God Prohibitions

Chapter 1398: Unintentional fault


A loud noise in the morning became the beginning of everyone's day.

Robben woke up in a daze, looked at the bright sky outside the window, sighed helplessly, carefully moved the head of Maes on his arm, Sasha's arm, Fanny's thigh, finally got up , Finally came back to rescue Losi who was under her pressure by Sasha, then put on her nightgown and tiptoed out.

He obviously woke up... but he was lazy, Robben sighed again, it seems that today’s breakfast is to prepare the chapter of the novel himself.

Yesterday Sharok excitedly blasted her wooden house into the sky. Although Sasha thought she should be given an iron house, it was too late after all, and it was too wasteful of metal. The elves only took a short time to build it up again. There is a wooden house for Sharok to live in.

But now, the wooden house was smoking on all sides, and Sarok was sitting on the small wooden bench in front of the house, shining brightly and quickly recording something in the notebook.

Robben originally thought that this would not be the case today, because yesterday Sharok vowed to say that her research has reached the final stage and will be successful soon, without worrying about anything at all.

I wanted to ask this woman what he was studying, but the other party only said something superficial and did not reveal the actual content. Robben had no choice but to give up. This day, he has been sorting out the latest situation and discussing the future with the second prince. Countermeasures, enacting laws against the witches, and returning home after a busy day, lingering around the wives in the middle of the night, did not sleep long...

"I said... what the **** are you doing?" Robben came to Sarok's back and glanced at her little notebook, only to see some scribbled strange words and symbols.

Sarok turned around, mysteriously not wanting Robben to see what she was recording.

Robben shrugged his shoulders and said, "What's the secret of this, you don't want to throw away these things immediately!"

"Throw it away and keep it secret!" Sarok replied casually with excitement in his voice.

Robben was helpless. She simply sat down next to Sarok, squeezing her body and almost falling off the small bench.

He gave Robben a ferocious look, but Sharok didn't react further, and continued to concentrate on writing and drawing on the notebook.

Robben was even stranger now. He stretched his neck and looked at the notebook again, and Sharok immediately moved the notebook away.

"Okay, okay!" Robben gave up, "But what are you going to do, even if you don't want to say something, you should at least give us some preparations. It's not fully lit up this day, you just wake us all up Yes, you are very annoying!"

While speaking, Robben waved his hand to the elves and witches who had gathered again quickly, indicating that there was nothing wrong with them. "If you are always like this, how often do you wait until the enemy comes to attack us? The elves and witches will never come again."

Sarok just snorted. Without speaking, the speed of writing and drawing by hand is getting faster and faster.

Seeing that Sharok didn't pay attention to his intentions at all, Robben only sighed greatly, "Okay~~You got it for you, but don't do anything like this again, um... it's not bad today. At least the house is intact. Coming down, what do you want to eat in the morning?"

With that, Robben stood up, twisted and prepared to make breakfast.

suddenly. Sharoc left his hand and grabbed Robben's arm and sat down on Robben.

Robben nearly fell, "What are you...what are you going to do?"

Sharok's eyes flashed, and he hooked Robben's neck, he looked like a good brother, he laughed: "Brother, sister, I want to give you something good, do you have any prepared gift rebate? For sister?"

Robben was confused, "Good stuff? I don't even know what it is, how can I prepare a gift for you?"

"Oh~~Isn't there?" Sarok raised his eyebrows, showing a look of disappointment, "Thanks to my sister, I worked so hard to prepare for you, but you didn't appreciate it. My sister is really sad."


"Forget it, if you don't want it, then my sister will have done nothing for such a long time." Sarok seemed a little regretful, and looked at Robben with a really hopeless expression on you.

Robben thought to himself, if it takes so long to forget...then you let me go, my neck will be severed by you.

Sarok suddenly flashed those clear water-like eyes, and sneered: "What's wrong? Why do you suddenly blush? Oh...is it so close to my sister? Hehe... Yesterday, my sister heard that, you are very okay. What, one person has dealt with so much and persisted for so long..."

