God Prohibitions

Chapter 1432: Hidden

Sarok was in a pretty good mood. He Luo took a lap in the direction away from the demon camp, and soon returned to the direction of the demon army, and stopped a few hundred meters away from the camp where the demon army was stationed. I got down and looked up at the huge space door in the sky.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

"Brother, can you feel the abnormal fluctuation of the space gate?"

"Hmm..." Luo seemed to try it, and then gave an answer that made Sarok laugh or cry, "The energy fluctuations of this thing seem to be very abnormal all the time..."

"Stupid!" Sharok scolded with a smile, and lightly hammered Luo's belly, "Then go find the weirdest part! Oh no!"

When he remembered something, Sarok's eyes suddenly rolled, "We shouldn't look for places with strange energy fluctuations, but should look for places with the most stable energy fluctuations."

"The most stable?" Luo was slightly puzzled.

"Yes, it should be the most stable... Well, that's right! The Demon Race is strengthening this space gate, hoping to delay its existence, somewhere must set up a large magic circle to achieve this, it should It is balancing the energy emission and consumption of this space gate, and the energy fluctuations there must be the most stable."

"It is reasonable!" Luo hurriedly said.

Sarok immediately glared at Luo, "If you know, don't you hurry up to find your sister! Why are you still here?"

Luo smiled, "Ok, I'll find it soon."

Attentively, Luo radiated his consciousness into the air and quickly collected accurate information in all directions.

The area of ​​this space gate looks much larger in the Demon Realm than in the God Realm, and even has two sizes on the side of the God Realm. The demon army is stationed around the space gate, and there is only a small amount of military activity inside. This makes it somewhat difficult for Luo to find, because the area to be searched is really large and exaggerated, and the energy fluctuations in the outer domain are strange. It is quite difficult to find something accurately in a large group of unfamiliar energy fluctuations. .

But also because of this. Luo found that his awareness ability has been improved to a considerable extent. Now that he explores the surrounding situation, his consciousness can extend farther, he feels clearer, and his speed has increased a lot.

Is this the effect after the soul fits? Luo couldn't help muttering in his heart, as if...this is nothing special, what the holy spirit beast said can be very mysterious. Could it be that I was fooled...

Luo's stomach was tumbling with thoughts, and Sharok was already anxious to poke Luo in the belly, "How is it, did you find it?"

Luo smiled bitterly, thinking that this elder sister was too impatient, and said: "Starting from us. Thinking about the northeast, there is a place where energy fluctuations are indeed much more stable than other places. I carefully felt that from that place. At the beginning, the surrounding energy fluctuations were relatively stable. It seems that there is something balancing the energy fluctuations of the space gate, and there should be a source there."

"A source?" Sarok looked northeast. The eyes are full of doubts.

Luo nodded, but looked in another direction, "Just not far from there, I also noticed some strange stable fluctuations, but it doesn't seem to come from that source. I think the demons are definitely not just Set up a place to balance the energy waves of the space gate."

"Northeast... not just one."

"Yes, I feel..."

Luo's mouth was tilted, and Sharok had already clamped his face with his hands and turned his head in other directions.

"I see. This side... is the northeast."

Luo suddenly had a face full of consternation, this side was empty, and the demon army was still behind him...

"This one……"

"This shows that you are really an idiot! An idiot! An idiot..." Sharok felt helplessly, "Why is my brother such a guy? It really makes me a sister without a sense of accomplishment. I don't even know the direction. It's because of you. I can also move around on my own outside. I ran around many times."

Suddenly looking at Luo strangely, Sarok found something like this and asked with a smile: "Don't you... actually get lost often? It's just that you go back and forth faster, so others can't notice it. "

Luo's face flushed, "Who said that? I never get lost!"

Look at Luo's appearance. Sarok nodded clearly, "No wonder... Lu Chi is like this, it's really hard for you."

Patting Luo on the shoulder, Sarok’s face was full of sympathy, "Sister... I will teach you how to identify in the wild. This is my unique skill, and other people’s sisters won’t tell. You have to thank your sister well, and then we will go to work, hey... in this deserted place, I'm really afraid that you will be lost when I turn around."

While talking, Sharok desperately held back a laugh, Luo... Luo had nothing but help.

Probably searched for the strange energy fluctuations of the Space Gate, but Sharok was really not in a hurry, first dragged Luo to a place far away from the demon army, showing the style of the big sister and taught Luo a lot.

