God Prohibitions

Chapter 1387: race

The sword's edge was like electricity, and it cut into Robben's shoulder mercilessly, and the splashing blood dyed Crick's murderous face red.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

The long sword cut into the flesh and blood, but it seemed to be sucked and unable to move. The other party seemed to have taken some measures immediately. Crick didn’t think much about it, but let it go decisively. One turned around, and the other sword had been taken out of the ring. , Slashed at Robben's other shoulder severely.

Amidst the vast yellow sand, a blade of sword aura was vertical and horizontal, and the creek whirled around Robben like a whirlwind. New swords were continuously taken out in his hand, or slashed or stab, all greeted Robben viciously.

Robben did not resist, like a puppet with blood spattered.

With a fierce storm and rain, Crick was about to pierce the enemy's heart with another sword. He had already shot, but he was shocked because there was no weapon in his hand.

With a sharp leap back, Creek moved away from Robben.

Seeing Robben standing there, covered in blood and carrying nearly twenty long swords with him, Crick couldn't help but hate it. This guy... actually ran out of his weapons! ..

Robben finally opened his mouth, exhaling a deep **** breath, and raised his head, "Should... no more? You said that you don't have many spare weapons..."

The corner of Crick's angry eyes jumped, "Without a weapon, I just killed you!"

Robben smiled hard, "This...I believe it."

Raising his hand, Robben held the long sword that pierced his chest and slowly pulled it out. The blood rushed out suddenly, splashing on the surrounding sand, forming a dark red trace.

The long sword fell silently and sank on the sand. Robben clutched the wound for a while, the blood stopped in a soft white light, but Robben was full of pain. Holding the second sword again, slowly pulled it out of his waist.

Seeing Robben slowly drew a long sword out of his body and sprayed it with a large amount of blood, even if he saw Crick, who was accustomed to life and death, his eyes were a little uncomfortable. Crick himself has never seen this kind of sight. Over.

Withdrawing the last long sword from his lap, a blood-stained long sword was already placed under Robben's feet. With the departure of this sword, Robben's strength seemed to be almost used, and his body seemed to shake I was about to fall, but fortunately I took a step forward in time. This will stabilize the body.

Hardly, Robben smiled, "Now, can we...can say a few words?"

Crick's gaze moved back and forth between Robben and the weapons on the ground several times, and said: "I don't think there is anything to say between us. I should have seen this point a long time ago, you are true. Monster! It can't be a protoss at all!"

"Monster..." Robben threw his last sword on the ground casually. Laughed self-deprecatingly. "Yeah... I am a monster. If you were a human, you would have died when you stabbed the first sword, and I am still alive now."

Crick took a deep breath, raised his hand, took out his helmet from the ring, and put it on. The whole person was fully armed, and said in a deep voice: "Don't think that what you did just now can win my sympathy. I'm just waiting for you to shed more blood, even if you have something special. You have fallen into weakness after bleeding so much. , You are looking for death by yourself today! Then I will fulfill you!"

With a muffled drink, Crick rushed forward again. This time he still didn't use his anger. The man made a strange arc in the air, and in the blink of an eye he jumped to the top of Robben's head, his fists in chain mail gloves fiercely. Smashed down.

A punch was severely stamped on Robben's face, Robben's body was directly hit and flew out. The creek man was in the air, his toes were a little on the ground, and the man rushed out like a gust of wind, and he was still in midair in an instant Ben, smashed his fist like a storm.

A series of punches to the flesh burst in the sand, and Crick swept Robben like a wind, and he ran across the sand with Robben's body, splashing blood all the way.

Crazy energy grabbed Robben and rushed hundreds of meters away, dragging a deep trace on the desert sand.

The storm's attack came to an abrupt end. Robben, who was tumbling in the air, was severely strangled by a hand, and hung limply in the air.

Crick gasped slightly, his breath seemed a little confused, "You won't fight back?"

"I...not here to do it with you..."

