God Prohibitions

Chapter 1460: First-hand information

The night is like a crow splashed with ink, and the pitch black makes people feel suffocating. The huge space in the sky is looming in the thick clouds, throwing the dense darkness on the earth.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Hei Di stood in the air, and the dark magic circle under his feet was very strange and could be seen clearly in such a dark night.

"What's this?" When Sarok saw what large magic the Black Emperor seemed to use, he immediately asked.

Robben thought that you, a genuine Demon Race, or a Queen’s fellow, didn’t recognize you. How would a human being know what the Black Emperor’s secret technique was, but rubbing his chin, Robben said irresponsibly, "Probably, I want to help A hand, what kind of magic is pulling up the monster below."

Sharoc glared at Robben immediately, "Don't be kidding at this time."

Robben chuckled, "We don’t have to be so anxious now. Anxiousness leads to chaos. The Black Emperor is still careful here, and now it’s as if there is no way to catch Bigg to deal with it, so even if we fail in the end There will be no regrets."

"You think very easily! If we can't catch Big, everything will be in vain!"

Robben couldn’t help listening, "It’s okay. It’s not a bad idea to have a sister there. The news that there is no Bigger is not a problem at all. We can go to the God Realm, that... well, oh right! You can teach your brother Go to seduce women! We can open a path from within the Protoss...Ouch!"

I have been communicating with Sharok as the **** of jīng, but Robben really yelled out at the last moment, because Sharok had already stepped on Robben unceremoniously and said, "You slick bastard! Actually, it is. I want to use my sister to seduce women!"

Robben couldn't help but screamed aggrieved. This is clearly what Sharoclu said before, and now he starts to hate it...

"Anyway. Try to solve Bigger's problem first, and the rest... I'll talk about it later!"

"Yes, yes... follow the orders of your sister!" Robben laughed again, "but we don't have to take any action, and don't care too much about what magic the Black Emperor is using. Just evaluate it when you think it is most suitable. The degree of risk is absolutely nothing to do with it."

Sarok naturally knew this well, nodded, his gaze had already fallen on the huge magic circle summoned by the Black Emperor in midair, "This thing...how does it feel weird, there is no strong pressure. Black. Could the emperor use this kind of powerless thing against that monster?"

"Who knows? These guys standing at the top of a field are not something ordinary guys like us can guess." Robben's tone was relaxed, completely in a posture of watching a good show.

Although Sarok previously said that the way to seduce Ya in the God Realm was totally unreliable, this gave Robben some ideas.

Bigger is certainly important, this guy who has been secretly operating in the demons for thousands of years must have an astonishing amount of information in his hands, and the important and extremely astonishing information. If you can catch him, then you will have a clear understanding of the demon’s movements, but...If this is the case now, then it is acceptable to have to give up, even though I have been busy for so many days, finally But nothing.

Robben was wondering, if he really went to the God Realm, could he really open up another situation. Counting his fingers, Robben was surprised to discover that in fact, of the five war gods still alive in the God Realm, three of them have a good relationship with him. Among them, Crick, who has no sacred power, even became friends with him. The relationship between the remaining tooth and himself is more difficult to tell, but at least it is not a life-and-death enemy, so there is enough room for activities, and Mundo, as his father-in-law. There seems to be much room for negotiation.

Perhaps, the Protoss side is really a good direction.

"Strange!" Just when Robben was already wandering around the world and began to consider the situation on the Protoss side, Sharok seemed to have discovered something weird and slammed Robben lightly.

"What's the matter?" Robben recovered. He hurriedly paid attention to the situation of the Black Emperor in the sky, but... nothing seemed to happen, Robben could not help but wonder, "Nothing strange?"

"That's why it's weird." Sharok's charming eyebrows frowned. "What is the Black Emperor preparing for? I ignore the thing in the void for so long... and the magic circle hasn't been emitted for so long. What powerful force comes, this..."

"Sister is still worried about this?" Robben shrugged. "He can do whatever he likes. We only do our own things."

Sarok was surprised, but now he doesn't know what the Black Emperor is making. As long as he nods his head, "Brother, can you bring Bigla to this side immediately when the time is right?"

"It's ready!" Robben said confidently, "That spatial vortex provides a lot of convenience, otherwise the magic is really not easy to activate in the same space that is connected to each other, so that it can be used to make Bigger Pulled over in a projected way, but we must be prepared, the blood curse magic around him will be pulled over together."

"He himself can't hold on to the impact of the spatial vortex, or if the Black Emperor wants to catch him and leave, he will first break his blood curse magic barrier. We will do it at that time. That magic is not easy to touch." Sarok Said without thinking.

