God Prohibitions

Chapter 1404: Double body

The demon generals in the hall stared at Robben. Robben walked slowly, walking back and forth. Of course... this is not Robben's outstanding identity and calm performance.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Robben is now gritted his teeth and is thinking of a similar reason.

The demon generals watched Robben walk over and walked back, but they didn't speak, and after a while, a little discussion came to mind in the hall.

"If you have something to say, we are still waiting." Queen Biress urged directly.

"Ahem..." Robben stopped and said, "This matter is still relatively confidential, so... I hope you don't say anything after you hear it, otherwise... it may cause some panic, uh... …"

"Too much nonsense..." Queen Biress interrupted Robben again.

Robben thought that you didn't find anything interesting during this period, but now you have found one...

"Well...Everyone knows that our side and the Queen's side are closely connected now."..

Suddenly there was no sound in the hall. Now, who doesn't know that Lord Robben is closely connected with the queen, but if anyone dares to say anything now, then it is only unfortunate.

Sure enough, a cold snort fell on the hall, and Queen Biris' face quickly turned black.

Robben looked at the hall, thinking that it would be better not to let this woman remember her own revenge, because behind the scenes of revenge, he still has no advantage...

"As for the Queen’s magic research, I also have the opportunity to participate, and one of them is the reason that led to the sudden disappearance of the guards before. I know you have a lot of doubts in your mind now, but this involves the confidential research of magic, I I can’t elaborate, what I can say is that this will not cause any harm to the guards. There will be no loss or casualties, and it will only temporarily disappear for a short while.”

"Immediately, we will conduct a careful inspection of the guards that have disappeared, and make sure that there is nothing wrong with them before proceeding with the next magical research."

"This... Lord Robben!" A demon commander walked out with hesitation on his face, "Can you, uh... reveal some more information about this magic research? After all, this is about the deployment of the guards. , The sudden disappearance of the guards poses a serious threat to the entire city and to the Queen’s safety. In this case...as the Queen’s subordinates, we really have to learn more about the situation and formulate corresponding strategies."

"This..." Robben moved his eyebrows, "In this case... Then the Queen's permission is required, and I only participated in a small part of the progress of this magic, in detail..."

Robben turned his gaze to Queen Biris.

Queen Biris looked at Robben amusingly. Qing Shu's arm, as if throwing something to Robben. "My business...I told you everything. Why didn't you tell?"

This sentence made the hall become silent again, the expressions of the demon generals looked a little jīng colored, and the queen rarely smiled in front of the demon generals, and this sentence was too ambiguous, although the relationship is now It has already been made public, but how to say it is also in the solemn hall of the devil...

However, the eyes of the demon generals quickly moved away from the queen. After moving to Luo herself, the queen smiled naturally is a good thing, but... no one knows whether the queen will issue an order to decapitate the next moment.

Robben stood there for a while, looking at Queen Biris with a slightly mischievous smile in her eyes. Only to sigh...

"Ah... I know a little bit about this matter." Robben Sāosāo headed, thinking quickly in his heart, but it is really difficult to come up with a reasonable reason so quickly.

After thinking about it, Robben thinks that calculations that are unreasonable should not be considered impossible, after all... it is not very reasonable and reasonable for the guards to disappear directly.

"Everyone knows that we only ended soon, and the threat of the Protoss...actually has not been lifted."

A word made all the demon generals in the hall stunned, but Queen Biris had a smile in her eyes, her mouth twitched twice, and she seemed to work hard to hold back her laugh.

"Master Robben, this sentence is serious!?" An old demon general who was about to die next, with white hair and beard, stood up.

Robben really didn't want to make such an old man anxious, but...

"Yes, although our war with the Protoss has just ended, and from the final results, it seems that the Protoss has been hit hard and has even been wiped out, but in fact it is not like this!"

With the beginning, Robben felt that his mind seemed to have become more flexible. Perhaps making up nonsense just needed a beginning...

Luo Ben was serious and looked at Queen Biris, who seemed to be about to laugh on the throne, quickly looked away, lest he laughed too.

"We have a long history of war with the Protoss, and the Protoss will attack us every once in a while, and we have never attacked the Protoss. Our knowledge of the Gods is very limited, so limited to the point where I am almost at a loss. I am here to ask one Question, do you know where the **** realm is?"

This question made all the demon generals look at each other, and no one could answer.