Now, Crick felt a little bit inexplicable. The guy in front of him didn't resist at all. He had cut his more than 20 swords before, and he didn't even hum, and then slowly pulled out all the swords, his indifferent look was simply Unreasonable.

Now... Seeing that Crick was being held in the air, his bones were not in good condition. The blood was running down his fingers, toes, and nose. He was already like a corpse enemy. Crick suddenly felt a little sick and sick. fear.

He threw Robben fiercely, Crick looked at his blood-stained hand, quickly took off the helmet and threw it away, and after taking a few breaths, he realized that his body was splashed with blood. .

Hesitating for fear of catching the plague, Crick rudely removed all the armor on his body, threw it away, found a piece of cloth and kept wiping his hands, "Damn it! Damn it!!"

Throwing the cloth away, Crick strode to Robben, who was still lying on the sand, and asked in a cold voice: "If you don't fight back, you will be dead!!!"

Robben finally smiled, "You... don't you think it's better to kill me directly?"

"Kill you directly?" Crick instantly furious, "How can there be such a cheap thing!? Everything you did to me and the opponent God Realm must be judged! Must be punished!"

He grabbed Robben by the collar with both hands and grabbed Robben from the ground. Crick roared, "You **** scum! You deceived everyone! You made me like this! You think! Simply die!? You must send me to hell! Suffer eternal torment!!"

Robben's injury was affected. He coughed and spit out a small gulp of blood. It spilled on Crick's hand. Crick's eyebrows flew straight up, and with a roar, he lifted his foot and kicked Robben into the air. The blood on the hand.

"Miscellaneous! Scum! Despicable bugs!!" Crick took out the cloth again, wiped his hand fiercely, and cursed.

Robben fell to the ground, really lacking strength, he vomited another mouthful of blood, and said weakly, "That's fine. I think...you can always listen to me seriously now, right?"

"Miscellaneous! Leave what you want to say in your trial! I will bring you back to the realm of God! You will be reduced to ashes under the holy light!!!"

Confirming that Robben has no resistance, Crick found a rope thicker than his thumb and tied Robben, but when he saw that Robben was covered in blood, he looked at himself with a strange look, Crick. There was a burst of irritation in my heart for no reason.

"Look at me and goug your eyes first!" With an angry cry, Crick lifted his foot and kicked Robben in the head.

"Crick, you are human."

The soft or weak voice was almost inaudible in the dusty wilderness, but these words made Crick's feet freeze in the air.

"I came today to say this." Robben's weak voice was almost inaudible.

Crick's cheek trembled. After that, a cold light flashed in his eyes, his feet fell in mid-air, and Robben's face was stepped into the sand, "Isn't it enough to play me like a fool? You started deceiving us from the God Realm, and now... you actually I can say such things calmly. I really admire the incomparable inferiority of your human beings!"

Lifting his foot, Crick waved his hand and wrapped the rope around Luo himself. But if you don't really do it yourself. Certainly he couldn't tie the rope well, but with the patience, Crick knelt down and tied the rope to Luo himself fiercely.

Robben's body has completely lost the ability to move, he was previously severely injured by Crick, and blood was spilled on the sand. After that, the bones of his body were mostly broken by countless heavy punches. No matter who it was, he would not feel that Robben still had the ability to move. Crick firmly believed that under this situation. Even if the opponent can still use magic, he can grab the opponent's head before that.

Robben's hand slowly raised, right in front of Crick's eyes.

Crick couldn’t believe that he broke the arm first, and the previous sword wound almost cut off the tendon of that arm. The palm of his hand was a pile of broken bones, and now it actually lifted. Up.

Amid a piercing crackle, Robben's hand shook violently, and the strange soft white light flowed rapidly across Robben's arm, like thunder and lightning.

Crick was taken aback and shouted angrily. His palm was cut straight to Robben's neck, but a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and his wrist was actually held.

Crick couldn't believe the sight before him.

The arm that had been abandoned was completely repaired in an instant, and more than that. Not only was this arm restored to its original state, but the skin was delicate and exuding a white jade-like crystal brilliance, like the most perfect sculpture. Every texture is just right, every muscle is perfect, just like something that shouldn't exist.