It took Luo about five minutes to learn Sharok’s "Secret Skills", but the entire teaching process took up to 30 minutes. The rest of the time Luo listened to Sharok. Yes, what to wear, supplies, first predict the weather and other things...

After thirty minutes passed, Luo felt as if he had been taken to a travel training course.

Sarok was very proud after finishing everything, "Okay, now come to my sister to see your study results."

After grabbing Luo Lai fifty circles to the left and fifty circles to the right, Sharok held Luo in place, raised his hand and pointed in a random direction, "Where is this..."

"I..." Luo looked at the direction Sharok was pointing, some of his eyes were straight, and he reached out and held his forehead, "I'm dizzy..."

"Stopping guy!" Sarok couldn't laugh or cry. "You feel dizzy after just a few times."

Luo looked miserable, "I said my good sister, do you just want to turn me a few times like this, that's why you said so much to me, you turned me back and forth a hundred times in the blink of an eye , I haven't started preparing yet, everyone will be dizzy."

Sharok immediately showed a very funny god, "Sister, am I that bad? You can be my sister and my cute brother, how can my sister treat you like that. Hurry up... tell my sister where it is?"

"I said sister, can your hands move without secretly..."

"Ahahahaha..." Sarok bent down with a smile, "I thought you couldn't see clearly now..."

Luo has never seen Sharok so happy, and now it seems that he finally doesn't have the strange sense of crisis that makes people feel uncomfortable. In the past, this woman had a cold vibe like a snake, and her appearance was charming and seductive. people. But if you get closer, you can feel a cold feeling, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Now, she really looks like an older sister, but...also a less reliable older sister.

"I said my good sister, should we hurry up. After all, we don’t have enough time. Now the Demon God already knows that we are here. He also lost those slates. If he doesn’t, he will come back to us with anger and anger. , We have to be careful, I don’t think it will take long, maybe it’s dawn. The Black Emperor will get the news of our presence here and rush over immediately.”

Sharok smiled indifferently, "Now sister, I have found a backer, those guys and sisters are no longer afraid."

"Huh?" Luo couldn't help grinning, "I said sister...you are not afraid anymore?"

"Why, don't you believe it?" Sarok raised his eyebrows, very proud.

"Uh...no, of course the younger brother believes what the older sister said, so...then the next thing will be completely left to older sister. Brother, I'm afraid these two guys will die."

Sharok raised his eyebrows slightly, and reached out his hand to catch Luo's ears, "Okay...you little conscience, sister, I said that I can rely on you, so you rushed my sister to the front to act as a shield for you. "

Luo Hutong: "No...no, sister you said the backer...Is it possible that it is me?"

"Isn't you who are you?" Sarok glared, "Is there anyone else who can't be here? If you don't come to protect my sister, I actually want to push all the things to my sister and I will do it. You want to die. Nothing?"

Luo couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "My sister...the two guys can pinch my brother to death no matter who they are. Don't take your brother out as a shield...it really will die."

Sarok snorted, letting go of Luo's ears and said: "The two guys are here, it's a big deal if we disappear or disappear. We should be afraid of them? And... With our current strength, we may not be really afraid of the dark. emperor!"

Luo rubbed his ears and couldn't help but shook his head, "Sister, I know that my strength has been greatly improved after the soul of the holy spirit beast has been repaired, but even then it is impossible to be an opponent like the Black Emperor. Let's not It’s a good plan. As for the Demon God... that's even more necessary to go around."

Sarok directly kicked Luo's calf and said angrily: "You idiot! When will I be able to show me some decent domineering? Don't you just know how to escape!?"

Luo shrugged, "I never think there is anything wrong with escaping. It's not correct to die in vain. To live... everything is possible."

"Idiot, idiot!" Sharok kicked Luo again, but he kicked his feet a little bit painfully, and said angrily, "What do you think soul repair is, that is something that can't be done by normal means, it's about Regarding the mystery of the life source, even the Demon God does not have that ability. This time the repair and fit of the soul... is almost equal to a new life, do you understand?"

Luo was stunned.

Sarok rolled his eyes, "Forget it...you just don't understand! I can give you the simplest example!"

Reaching out and lifting up the two crystallized hair strands in front of his forehead, Sarok said: "Now... our soul is no longer a problem. Whether it is me or your queen, there is no more damage to the soul now. And it has reached the point where nothing is complete and powerful."

"You?" Luo was taken aback.

