God Prohibitions

Chapter 1426: Holy Beast

Queen Biress cried for a while, and Robben was always comforting. When she raised her head, her face was a little red, as if she felt embarrassed.レm♠思♥路♣客レhttp:/dudu/0/773/Welcome to read

Robben smiled, hugged her waist so that she had nowhere to dodge, kissed her teardrops, and said, "Bi'er, your appearance is so beautiful that you can't compare it."

Unable to get rid of her weak emotions for a while, Queen Biris couldn't help but sighed: "Do you like the way I cry?"

"No, I mean my Bier looks good at all times."

Just a simple sentence made Queen Biress feel a little bit happy about how to see Robben, her face became more flushed, her eyes hung down, and said, "Doctor, sometimes... do you think I am very Annoying, I know it’s actually very simple when we get along, but I... always say something annoying."

"This is my Bier." Robben gently provokes the rainy face of Queen Biris, "Everyone is different. There is nothing to worry about, and I think it's pretty good, don't you I often say something, but I feel very uncomfortable. If one day you act as straightforward as that silly girl like Sasha, I will drop my chin in surprise."

Queen Biress opened Robben's hand gently and couldn't help but smile, "You said that she is a silly girl behind Sasha again. Be careful I go back and tell her to ask you to sleep on the floor."

Robben immediately surrendered: "Bi Er, don't be so ruthless... I'm just talking about it."

Queen Biress just giggled.

Wiping off the last teardrop on her face, Robben said: "However, sometimes you should learn from Salsa and the others. There are many things that Sasha won’t worry about like you, so she lives very happily every day, of course. Now...sometimes she does do things too straightforwardly, um...too much is not good, and teaching children to use daggers is still impossible."

"I... I'm still very annoying, right?" Queen Biris' eyes dimmed immediately.

Robben kissed her on the forehead, and said softly, "No. In this matter, I have the same considerations as you before."

"My consideration?" Queen Biris was slightly confused.

"Yes, you are worried that I might be hurt, but I am also worried about your daily worries, which will make you depressed and anxious, Bier, we have been struggling to survive from the illusion. Now we are almost breaking with the devil. Confronting the God Realm again, we don’t want to be frowning, so..."

Robben stretched out his hand and pulled the corners of Queen Biris’s mouth to both sides, “Bi’er, since coming to the human continent. You have rarely laughed like you did before. I remember that in the fantasy world, the woman’s presumptuous laughter always makes I feel strange, but happy...Beer, don’t worry about so many things. You are not the only one here, we are a big family and we can take on many things together. And...you and me. , Live happily every day, this is what we have always expected."

Queen Biress sniffed, leaned her head on Robben's chest, and whispered: "Sorry...I have been worried about whether you will be beaten, deceived, and become no longer you, making me at a loss. But I have become not myself without knowing it, but you have never changed me..."

Robben immediately raised his eyebrows and said emphatically: "No...I'm more considerate to you than before."

"Smelly beautiful!" Queen Biris dyed her eyebrows in anger, stared, and punched Robben directly below.

This punch was not light, Robben was smirking, and he almost didn't beat his back. When she came back to her senses, Queen Biress had already drifted away, her cheerful laughter floating in the air, "Doctor. Don't pant there, we can go to Bigg's camp sooner. If it's too late, it's a good deal. It's going to be dark, the dark night of Outland is..."

"Who!!" There was another sharp shout from the demon camp, but the two were too loud, and once again alarmed the guards.

After half an hour, the sky was visibly dimmed, and the afterglow of falling from the sky was like a raging fire.

Robben and Queen Biris shrank silently on the shore, staring at the guards who had been dispatched this time searching for something. By the way, when necessary, they slipped to the shore where there were no flowers and plants. There was nothing there. Things, these soldiers left at a glance, which is considered a safe area.

"You stupid, unexpectedly alarmed so many guards, this will make the enemy more vigilant!" Squeezing her voice, Queen Biris yelled in Robben's ear with great annoyance, with the other hand on Robben's arm. Twisted fiercely.