But what really shocked Crick was what he saw inadvertently from the corner of his eye.

Robben's other arm exudes a palpitating black breath, and the whole arm has been wretched and withered, and the muscles and blood are turned into ashes and dissipated in the sand in a blink of an eye, leaving only the burnt and dry bones.

"You...you..." Crick was shocked, struggling, and found that his wrist was tightly pinched, and he couldn't shake the opponent with his own strength!

"Don't be afraid, this is the power I got from Tooth. She taught me how to use this ancient magical power. It won't cause you any harm. I just want to tell you, Crick! You are human! You are not a protoss!"

"Nonsense!" Crick yelled and raised his arm violently, pulling Robben up from the sand, turning around and kicking Robben's back.

Crick felt a light in his hand, and Robben disappeared into the air like a smoke.

"I'm telling the truth, you don't have to be moved and angry."

Crick was taken aback, and turned to follow the prestige, and found that Robben was standing ten steps away from him, with a strange light flowing in black and white, and what made Crick felt that his back was cold. The light of black and white continued to flow, and Robben's whole body continued to wither and regenerate...

In a blink of an eye, withered bones turned into flesh and blood, and in an instant it was like ashes drifting away in the wind. Crick looked at Robben with amazement on his face, "You...what are you!?"

Robben took a deep breath, and the black and white light on his body began to separate clearly. The black light formed a shadow behind Robben, while the white light flowed through Robben's body. The wounds on Luo himself were already gone, exposed in tatters. The skin outside the clothes looks crystal clear. Like a crystal.

Suddenly, the black shadow began to dissipate like light smoke, and the white light on Luo himself dimmed rapidly.

In just one breathing effort, Robben's body returned to its original state, no more light flashing.

Looking at Robben's body as it was before, Crick was shocked and inexplicably shocked. Human Robben would use very powerful healing techniques. Almost everyone in the gods knew that, but... it doesn't seem to be so strong, right? That was extreme blood loss, and the bones and muscles all over his body were broken. Even the ultimate healing magic therapy is limited, and it is impossible to violate the law of life...

But now in this situation... this can't be said to be magic anymore!

Robben looked at his body and chuckled: "Don’t be surprised, this is the power learned from Tooth. Although her power is medium, she has always used light power after all. I am cursed by the power. After the invasion, this power has been in a state of being weakened. Some time ago due to one incident, my light power has been greatly improved, and subsequently, this power seems to have been strengthened."

"From the tooth..." Crick still couldn't believe it.

"Ah, the situation of the tooth... is rather strange, of course. I am not talking about this today. I did not play with you before. I just want you to know clearly. I am just very sincere to explain one thing to you. I hope you can listen carefully and think about it!"

"Nonsense!" Crick yelled sharply, "Your words... are like lies!"

Robben nodded helplessly, "I did... deceive you, but it is up to you to judge whether what I am saying is true or not."

Crick laughed without anger, and said loudly: "This is the most ridiculous lie I have ever heard! As a **** of war, I have participated in many battles between gods and demons. I have made great contributions to the gods, and I have almost endless life! What are you talking about? You actually said to me that I am a human? Is there something wrong with your mind?"

Robben was silent for a moment and said softly: "You are indeed the God of War. You have participated in many wars and built countless works for the demons. You have survived for a long time that mankind can't imagine, but... I think in the depths of your soul, maybe There will be a question hidden, that is... why can't you remember your childhood."

Creek's face changed sharply, "What did you say?"

"Your memory started from an asylum for orphans. At that time, you already had some age and knew some things, but you didn't remember what happened before. Your childhood memories were blank!"

Crick's eyes trembled and his face was shocked.

"You don’t know where you come from, why did you appear there? Who was you before? Someone told you that your name is Crick. This somewhat man-like name has been with you until now, and it was someone who told you about you. In the past, an untraceable childhood, unknown parents disappeared early. In short, you seem to appear in that shelter for granted, although you still have some doubts in your heart."