"I... I'm out of breath, my face blushes... You, let me go!" Robben's face was not only red, but also the color of eggplant.

Sarok was bored, "Okay, then forget it, I will treat this as my own okay pastime, hey... this world is really not good for good people."

After being released by Sharocco, Robben was able to breathe a few breaths, "I, I said...what are you doing? If you want to say something, just tell me..."

"Humph!" Sharok snorted, turning his face away.

Robben wondered why you are playing your temper like a child...

Helpless, Robben leaned over and said with a flattering look: "Good sister, it's not easy to be angry. Why are you studying what your sister is doing? Let's talk and listen.

"Yes, but a gift!" Sharoc said straightforwardly, and Robben was going to be pale.

"This, of course this!" Robben smiled as much as possible, "Then...then..."

"If you hug sister, sister will tell you~~~" Sharok smiled winkingly.

"Uh." Robben was stunned, and instinctively glanced at his wooden house. This is absolutely impossible. When Sasha and the others saw it, it would take three trials.

Looking back, Sarok's body has turned upside down...

Leaning on Luo himself, Sharocco gently hugged Robben. Robben was shocked and instinctively wrapped Sharocco’s waist, but when he was about to let go, Sharocco gently Without a trace of provocative and charming, a calm and soft voice came into Robben's ears. "Thank you, my little brother... My sister is really happy to wake up again."

Luo himself stiffened slightly, and the hand that was about to let go slowly fell back to Sarok's waist, and smiled lightly, "Well... we didn't say yes, I just kept the agreement."

"The days of sleep are really unpleasant...but my sister can feel your brother's efforts. You sent your sister's soul to this body in good condition, leaving a vast space. When your sister can move a little bit, I am so happy, ah... Few people treat my sister so kindly."

"Hmm..." Robben really blushed this time, because Robben suddenly became embarrassed when he was said so.

"Haha... are you blushing? The younger brother is like a little boy. So cute..." Sarok suddenly laughed.

Robben was a little embarrassed for a while and didn't know how to deal with it.

Sarok lifted his gaze slightly. Looking at Robben's eyes, he smiled and said, "For the sake of me having such a cute brother. My sister will tell you a good thing. How about...Want to hear it?"

"Um...I think." Robben replied a little clumsily, which immediately caused Sarok to laugh.

"Oh..." Sarok suddenly turned his head slightly and looked at Robben's wooden house. "It seems that I'd better let go of you earlier, otherwise those little girls will be unhappy again. Hey...it's really something. Stingy guy."

Robben wanted to cry without tears. It seemed that four pairs of eyes appeared behind the door of the wooden house, and four voices were whispering something...

Letting go of Robben, Sarok tossed her little notebook back and forth at random. The laughter said: "In fact, I had this idea a long time ago, so I tried my best to search all my memory. Only then did I find such a feasible way and started experimenting. At the beginning, those few seemed completely The magic of failure is also designed for this."

"A long time ago?" Robben is still completely confused. "What's that idea?"

"I think our strength is too weak. There is no way to fight against the gods and demons. Even now, we seem to be very strong, but once the gods and demons solve the problem of their mutual restraint, first One is to point the spear at us first, then we will suffer from the enemy, and there is only one dead end, so...I thought of a way that can greatly enhance our combat effectiveness, so that we can really fight against the gods and demons!"

Robben was surprised, "Is there such a way?"

"Why... don't you ever think that there is such a way?" Sarok rolled his eyes, "Thank you sister, I still believe you so much!"

Robben smiled bitterly, "I just didn't expect you to have such a method now. I originally wanted to use the opportunity of this confrontation between gods and demons to create some conditions. If your method works, then we will naturally save more trouble. Up."

Sharocco immediately looked proud, and even exaggeratedly smiled, "That's natural, how could the method I came up with my sister not work! My only hope now is that you better not be scared."

Suddenly, Robben felt that Sharocco was suspicious of bragging...

"So... what's the way?"