"The God Realm has not disappeared, nor the Protoss. Our war will continue, and our hatred will continue. When this tragic battle is over and the remaining demon kings are eager to fight for the temporary seat of the Black Emperor, I and The queen realized one thing, if we continue like this, one day we will be wiped out by the Protoss, rights, throne, these are meaningless, because we will be wiped out by the Protoss."

"Master Robben, we have been fighting against the Protoss for an unknown number of years. Is there any basis for your words?" It was the old demon general who seemed to be trembling and who seemed to fall on the ground and return to the west.

"The basis is the result of our battle." Robben explained calmly, "Countless years of confrontation does not prove that this confrontation will last forever. Nothing will exist forever, neither we nor the Protoss. , Our war is even more impossible. This time the Protoss launched a super large-scale war in a way that surpassed the past, causing unimaginable damage to us. Our devil fell and our land was barren. Until now, there are still many in our world. The place cannot allow our people to survive, so... what will happen in the next war?"

No one said anything.

Robben increased his tone. "If the next war is still the same, then what can we have left? We have temporarily lost the Black Emperor, and we can't stand the blow of losing the Demon King again. We... will have nothing, and we will be driven to extinction by the Protoss."

When the demon generals' faces were pale, Robben was already very fluent in words, although these were not all true.

"Together with the queen, I began to find a fundamental solution to the crisis of the demons." Robben suddenly thought, how long will he wait without taking the opportunity to restore some image of himself, "This research has been started a long time ago. To this day, I know that there are a lot of rumors outside, but I want to be the queen’s loyal subordinates, you guys..."

Robben's eyes swept over all the magic generals one by one, and the magic generals' eyes were somewhat evasive.

Robben was heartbroken. "As the queen's loyal subordinates, you should protect everything about the queen with your life. Naturally including the queen's reputation. I am very sorry about this, because it seems that many rumors are spread by everyone here."

The faces of the magic generals immediately became unnatural.

"I think these rumors began when the Queen and I started to find this way together. We didn't care about it. After all, these things are of little importance compared with the fate of our entire demons."

Robben, who was very cheeky saying something, felt comfortable in his heart, and continued: "After a long time of research. Exploration and overcome many difficulties. Even this war did not stop the progress of research. Recently we finally There are results."

Robben thought for a while. Raising his hands, the palm of his hand lit up with a silver light, and all the demon generals were surprised at once, but in the Demon God's Hall, they can't mess around, it seems...no one dares to use any magic here.

Robben doesn't care about these things, "I mean with the queen is very simple, since the Protoss can attack us, then why can't we take the initiative to attack, turn the passive into the active, if we are passively beaten, we will never be able to reverse this situation."

The demon generals in the hall were very surprised. For many years, no one had thought of such a thing. The gods peeped at this land and came here to fight, while the demon races drove the opponent out and won victory again and again. This is already a demon. The clan’s tradition left over from ancient times, actively attacking the Protoss...This is not in the demons’ strategy at all.

The silver light flickered on the palm, and soon strips of silver light were drawn from the silver light on Robben's hand, and soon gathered into a light net in mid-air. During the flashing, all the light filaments moved around. Moving closer, an area covered with light silver fluorescence appeared in the middle.

Robben said: "This is the first step in my research with the Queen. We have found where the Protoss is."

All the magic generals uttered exclamation sounds. The area with faint silvery white light suddenly faded out and became transparent. Behind the transparent light, the mountains and the earth began to extend infinitely...

That is obviously not the scene of the devil.

"Humanity!" A demon general suddenly yelled. In the mid-air image, a human city appeared, and many humans living in it appeared.

Suddenly, the eyes of all the magic generals became a little red.

Robben looked left and right without making a sound. He scattered the light in the air, and the sight of the city and humans disappeared.

In the rules of the illusion, human beings live with the Protoss. This scene has really become a good evidence. Robben clearly discovered that the magic generals have a lot of faith and excitement when they look at him again.

"The purpose of the queen and I is also very clear, that is to destroy the Protoss, but that naturally requires the common power of our demons, and transferring our warriors to attack the Protoss is a very important step, and according to careful research with my queen Later, we have found a way. Although this method has some flaws, it has indeed reached the basic needs. This is why our guards will suddenly disappear and suddenly appear. When they are away... they are fighting the Protoss !"

The whole hall suddenly realized.

Only after Robben’s words fell, a demon commander stood up immediately and exclaimed in excitement and pride: "How! You should believe it now? I said I went to a place where there is a Protoss, and I talked to them. There was a big battle, but you said I was just dreaming. Now that the Demon King Robben and the Queen have jointly proved, what else do you have to say!?"