"But soon your talent was discovered, and you began to cultivate hard, without studying all night, everything before became a phantom and left you, you became an excellent fighter, step by step forward, almost It's a peaceful step, good luck is watching you, everything seems to exist for you, and in the end you become the **** of war and obtain an incomparably powerful magic tool.

As he said, Robben took out the golden scepter in the ring, "Unfortunately, this thing is not entirely yours. It is something that will appear in different forms when you meet different owners, or it is He is choosing the owner, or rather, the holder of the original form of this thing, choosing the user for him..."

Crick's eyes shrank fiercely, "What are you...what are you talking about?"

"Crick, you are a human being, a human being brought back to the God Realm by the Protoss. Just like the other children you saw in that shelter, I think you still treat yourself when you become a God of War, or even earlier. He had doubts in the past, and thought about checking his own life experience, but...that shelter must have disappeared very early, all traces have disappeared cleanly, there is nowhere to check.

Crick's lips trembled slightly, his eyes showed indescribable fear, "You...how do you know these things?"

Robben hesitated, but still didn't say that these things were actually told by Ya, and the purpose... was to save Creek.

"I only learned through some channels, so..."

"Nonsense!" Crick waved his arms almost frantically, "This may only be your scam! You inquire into my details and make up lies to shake me! You despicable scum!"

There was a nervous smile on his face. Crick laughed and said: "And, I want to tell you! Even if I am a human being, what can I do? I am still the God of War, I am still the God of War, and I still have endless life! What you said is It doesn't make any sense to me!"

Robben exhaled slightly, "Crick, you...have been unable to return to the realm of God, you should be aware of this to some extent, although you are not very clear."

Crick's face quickly turned pale, and then suddenly flushed, "I don't want to hear your lies anymore! Today...I will catch you here. Then I will bring you back to the God Realm for trial!!"

Robben sighed and stepped back slowly, "Crick, I know you won't believe me, and I didn't expect this. But I hope you remember my words, and... please think carefully. As a Protoss. Why did the power of light become so fragile after losing the Light Sword, and even now it has disappeared! And... on your way to become the God of War, do you accept too much? You feel that some amazing physical intensive training..."

"Stop for me!" Crick saw that Robben seemed to be leaving, and rushed up with an anger, but Robben's figure had begun to disappear in the wind and sand.

"Crick. We are both humans, there is no need to fight like this, I will come again, before then... please consider it carefully."

Creek rushed over. But Robben's figure in the sand was already accompanied by the dust, and he couldn't see it anymore.

Standing on the spot for five minutes, Crick shook his body and covered his face with his hand, "Damn it, what the **** is going on..."

Robben left with a bit of regret. Although he had said everything he had to say, Crick also listened to it, and it seems that she will remember it deeply, but obviously she will not easily believe it, and she will not believe it easily. Xin Li also had no evidence to prove his statement.

Knowing about this, and the only person who can ask questions now is Ya. But now that he is against the gods, Ya will definitely not admit this again and make Crick shake. I want Crick to be sure of this. The matter seemed far more difficult than I thought.

After making sure to stay away from the Pioneer Camp and to be safe, Robben found a place leeward to change all his bloodstained and tattered clothes, put on clean clothes, and made sure that nothing else could be seen seriously injured. Only after the traces of the past did he start again.

Through the teleportation array, Robben quickly returned to the Caton Capital. At this time everyone was still waiting anxiously.

A new area has been opened up in the Witch’s camp. This small area is next to the ivy trellis where Ruda lives. Sasha and Fanny have already moved their belongings from the airship, and they are in the spirit and the witch. With his help, he quickly picked up large and small wooden houses, and also installed small spires, decorated with flowers and vines, and planted flowers and plants around them.

At first glance, I thought it was a small garden.

Robben hurried back and found that everyone was sitting in the large courtyard of his new home. They seemed to be discussing something. It seemed that they were actually waiting for himself. What made Robben a little surprised was that the Dragon King was actually there. .