"It's very simple! It's going to..." Sharok was excited to say something, a black shadow fell from the sky, Robben and Sharok were both taken aback, and Sharok's words were quickly interrupted.

"Nalan, what's the matter?" Robben's heart trembled slightly. Nalan suddenly came here from the sky at such an early time, which was obviously not a good thing.

Nalan quickly said: "Scout the Witch, Crick led the protoss army has begun to move, surprisingly fast, seems to have left all the luggage in place, all the auspicious soldiers lightly loaded into the battle, and are attacking Caton."

"What?" Robben was shocked, "Crick...raid us!?"

Sarok's eyebrows raised slightly, "Oh...that hapless guy still doesn't give up? If the light cavalry makes a surprise attack, um...it seems that the terrain on Caton's side is relatively flat, and the horses of the gods run very fast. Yes, how long will it take to get to Caton City."

"I guess... less than two days."

"Two days!?" Robben opened his mouth wide, "They are not stationed on the border of Caton, they will be here in two days?"

"This is the news that comes from the God Realm's war horses are indeed very fast. If you abandon all the heavy objects and rush into the battle lightly, as long as the terrain is flat, it takes two days... to say more!" Nalan answered seriously! .

"She... actually came again!" Robben confirmed the news with something unexpected in his heart. After Crick visited last time, he thought she needed a period of quiet thinking, but he still thought about it for a while. Go see him again. Unexpectedly, she would come here so soon.

"good news!"

Robben and Nalan turned their heads in surprise, and Sharok already showed an extremely excited smile, "It just happens that I lack a decent test subject. Since this Crick brought it to the door, I had no choice but to accept it. It's down."

"What do you want?"

"Hehehe... for the time being confidential, but this time the enemy... I can deal with it alone!" Sarok said quite confidently.

It is expected that the Protoss troops will arrive in two days, that is, around the early morning of the day after tomorrow, but in fact, the speed is rather fast. At dusk the next day, the Pioneer Battalion led by Crick had already approached twenty miles outside the city of Caton.

It is meaningless to defend the city. A huge city like Kardon cannot be guarded by tens of thousands of elves and witches, so that even the head of the city would be dissatisfied, and there was the last time Ruda and Crick fought outside the city. As a result, the city gate facing that piece of battlefield was still tightly closed until now. It was no longer suitable for human activities. this time. The second prince specifically asked Robben to lead his troops to fight the enemy for twenty miles.

And Sarok hasn't fully explained how she wants to defeat the protoss army alone, but Robben can see that she is full of confidence and victory in this battle is bound to be won.

Robben couldn't help but worry, because what Sharogh said before was too bragging...

On the human side, the elves and witches are in the front. Those of other races who have been organized will join the human forces at the rear, and those who do not will choose the strong to move freely on both sides of the array.

At the top of the line. Robben and Sharok stood there, and even Ruda, who was absolutely the main fighting force, stood behind Sharok.

"What do you want to do? Creek is coming this time. If you want to be careless..." Watching the protoss army approaching quickly. With the dust covering the sky, Robben became more and more worried about Sharocco's approach.

"Don't worry, you just have to wait for a good show. Even if I am unlucky and really make some deviations, we can defeat the opponent with absolute power. Now that woman is not afraid!"

This sentence made Robben even more worried. How did it sound like, "It doesn't matter if you fail, so let's try it first."

The protoss army hurriedly approached, and slowly stopped not far from the human army. Crick took the lead, fully clothed, but he didn't wear a battle helmet, and there was no expression on his face.

The two armies faced off, Crick urged the horse to come out first, drew out the long sword, and shouted: "Call Robben out to speak!"

"Call you, go! Don't talk too much, sister, I can't wait!" Seeing Crick's call, Sharoc directly pushed Robben out.

Robben had to urge the war horse to step forward, "Crick, I didn't expect you to come back so soon, what are you...what do you want to do?"

Crick exclaimed angrily: "What are you doing? Naturally, kill all of you rebels who don't keep it!"

Robben's gaze turned around Crick, and after a few glances at the light cavalry behind her, his heart suddenly sank slightly.