The magic generals all nodded unceasingly, this matter seems to be no doubt. But soon there were other demon generals who made doubts.

"Master Robben, Master Queen, the subordinates don't want to doubt anything, but this fact is weird. I have interrogated the soldiers who disappeared before. There are many strange things in their statements, and what makes me the most strange. Yes, their weapons and armors were not at all wasted, and no one was injured and no one died. Some warriors even suspiciously said to me that they had actually died in the battle, but somehow they came back to life."

Robben laughed and explained: "This is also one of the research results of me and the queen. Although the transfer magic has many flaws, such as the short time for transferring soldiers. The advantage is that our fighters will not have any The damage, even in that world warrior. But back here will still be as good as before. This is our pre-designed, don’t be surprised.”

There was a lot of discussion in the hall. This kind of thing is simply a pie in the sky, and there is no certain loss in the war. This sounds like a dream, but it is true.

The demon generals talked. For a while, there was no more questioning voice, but his face was full of joy. Obviously Robben's words made everyone excited and excited.

"Alright..." Queen Biris yawned very impatiently. "You mindless guys don't talk about it endlessly here. That's the way it is, go and comfort your soldiers, if Who wants to know more details, then just come to me by yourself." After speaking, Queen Biress stood up directly, ignoring the surprised look of the demons, and left the Demon God Hall.

Although the demon generals were afraid to say anything, everyone felt that this was perhaps the most casual discussion held in the Demon God Hall.

When Robben saw Queen Biris turned and left, he thought that it happened that I didn't want to stay too much. He looked at the Dragon King sitting on the side. The Dragon King understood and stood up directly, regardless of the demon generals, Shi Shiran and Robben left.

Out of the Demon God Hall, the Dragon King suddenly said: "No wonder you can bring so many people around. It turns out that you usually seem to be pretending to be clumsy, but in fact you are a liar with rhetoric."

Robben didn't mind this statement at all, he just smiled, "During the years in the fantasy world, I have told a lot of similar lies, but there is always no malice, and I am used to it. If a liar who speaks bluff...this It’s okay, I never thought I was a good person."

"I also believe so."

After hearing these words Robben smiled bitterly, "Now... still feel fear?"

"But I will restrain." Dragon King replied calmly, "but I have to say, you and me are so close, my whole body will be tight, like a beast standing behind my back, has stretched its mouth to mine. Overhead.

"Okay..." Robben didn't expect any changes from the Dragon King now, and he still said apologetically, "That kind of thing won't happen again, we will cooperate very happily, time will slowly dispel your fears. The dragons will get what they deserve."

"I don't care about the dragons." The Dragon King bluntly, "I only care about myself. My appearance is just a disguise. I only want what I want. Until then, I will be patient and silent. I hope... you don't. Let me down again and again."

Robben felt cold in his heart a little bit, the woman in front of him was so similar to his own Bi Er, to the point where he couldn't recognize it without paying attention, but it was so different. This coldness that has been soaked in the soul, this bitter cold Hatred and unabashed forbearance made my heart palpitations from time to time.

"Okay... I'm going to see the queen first, and I'll take you to a place to rest."

"No, here..." Queen Biress looked at the spacious corridor, "I am familiar with it."

Robben had to call a servant, "Alright, you should rest first. If you have anything to do, you can send someone to find us. I will be back soon."

Sending the Dragon King away, Robben turned and walked towards the depths of the magic palace.

Although it was said in the Great Hall of the Demon God that being with the Queen was a study of magic, Robben himself knew that he walked into the queen's bedroom so swaggeringly, and stayed overnight in the queen's bedroom. It seemed...that he was studying magic. Some suspects of deceiving fools...

As soon as Robben pushed open the door of the queen's bedroom, his jade arms stretched out, and he pulled Robben in by his neck. Robben had no time to close the door, and his body with a tantalizing fragrance was already attached to it. On myself.

"Haha...ahhahahaha..." Queen Biris laughed uncontrollably, hugging Robben. Laughing and swaying, he simply fell on the stall with Robben, rolling a few times before stopping at the corner of the table.

Queen Biress was still smiling, she seemed to have seen something very funny, and she was panting for breath.

"Okay, okay..." Robben stretched out his hand and squeezed her cheek, "Don't laugh so exaggerated, what is so funny?"

Unceremoniously, he opened his mouth and clicked on the left and right sides, and Robben shrank his hands fast enough, otherwise he would add two teeth marks on his fingers, so that he would not bite Robben's fingers. Queen Biris was irritated. A head mallet knocked Robben over, pressed Robben back, and looked at Robben’s face for two seconds, seeming to be thinking about how to withdraw her finger. interest. In the end, he couldn't help but laugh, and put on his fragrant lips. Kissed Robben.