However, it was clear that Dragon King didn't want to talk to the people here, he sat alone, holding a glass of wine, his face was cold.

Robben didn't say hello to everyone first, but took a few steps and walked to the front of the Dragon King. He smiled and said, "What a rare visitor, I'm very happy to be here."

The Dragon King avoided Robben’s gaze and said indifferently: “I heard that you are going to do something that may have a great impact on us, but it is stupid. As an ally, I don’t think I should ignore everything, at least It’s better to come and see you here."

Robben chuckled, "Well, come and sit down. I just happened to tell you about this."

For the Dragon King, everyone’s reaction seems to be nothing special, perhaps because she is almost exactly the same as Queen Biris, everyone has been used to it, and for her identity, it seems that everyone is not unusual, at least no one thinks of her. Very strange.

Only the baby is particularly curious about the Dragon King.

For this woman who was almost exactly the same as her own queen mother, the baby found it incredible. This was not a magical appearance. After learning this, the baby looked at the dragon king's eyes even more strange.

The Dragon King turned a blind eye to the baby's eyes. It can also be said that she doesn't care much about everyone's gaze. Even if she comes to sit with everyone, she doesn't talk to anyone or make eye contact with anyone.

"How are things going?" Queen Biris asked casually.

Robben smiled, and deliberately tucked up his shirt, "It's okay, it went well, you see I'm back well."

"Oh...really?" Queen Biress raised her eyebrows slightly, her face was naked and she didn't believe it.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Robben immediately showed an expression of injustice.

Metz sighed softly, "Roben. It's clearly written on your face that things are not going well, and you have encountered difficulties."

"I am bloody, it's your own from the taste. I was beaten up and wiped off the blood before returning, right?" Sa Sha immediately added.

"The clothes are different from when they left..." Fanny shook her head helplessly. "When I dressed you well in the morning, I carefully smoothed the folds of the collar behind my neck. Is it possible that the clothes are all broken?"

Robben was speechless... these women. why is it like this……

Lilith couldn't help laughing, and walked over to pat Robben's shoulder, "I said Robben, are you going to tell the truth? How did that creek react?"

Su nodded, "Yes, let's talk about the actual situation. It doesn't matter if you say she stepped your face on the ground, we only need to know the actual situation."

Robben had to scratch his head in annoyance, "Okay, okay, got it! You don't have to be so careless... Anyway, the facts are the same. Why do you want to slap my old bottom so mercilessly?"

At this time, Rossi whispered, "Um...I think Robben is right, are we..."

Sasha immediately dragged Losi over, "Why... now we start to protect him, we should stand together! Are you going to be a traitor?"

Losi suddenly had nothing but a wry smile, and this family was always full of things that made him dumbfounded.

Robben sat down somewhat depressed and said, "No way, that woman doesn't believe it, and I don't have any concrete evidence to prove it, but this time I finally let her know the facts. I think she will consider it, maybe even Will ask Ya for proof, anyway...she will be shaken, maybe she won't attack us for the time being."

A dull voice came from outside the courtyard: "If she still kills with the Protoss army, then what shall we do?"

When everyone looked back, Ruda was standing outside the courtyard, his brown eyes flashing coldly and looking at everyone.

"Ruda, don't take action against her. Her power has been greatly weakened and cannot be your opponent. Once you push her in a hurry, she will completely explode the power of the curse. It will be a disaster, she It's the guy I've ever seen to adapt to the power of cursing best. Maybe you weren't her opponent at that time."

"Then shall we wait to die?" Ruda frowned deeply.

"It's okay to deal with her. This is our strength." Robben smiled. "We can only make the next plan if we stabilize the situation on the continent. If Creek and us clashed fiercely, it will become Our great troubles and losses."

Ruda shook his head, "Human calculations are really troublesome, forget it...Since I can't kill her, then I don't care about it, and I can sleep peacefully."

After speaking, Ruda turned around, lay down rumblingly, and slumped under his ivy stand to sleep...