In this unit, it seems that only Crick himself is wearing his whole body. Robben knows that God of War is like the armor he uses in the battle between the gods and demons or the usual armor. There is no other way, and the armor of the soldiers is relatively simple. Many, and each component is independent, you can temporarily wear a few pieces on the battlefield.

As for those cavalry soldiers, they really only have limited armor to protect the vitals. Some of them don't even have a piece of armor. The supplies and rucksacks that should have appeared on the horses are all missing, and the armor of the horses is even more clean.

This... is completely desperate posture.

"Crick, do you... want to decide the outcome here at once?"

Crick shouted sharply: "Can't you? You **** rebels have been using cunning tricks to interfere with our offensive, and now...no matter what more conspiracies and tricks you play, it will not help. Today, I will end everything. Here, you are not completely wiped out... or our soul is returned to the embrace of the God of Light."

Robben's complexion turned dignified, and he slowly said, "It seems...the situation is a little different from what I estimated, Crick. In this case, you will disappoint me a little bit."

"What!?" Creek was angrily. "Do you think you are qualified to say this?"

"You are so dazzled by the abnormal situation, but you want to ruin so many soldiers in vain. Is this what you want?"

Crick's eyes shrank sharply.

"Okay... I'm still talking nonsense with this woman." A figure appeared on Robben's horseback. Sarok looked disdainful, "This is a complete waste of time, now leave it to me, and I will teach this woman exactly what to do."

"The devil...you dare to talk to me like this!" Crick's trembling eyes uncontrollably let out a murderous look.

"Huh! Do you really think... you are still the God of War of the Protoss? Now only you and the fools behind you who don't know the truth think so!"

A word struck Creek's head like a thunder, causing Creek to fall into a short sluggishness.

"Go back, I will take care of the things here." Sarok said softly to Robben, and added, "Don't worry, I won't kill this stupid woman. After all... my little brother doesn't seem to be a big deal. I like this. My sister had no choice but to accommodate temporarily."

"Really...is it okay?"

"No matter it's me or her, there will be no problems." Sarok answered confidently.

Robben nodded, "Okay, but if something is wrong, I will intervene immediately."

"no problem."

Take a look at Crick. Robben felt sorry if Crick had made up his mind. Today we have a showdown here. Then I can't avoid it, after all, King Caton is not far away and can only fight against it.

Robben slowly backed away, but Sarok jumped off his horse and stayed in place.

Seeing Robben retreating, Sharok stayed. Crick's face was full of irritation, "Devil, I have nothing to say to you!"

Sarok said mockingly: "Why, can't it be said that you have fallen in love with my little brother? Are you so eager to give in? My sister hasn't fooled her, what are you?"

"You!" Crick's face immediately flushed when Sharok said, "You...shameless!"

"Hmph! It's better than you hypocritical protoss...oh no! It's better than you, even a protoss, and no freak that humans will accept!"

"Looking for death!!" Crick was furious, and he jumped up from his horse with an anger, the long sword was unsheathed from his waist, and a sword light had been cut straight down, but Sharok had been prepared for a long time and gave a sweet smile. Slightly twisted, the man had already retreated, Crick struck the ground with a sword, only cutting a deep gully into the ground.

After retreating more than ten meters away, Shah Rok said with great amusement: "It's so pitiful...The **** of war who was so powerful at the beginning has now fallen to this point. This soft sword is really slow to make me yawn."

The corners of Crick's angry eyes jumped vigorously, and his whole body shook.

"Why, just stand there and get angry, but don't dare to attack anymore? Oh, right! I remembered it, it seems that the light power of a certain God of War has disappeared completely. Now I want to use a powerful one. Strength, you have to use that kind of evil and uncontrollable power, tusk...it’s really pitiful, I’m afraid I’ll die after that, or I’ll die madly, or my body will just collapse..."

"You...think I dare not!? I'm standing here today, no matter what... I have to wipe all of your dirty things from this world!" The faint black breath began in the creek Surging in his eyes.

