God Prohibitions

Chapter 1445: Gambling

"For the Protoss?" Rem's answer surprised both Robben and Queen Biris. It can be said that Rem finally divided into several routes to prepare to cross the sea and attack the miraculous land. This incident caused panic in the gods. The chaos is beyond imagination, and he fell as a war **** at the moment of confrontation with the demons. This is also a considerable blow to the gods. For these two things alone, he has caused irreparable losses to the gods. It would be ridiculous to say that he was doing this for the God Realm.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Queen Biress looked at Robben weirdly, and said, "What you did seems to be inconsistent with what you said. If the current God of War is doing things for the God Realm just like you, then I miss you There is no need to fight the demons anymore, you will soon perish yourself thinking that you are a loyal fighter like you."

What both Robben and Queen Biris didn't expect was that Rem, who both seemed very calm, had a violent reaction to Queen Biris' words.

"Nonsense!" Rem shouted loudly, "Women! What do you know as a demons? Do you know what I'm thinking? How can you humble beings who are immersed in the power of killing all day understand my thoughts? I have given everything for the Protoss. How can you laugh at such a small existence!"

Queen Biris laughed without anger when she heard this, "Rem, did your brain break down when your soul was damaged... Oh, right! You actually don't have any brains anymore, but... …Even if you don’t have a brain right now, you should have at least a little bit before, but from your actions. I still can’t see this.”

Rem snorted: "There is nothing to say about beings like you. You won't understand my thoughts. You won't understand my long-term consideration for the Protoss. Your eyes can't touch what I think. local."

Queen Biress was a little sullen. This guy opened his mouth and closed his mouth with a high-handed look. He didn't put others in his eyes at all. Now it is ridiculous that he said these things like this, but at the same time it also made himself very depressed. Unconsciously, I have a way to talk to fools. And it feels like becoming a fool. "

"Doctor, or else you would have a chat with him? I think it is very likely that you will have a common language." This was a complete joke, but Robben was serious, really took a step forward, nodded and said, "I'm here. ."

"Doctor! I mean..." Queen Biris was a little bit amused. Just about to explain, Robben already shook his head. "Don't worry, I'm here."

Queen Biris saw Robben's serious face, and she didn't seem to be joking, but she was puzzled. Did she make a mistake?

"Human, you don't have to speak. Every word you say is an insult to me. You are not qualified to talk to me about anything."

"Really? Then I can only praise you, maybe this can be the reason for me to speak."

Rem just snorted and ignored Robben at all.

"Doctor, this guy is very arrogant. I think we should let him rest a bit." Queen Biress really couldn't stand it anymore.

Robben just shook his head and said to Rem: "You have done a lot for the Protoss. We have seen all of these. It's a pity that no one seems to respond to your thoughts. It seems... you work in the Protoss, but the Protoss rejects you. ."

Rem's soul shook slightly, and Queen Biris was greatly surprised. This Rem actually reacted strongly to Robben's words.

"A person working silently and then dying silently, not understood, or even hated by others, may indeed be said to be a greatness, but...it is also a kind of sadness."

Rem slowly turned his head and looked at Robben, but still did not speak.

"But..." Robben's words turned sharply, "Your whatever you cost did not bring anything in the end, only hurt and pain. You were tyrannical and tyrannical before, but only the last move. You were completely unscrupulous when you were in the army. , Destroyed a lot of houses and fields, and robbed a lot of civilian materials. For this reason...Many ordinary Protoss died silently. Their existence is very small, and the shouts will not be heard by you. The huge confusion you brought escalated to the extreme in the confrontation with the God of War. You were defeated and imprisoned. Do you know how much the God Realm paid for this?"

Rem turned his head away again.

Robben continued: "Yes, you don't think about these at all. You are thinking about more distant things, and you are thinking about the fate of the gods in the distant future, but... if the gods have disappeared, your consideration... What's the value? If you take off your noble and solemn shell, there will be nothing but illusions, dissatisfaction and crazy killing."

Rem roared, "Human, what do you know, what qualifications do you have to comment on me!"

"I am naturally not you. I naturally don't know what you are thinking or what you are going to do, but there are some things I know clearly."

"what do you know?"

"Whether it is a dream or a fantasy, even if it is unfounded and unreasonable fantasy, when these things are put into practice, and you begin to realize them with actions, then... once your approach becomes extreme, you begin to have everything at all costs. There are reasons to sacrifice something that is originally important, then...this is the beginning of madness, and this also represents depravity and destruction..."