Robben could only smile bitterly. He thought he didn’t know who ran away triumphantly from his side. He spoke loudly and directly exposed his deeds. This caused so many soldiers to search around repeatedly, and even attracted so many soldiers. Several demon generals came here. Looking at the expressions of those demon generals, it is obvious that there is a strange beast around here. The gods are already quite alert. I am afraid this news has spread throughout the surrounding area. I want to see. The difficulty of sneaking in has increased a lot.

After murmured for a while, Queen Biress seemed to finally relieve her anger, and said with a grunt, "Let’s wait until dark. It’s close to the sea, and this beach is obviously very weird. A strange guard was added here just now. There must be some monsters, we will take advantage of the chaos..."

Robben couldn't help but curiously said: "Bi'er, didn't you just say that you want to find Big's camp quickly? It's dangerous if it gets dark, why..."

Queen Beris gave Robben a fierce look, "When did I say such a stupid thing!?"

Robben: "..."

"But... the jǐng ring here has been strengthened more than ten times. Shall we change a place and then find a way to get in." Robben pointed to the military camp a few hundred meters away. A lot of soldiers came and formed a defensive formation in front of and behind the camp, as if the enemy was standing on guard.

"Fool! It's obviously not for our defense. Looking at the huge shields that are not usually used after special fortifications, do you think such heavy equipment will be used to defend against individual enemies?"

Looking back at the sea just behind her, Queen Biris frowned and said: "We should probably change directions. If we guessed well, something might emerge from the sea soon. Let’s not do it for these soldiers. shield."

The sky in the Outland blacked very fast.

It was almost a blink of an eye from dusk to the fall. Robben and Queen Biress carefully avoided the soldiers' search and the gazes of those magical generals searching around, slowly moving more than a hundred meters along the beach. . The sky was completely dark.

"Retreat!" Suddenly a demon commander's face changed slightly, and he shouted loudly, but he ran back first.

All the soldiers reacted with such a keen response to this order, and even some soldiers seemed to know in advance that there would be such an order and waited deliberately. This magic commander yelled out a syllable, and began to rush to the camp before he finished speaking. Ran in the direction.

"Sure enough, I was afraid of something." Robben frowned, although the sky darkened. But the gods on the faces of those soldiers are still faintly discernible. It seems that those soldiers are a little flustered. Warriors of the Demon Race rarely show such expressions. They are all brave warriors, almost nothing can make them like that. Afraid.

Biress also seemed to be a little confused, "What the hell? Is it an exaggerated guy?"

Talking. Queen Biress couldn't help but glanced back at the sea opposite the camp, and was suddenly stunned.

Perceiving the change of Queen Biris, Robben also looked there, but he saw nothing. He took a careful look again and again. Under the last rays of light after the fall, the calm sea was still full of everything. Did not happen. I quietly probed with magical power, but there was still nothing.

Robben couldn't help being a little at a loss, Queen Biress still looked there in astonishment, but... there was obviously nothing.

Gently squeezing Queen Biress's hand, Robben asked strangely: "Bi Er, what are you looking at, why I haven't seen anything."

Queen Biress didn't respond and seemed to be completely stunned.

Robben is even stranger. Once again, I was sure that the sea over there was unremarkable, so I had to come up and lightly bit the ear beads of Queen Biress, "Bier...what are you looking at?"

The ears are very sensitive places for this stunned beauty. Suddenly, she was attacked. Queen Biris couldn't help but shook her body slightly, but this time she didn't get angry. Instead, he grabbed Robben and said in a surprised voice: "Look, it's the Holy Beast!"

"Holy Beast?" Robben had a weird face, "What kind of Holy Beast. There is obviously nothing!"

Queen Biress was a little annoyed, she twisted Robben severely, and pulled Robben's head, "Where are you looking, look at the sea in the distance!"