Sarok was not afraid, and still smiled: "After all, I still dare not, I know your mind well, um... I don’t want to accept the facts, but... I’m afraid of death, it’s funny, if it’s the same. , I dare not speak like this in front of a God of War, so as long as I breathe, my head will be chopped off, but now...you dare not do this."

"You..." Bloodshots appeared in Crick's eyes, and a layer of black energy had begun to spread along the arm to the sword.

Sarok saw everything in his eyes and chuckled: "In the end, there is only this level, forget it... Since you dare not attack, then I will let you see what a real attack is! Don't blink, otherwise... you will miss the opportunity to see **** with your own eyes."

With a little tiptoe, Sarok floated into the air.

With a roar, Crick, who had been suppressing his anger, finally erupted. A black aura wrapped around the long sword in his arm, and instantly shredded the sword, while the black aura condensed into a sharp sword on its own, spurring the Sarok in the sky. Shot away.

Sarok was floating in the air, his entire robe floated instantly. A black halo impacted in all directions centered on Sharok, swept through Crick's long sword, and instantly shattered the black long sword.

Not only was Sarok very surprised, even everyone on Robben's side was a little surprised.

Even if Crick was down and down, he was also the God of War. There is no doubt about the mighty power. In all fairness, there is an insurmountable gap between Sarok and Crick even if he fully activates the power of the curse.

However, a weak mage directly flew the attack of a powerful fighter, and it did not seem to be a magic shield, but a simple energy impact. This is very rare.

A black round surface flashed out of nowhere behind Sharok, the light and shade changed several times, and a three-dimensional magic circle in the rotating circle had already covered Sharok.

Sarok was full of murderous expression, "Damn things, whether they are protoss or humans. You are the same damn, today... I will show you something good."

Twist your palms together. Sarok quickly changed his speech. A series of strange spells were chanted in the mouth, and the three-dimensional magic circle that enveloped her instantly began to spin rapidly.

No one has seen such a magic, and when all the faces are surprised, even more surprising things happen at the same time.

Sharok was chanting the spell quickly, and a layer of silver light was also transmitted from her body, and the light filled Sharok's clothes like a strong wind. Standing in the magic circle, Sarok's robe sleeves were flying, and his hair flying.

However, the silver light shined a few times. Everyone began to notice that Sharok's face had changed.

The two strands of glittering hair on the front of the forehead turned into pure black, and the flowing black hair instantly turned silvery white, and the sound of the curse changed from one voice to two voices overlapping, but in a blink of an eye it became another voice.

In just a short time, Sarok had disappeared, standing in the magic circle in the air, constantly changing his seal, and the one who quickly chanted the spell became the silver-haired Queen Biris.

Crick was dumbfounded, completely wondering what was going on! Why did the woman in the first moment become another person in the next moment? She was still manipulating magic and had never moved.

After reciting the last syllable, Queen Biris clasped her fingers and looked at the creek on the ground, with a strong murderous in her eyes, "You idiot, this time I will send you to see the God of Light, lest you be there. We are upset here!"

Her palms trembled, and Queen Biress's hands slowly separated.

At the same time, a loud noise that shook the world and the earth came from above everyone's heads, and a strange light beamed down from the sky.

Everyone raised their heads in astonishment, and all revealed a look of horror. Above the endless heights, a wide transparent area was slowly unfolding as Queen Biris's hands slowly opened, just like...a space door.

But what really shocked everyone was that through that area that looked like a transparent mirror, farther and deeper... but you could see a clear scene, mountains, rivers, plains, countless monsters running. Flying, high-altitude flowing clouds and rivers rushing endlessly...

On the vast plain, a dark and ferocious city crawled there, like a black behemoth.

Among all the shocked, Robben was the most shocked, and he almost fell off the horse without being surprised.

This... this is obviously!

Before Robben could think of the name in his mind, the gradually expanding transparent area suddenly flashed and twisted. Suddenly everything was invisible, only a distorted stripe could be seen.