"Fallen? Is a human being actually saying that I am falling!?" Rem shouted loudly, "A mean human being is actually saying that I am falling! You are not qualified to say that!"

"No one is really unqualified. These things are right in front of them. Everyone can see them. Everyone is qualified to comment. Besides... what you do has seriously affected my actions. I am naturally qualified to treat you. Make a comment on your behavior, and... In my opinion, no matter what you are thinking, no matter what your original intention is, you are already in the quagmire, unable to extricate yourself, Rem! Maybe you are thinking for the sake of the gods, but unfortunately... you have already Going the wrong way, what you are doing is bringing disaster to the God Realm. That huge space gate... You must know what he is going to open, right? That’s why you dispatched all the troops to attack the miraculous land at that time. . In order to attract attention and buy time!"

Rem's soul fluctuated violently like water. "Are you accusing me? You didn't open the space door yourself!"

"Yes, I opened the space door. I was very careful. I knew from the beginning that this might be an incredible thing, but I didn't expect it to be such an unimaginable result. I am different from you. I didn't know it would be like this, and...I don't do anything for the Demon World anymore. I only do it for ourselves."

"your selves?"

"Yes! This is also the difference between me and you. For a long time, I have fallen to the demons, opposed the gods, and even came to the gods to hide. I have done a lot of things before and after, but these things are all For the safety of the people around me. To live peacefully in the future, I have never forgotten this purpose and worked hard for it, and... I have never been crazy for this purpose, and have forgotten my initial thoughts. I have no real Be submissive to anyone. Even though that period of rìzi was very hard, but... we finally got out of the control of the demons and confronted the gods head-on. We always persisted and never gave up. Never changed, Rem...but You don’t seem to be like this."

Rem's soul fluctuated violently again. He didn't speak for a long time, and finally shook his head and whispered: "No, you don't understand anything, you don't know anything, you are not in the same world with me, you will not understand my thoughts."

Robben chuckled and said: "Yes, I don't know too much about you, but we are in one world. I can understand your thoughts, but you think that only you can think that way. Only will understand your behavior."

"No...you don't know...you don't understand..." Rem repeated quietly, nervously.

Robben continued: "This world is like this. No matter how I look at it or how you look at it, it is actually just the same appearance. We all follow the same laws to survive in this world. There will be exceptions. What you think is incomprehensible than others is actually only a part of this world. It is not unique and not difficult to understand. As long as you are still living in this world...someone will understand your thoughts. It’s just a pity to understand what you are doing...Many times, I don’t see the way forward, I think that there is no similar idea, I think that only I am right, but the whole world is wrong."

"Isn't it?" Rem became excited for a moment. "Does the majority of people have to be correct? Is it true that the majority of people think that is correct?"

"No!" Robben shook his head, "Most people's desire to play is not necessarily correct, but...many times the correct definition is the majority's thinking."

Rem seemed to be stunned suddenly.

"This is also one of the laws of this world. Sometimes, the meaning of a thing is the approval of the majority, and the majority does it like that, then...what is the point of what the minority thinks is the right way? There is no right or wrong, we decide what is right and what is wrong..."

"I... I'm not wrong!" Rem said loudly, "I can't be wrong. The Protoss has reached the edge of danger. If this continues, it will perish sooner or later, perhaps by the demons or even by humans. , Protoss will no longer exist, will no longer have the strong history of the past, look at the great gods of the age of the gods! And now! We only have some self-righteous clowns, which is really ridiculous!"

"History cannot be changed, and times are always irresistible. Your ideas may be good, but unfortunately... good ideas are always difficult to realize, you..."

As Robben said, he was taken aback for a moment, and he quickly turned his head and looked at the sky behind, "Bi Er, put Rem's soul away, we have guests here."

Queen Biris was taken aback. Although weird, she quickly pressed the magic circle on the ground. The magic circle disappeared in a bright light, and Rem's soul was transformed into a bright soul ball. Queen Biris received it in the ring.

"Who is it?" Queen Biris asked suspiciously, "enemy?"

"We don't have friends here." Robben smiled, "but don't worry, he is the only one this time. We can take the opportunity to inquire about some news."

"Inquire about the news?" Queen Biress was even more puzzled and couldn't help but look to the sky carefully, but there was not even a trace of light in the sky, which made Queen Biress extremely puzzled.