Giggled. When Robben started to hug herself tightly and clearly planned to attack the city, Queen Biress bit Robben's lip unceremoniously and raised her head, "Doctor, how bad are you? How did you think of such attention? of?"

Robben glared at Queen Biris. "If you hadn't changed your attention temporarily, I wouldn't have been so bad to come up with such an excuse."

"Oh? Blame me?" Queen Biris was amused. "Is it weird for women to change their minds? And I think the reason you made up is reasonable. After this..."

A strange light flashed in Queen Biris' eyes. "With this reason, we can mobilize the army on a large scale, and we will receive direct support. This is a huge benefit. Maybe this is the main force we fight against the Protoss."

"So I have merit?" Robben chuckled.

"Want a reward?" Queen Biress smiled, kissed Robben lightly, and teasingly slipped the tip of her tongue over Robben's lips.

Robben's hand slipped into the silky black dress, gently rubbing the soft and strangely cool skin, Robben felt that his emotions seemed to be gradually expanding.

Here is the craziest place with this woman at first.

At the beginning, I was addicted to the meaty, secretly came to the bedroom, and came to this huge bedroom. Everywhere I left countless memories that caused my blood to erupt. It was pure meaty, rough, direct, Even primitive, entangled like wild animals, enjoying each other's madness, and numbing each other's sorrows and scars that cannot be shared with others.

In this place, Robben suddenly recalled many memories...

Queen Biris's cheeks were slightly red, and her body exuded amazing heat, pushing the criminal deodorant into Robben's nostrils, her twisting body seemed to be calling for the baptism of the storm.

"Doctor?" The Queen Beris, who was about to enter the madness, was suddenly a little strange. The hands that had reached into her group of warm and trembling suddenly stopped, pressed against her plump breast, and pressed her heart. It seems to be listening to my heartbeat.

Robben looked at the beautiful woman with pink cheeks, kissed her gently, moved his hands against the silky skin, hugged his endless body in his arms countless times, and said softly: "Bi Er, I What should I do if I find that I cannot do without you more and more?"

Queen Biris was taken aback for a while, and then she couldn't help but giggled, "Why... do you want to get rid of me now?"

"I recently... suddenly had some other thoughts that make me strange... make me scared."

Queen Biress had some doubts in her eyes, "What makes my man afraid, is there anything in this world that makes such a great man afraid?"

"Bi Er... I am afraid of losing you."

Queen Biress was taken aback again, and her smile bloomed again, as beautiful as the first flowers, she leaned on Robben's chest, listened to Robben's heartbeat, and said softly: "After breaking with the demons, are you afraid? "

"Ah...Although we must be firm and decisive, we must be decisive, but...I am scared! Because we may be destroyed at any time, and there is nowhere to hide this time. When I brought Sasha and the others back from the gods...I even felt desperate. I actually buried my beloved in such a dark, icy void, I...I trembled with fear, I don't know..."

Moving her body, Queen Biress pressed her head on Robben's forehead, her nose touched, and her breath smelled, "I wonder if what I did is right or wrong?"

Robben exhaled gently. no answer.

"Why don't you say this to those women?"

"Because... your son is a little bit fierce, so you can give me more considerable advice."

"Boom!" Queen Biress first gave Robben a head hammer unceremoniously, and then snorted against Robben's red forehead, "After all, you are still a stupid when there is almost no circle."

Robben clasped Queen Biris' waist tightly and smiled: "So... I can't let go of a smart wife like you."

"Every time I think of this, I feel incredible. Why should a woman like me be with you?" Queen Biris felt very regretful.

"Hehe...it's too late to say it now." Robben held the delicate lips, rolled over and pressed the seductive body under him, looking at the Qiuhong-like eyes. "No one can take you away from me now, not even you."

A sly light flashed in Queen Biris’ eyes, "We have been together for hundreds of years. We have gained a lot from each other, but we have also paid a huge price for it. If you can still live well to this day, you... Will you still choose to hug me?"

Keep a close look at Robben's eyes. Queen Biris had eyes like two knives. "to be frank!"

Robben fell into thinking, thinking very seriously...

"I think... it will."

"Yes?" Queen Biress raised her eyebrows, "Why?"

"At that time, you were so irresistible to me. I just wanted to vent, I wanted to throw you down. Torn, swallowing...to completely own you, I can't resist."