Robben was stunned, his gaze followed the swing of his head and looked into the distance, his eyes lit up slightly, and he sighed, "What a beautiful sight."

After being punched in the stomach by Queen Biress, Robben bent down in pain...

"Bier...you, what do you want me to see?" Robben felt aggrieved. There was no light at all on this vast sea except for the last little afterglow, and under this light, the entire sea It's already pitch black, no monsters can be sensed up close, and nothing can be seen in the distance..."

Queen Biress said in an idiot-like tone: "You idiot, you are not setting, the sun has already set in the sea just now!"

Robben was stunned again, raising his head and looking at the little light on the sea level, suddenly surprised.

It is indeed not the last little bit of falling. Although the light is very similar, but if you look closely, it is not the shape of falling. A group of glowing light is slowly moving, as if... is coming here. Up.

"Bi'er, this... this thing seems to be coming to us."

"Yes, indeed, it's coming to our side!" Queen Biris' voice was full of excitement, "I didn't expect to see this kind of thing when I went to Outland. It is said that this thing is only far away in Outland. It could exist. I didn’t expect to see it in this kind of outer domain close to the Demon Realm, really, really..."

Robben looked at it strangely and didn't know what to say is a good Queen Beris, scratching his head in confusion, "Is there anything special about this creature?"

"Of course there is! Of course there is!" Queen Biris' eyes almost let out light, "This is a strange beast that existed in ancient times, no... maybe it shouldn't be called a beast, this is a very magical creature, It is part of the origin of this world, and it was born with this world as early as there were no gods."

Robben was skeptical of these myths long, long ago. He tilted his mouth slightly and said, "This... won't be a lie, it happened before the age of the gods. Then who else can know now? And proof."

"I just know, I can prove it!" Queen Biress stared angrily.

Robben closed his mouth immediately. If this woman starts to be unreasonable, it means that this matter is something she insists on, and the argument is meaningless...

"Hurry up, let's get closer, but we can't see this kind of thing every time!" Queen Biris Raroben. Go straight to the coast where the demons are armed.

Robben was a little surprised. He hurried forward and held her hand tightly. This did not allow any loopholes in the invisibility magic. Then he quickly grabbed her and said quickly: "My lord queen. You are not afraid of being attacked by that thing, And if you want to see it, we can see it at any time. You didn't see those soldiers arranging defenses. Obviously you know that this thing will come. It's definitely not the first time to come here, and it might even come every day!"

"What do you know!" Queen Biris grabbed Robben. Go forward without hesitation, "The creatures will stay in one place. There is only one reason. We are really lucky this time. Don't worry! As long as this kind of thing is not attacked, you will be fine even if you touch it. At most, it will leave dissatisfied, and we will get closer. You have a good grasp of the wave of magic, there are very strong wave of magic on the creature beast, don't let us expose our deeds."

Robben thought that if he was afraid of being exposed, it would be fine to stay away...

Finally, Queen Biris took Robben and hurriedly returned to her previous position, hiding in the grass in front of the coast, looking at the sea with wide eyes.

It's just the work of this meeting. The blob of light on the sea seemed to be much closer, and the light emitted was more conspicuous and bright.

But the Mozu side seemed to be tense. The soldiers got so big behind the huge shields, and the soldiers after the fortifications opened the huge crossbow arrows. Aimed at the light on the sea.

The speed of this group of light is strange, flying forward on the open surface, but it didn't make any waves, and it looked a little strange.

When the beam of light got closer, when it was a few kilometers away from the coast, the light had become extremely dazzling, and it was almost like the sun shining brightly around the coast.

Robben carefully controlled the invisibility magic while squinting his eyes, observing the situation on the sea with eagle eye.

In that beam of light, a strange creature resembling an elk was coming in waves.

This thing is a bit like an elk, but the double horns on its head are a bit exaggerated. It is curved and branched out. It is indeed similar to antlers, but it is very huge. This thing is only one meter tall. The horns are over five meters, and the shape seems to have some meaning.