"It's near!" Robben said softly.

Fierce. A very bright star rose from the horizon, in the form of red gold. Ambilight, flying to this side extremely fast.

"This is!?" Queen Biris still didn't know who came.

Robben smiled, "I guess he thinks he won't let us go this time, but we won't leave, so there are not many good opportunities to meet alone."

"Won't let us go?" Queen Biress was a little strange, but she reacted immediately, "You mean that old guy!?"

Robben nodded. "It's him!"

In the blink of an eye, the starlight came close, and it fell rapidly from the sky, like a meteorite, hitting a place more than 100 meters away from Robben and Queen Biris.


The powerful collision force blew up a huge wave of mud on the ground like the sea, rushing turbulently in all directions, Robben re-supported a small magic shield, and wrapped himself and Queen Biress in it. The mud waves roared past. Instantly drowned the shadows of two people.

The mud stream flowed by like a tsunami, and when the mud rushed out far away, the place closer to the impact site calmed down, but the ground had been scraped off a few meters deep.

The magic shields of Robben and Queen Biris were not damaged in the slightest, and they floated quietly in the air, confirming that this wave of shock had passed. This lightly fell to the ground.

A red light flickered at the collision position, as if a meteorite falling from the sky and burning on the ground, suddenly a figure slowly walked out in a thick smoke.

"Unexpectedly, you are still such a god?" Robben smiled and greeted the figure surrounded by scarlet gold.

"Acalis... it really is you!" Queen Biress' eyes shrank.

It was Akalis who fell from the sky, and now his chest injury is clearly not healed. There was still a blood stain on the wound bandage.

"It's just a hole in my chest. I can't die." Akalis' voice was hateful. His body shook, and the light of the scarlet gold suddenly disappeared, revealing his original appearance.

Robben couldn't help being surprised.

Akalis's appearance has undergone some inconspicuous, but a bit strange changes.

His body seems to be taller, his body looks stronger and stronger, and his face is full of red light, which makes his white beard and hair less conspicuous.

What puzzled Robben the most was that the wrinkles on Akalis's face seemed to be reduced a bit, and this guy... actually seemed to be younger.

Anyone who is seriously ill will look haggard, but this guy has suffered such a serious injury, and he is not well, how can he look younger than before? Robben was puzzled and puzzled.

Akalis turned his gaze on Queen Biris' face a few times, and asked, "Is that woman out there?"

"Did you say Salsa? Unfortunately, she is not here today, maybe she is preparing to eat in the human continent now."

"Human Continent..." Akalis snorted, "That **** woman actually hides a powerful force. She takes action when the battle is the most important. It is really despicable, and it matches you!"

Robben suddenly lost his breath and sneered, "Akalis, you are inferior to others, and relying on your own strength to treat us with contempt, but in the end he lost half of his life, and then said something like this. Come, tut...As a warrior who has experienced countless lives and deaths, don't you feel blushing?"

"Human, that woman is not here today. You don't have to be so arrogant. I will take you back together with this demon soon. Then I will use you as hostages. I will surely kill you all at once. That woman...I must take care of myself. she was!"

It seems that Akalis has a deep resentment towards Salsa, and he gnashes his teeth.

Queen Biress smiled coldly: "This is really ridiculous. The defeated generals dare to speak big words here. At that time, it is not always clear who will pick up who, and even now... I am afraid you can't help us. !"

Akalis snorted heavily, staring at Queen Biris and said, "Witch, you better shut up. If you, a woman who should be tied to a fire and burned to death, provoke me again, you will The death is worse!"

"Are you sure you can catch me?" Queen Biris said disdainfully.

"I can subdue you with just one finger!" Akalis' eyes began to flash fiercely.

Queen Biress laughed loudly: "Acalis! You are really the older you are, the more useless you are. Don’t you even remember the principle of summing up your experience before taking action? People came. As a result, I lost half my life and returned, and this time...you are still the same!"

Mentioned last time. Akalis's heart was blocked very badly. It was obviously a situation that was sure to win. The woman who suddenly broke out and was powerful and powerful was about to lose. As a result, when the incident happened suddenly, he was successfully attacked by surprise, not only defeated, He was seriously injured and almost lost his life.

"The last time I was really too careless. Otherwise, there will be no chance for you to appear here today. This time I will not be careless. I will use all my power to keep you here. This is also a shame to wash away myself. !"