In this regard, Robben can only smile bitterly. Ruda is actually not very concerned about the situation of the battle. He only cares about Sarok and what he told him before he fell asleep. Once he is sure that he can't help him, he will go. Sleeping is really a typical demonic style.

Queen Biress said: "Then according to the current situation, we are temporarily powerless on Crick's side. We will only look at her next reaction before we can do anything. We now...should sort out our internal problems. ,Right?"

Robben nodded, "Yes, and be fast! I'm worried that the black emperor on the demon world will soon be against those witches."

The Dragon King suddenly said: "The situation in the devil world, I can ask my people to bring back some instant messages, you don't have to worry about these."

Robben was a little excited, and said, "This is the best way!"

"Thank you Sister Dragon King..." A childish and careful voice suddenly appeared. Everyone followed the prestige. Only then did they discover that they didn't know when the baby had slipped to Dragon King and was looking at her with very curious eyes.

The Dragon King ignored the baby, with no expression on his face. But if you look closely, you can still see a bit of embarrassment in your eyes.

"Baby! Come back soon, don't mess around!" Sasha immediately waved to the baby.

The baby looked at the Dragon King again, and then he giggled and threw himself into Sasha's arms, and asked in a very small voice: "Mom, why does that sister look exactly the same as the queen mother?"

"Yeah...you can only choose one of this answer and dinner!" Sasha thought for a while, and immediately asked the baby a multiple choice question.

"Then... baby chooses dinner!" The baby hesitated.

"Hey... Go play with Maomao first, don't mess around here!" Sasha squeezed the baby's nose proudly.

The baby gave a ‘oh,’ but turned around and ran to Fanny, holding Fanny’s thigh. The baby stared at her big sullen eyes, and asked: "Mom, why does that sister look exactly the same as the queen mother?"

Fanny can't laugh or cry, this little thing has earned a meal with Sasa, and turned around and asked herself the same question again.

Although the sound is not loud. But everyone present could hear clearly, and the atmosphere could not help but feel a little embarrassed.

Queen Biris smiled. Reach out to the baby. "Baby, come here."

The baby rolled his eyes and immediately approached Queen Biress without a smile. "Does the Queen's mother have a sister and a younger sister?"

Queen Biress squeezed the baby's face funny, "You want to know?"

"Well, I want to know!"

"Um...very good. Then I will teach you a magic for a while, if you can learn it, I will tell you, how about it?"

The baby's eyes shined immediately. "Okay! Baby will learn it!"

Queen Biress laughed and rubbed the baby's little head, "Okay~~ Then don't run around, don't let me find you."

The baby immediately calmed down, clinging to Queen Biress, as if she was afraid that Queen Biress would run away instead.

Robben saw everything in his eyes, and wondered when did this woman deal with children like this?

After comforting the baby, the topic was back on track, Queen Biress said: "I don't know how your **** friend is preparing, but he said that he will provide convenience for us."

Robben's eyes fell on Rosie, nodded and said: "No problem, that guy is still very reliable in many cases."

Rosie was a little strange, how do you feel that everyone looked at yourself a little strange, "This...what do you say has anything to do with me?"

Metz couldn't help but smiled softly, "Loss, this matter is not only related to you, but also has to rely on you to complete it. Now we are all counting on you."

"Hey? What... count on me?" Rosy opened his mouth, "No...no?"

For Metz's statement, Losi was a bit at a loss, but when the next day was approaching noon, Losi felt that his hands and feet were almost reluctant.

The residents of Caton have been discussing one thing in the past two days, that is, Lord Saint King suddenly fell from an airship, several ladies who have not been seen for a long time also appeared together, and there is another disturbing one. rumor.

It seems... Lord Saint King is surrounded by a protoss woman.

Protoss! It's the powerful enemy who wants to kill mankind! How could there be a Protoss around Lord Saint King?

But early this morning, a notice was posted on the streets and alleys of Caton dìdū that the Great Emperor will have an important speech to be announced in the central square at noon.