Sarok smiled, "Surprised, right? It takes a lot of time to recover the damage to the soul. Even if we are all rare wizards practicing soul magic, the soul recovery will not be too fast, but just now……"

Reaching out his hand, Sarok's palm rose like a cloud of silver light, which slowly squirmed, constantly changing shapes, turning into flowers, plants, trees, beasts, and insects. The speed was dazzling.

"This is not just the degree to which the soul has recovered. It is an excellent baptism. For those of us who practice soul magic, there are many restrictions on our own souls. Before we practice magic, we have to correct our souls, and for it. For the mage who paid the price, this is a unique gift, um..."

Sarok pondered. Said: "I don't know what level our strength has improved, but... it must be much stronger than before. Now even if we are alone, we shouldn't be afraid of the many six-winged warlords in the gods. , The difference in levels can no longer be compensated by numbers. In the past... we were most afraid of this type of warrior type of crowded tactics. I really hope to do it immediately and enjoy the pleasure of killing them all in an instant.

Luo couldn't help but glanced at the Mozu military camp, coughed and said, "This...I'll talk about it later. It's always a good thing that our strength has improved, but now we don't have much time to care about it. The space door is still waiting for us to check."

Sarok smiled slightly, "Is my elder sister so violent in your eyes? Did my elder sister say she wanted to kill. What will you see and kill?"

Luo Yi was embarrassed, "This... Of course I didn't mean that, I just think..."

"Haha!" Sarok said with a funny expression looking at Luo's expression, "You are not wrong, my sister really wants to find something to kill now, the Demon soldiers over there, um..."

Luo felt nervous.

Sweeping Saul's face. Sharok said boringly: "But they are not worth killing, and they will cause chaos. Let's act secretly for the time being. When we have the opportunity, my sister will try to see how powerful my sister is now, oh yes. Up!"

Sarok thought of something, and said very excitedly: "I said brother. You are also a master of soul magic, come and be your sister when the time comes."

Luo suddenly looked miserable, this woman was obviously looking for a sandbag...

"Okay..." Luo still agreed.

"Well, that’s good. Really... okay! Now let’s do business. Those demons don’t know what they are doing behind the scenes. They can actually keep the space running. That requires a lot of energy, but it’s It's strange that I can't feel it..."

It's finally time for business... Luo felt very pleased.

Holding Sharok's hand, Luo entered a state of invisibility, and together with Sharok, he touched the demons' camp.

Luo himself could clearly feel that after the Holy Spirit Beast adjusted his soul fit, the whole body and the whole God had changed very strangely.

This change is difficult to describe in words. If you have to say it, it seems to be smoother and more rounded... Whether it is the movement of the body, the flow of magical power, or the magical element that controls magic, As well as perception abilities, these have progressed to varying degrees, and these don't seem to be a lot of enhancements added together, but it gives Luo a feeling of a whole new world.

Taking Sharok, Luo effortlessly passed through the demon clan’s camp defense line that had been additionally strengthened, and even walked slowly less than one meter in front of a demon general, which made Sha Rock didn't even dare to breathe, but the magic general didn't notice anything.

Everything seemed easy. Walking with Sharok on the aisle in the barracks, Luo did feel a little bit emotional in his heart. I have to say that this time the Holy Spirit Beast's adaptation of his soul and body really gave him unexpected benefits. .

"How do you feel, right?" When reaching a quiet corner, Sarok whispered.

"It's okay." Luo replied with a smile, "Go a little further to the left and you will reach the first place where the energy fluctuations are strange, but the guards over there seem to be tighter."

Looking over there carefully, Luo and Sharok both found that it was surrounded by a platoon of chéngrén walls on the third and outer layers of the soldiers. Every soldier had an expression of being ready for battle. It was obvious that there must be something important in it.

"Go to the sky?" Luo suggested in a low voice.

Sarok immediately shook his head and vetoed, "The most defensive place is in the sky. In this place, the sky and the underground are the most dangerous directions. The generals of the demons must also know this. We'd better pass from the ground. , Don’t look at the soldiers that seem to be difficult to deal with, in fact, that should be the safest way to pass here.

"Okay... let's try!" Luo nodded, and dragged Sarok forward slowly.

The entire barracks seemed a little messy, obviously the army rushed here. After that, it is endless to deal with the attacks of those strange monsters, and to guard the space door. In some places, even a mess is not cleaned up, but when it comes to this place, the ground weeds and puddles are all gone, replaced by a piece of ash. Of sand. The ground is extremely smooth, and it is obviously specially treated.

Luo and Shaluoke both frowned. There will definitely be footprints on the ground. There seems to be no human figure, but two rows of footprints suddenly appear on the ground, which can be clearly seen by people.