Queen Biress gave a little bit, then turned her head and said to Robben: "Doctor, did you hear that, this old guy is going to use all his skills this time. You'd better be careful, otherwise I don't want to be caught back with you." Go to jail and be burned to death!"

"Crow's mouth!" Robben poked Queen Biris on the forehead lightly, and Queen Biris just sneered.

When Akalis saw these two people laughing there, he completely regarded himself as air, and his bad mood was even worse. Loudly shouted: "You should still catch it immediately, otherwise if I do it... I might leave here with your corpses! Anyway... As long as you can be sure of your death, the hunt is a very successful hunt."

Robben stepped forward and said, "Wait, before that, I don't know if I can ask a question."

"Human. You are not qualified..."

"How did you find us?" Robben asked, interrupting Akalis directly.

Akalis was furious: "Human, are you scorning me? Do you want to know the cruelest way the Protoss treats enemies?"

Robben shook his head repeatedly: "No, no. I never meant to underestimate you. I was just very puzzled. We acted very carefully and tried our best not to be discovered by others. It's not that I am bragging. I have no such skill. Being exposed, how did you find us?"

"You don't know the need for this!" Akalis pulled out the long sword around his waist with his backhand, and his face suddenly rolled murderously.

Robben took a closer look. The sword on Akalis was the standard weapon of the Protoss. Obviously, Akalis also came out in a hurry this time. His own weapon has been sealed, so he had to take a soldier's weapon. Return.

Thinking of this, Robben felt quite relieved.

"We might as well... make a bet!" Robben suggested very seriously.

"Bet?" Akaliston was puzzled.

"Yes, the Protoss arrested us, nothing more than wanted our information, wanted to execute us, it is not difficult to kill us, but it is very difficult to get everything we know, know that we all They are masters of soul magic. The things that your magicians master in the realm of soul magic seem to us, and those who are completely children’s little troubles, even if you bring us all back, as long as we are alive, as long as we Your thoughts can still be active, then... you can’t get what you want, and it’s completely impossible for you to dig out intelligence in our mouths."

Although Akalis looked very angry, he thought about what Robben said seriously. Most of what Robben said was the truth. After thinking about it for a while, Akalis felt that what Robben said was incomplete. Is wrong.

It is true that the Protoss also has magicians who torture souls, but compared with the demons, this is indeed not a place to be proud of, and in front of the queen of the demons, those magicians may not be of any use at all.

Seeing Akalis hesitated, Robben continued: "So let's make a bet on who will win this time!"

"Bet on this?" Akalis looked even more confused, "What does victory... mean?"

"You beat us, take us away! Or we beat you!" Robben said very clearly.

Akalis was even more angry when he saw Robben said such words, "Very good! If you are saying this, I will stay with you to the end, then what do you want to bet on?"

"It's very simple! If you win, we don't need you to use any means, we will tell ourselves all the secrets we know, and let you go!"

"Of course!" Akalis' eyes were cold, "If you can't do this. Then my method will be even more extreme!"

"Wait!" Robben hurriedly stopped Akalis, "I haven't finished yet. But if you lose, you have to tell us one thing!"

Akalis didn't seem to have thought that he would lose. Robben was taken aback when he said that, frowned and said, "Tell you something? What do you want to know?"

"Very simple! That is how you found us!"

"This?" Akalis suddenly showed a playful smile. "If you want to know about this, do you think you are sure to defeat me this time? Or is it a trick!?"

Queen Biress said disdainfully: "Everything speaks with strength, can there be any tricks that can't be done, if you are afraid, you don't have to agree!"

"Witch. It's useless for you to arouse me like this. Such careful thinking is not worth mentioning in my eyes, but... Since you have such a certainty, I really want to know why, we might as well add another one and wait for me. When you subdued you, while you were still alive. Explain to me why you did it."

"Yes!" Robben replied readily.

"Very good!" Akalis narrowed his eyes, "Then... we'll get started!"

"Wait!" Robben yelled immediately, and Akalis was about to attack for a moment, "What do you want?"

Robben said with a smile: "Since there is a gambling game, then we can't be too casual, to be fair. Let's fight each other a few tricks, and then we will decide the outcome."

"How do you do each other?" Akalis didn't understand Robben's meaning for a while.

"It's very simple. We attack and defend. If we don't dodge, we don't have to take the other side's attack. We take turns to see who can't hold it first and we lose. What do you think?