"Oh... it seems that my body still plays a big role."

"Hmm...I am so obsessed with this attractive body." Robben's hand gently stroked the amazing curve, and the provoked Queen Biress giggled. "Now...I think I can't help myself."

"So... have you regretted it?" Queen Biress still looked at Robben's eyes tightly, "In hundreds of years, you have made countless choices, and now... you have paid a lot for your original choice. Some are irretrievable. Have you ever regretted it? If you tell lies... I will kill you."

Robben nodded, "Indeed, there are many regrets. In these years, I am at a loss. I don't know where to go. I find solace in you, like a beast. I think... if I become stronger. , I’m better, I will see the facts early, I will know the truth early, and I will start cherishing you sooner."

Queen Biress was full of disdain, but those phoenix eyes were watery, but she showed an uncontrollable smile and tenderness, "Then...no problem."

"Oh?" Robben was stunned this time, "What...problem?"

Spraying her sweet breath on Robben's face, Queen Biress showed the most seductive smile, twisting her body around Robben, "Doctor...If you never regret it, then you are fearless. This is how you are, sometimes it seems to be very strong, but in fact...just a kid who likes to hide and cry by himself, haha...just like me."

"I... I was never strong enough."

Queen Beris clung to Robben affectionately, kissing and rubbing, "Yeah... never, you coward, coward... But for some things, you did something that no one can do. , Doctor... panic, be afraid... these are not worth mentioning, when you need to face something, these will not stop you, only make you stronger... make me more obsessed... see Follow me, listen to my voice, touch the body... I am your Bier, only your Bier..."

The words of Queen Biress, full of tenderness and sweetness, echoed clearly in Robben's mind. Robben seemed to feel a lot more awake, but suddenly became chaotic again.

The silky skin rolled on my body, the sultry aroma invaded my nostrils, the familiar and irresistible touch, the breath full of meaning...

With a backhand grab, Robben tore the black dress of the woman in his arms that was already in love...

Although he had tried countless curiously, but the results of countless times also told Robben that he was so obsessed with this body that he couldn't believe it.

I am familiar with every inch of the skin of this body, familiar with every reaction of her, accustomed to every movement of her, crazy obsessed with everything about her...

Hundreds of years have passed slowly, but this crazy obsession has become deeper and deeper...

Perhaps it was Robben's simple words that made Queen Biris's soul-hidden young girl's heart irresistible, and she was lost. Falling into madness, endless demanding, entwining Robben, his soul is exuding a charming and alluring aura, making Robben also fall into endless madness...

In the bedroom where these two people used to be infinitely crazy and enjoy meaty, everything seemed to go back to the past, entangled, rolled, and gasped. Roaring...

In the end, on the big bed in the inner bedroom, Queen Biris finally groaned weakly and fell silent like stagnant water after climbing to the pinnacle of meat for the last time. And Robben roared like a beast at the same time.

Two piles of soft, bare meat **** stayed on the bed for a while. Queen Biris suddenly turned her body again. With some strength, he hugged Robben.

"Doctor, bit me."

Robben grunted and bit Queen Biris' ear unceremoniously.

"Stupid! It's the neck!"

Robben moved his mouth lazily, kissed a few times on the white, bruised hickey neck, rushed in and hugged her. No longer willing to move.

"Doctor, you... haven't bitten me several times."

Robben couldn't help but touched his teeth, of course he didn't feel any abnormality, "The arrow of judgment is quite powerful. It seems...the power of the curse has rarely fluctuated."

"Has it declined?"

"That's not true, but there is no more movement."

"That's... not bad." Queen Biris seemed a little regretful, "After the power of your curse is suppressed, you won't bite me well."

Robben wondered what this was like, do you really want to be bitten? I'm not a vampire, I can make people feel happy when biting...

"Why... don't you want to bite then?" Queen Biris touched her neck, which had only a lot of hickeys, and suddenly smiled, "I think this is a good way to vent the craziness in her heart, um... do you want to try Click and bite when you are awake."

Robben was a little helpless, "My Bier... I know you might like this, but... it's more difficult for a weak guy like me."

"Huh! I knew you would say that, and I didn't say that I must bite me!"

"Uh, but..." Robben scratched his head embarrassedly, "No one can...this matter hasn't been told to Sasha and others carefully, in case they know the details, I think... for sure I’ll bite, so it’s more troublesome."

"Of course it's not them, huh! Those little girls, blood must be tasteless!"

Robben smiled bitterly, "I'm not a vampire... And, are you the little girl?"