"What should I do?" Sarok came to ask Luo this time.

"If you have to go from here. It's not impossible." Luo replied in a low voice, and at the same time, the fingers holding Sarok's palm tightened slightly. Sarok felt something flowing into his body and then under his feet. Suddenly, it lightened, and the body seemed to float up a little bit, but immediately stabilized.

"You use magic!?" Sarok couldn't believe it, using magic when he entered the invisible state. And it's the magic of the continuous effect type, which will definitely expose the deeds!

Just a little bit, there should be no problem! "Luo Hehe smiled, "Let's go, this human wall is not a soldier next to each other, there are also gaps, let's look for it." "

Luo and Shaluoke both floated in the air, about an inch away from the ground. The two walked in the air and wandered around silently. None of the soldiers, including the four demon generals, noticed that there was activity around them.

After walking for a short half circle, Sarok saw that the demons were motionless like puppets. He obviously didn't find himself and Luo. He was very surprised and said, "Have you been able to do this? We use magic while walking. Can stay invisible!?"

"This is necessary. Otherwise, how do we go in and investigate!" Old God Luo was proud and pointed a short distance, "There is a gap over there, let's see if we can get in..."

Naturally, these human walls pulled up by the Demon Clan soldiers were not close to people. Shoulders slammed their shoulders, and gaps were inevitable. Luo and Sharoc were cautiously circling these soldiers back and forth, stepping carefully from this side, and squeezing from the other side.

The two walked back and forth among the rows of soldiers for twenty minutes, and finally walked to the innermost side against the wall, sometimes even wiping the faces of the soldiers. Luo Zhen worried that if that soldier suddenly If you sneeze, or do something else suddenly, you will suffer.

The area of ​​the human wall surrounded by soldiers on the periphery is also very large. After passing through those human walls, Sarok found strangely that on a large open space behind the human wall, a very strange magic circle was drawn in the gray sand. , But this magic circle seems to be drawn with something on the sand at will, and there is no light on the magic circle, it seems... there is no energy fluctuation.

"This is... eh?" Sarok was very surprised. He was about to pull Luo forward, but Luo grabbed him and pulled him back.

"Don't move!" Luo reminded softly, "There is a barrier!"

"Enchantment?" Sarok was taken aback, "Why didn't I feel it?"

"A very clever technique. This should have been set by the Demon King himself. Among the Demon Kings, there must be someone who knows magic enchantment, right?"

"This... is indeed there, but it's not that I can't feel it now, right?" Sarok was a little hard to accept.

"Sister, you don’t know anything about this, just like Bier, your soul magic involves very few defensive enchantments, but I always care about these magics because I have to run away often. Formation, barrier or something..."

"As long as you know so much, there is also a lot of nonsense!" Sarok pinched Pinluo's hand hard, "Since you know so much, don't you take your sister in right away!?"

"Wait a minute, this is a little troublesome, it takes time." As he said, Luo slowly stretched out his hand and leaned forward.

Sarok's eyes narrowed, "What are you doing? You will be found if you touch the barrier!"

"Not now. I will slowly coordinate with the fluctuations of this magic enchantment. It will take a little time. Sister, wait a minute, we will go in soon."

Sharok swallowed, "This... I'm actually just talking, we can think of other ways, if we expose our deeds, then we can..."

"Okay." Luo said softly.

"Just...just...what did you say?" Sarok's eyes widened. "You didn't mean it takes time!"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my sister, you will be found out!" Luo was frightened when he saw a demon soldier suddenly turned his head to this side. It seemed strange that Luo was almost certain that he heard something. .

Sarok stared at the soldier, and when he saw that he finally turned his head back, he exhaled comfortably. Squeeze the voice down to the bottom, "You said... we can pass?"

"Let's go!" Without waiting for Sarok's reaction, Luo had already dragged her away.

With one foot stepped out, the scene in front of him was rapidly distorted and deformed. Sarok followed Luo for three steps, and the world in front of him had completely changed.

The silent night disappeared. The millions of demon army has also disappeared, and those demon soldiers surrounding the wall of chéngrén are not left.

Sarok found himself standing in a strange space, surrounded by void, only a large piece of strange gray sandy land under his feet, on this piece of sand, there is a very strange shape, inside magic pattern and The symbol does not know what the magic circle means.

This magic circle is octagonal. Sitting in each corner was a guy in black, who seemed to be a magician.