This made Robben feel very strange, "Sister, where is that magic so powerful?"

"It's blood!" Sarok simply replied, explaining, "I don't know how this magic was discovered, but it is certain that the guy who created it was a madman. In the record, this The magic is aimed at all the lives that have blood flowing in their bodies. After the explosion of the magic, the blood of these lives will begin to burn, then go mad, and then die."


"Yes, it's real burning!" Sharok said solemnly. "The body naturally burns up, and the magic will also stimulate the burning blood to draw the vitality of the creatures, bursting out violent power in a short time, this This power will destroy everything in front of you."

Robben was startled slightly before he understood the terrible part of this magic, "Then...if it is used in crowded places..."

Sharok said in a deep voice: "The affected people will go crazy and destroy everything around them with several times their usual strength. In the end, either they will be killed by other victims or they will go crazy and die, but no matter what, they will only stay in the end. The next piece of ashes is nothing but oneself or someone else. Or the city that once existed, or even the land..."

"Understood? This is crazy magic that destroys everything that exists. Cruelty and killing are no longer enough to describe. We must not touch that magic. I didn't carefully resist the powerful force from ancient times, and your situation is temporarily Not suitable for hard support. You see! Even if Arthur wore the Demon King's standing armor and turned his own magic power to a great extent, he still couldn't compete with that magic!"

Robben immediately became cautious, "This kind of magic... is it crazy? It exists entirely for destruction."

"Yes, totally...it is a kind of magic that is the enemy of this world." Sharokhnai shook his head, "I really don't know where Bigger dug up such a powerful and evil thing."

"So it seems. We accidentally created this spatial vortex, but it's not completely wrong, otherwise...maybe it's still **** here."

"Perhaps." After hearing these words, Sharok felt a bit of questioning in his heart. This was obviously not Robben's original intention, but just comforting himself...

"Huh?" Suddenly Robben looked very strangely towards the sky, "The Black Emperor...seems to be preparing space magic."

"Space magic, is it space transfer magic?"

"Yes. Although the fluctuations are a bit strange, it should be correct, but...why is the space magic prepared at this time? Do you want to completely shred this space and kill the monster."

"That's just looking for death, if the space is completely broken, less than 50% of the millions of demons around here can leave alive!" Sharok stared at the night sky, and the black emperor walked slowly in the middle of the sky. Walking along the edge of the array, every step taken, that section of the magic array will emit a thicker dark light. Very Hei Di is about to finish a circle, it seems that this magic is about to be completed.

"Space transfer?" Sarok was puzzled. "Could it be some strange magic that we have never heard of."

Robben's attention was slowly attracted by the black emperor in the sky, and he said in a puzzled manner: "From the current fluctuations in magic power, this...seems to be a short-range magic teleportation array with not too great a distance. But The cohesive strength is very strong, um...this is why."

"Short-range teleportation?" The corner of Sarok's eyes trembled slightly. The powerful short-range movement magic must be used to teleport something that is very powerful in itself or requires a lot of magic power to nearby places. The Black Emperor hides nearby. Is there any secret weapon? "

Both Robben and Sharok were puzzled. No one could guess what the Black Emperor was going to do. The Black Emperor didn't care about the monsters in the void on the ground getting closer and closer to the entrance of the hole, and the huge **** eyes grew bigger and bigger. , As if trying to break through a hole in this earth, the Black Emperor didn't care at all about it, even with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

When the black emperor was completely on the tower of the giant magic circle, the magic circle began to emit a strange dark purple light, looking from a distance, it was like a huge mouth that would swallow even the night.

The Black Emperor looked at the huge **** eyes below, and couldn't help but laughed, "Very well! I didn't expect it to be such a good thing. It seems that I still underestimated you. If you look like this, I will Don't worry!"

A black light rose from the black emperor's hand and quickly rose to the sky, and then a black wave rippled in the air, and the powerful power dispelled the cloud coefficient of the sky.

Ruoyouruo's starlight shone through, but most of it had been swallowed by the space gate that appeared as the cloud shattered.

"What!?" Sharok saw this scene change drastically, "Does the Black Emperor plan to throw this thing into the space door?"

Luo Ben was taken aback, "Throw it into the space gate, doesn't it mean...will go to the God Realm?"

"Damn it, this **** thing is really vicious! If this thing reaches the God Realm, I am afraid the Protoss will have to pay a huge price for it! This is a powerful existence in another level of the world, and the attacks of the Black Emperor have no effect on it, those Protoss As for the soldiers, I'm afraid it's nothing but death!

"Go to the God Realm?" Robben's eyelids trembled, "This is a mess! We must act!"