Queen Biris glared at Robben, not arguing about this fact, but raised her arm, the ring on her finger flashed black, and a figure fell on the big bed.

Robben couldn't help being stunned.

On the bed, another Queen Biress was naked and fell down there with a serious expression, looking at herself and the woman in her arms, but there was no change in expression on her face.

In an instant, Robben remembered something. This time Queen Biris returned to the illusion, so the body that originally existed in the illusion...

"That's her!" Queen Biris was very excited, leaning on Robben to prop up her upper body, and looked at the queen in front of her with a smile: "This is the real queen, it's me. It's better than the one outside that has mixed the soul of the Dragon Race. Women have to be really good."

"Come here, let him take a bite!" Queen Biris said in a commanding tone.

The queen who fell on the bed immediately propped up, crawled over Robben's wide-eyed eyes, and stretched her neck to Robben's eyes.

Robben shook his whole body and rubbed his arms back against Queen Biris, "Beer, this...this is a bit, a bit strange, you are here, I..."

"What's weird, I am here, you idiot, that is just a body, almost all of my jīng **** consciousness is in this body, that... even if it is a jīng **** split with a body, you go It doesn’t feel bad if you bite it."

Robben couldn't laugh or cry, "Bi'er, you really want me to sleep in the middle of the night... Or, let her go back first. I look at her and feel uncomfortable..."

Queen Biress rolled her eyes, "You are also a magician who knows soul magic? Seeing the two bodies of a soul feel uncomfortable, what an idiot!"

"I... I don't know which one to hold!"

"Of course it's me!" Queen Biris was annoyed, and the black light flashed on the ring, and the unconscious queen was taken into the ring. "Hmph, don't like it, don't care, and an idiot has nothing to elaborate on, I Going to take a bath!"

Robben touched his head and wittily picked up this soft woman with only a sharp mouth, walked into the big bathroom, and ran into the warm water with her.

Carefully scrubbing the body of Queen Biress, Robben also naturally ate tofu at will. This is also a quiet little entertainment for the two people after the madness.

Suddenly, Queen Biress raised her head and looked at Robben, who was leaning against the pool as a human cushion and asked: "Doctor, do you see that queen has any strange thoughts?"

Robben was a little strange, "What do you think?"

"Do you think... me or her which is more like a queen?"

"That one!" Robben gently grabbed the black hair on the front of her forehead, "If you weren't really the person, walking, sitting and lying, there is no difference in tone and posture, just relying on you to cherish your own hair, these two strands Black hair will arouse the suspicion of the magic generals."

"In other words, in fact, we are all considered queens here."

"Of course, you two are already queens, no one will doubt that."

"Then... what if not here?"

"Not here..." Robben thought for a moment, his face flashed with surprise, "Bi'er, you mean..."

"Not bad!" Queen Biress is not uncomfortable. "There is a lot of knowledge that can be used in Sharok's memory. Although she is the same queen, I have to say that of course she has more collections than mine, but we All selected the magic of this space docking, which is actually not just for the consideration of strength. At the time, we estimated that this magic would not have a practical effect on large-scale wars. After all, we wanted to summon hundreds of thousands of troops to fight in this world. , All the activities of these fighters will consume the magic power of the caster. This consumption is extremely astonishing, and as the time of existence of those fighters gets longer, this consumption will become an extremely exaggerated figure, becoming a kind of Unrealistic ideas, so..."

Queen Biress smiled very cunningly, "The original intention of this magic is actually to summon a few people in one world to another world, like we return from the real world, and then carry out long-term activities. The summoned guy will not be hurt by the power of the world ~www.readwn.com~ at most, it will only return in the form of energy originally arrived, which means...immortality! If she is strong enough, then..."

Robben understood a bit, "The powerful immortal body can act at will, regardless of any situation, and all the damage it receives can be instantly recovered. As long as the caster is still there, it can be reborn in an infinite instant."

"Yes! But it needs the summoned person to have enough strength to better exert the power of this magic, otherwise the repeated destruction will only quickly consume the magic power of the caster."

"From now on, the applicability of this magic is not high, and we can only use it in our own army. After all, there are some things that can't be easily confused when we go outside, so..."

"So this method of summoning by a few people can still only be used in a small area."

Robben suddenly stopped talking, as if thinking carefully about something.

"Did you think about it? Ah... It seems that you are still close to round today, at least not much missing." Queen Biress giggled, "It's not bad at all, this magic... is actually prepared for me!" (To be continued...)

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