Akalis looked at Robben very weirdly. This condition does not benefit the magician in the slightest. The battle between the magician and the warrior means keeping a safe distance from the warrior in order to win. If this is the style of play If it is impossible to dodge, a warrior's thunder blow is not something a magician can bear.

But... this human being is said to have a very powerful body, but... no matter how strong it can be, the guys who are stronger than him don't know how many dead souls have made their own swords.

"Okay! I promised!" Akalis thought about it a little, and directly agreed.

Robben smiled and motioned to Queen Biris to stand further, and said to Akalis: "Since I proposed the rules, then in order to show my sincerity, I can let you attack first!"

"Oh? Really!" Akalis couldn't help but smile. Originally, he wanted to use heavier means and conditions to win this first opportunity to attack, but he didn't expect the other party to take the initiative.

This type of battle has also existed in the past. Obviously, the first move is cost-effective. Even if it can't subdue the enemy with a single blow, it will also cause a great burden to the enemy.

"Doctor!" Queen Biress did not leave, but still held Robben's arm, and when Robben said this, she couldn't help but become nervous.

Robben gave her a reassuring smile and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of everything. You stay on the side for a while, and I will finish the business right away."

With that, Robben blinked gently at Queen Biris, his expression was extremely relaxed.

Queen Birys will be suspicious. She knows that Robben has many strange places, and these strange places and strange things have never been interrupted in these hundreds of years. This guy seems to always have them. All sorts of strange things happened endlessly.

"I can give you enough time to set up magic shields, and even give you time to set up magic enchantments!" Akalis stood with a sword and looked at Robben with a funny face. "But if you think this is It doesn’t matter if you waste time. Anyway, you will soon regret this decision. The result is not important anymore. What is important is the process of reaching the result."

"It sounds like you are bound to win!" Robben chuckled, and without using any magic, he raised his hand and hooked Akalis, "Come on, I'm ready!"

Akalis couldn't help being angry: "Are you taunting me? Human! If you want to die, then... I can't help you!"

"I'm ready, you don't have to waste time anymore!" Robben said calmly.

"Good!" Akalis yelled, holding the sword in his hand high. A layer of golden brilliance began to gather on the long sword from his hand, "Since you are not going to leave. Then...I'm not welcome! It's a pity...After this blow, you may be wiped out. ."

Akalis glared wide, and in a roar, the sword in his hand had been slashed fiercely. The golden light on the sword came out of the sword, turning into a huge golden arc and slashed to the root. Robben didn't use any magic or any defense.

Queen Biris raised her heart, and instinctively wanted to step forward to block the attack. Suddenly, he vaguely felt that Robben's gaze seemed to take a look at himself. There was a smile and calmness in his gaze, and there was no panic at all. In a moment of stunned, Queen Biris stopped.

The huge sword mark rushed towards Robben angrily. Robben never used any magic from the beginning to the end, just standing there. He stared at the powerful force that was slashing towards him.

The wind-like sword marks swept across, Robben didn't move until the huge sword marks passed through his body, blasting the dirt again on the ground behind him.

Queen Biress covered her mouth in shock, rushed up at the fastest speed, and grabbed Robben: "Doctor! You..."

Halfway through. Queen Biris was stunned, looking at Robben's position from the right shoulder to the left lower abdomen, she didn't know what to say for a while.

A shining golden arc appeared on Luo himself, as if something was smeared on it, Queen Biris felt a powerful light force seeping out from it. Some even let themselves resist.

Robben's expression is quite serious, his body motionless. Even if Queen Biress came to her side, she didn't even turn her eyes to look at her.

Slowly, a very thin layer of pale golden light floated on Robben's body, and the light covered his whole body, and the trace of gold became thicker and more dazzling, emitting a stronger light. The breath of strength.

Akalis was very surprised. The opponent didn’t dodge, but he took a sword without defensively. Although he didn’t expect such a situation, but according to the truth, the half of this guy should have let himself It’s right to cut and fly out, but...

Judging from the expression of Queen Biris, Akalis knew that there must be something strange in this human being, and... it seemed that it was not the kind that would die.

Knowing that Robben has a lot of strange abilities, Akales condensed his face, and the sword in his hand raised again, the shining red gold light leaped on the blade, and a sword struck again fiercely.

This time the sharp blade pierced the air, the huge sword aura slashed in the air, and the ground was even shattered by the sharp sword aura.