"Wait!" Sharog held Robben, "With your current situation. Going out is to find death! We can't stop this, but the opportunity has come. We will catch Big and go to God immediately. World!"

"No but!" Sharok pressed Robben firmly, with an unusually determined attitude!

Robben gritted his teeth. I was anxious, "Under the space gate of the God Realm, not to mention that there is a huge army of the Protoss. Both Ya and Mundo are stationed there. A while ago, Mundor alone supported the offensive of the monsters in the outer realm, which can be said to be quite expensive. . And Ya must now support her sword formation at all times. I am afraid that the consumption is only a lot more than Mundo. Both of them are not in perfect condition now. If this unknown monster slams into the God Realm, then The consequences may be unimaginable.

"Started! Ready!" Sharok's reminder pulled Robben back from worrying about the God Realm, and saw that the dark magic in the air had begun to emit a deep and thrilling light. This light swallowed all the faint stars in the sky, as if a huge curtain was hanging down to the ground.

A long and dull roar came from the void, and the huge monster seemed to have noticed something and let out a strange roar.

The black light covered the entire ground, covering the space vortex and the void.

There was only a loud noise coming from the earth and the earth. Everyone felt that the ground seemed to jump under their feet a few times, and a loud bang came from deep underground. It seems that the earth is moving, and it seems that ancient beasts roar wildly in the center of the earth.

The Black Emperor shouted, and the entire magic circle's Guan Gang suddenly began to erupt in the opposite direction, rushing straight into the giant space door in the sky.

"There is no time to wait! Prepare for the impact of the blood curse! Let's move!" Sharok yelled almost at the same time, and the sea of ​​consciousness turned frantically, and began to provide Robben with a steady stream of divine support.

Now Robben could only forbearance and immediately rushed to stop the impulse of the Black Emperor, holding the magic seal in his hands, and instantly radiating light from his whole body, a huge silver magic circle appeared in front of him, bursting with silver light.

The Black Emperor above the sky immediately noticed the strange energy fluctuations on the ground. Turning his head to see, his faces were full of consternation. I didn't expect that Robben and Sharok hadn't escaped, but were hiding in such a close place, and now they seem to be using magic.

Almost directly put aside the teleportation magic that only needs a short time support. The Black Emperor tried his best to restrain this strong impulse, staring at Robben and Sarok, instantly locking the position and breath of the two.

The next moment is your death date! The Black Emperor, who has suffered a loss once, knows that Robben can instantly hide his breath, and in this case, he can still use space teleportation. This is indeed a very clever means of escape, but...for himself, everything is second. The second method will mean that the opponent has to pay a huge price for it.

Robben is also very clear about this. Robben can't expect to escape calmly the second time. The Black Emperor will not fall down from a rock twice, this time if he can't retreat immediately, then There is really only a dead end.

Concentrating his own supernatural power, the focused cāo controls the magic circle in front of him, checks that it is intact, launches it with maximum strength, and checks the space coordinates! Robbenfei completed each step, the entire time was only a few tenths of a second.

It only takes a few seconds to support a short-range spatial movement magic. Once this time has passed, the Black Emperor will immediately vacate his hand. This distance is like the Black Emperor’s nose, on Robben’s forehead. Sweat beads instantly, and everything will only be decided within these few seconds!

The magic circle suddenly burst into a strong silver gleam, covering the entire magic circle completely. The person who pierced the light couldn't open his eyes and couldn't see the changes in the magic circle.

And a bit of blood shined out of the world of silver almost at the same time.

"Defense!" Sharok shouted, and directly activated the magic shield to wrap Robben and himself tightly inside. Robben was also vigorously consolidating the magic shield activated by Sharok, ready to welcome the blood. The impact of the curse.

But... everything is not as terrible as imagined.

The light of blood only flickered a few times, and it disappeared. In the intense silver light of the magic circle, a thick figure slowly fell down...

"Crack!!" The sky resembled the thunderbolt of the **** of thunder, and a loud and deafening noise rang through the sky. The huge space door suddenly became extremely unstable, and began to change into a number of colorful markings. Extremely distorted. It was swallowed by the deep darkness inside the space door.

A huge roar exploded like a cannon from the space door, and the trembling air trembled. The space door, which had appeared to be very quiet, began to appear irritable and restless, as if an anxious beast began to howl.

Sarok looked at the sky and couldn't help but shrink a little. He shouted without hesitation: "Let's go!!"

Robben was prepared for this. The projection magic has already pulled Big from the space vortex very accurately. Fortunately, it seems that Big has already reached the limit, and the fundamental law is supporting it. It just so happens that he has taken him out at this time. It was brought out, and it was not affected by any blood curse magic.