"Damn! I ignored this!" In the magical circle, Queen Biris, who was slowly separating her hands, and her two-handed sword was a transparent film that looked like a star suddenly changed her complexion.

The twisted and flashing scene lasted for less than two seconds, and suddenly became clear again, but this time it was not the scene just now. There are only endless stone forests, and jagged stone pillars seem to grow from the ground. The hard plants that came, occasionally saw large monsters accidentally stabbed to death on sharp stone thorns.

It seemed...like a deep valley surrounded by strange stone thorns.

"Crap!" Queen Biris saw this sight through the transparent light between her hands, and her face suddenly turned pale.

A silver light surged all over the body, and Queen Biris flew backwards like the wind, but left a pale phantom in the same place, still spreading his hands, dragging the transparent light as if dragging a pair of flowers.

Queen Biris rushed back and shouted at Robben: "Run! It's Wind Demon Valley!"

"Wind Demon Valley!" Robben was in a daze. "Why... how could it be Wind Demon Valley, that's not..."

"Don't ask! Go!" Queen Biris interrupted Robben, grabbing Robben's shoulder and flying back at the fastest speed.

Now even a fool can probably guess that the queen who was full of confidence just now might have some problems when using magic, maybe it will cause a strong magical impact with magic.

Ruda seemed to be slow in his head, but at this time he was sensitive to danger. The first one roared, his feet shook on the ground, and the person rushed into the air and flew back.

"Retreat!!" Nalan shouted, leading the witches to leave quickly.

Except for the elves and witches, the troops of humans and other races are deployed in a relatively rear position. As soon as the retreat drums rang, they ran ahead.

Faced with the sudden retreat of the human legion, Crick was not at all happy. Let alone the strange magic of Queen Beris, there was a problem at first glance. The strange breath that suddenly fell from the sky had already caused him. Rick was frightened.

"Retreat! Hurry!!" Crick yelled. Turned on the horse and ran backwards.

Although no one on the Protoss side knew what had happened, the command of the God of War must be executed unconditionally. For a time, tens of thousands of soldiers changed from the rear team to the former team. The horse neighed and retreated quickly.

Less than half a minute after the protoss army retreated, the spiritual phantom that Queen Biris left in the magic circle began to dissipate, flying away like smoke, and the transparent light that had been held in her hand suddenly trembled At a glance, it seems to be a crisp book page being touched. An instant collapse.


It was like the sound of the earth being torn apart, the large transparent area in the sky collapsed and burst into pieces in an instant, a raging wind roared down from the breach, and the black-gray wind looked like a cloud. Roaring and spinning, a giant black tornado formed on the ground and the sky in the blink of an eye.

Luo himself was in mid-air, looking at the gray gale blowing down from mid-air, completely dumbfounded, "Bi...Bi'er, isn't this... isn't it the black wind of Wind Demon Valley? How..."

"I will explain later, run now! Although the goal is on the side of the Protoss, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not move like ours." Queen Biris accelerated.

On the human legion’s side, everyone turned pale and looked back at the violent wind that vented down from the sky. This storm no longer looked like a natural gust of wind, it looked like a turbulent flowing cloud, and there was a roaring flame. The sky went straight down, hit the ground and hovered again, tangled and rotated, and made a palpitation roar. If you were far away, you could feel the amount of violent violence that stirred the atmosphere, and the dizziness to hear it. The neighing sound.

At this time, Ruda showed the demeanor that a strong man should have. He walked at the end, protecting the slower elves and witches. Looking at the gray wind that crazily poured in from the crack in the sky, Ruda's face was solemn. , "How did you bring the wind from the ghost place of the Demon Realm, this is a terrible thing!"

Compared with the human legion side, the protoss side is much harder.

The violent wind vented down from the sky, and surged from the ground like a tsunami, rushing straight like a protoss troop.

The gray wind moved rapidly on the ground, crushing all the uneven places directly into the flat ground. This made Crick, who was walking at the end of the team, a face full of shock. The wind didn’t seem to blow anything at all, but drove all Things are pressed into cakes directly on the ground, those rocks, those tiny protrusions on the ground...