This thing is entirely white, without a single hair on or underneath, with long bristles on the lower jaw, and strange waves flowing through the slender eyes.

It seemed that it was only stepping forward slowly, but the speed of this holy spirit beast was quite fast, and the distance of a few kilometers was almost in the blink of an eye.

The front hooves left the calm sea and lightly stepped on the beach. Suddenly the strong light on its body quickly converged, and Robben hurriedly adjusted his magic wave, so that he did not show his horse's feet under the rapidly changing light.

The strong light dissipated, and only a layer of crystal shimmer remained on the body of the Holy Spirit Beast, which seemed to be shrouded in a faint mist.

After landing on this weird thing, Queen Biress was quite excited and excited. Luo Ben could feel the drastic change in her mood, and even his hands were shaking slightly. Robben himself was completely inexplicable and didn't know what this thing was. It's worth the excitement.

On the other side of the camp of the demons, the soldiers in charge of defense were already nervous to the extreme.

There was no brilliance in the quiet night, the faint gleam of the holy spirit beast seemed to be the only light in the world, somehow, even the bright flames in the demon camp seemed to be eclipsed by the faint light of the holy spirit beast sè.

Under the dim light, Robben saw this guy more clearly, to be fair...this thing seems to be nothing strange except for the pair of giant long horns on his head, and the magical fluctuations on his body are also normal. , Which is completely different from what Queen Biris said earlier.

Standing on the beach, the Holy Spirit Beast was motionless, looking at the Demon Clan camp, it seemed a little hesitant. It was slightly irritated and made a few strange sounds, then suddenly turned his head and looked at Robben, who was close at hand. And Queen Biris.

"It's watching us. It's watching us!" Queen Biris was extremely excited.

Robben was a little bit stunned, this thing could detect his existence!

After the powerful increase of the Arrow of Judgment, his own magic power has risen sharply. The unstable power of the power of the curse is suppressed, and his magic power is even more stable and solid. Under the impetus of the divine power, the magic power is activated. Blend your own breath into the surrounding illusion. He is almost indistinguishable from the surrounding environment. Can this thing discover itself? That's a stealth technique that even Ya can't detect!

There was another weird sound, and the Holy Spirit Beast turned his head and finally stepped forward.

"It's starting to walk! Look!" Queen Biress almost cried out again.

"Walking..." Robben whispered, thinking what's weird about walking, this guy has four feet. Of course it’s for walking, isn’t it...

Just thinking about it, Robben suddenly opened his mouth.

As the holy spirit beast stepped forward slowly, around its hooves, the flowers and plants suddenly grew like crazy, and there were still flowers and plants on the ground that sprout from the ground, growing rapidly.

And almost in the blink of an eye. These rapidly growing flowers and plants withered and turned yellow, and died quickly, and the flowers and plants that produced seeds fell to the ground, and quickly took root and sprouted again...

"this is……"

"This is the origin and end of life!" Queen Biress said with a trembling voice, "The Holy Spirit Beast was born with this world. Legend has it that when the last Holy Spirit Beast dies, this world will be destroyed. It represents the growth and destruction of this world, and is a symbol of the origin and end of life. It hides life and the greatest secret of this world."

"So amazing?" Robben was very surprised.

The holy spirit beast walked forward slowly, beside it, countless flowers and plants grew rapidly, withered, knotted, took root and sprouted...

"This is just a little bit of its true face. It is said that as long as it can subdue the Holy Beast. You have the opportunity to understand all the mysteries of this world. Why do you think this seaside has no sea breeze, and there will be flowers and plants growing on the coast? It's something that only happens when the Holy Beasts appear here. Maybe there were a lot of vicious beasts here before, but now they have all avoided them."

"This thing is amazing? I don't see any difference." Robben asked very puzzled.

"It's amazing...this thing is definitely not something you and I can touch, but those beasts left not out of the shock of the Holy Beast, but a real respect and surrender.