Now this magic circle is emitting a dim light, apparently being maintained by these eight magicians.

"Finally found them!" Observing the surrounding situation, and then looking at the eight magicians, Sarok showed joy in his eyes.

However, Luo looked solemn, "I didn't expect the Demon Race to do this step. It seems that this time for the Space Gate, it is inevitable, and I want to attack the God Realm anyway."

Sarok is strange. "How do you see these things?"

"Sister, this is actually not somewhere else, but a space distortion of the big space door.

"A space distortion?" Yes, the demons took advantage of the unstable fluctuations emanating from this huge portal, accurately found these fluctuations in the surrounding space, and used it as a stronghold, relying on those energy backtracking to find the space The energy radiating point inside the door. That is... here. "

"Looking backwards?"

"This...I'm not sure, but here is a place that connects the space gate, which is undoubtedly possible. The Mozu has already begun to send people to arrange the magic array on this ground. It seems that this time they are attacking the gods. I feel that my determination is made."

"But in this situation, there is no way to descend on the demon warriors. If they are less, they will be killed by the opponent immediately, and if there are more, if there are a large number of soldiers sent by the gods, then there is no one. It can stop those demons who are good at close combat."

"This is also where the contradiction lies. Now the two sides of this space gate are facing each other, no one dares to act rashly, but once this balance finds a new reason to break, then... I think the demons are seeking such a method and then aggressively attacking. God Realm, this should be the idea of ​​the entire Demon Race, because the Black Emperor seems to have planned it this way, but he certainly did not expect to be as embarrassed as today, but even so, it is impossible to say this plan without knowing how many people are planning. Give up and give up, this time we seem to have come to the right."

Sharok's eyes flashed a few times, and he looked at the magicians sitting on the corner of the magic circle and said: "What are these guys going to do? They will transmit energy to the space gate, I think we still take advantage of this... …"

Guarding, Sharoc made a gesture on his neck with his hand, his face full of murderousness.

Luo directly shook his head, "We don't need to fly and kill these wizards. We just look at the specific situation first. Now that we see it, we don't need to worry."

"Don't worry, we don't have so much time!" Sarok emphasized immediately.

"But if we kill them, we will be exposed. It is almost impossible to think about action afterwards. We leave this place now and look elsewhere. Those strange energy fluctuations are all spread from here. It's not far away."

Sharok calculated that there was a very serious reason why Luo would not kill easily, so he sighed, "Well, sister, I will let them go today, let them live a few more days."

"Sister, you are so generous..." Luo joked, pulling Sarok back slowly.

When the two of them completely withdrew from the magic enchantment, the whole world immediately returned to Sharok's eyes. The quiet night, the endless starry sky, and the soldiers who were still busy until now, everything is restored. As it is.

"Let's go over there!" Luo pointed in a direction, dragged Sarok to go.

The situation here is almost the same as before. A lot of soldiers lined up into a human wall, guarded by powerful magic generals on all sides. Once they slipped in, they successfully cracked the magic enchantment. Luo and Sarok walked in and took a look. The scene they saw was almost the same as before.

In the endless dark space, there is only a small handful of ashes. There is a strange magic circle painted on it, and several magicians are sitting on the corners of the magic circle, their bodies shining with strange light.

"Is this also a space connected to the space gate?"

"Yes!" Luo looked around, "This place is connected to the space gate. The demons are really a bit mad, and such things can be done. Now the space gate is not very stable. If something happens, this one million army will be killed and injured countless."

"The Devil... never think about what happened when he was injured first. They always think about what he should do after victory..."

"This idea is not very good..." Luo shrugged, "It seems...The Black Emperor really wants to maintain the existence of this space gate as hard as possible. Maybe he only has the adult fantasy dragon in his hand that gave him back then. Those stones, it is impossible to open the door to the gods again. Only this opportunity can be used."

"This...opportunity, I really took a huge risk." Sarok looked at the magicians again, "This is already the second magic circle, and there seems to be a lot of things around. What are we going to do? You can't just leave it here for the first time. If they affect the space gate like this... I am afraid that the space gate will cause the two worlds to tremble.

"if that is the case……"

"In that case, we may not be better off, human beings. Gods and demons... These three worlds are so close. In many cases, great changes in other worlds will also affect the conditions of other worlds. It is difficult for the human continent to be alone. "

Luo blinked, thinking very seriously, and finally said: "We still have two days left. I didn't expect that the Black Emperor would let the demon master directly connect the space gate to transmit energy. This is crazy. I don’t have a good idea to deal with this right now, we can think about it first."