Looking at the surging black storm, Crick seemed to see something hideous in it with teeth and claws.

No matter how fast the protoss forces are moving, they are not as fast as the storm. After only a few miles away, Crick found that the storm had chased his ass. As this continued, all the troops would be drawn into the storm. Leave.

"Defensive formation! Stand up! Keep moving! Don't mess up!" Crick shouted with all his strength.

The Protoss soldiers were still moving quickly, but they showed good quality and well-trained, fast-moving formations. The rapid-moving formations quickly gathered and formed a defensive formation. Each soldier was shining with a ray of grudge. , And at the center of the team, a few magicians are desperately building a defensive barrier...

The raging black storm wave roared, and the sky rushed completely, and there was no room for swallowing the protoss troops in one bite. The violent wind swept through, and tens of thousands of protoss troops disappeared into the black storm in an instant.

The human legion has stopped moving. Although the storm looks really terrifying, it does seem to be directional. The black storm that poured in from the sky rolled towards the Protoss without exception, and the human legion only Some winds that are involved are nothing but impact.

"Bi'er, this is what you said... What made us all stunned... a good thing?" Robben asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"That's not what I said!" Queen Biris said bitterly, seemingly very upset.

"What is Sarok doing?"

"She? Humph! I may be thinking about how to succeed next time... I mean how to make the magic effect better next time."

Robben was a little speechless. He looked up at the huge crack in the sky. Through the gray wind, he could still see the situation on the other side of the crack. "This...isn't this what the Wind Demon Valley looks like?"

"Didn't I already tell you!" Queen Biris suddenly became angry.

"But... But why is it the Wind Demon Valley, this is... the place of the Demon Realm!" Robben stammered.

"Huh! Who knows why this **** place, my target originally was that city, but in the end there was a deviation, and I moved here at once."

"City!" Robben suddenly thought of something. At the very beginning, he did see a city in the huge area of ​​transparent glass in the sky. Although it seemed that it was dusk and the light was not bright, the city's The silhouette itself couldn't be more familiar. "

For a moment, Robben thought of the possibility of making himself cold and sweaty.

"Bi Er, that city seems..."

"It doesn't seem to be!" Queen Biris interrupted Robben coldly, "but it is my royal city!"

"Your... King City!"

"Why... do you have an opinion?" Queen Biris stared at Robben fiercely.

"Of course, no...but I thought, that...is it...is it?" Robben said, looking at Queen Biress' face uncertainly.

Queen Biris had a black face and replied: "Yes, it's my royal city in the fantasy world!"

"Illusion!" Although Robben had already guessed it, he was confirmed by Queen Biris. Robben still jumped up from the ground in surprise, "Beer! You...you actually got the scenery of the fantasy here. !!!"

Queen Biris gave Robben a fierce look, "If it weren't for this purpose, why do you think Sharok went crazy but studied the strange magic that moves other worlds!?"

"So... is your attention?"

"Huh! Of course it's mine ~www.readwn.com~ I didn't tell you before, because maybe you won't agree, and I'm not sure that it will succeed. I planned to take a look at the situation this time and let you see the reality. I will discuss with you after the results, but I didn’t expect... after so long, I still failed in the end!"

Suddenly reached out and grabbed Robben by the collar, Queen Biress said angrily: "But you can figure it out for me! The reason for the failure is not what I made a mistake! It is you! It is you who ruined me! Good thing!!"

Robben simply wanted to scream three times wronged, "I...I? Bier, I didn't do anything, I have been watching you here, for fear that something will happen to you, how can I break your good."

"It was about to succeed. As a result...the world's time and space suddenly flowed rapidly. As a result, I couldn't choose a location that was already in front of me. The magic coordinates finally fell to the Valley of Wind and Demon!"

"Huh?" Robben was taken aback.

"Ah!?" Queen Biress was furious, "Do you still want to say that it is not your cause? It is not the flow of time that I changed the world! You **** dirty!" (To be continued... .)

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