Robben grinned, "It's true, it's such an exaggeration, I don't think..."

"Shut up! Be careful!" Queen Biris suddenly grabbed Robben's hand.

Robben was stunned, and a huge magical power had already hit his face, as if the violent sea suddenly drowned Robben and Queen Biris.

In horror, the Robbens hurriedly adjusted the fluctuations of their magic power, and struggled to fight against the surging magic madness, preventing themselves and Queen Biris from showing their figures in the rapidly changing magic fluctuations.

After a powerful magical madness cháo washed away, the magical fluctuations began to stabilize. Robben was shocked that he actually felt tired. It was just a moment of effort, in order to coordinate the unimaginable magical fluctuations. He also unknowingly increased the fluctuation of the magical power to an astonishing level, and in a short period of time actually made himself feel a little overwhelmed, this kind of thing has not been encountered for a long time.

"Look!" Queen Biris was infinitely surprised.

Robben shook his head to clear his mind. He looked forward and was taken aback. "Two?"

Not far away, the previous holy spirit beast should have stopped, and another holy spirit beast appeared in front of it at some unknown time. It was all white, without a trace of hairy, but it had no horns on its head.

"Mother?" Robben was shocked.

"The dog can't spit out ivory, it is a female Holy Beast!" Queen Biris twisted Robben's hand fiercely.

Robben is depressed, thinking that's not the same...

Glancing at Robben, Queen Biris immediately became immersed in her joy again, "See? This is why the Holy Beast came here. Generally speaking, the Holy Beast is only far away in the outer realm. I heard that there is still the environment of the age of the gods, and there are all the strange things, but no one has been there, but if the holy beast dies, its spouse will bring the body back It was buried in a place very close to the Demon World, and accompanied the place for a long time."

"You mean... the mother is actually dead?" Robben looked at the newly-appearing holy spirit beast strangely. It didn't look like a soul or anything, but a reality. Really, it's just that there are strong magical fluctuations emanating from her body, the magical madness just now should be brought when she appeared. "

What surprised Robben was that his words seemed to have attracted the attention of the magnetic holy spirit beast, and then... then she actually walked over here slowly.

For what? Is it angry? Robben couldn't help but his eyes widened, and Queen Biress also seemed a little surprised. She didn't expect this to happen, and there was no movement for a while.

The female Holy Spirit Beast came to Robben and Queen Biris, looking at them with warm and shiny eyes, seemingly curious.

Queen Biris was a little stunned at first, and then immediately became excited. It was a rare opportunity to observe the Holy Spirit Beast at such a close distance.

Robben's mind is only weird. What are you doing here to see us? We are hiding in hiding, don't you want to kill us like this!

"I said... if you can understand, can you let the demon over there find us in big trouble." Robben's eyes widened and confronted the female Holy Beast for a long time. But the other party didn't mean to leave, but he seemed to become more and more curious, and Robben had to speak quietly.

The Holy Beast did not respond, just staring at Robben and Queen Biress.

"Bi'er...what's going on? What does this thing depend on us doing? The Demon soldiers over there seems to be a little skeptical!" Robben quickly pulled the Queen Biress, who was in great excitement.

"How do I know ~www.readwn.com~ Queen Biris replied casually, not caring about this question at all.

Bite the scalp, Robben stretched out his hand, and the Holy Beast who was about to put the deer face on him and Queen Biress gently pushed aside, thinking that you would not bite anyway, and said: " These ladies, you'd better go and talk to your husband first. Please forgive me for any interruptions. We will leave immediately, so you don't want to see us again..."

"Fool, what are you doing?" Seeing Robben pushing the Holy Beast away, Queen Beris immediately became annoyed.

"I'm just...huh?" Robben was about to answer, but he was shocked. The harmless holy beast in Queen Biris's mouth suddenly bit his hand that pushed her face, grunted in his nose, and walked straight back. go with.

Isn't it okay to touch this thing? Why did you bite? ? Robben burst into a cold sweat instantly.


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