.

However, there is no evidence for this matter, and the impact on Zog cannot be said to be small, but it will not be too great. In short, Zog has used his identity and reputation to bear all the responsibility and doubt.

"Teacher, I..." Robben felt a bit blocked in his throat.

"It's okay..." Zog interrupted Robben impatiently, "It's really impossible to take young people. Although Wendy has made great progress in spirit, she has also begun to be willful recently. You are a brother. Don't just spoil her blindly. She grew up in a strict environment and has never been spoiled by others. You will make her reluctant to give up this state very quickly."

"Uh... Teacher, but we seemed to say just now..."

"I know!" Zog interrupted Robben again, "Wendy already knows that you are not actually my adopted son, but what does that matter? Didn't you see her attitude towards you now?"

"Um... indeed..."

Zog sighed continuously, "Ann, you have to be fully aware of the extent of the matter and the magnitude of the impact. If you encounter such a thing in the future, even if you are editing, you must make up a decent reason for me. And... It's best to tell the truth, otherwise I won't..." Zog shook his head helplessly.

"Teacher, I understand what you mean, and I also understand your thoughts. In fact, under such circumstances, you still did not completely give up to me, nor did you mean to draw a line with me immediately. I am very moved..."

"Huh! What's so touching about this? Old man, I've been doing things like this all my life!"

"I was really afraid that something might hurt you, teacher." Robben's words were completely sincere, although when he got along with Zog, this little old man hardly had a good face, even It can be said that he is more stern, but Robben finds that he has rushed to this little old man more and more amiable. And tolerant and kind, he is a truly respectable elder.

"That's my bad luck. It has nothing to do with you." Zog said, while smoothing his beard that was crooked because of anger today. "I always said that mistakes are inevitable in life, and even unforgivable. Irreversible mistake. In this situation, just face it calmly! If you do something terrible, I am prepared to be involved. You always have to pay a price for doing something wrong. "

When Robben heard this, he felt more than just feelings.

"Sorry, teacher, for worrying you, I will definitely avoid this situation in the future."

"Hmm...huh! It's not to avoid it! It must not appear again, the old man, I don't have such a good spirit to toss with you young people!" Zog's beard almost crooked.


"Remember, you must attend various occasions as usual from tomorrow on. When you are asked why you haven't shown up in the past two days, answer directly and truthfully. Don't worry about anything. If you get troublesome..." Zog curled his lips. "At this time, I can't bear to retreat. It will make others think that you are a guilty conscience. Anyway, it won't eliminate others' suspicions, so you have to be high-profile, okay?"

"Good!" Robben nodded.

After sighing, Zog shook his head, "Everyone has something to talk about this time! First, the old Tiru died of a terrible death, and then the internal cleaning of the consortium. Now this kind of thing is happening again in Kro's house, it's hell. ..."

Standing up, Zog looked upstairs, "Let Wendy live here these few days, she is not allowed to go back, wait for a while before the wind passes... She doesn't want to go back anyway."

Looking at Zog slowly walking outside, Robben suddenly felt that he might have an illusion, as if... Zog was very lost and very old...

"Teacher, you..."

"It's okay... take care of Wendy. Don't be too spoiled. Of course, don't be strict. This child has received too much strict education since childhood, so let's go..." Pushing the door open, Zog left alone. .

Robben stood alone in the hall for a while, feeling a little empty in his heart, not knowing what to do.

"Is Grandpa gone?" Suddenly Wendy poked her head out from the second floor.

Only then did Robben come back to his senses, "Ah... let's go, the teacher said let you stay here for two days, and then go back later..."

"Oh..." Wendy nodded, turned around and walked down the stairs, leaned to Robben, held her hands behind her back, and pursed her lips as if asking for credit, and said, "How? I always say I'm stupid, I'm lazy, this Was it saved by me this time?"

Robben gave Wendy a helpless look, "Wendy, what you say like this...I'm not saying no, but you know I actually..."

"Tell me?" Wendy asked curiously. "You don't even tell Grandpa the reason."

Robben can only stop...

"Hmm... forget it! Since you don't tell me, then I won't ask, but what~~ I saved you this time, you have to remember my kindness!" Wendy smiled happily again Up.