"Rosie, don't be nervous!" Robben comforted Rosie.

Luoxi's face was pale, "Woo~~Ann, can I not go out...out there, there are many people outside!" Luoxi took a probe on the high platform built in the central square and looked out, and what he saw was the square The countless masses of residents shrank back in shock.

"It doesn't matter, this is just an introduction of quality speech. Now there are many rumors outside. We should and have the obligation to clarify some things to make our people feel at ease. Luo Xi...this is also the responsibility of a soldier."

Losi looked pitiful, "I only knew that the responsibility of a warrior was to learn swordsmanship, cultivate fighting spirit, and fight for honor and belief. I only heard the chief's speech below, and I never said anything to others. Still... Many people! Ann! Human beings are too many by the Protoss!!!"

Robben helplessly, "Losie, calm down, calm down... I'm by your side, it's actually nothing, you just need to remember one thing, that is to stand up and say to those who question your identity, you are mine Wife, that's it, understand?"

Losi was taken aback, "Just, that's it?"

"Yeah! A simple thing!"

"Hmm..." Luo Xi lowered her head and blushed, "Then... Isn't that too shameful?"

Robben smiled, "There is nothing to be ashamed of, I'm here to listen, and I want to listen."

Losi scratched his head, "Well...you said it! If I say something wrong, don't blame me if those people are upset!"

"Well, of course! To blame is to blame me!"

"Then, okay...I'll just say a few words, but just a few words, don't let me say more!"

"Okay, sure!" Robben promised.

At this time, the second prince, who was talking nonsense on the high platform, finally pulled his speech to the end: "My people! We rose up to resist! We did the greatest thing in human history, and In order to win, we need more strength and more allies. Not long ago, we had concluded an alliance with the dragon clan. Today, I will bring you new allies. Now, please invite our beautiful Losi Miss say a few words to everyone!"

Suddenly, there was no sound in the square, and the name Luo Xi had spread throughout the entire dìdū in a very short time.

Protoss! All people have only these two words in their minds now.

The second prince exited, and then, a smaller figure gradually came to the place where the second prince stood, and the magic circle on the ground instantly cast an image into the air.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the square.

Protoss and humans are very similar in appearance, but compared with humans, the appearance of the Protoss is particularly jīng, and the skin is smooth, white and delicate, even the warrior who sleeps and eats all the year round, the most conspicuous is the big one. Most protoss have a dazzling golden hair, and all of this has a strong performance on Luo Xi's body.

The discussion in the square suddenly rose and fell, and the noise became a mess.

Luo Xi was a little nervous. To be honest, besides the Protoss army, Luo Xi was the first time to see so many people gathered in one place. The huge population of the human world shocked Luo Xi a bit.

"Big... Hello, everyone, I'm Rosie." Rosie said cautiously, with a low voice, but as ice water poured out the fire, the messy sound in the square disappeared without a trace.

"I, I... As you can see, I am not actually a human being... I am a protoss warrior~www.readwn.com~ from the God Realm."

Countless lights gathered on Luo Xi, and Luo Xi even felt that these eyes were too heavy for him to bear.

"I think...I think everyone doesn't like the Protoss, or maybe they don't, but..." Luoxi's eyes were a little sad, "but I like humans, and I came to the human continent for this."

There was a sudden movement in the square, and Loty's words surprised many people.

"I...I'm Ann, ah no! I'm Robben's wife, here... You call him the Duke, the Holy King, but to me, he is a protoss man named Ann, even though he is actually called Robben’s human, but to me...it makes no difference."

Biting her lip, Luo Xi whispered, "I think you don’t have to hate the Protoss. In fact...we are all the same. At the beginning, Ann told me that the human continent is a land of zìyóu. Here, there are only companions. There is no difference in race. I plucked up the courage to come here this time. I... I want to say that I am a warrior of the Protoss, but I am also Rosie, I am Ann's wife, and I am your friend..."

In the audience, countless humans are a little at a loss... (to be continued...)

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