The magic seal that had already been pressed in his hand was activated instantly. A silver halo lit up under Robben and Sharok, and the same halo in the magic circle in front of them covered the figure.

Being in the air, dragged by the space gate's abnormal changes, the Black Emperor, who had to support the successful completion of the transfer magic, had already protruding from his eye sockets, staring at Robben and Sarok, but now he can do nothing...obviously Luo Ben and Sharok are about to flee immediately.

In a day. The Arrow of Judgment actually passed by twice...

Thinking of the heavy pressure that the Arrow of Judgment would bring to the Demon Race, and thinking of the huge threat that that thing would pose to the Protoss, the Black Emperor roared and took a violent step, leaving the key to the magic circle with one foot. Location, suddenly, the Black Emperor was hit hard. The metal sè Ze's body seemed to be squeezed by a huge force to shrink by one size, and the whole body was full of scary twists.

The black emperor, whose face was distorted and whose steel-like body had been counteracted by powerful magical powers, was angrily and jumped out of the magic circle. He tilted in the air, spurting two mouthfuls of blood, and yelled at Robben and Sarok. Pounced.

The distance visible to the naked eye is equivalent to the difference at hand for the Black Emperor. In the blink of an eye, he came to Luo himself who was launching magic. The Black Emperor's sharp and slender five-finger poisonous dragon inserted into Robben's heart...

Vaguely, the Black Emperor seemed to feel the real touch from his hand, but... everything returned to illusion. The bodies of Robben and Sharok were half-empty, and instantly shrank into a light that disappeared cleanly, and the red figure in the magic circle also disappeared with Robben and Sharok at the same time.

Hei Di's hand was trembling, still maintaining a straight posture, his face rolled with anger. The joints of the whole body are crackling with the burning of anger...

However, the furious Hei Di calmed down, slowly withdrew his hand, looking at the drop of blood on his fingertips, a satisfied smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Very...this is a good start, human."

The long wind howled, there was not a single figure in the deserted Gobi, but suddenly two magical apertures lit up, and three people appeared there one after another, two lying down and one standing.

Robben and Bigg are both lying on the ground, but don't just have Robben's painful face, and Bigg seems to have completely lost consciousness.

Sarok was a little flustered, his hands were pressed fiercely on Robben's heart, blood was constantly pouring from her fingers.

"Brother! You... cheer up!" While speaking to Robben loudly, Sharok took out the magic healing scroll from his ring to quickly heal Robben.

But what stunned Sarok was that the treatment roll had no effect at all, and even the blood couldn't stop it.

"Brother!! Use magic to regenerate!" Seeing that the magic healing scroll was completely useless, Sarok was really panicked this time.

Robben's meaning was fairly clear, he couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "Sister...that's a kind of operation of the source of power, which is quite...very laborious, I don't have that ability now."

"What?" Sharoc's eyes widened, "but...but what to do, your injury..."

"It's okay."

Robben's simple comfort had no effect. On the contrary, it made Sarok feel more anxious, "How could it be okay? Your heart..."

Seeing the gurgling blood that could not even be suppressed, Sarok was a little desperate. He was completely an idiot in the treatment of magic, but now the doctor with medical skills has already lost his soul...

Robben took a few hard breaths, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Really...it's okay, my heart...well."

Robben pressed his wound with one hand, and gently pulled her hand with the other and pressed it on his right chest.

Sarok was taken aback, and there was a heartbeat in Robben's right chest.

"Hehe..." Robben smiled badly. "In order to deal with such opponents, they always like to attack Biren's heart and head... In order to guard against this, I moved my heart to the right, and I knew... One day. This matter Will save my life."

After speaking, Robben couldn't help but laughed again, but he coughed and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Sister, don't worry, the left side is just some blood. I will handle it very well."

Sarok suddenly felt Robben's hand heat up. And it’s very hot, some are hot, and some even let their own law approach, "What are you doing?"

"Heal!" Robben replied vigorously, "This is a very old way, but... it is also the most time-saving and labor-saving way."

Robben's hands began to show a fiery red face, and at the same time exudes a high temperature that is unacceptable for ordinary people. The hot Sarok couldn't help but retracted his hand, his eyes full of surprise and horror.

Robben’s hand was like a hot red soldering iron attached to his injured chest. Robben’s facial features were suddenly distorted, big beads of sweat were left on his face, and Robben’s wound was instantly burnt. Scar, the blood stopped immediately.

"Ah... it's like this!" Robben was exhausted when he finished all this. "This **** injury really killed me." Robben gritted his teeth, and at the same time, he was struggling to sit up.