"Wendy, you are not afraid... I really did something weird, such as... the big event that happened in the city today, it will be very troublesome to find out this matter."

Wendy shrugged her shoulders. "What could be the big deal? Isn't it just looking for a woman who doesn't know anything about it? I hate it..."

"Uh, this..."

"But... even if I did what I did, I won't regret it." Wendy's tone suddenly changed, "I don't have a brother, and no one has been particularly kind to me since I was young, um... anyway. In this way...I didn't think so much, I just felt that...going to a woman or anything else is not inexcusable. Brother Ang, you always have a lot of small actions, right?"

"I... Wendy. Actually..." Robben didn't know what to say to Wendy for a while.

"Forget it, I don't want to listen to what you don't want to say, presumably that is not what I like to listen to, and if it really is to find some stubborn woman. Then I will be angry! Tell sister Cecily them!"

Robben's heart began to be moved. Robben clearly realized that Wendy understood. She knew that she did not go out to find a woman who was inconsistent, but to do something that could not be told to others, even Maybe the accident at the Crocker's family today was completely related to her, but she didn't want to think about it, let alone listen to her own explanation... She herself, the brother who has not known her for a long time.

There were already crises. The situation that couldn't be handled at all was quietly resolved by the girl in front of her with a bit of innocence and a bit of silly blind trust...

"Wendy, thank you..." Robben couldn't help but hugged Wendy gently.

Suddenly being hugged by Robben, Wendy was still a little uncomfortable, moved her body slightly, and blushed, "Um... don't pay attention to me. Otherwise, I will ask sister Cecily and the others to complain. , But... it's okay to hold it occasionally, but. Don't use your hands, and..."

Robben couldn't help laughing, letting go of Wendy and said, "Okay, alright, although I'm a pervert and an asshole, I won't attack my sister."

Wendy was shy, but suddenly smiled, and stretched out her hand: "Then I will change me this time, don't move...Well, why are you so tall, I can't keep it..."

"Hahaha... forget it. Let's go upstairs and I will make you a bunch of snacks for you to hold!"

"Good!" Wendy immediately raised her hands in approval.

Just when Robben turned the danger to a breeze and was already busy in the kitchen, Kroben's house was a scene of horror.

Thousands of magicians sealed off all areas in front of and behind the Kro's house, especially the backyard wall where heavy soldiers were sent to guard, and several nearby streets were completely closed to the outside world. And began to search for suspicious people around.

The entire backyard was razed to the ground. The water of the small lake was dried out long ago, and the area was enlarged by the huge energy flow. Kro was standing on the new edge of the lake, looking at the diameter of fifty in front of him. Duo Mi, a huge bottomless pothole, his face was dark as if ink could drip out.

Although there are heavy guards around, there are no rescuers here, and no one cleans up the ruins on the ground. Only Kroo stands near the pit.

"Father." A figure appeared behind Crowe.

"How's it going?" Crocker's voice was as sharp as a knife, making Jiqi behind him shudder.

"The surrounding area has been sealed off and a search is underway, but there is no result yet. Reliable personnel have been quickly assembled to deal with the situation here, and they will be there in a while."

"Do it as soon as possible!"

"Yes~www.readwn.com~Jiqi left immediately.

"West Germany, what's the matter?" As soon as Jieqi walked away, Crowe couldn't help but growl in a low voice. Not far from him, under a broken wall, West Germany, who had already taken off his black armor, was Looking at Chaxi's sleepless face with interest.

"Oh?" Hearing Crocker's question, West Germany turned his head, his face exposed in the moonlight, "I didn't say that, an intruder came and was killed by us, and that bald man had to study life and death. After a while, he left his corpse, and the corpse was frozen in the ice for a day. That guy actually resurrected on the experimental platform! Then he used all the magic crystals you buried in the ground to blow up everything, and then The way you see it."

"But... is he really like this?" Crocker was a little unbearable, waved his hand vigorously in midair, and an image appeared there.

The images in the midair have thick eyebrows, big noses, wide mouth fangs, and greasy hair protruding from their foreheads. They look more like savages than protoss.

West Germany couldn't help but look at the magical image that he described, "Yes, the great guys look really strange now."! ! !

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