"Think about it? We don't have much time to think about it!" Sarok quickly emphasized.

"I know... I know..." Luo said while nodding his head, "But things were a bit unexpected. Bigger's side was not going well. And we don't know what he wants him to do. To what extent, I think we might as well wait a day now to see the effect, and by the way, observe the energy fluctuations of the space gate here, and then make a decision. What do you think?"

Sharok, who was obviously anxious, sighed, "Okay, okay... Since my patrons have said so, then I naturally have no objections. Let's wait for a while to see the effects of Bigger's activities. It's okay to make plans, after all... we still have to stay here for a few days."

Luo smiled happily, "Thank you elder sister, now... let's go to their place and see the conditions of all the strange energy fluctuations. If there is any accident, we will think of a solution."

"Okay!" Sharok quickly agreed this time.

Together with Sharok, Luo carefully searched this large military camp and checked all possible places. What surprised Luo and Sharok was that there were more than a dozen of these places. When sensing these energy fluctuations, I didn't feel so much.

This shows that these magic circles are very well concealed. The demon king who made the magic enchantment does not say anything else. The cultivation base on the enchantment is definitely home. Some magic enchantments almost isolate all the information inside, including images. , Sound, and so on.

"There are quite a few, completely different from what we expected."

After turning around there, checking the status of the magic circle in those places one by one, Luo and Sharok returned to a hidden corner of the camp and discussed carefully.

"Changes are always faster than planned, and we have no way of foreseeing this. It seems that the Black Emperor will never let go of these opportunities to attack the Protoss, and even if it is the stage of confrontation, the Black Emperor is probably already prepared. With the means, we must act quickly. If the Black Emperor acts first, then we will have nothing to do."

Sharok rolled his eyes, "I just said to act quickly, not because you said that you want to delay the day first."

Luo also felt that he was a little contradictory, and said with a wry smile: "It's really weird. This time the Demon Race has messed with us again, there is really no way..."

Sarok said in a polite way: "It's not that your own thoughts are too strange. If I... quietly place a magic bomb in every place and detonate it at the same time, I won't be able to survive all of them. It’s alive, I have to go over and make up a few more times, um...it seems a bit too far."

After a cough, Sarok continued: "We will have to wait for a while for Bigger, but the situation on the Black Emperor side is uncertain. In my opinion...it's okay if we act first, Bigger's Action will seize opportunities because of this."

Luo lowered his head, thought for a while, and tentatively asked: "Sister, you said... the demon is here to extend the existence of the space gate, but this effect is also applicable to everything. The energy change of the space gate may not It's easy to master, but it's easy to see when it will disappear. Protoss will not be so stupid that the space gate still exists, meaning it has disappeared and withdrawn. Demons do this... Isn't it meaningless? Now the two clans are facing each other outside the space gate, and the space gate has existed for a longer period of time, which only prolonged the confrontation time..."

"You mean..." Sarok frowned suddenly, as if thinking of something.

"I think...maybe the Demon Race has another plan, but we haven't noticed it!" Luo's tone was suddenly affirmed.

"Other purposes... Demon Race?" Sharok was very confused. "With so many mages and working in dangerous places, it seems that it shouldn't just do stupid things, but..."

After thinking for a while, Sharok didn’t think of anything. He was still confused. “The purpose of the demons must be to defeat the Protoss, but... from the current situation, let’s not even defeat them. Protoss, the body is not very meaningful."

"Sure enough, does it have any purpose?" Luo's eyes lit up, and he looked in a direction of the demon camp.

"It should be!" Sharok also raised his head and looked in the direction Luo Wang was looking at.

The actions of the two were very consistent, and when they noticed, they glanced at each other ~www.readwn.com~ and couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that our ideas should be similar." Luo said with a smile.

Sarok smirked a few times, "I said my good brother, shouldn't you be kind and generous... Next time, don't think about this nasty attention with my sister again, do you know?"

Luo laughed a few more times, "I see, everything depends on my sister, but this time I think we should hurry up and do our thing. By the way... you can also check and accept our results in advance. It's a bit eye-catching."

"If I were him, I would have already started to do things right away, hey... It's really hard to talk about this traitor. People here call and scream, and people over there think you are a foreigner, Big... …What a sad guy, I suddenly felt that even if I didn’t count him, he was pitiful enough."

"Oh? Is my sister going to give up?"

"But since he is pitiful enough, he doesn't care if I do something more, right?"

Luo: "..." (To be continued.)

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