Queen Biris was taken aback. She did not expect Akalis to turn back and immediately attacked again. She rushed to Luo herself in desperation and slapped her hands to activate magic, but everything was already slow. Now, Akalis's sword aura is very strange. It was only when Queen Biris's hands were tied together, the sharp sword wind blowing up her long hair.

At the moment of the moment, the hand that had been shining with a faint light stretched out from behind Queen Biris, slowly...as if it violated the rules of time, she gently hugged her and dragged it back. After that, this hand The owner blocked in front.

The extremely powerful sword aura smashed into the golden figure who was approaching. Queen Biris had only time to let out a scream, the aftermath of the sword aura exploded behind her, and the strong wind blowing like a storm blew the ground. Flying sand and walking stones.

"Doctor!" Queen Biress cried out.

"Hush...I'm fine!" Queen Biris, who was in a panic, suddenly felt her body tighten and was firmly hugged. At the same time, a warm feeling came from behind her ears. It was so crunchy and itchy...this It's this man who likes to hold himself the most, and... it's also his favorite way to tease himself.

It was almost conditional, Queen Biress stepped down fiercely, and the position was extremely accurate. Queen Biress knew that she had stepped on the opponent's foot, but this time she felt completely different.

A layer of golden light exploded under her feet, and there was no feeling of stepping on the entity at all, as if it had caused a golden butterfly, there was no there.

"Doctor, you?" Queen Biress turned her head in amazement, but unexpectedly found that Robben was looking at herself with a smile, nothing unusual at all.

Looking down, Queen Biress's eyes shrank quickly, and one of Robben's feet became completely transparent, as if condensed by light. He stepped on a foot just now, and unexpectedly moved this foot. It's broken... This sight made Queen Biris immediately feel like she is about to faint.

While I was frightened, I heard a warm feeling in my ears, that kind of teasing, some gentle kisses fell on my ears again, and at the same time came the man’s laughing voice: "Bi Er, you This time I was seriously injured. If I don't accompany me well, I won't give up."

Queen Biress was like falling into the fog of five miles, and she didn't know exactly what was going on for a while, but in the next second, Queen Biress discovered that something incredible was happening before her eyes.

Robben’s crushed foot, the light that was smashed into the air, returned automatically, and quickly recondensed into legs and footsteps. After that, the light quickly dimmed, leaving an undamaged sole. Appeared there.

The Queen Beris who saw this scene was stunned, even a little unbelievable.

Tentatively, Queen Biress raised her foot, and gently stepped on Robben’s foot, very light and light... It seemed that Robben’s foot would collapse again, but this time it did not happen again, Luo Ben's feet are safe and sound, and the feeling is exactly the same as before.

Robben's funny voice sounded: "Bi Er, you can use some strength. I feel a little uncomfortable with you being so careful."

Robben was joking, but Queen Biress was not in the mood to joke now, she had only endless consternation.

"Doctor, you are... what's going on?"

"Hmm... Then I will explain it later. You see, this old gentleman can't get me to say more."

The power of Akalis' second sword is at least 30% higher than that of the first sword. The violent power has cut off the surrounding ground again, but now his face is quite ugly, and it also carries indescribable Weird, looking at Robben, his eyes seemed to see a ghost.

Robben said with a smile: "Akalis, I didn't expect to be a great warrior of God of War before ~www.readwn.com~ but he didn't keep his promises. We said that everyone had one chance, but you gave me a chance to win. Attacked twice, which really made me feel the degeneration of the Protoss."

Akales's face was red, and now he couldn't see if he was blushing, but judging from his very ugly expression and the sword that had been hung down, it seemed that he had no plans for a third attack.

"Huh! I attacked twice, so let you do two tricks too! I am a fighter, not a gambler. Life and death on the battlefield are only between the front lines. It was my instinctive reaction just now, not that I did not follow the agreement!"

Robben smiled happily, "Okay, I can understand... Sometimes, instinct is more efficient and correct than deliberate judgment, so now it’s better for me to attack, but I don’t need twice, I just One attack is enough."

Akalis's red face turned directly into an eggplant face, and he tremblingly said, "You **** human! You are so arrogant!"

"No, I am not arrogant!" Robben said very seriously and sincerely, "but I found your weakness and I know how to beat you, so as you said, the outcome is only between the first line, fundamentally No need for a second attack! If you are ready, I will attack!!" (an.) an. Read. )

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