Sarok was taken aback, and pressed Robben once, "You are crazy! You still want to move like this? You lie here obediently, if you have anything, tell your sister, sister must It will do it for you. During this time, you only need to recuperate in bed."

Robben was moved and amused at what Sharock said. Now I don’t have any time to heal my injury. Although this injury is only an external part of the treatment, it is enough to temporarily allow me to act. The most important thing now is not to heal the injury, but to leave here immediately! "

"Sister. I was in a hurry just now. I could only return to the human continent first, and then go to the God Realm. However, I didn't expect the Black Emperor to react so quickly. It was a miscalculation. With my current situation, there must be no way to use the magic circle again. Go to the God Realm, sister, you... can you use the magic circle for me?"

"Me?" Sharok was a little bit stunned, "I know nothing about this. If you give me such a thing, the situation is so urgent now that something bad happens..." Sharok's eyes Hesitate.

"Sister, we don't have time to pick and choose now. Now... I can only trust you and take us to God immediately. Now there may be a disaster there. We must go over and see."

"But..." Sharok's face was full of guilty conscience, "But I haven't studied teleportation magic, let alone conducted experiments, etc., in case... we would all be lost in a different space. "

Robben smiled, took out a jīng book, opened a page from it, and said softly: "Sometimes, we have to take risks, because if we don’t go, then everything we did before will also It doesn't make much sense."

As he said, Robben tore a piece from the book and put it into Sharok's hand, "This is what I did before, just in case, and the ancient teleportation formation with the dragon has almost nothing There are too many differences, and everything that needs to be done has been done. Sister, you can just start it... Well, you don’t need too much strength to support. Sister does what she can. After all, we have to bring a big, now we don’t protect him. If you do, I’m afraid he is about to die."

Sharok felt like he was in danger. He took the teleportation scroll that Robben handed him, and nodded heavily, "Okay, sister, try it once! Now that you have already done this for your brother, sister must have no problem. of!"

Many magic shields were re-arranged for Robben, of course...Big, who was still in a coma, didn't have this preferential treatment, and was **** by Sharok by another 30% inside.

After completing the safety work, Sarok activated the teleportation formation with an extremely heavy heart, and at the same time hugged Robben's arm without hesitation, his face was full of tension...

A black magic circle appeared on the ground in an instant, and the black waves seemed to swallow Robben and Sharok in the rising waves. The magic circle only existed for a short period of time, until Robben and Sharok disappeared. In the ground, everything seems more quiet than quiet, as if no one has been here...

When Sharok was the last one to fall out of the magic circle. When the forehead just fell to the ground, Sharok's hanging heart was completely let go.

The effect of using the magic scroll is naturally not as good as that of Robben's own spell. The time is a little longer, which makes Sharok feel stressed, and even thought that the space channel would immediately collapse. I won’t be able to go back and I won’t see my family anymore.

"Huh...Finally, it's finally here." Sarok came to Robben vigorously, looked at Robben's appearance, and after a careful examination, he was relieved, it seems that the problem is not big. It was just that the strength was over-consumed in a short time, and after the impact of the virtual space, he was now fainted.

"Uh..." Sharocco was going to see Bigger's situation, and Robben slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother! You can do it!" When Robben woke up, Sarok couldn't help but was overjoyed and gently hugged Robben's head. I was very excited and said: "Look, we have returned to the realm of God, even if the magic scroll used by my sister is still very useful, ha! Brother, what is your expression, we are really in the realm of God, don’t believe me. You see, the scenery around us is very different from the human continent."

This is indeed the God Realm. Robben didn't need to look at people to distinguish it. The air in the gods was quite different from that in the human continent, and it was obviously a place where he had left a space mark.

"It's fine when you arrive. It seems that this important task can be handed over to my sister in the future." Robben laughed.

"Don't even think about it!" Sarok glanced at Robben, raised his head, and began to sense the energy changes around him, carefully searching for the direction of the great portal of the gods.

"It's still far from that place. We need to use space movement magic. Sister...we want some. I'm afraid there is something wrong with the entrance here."

Robben and Sharok quickly recognized the direction. When they approached the large space gate of the Protoss, both of them were dumbfounded.

There is still some distance between this place and the big space gate, but this distance shows something well.

For example, how big is the monster from the heart.

This thing...perhaps the fundamental way to measure her size, when seeing what this strange monster looks like. Robben knew that this thing... must be extremely difficult to deal with.

Under the big space gate of the God Realm, in the sword formation barrier of Ya, a huge friend's shadow stood there, which looked quite strange.

This thing... it seems that it really only has one eye, but the size of this huge eye is quite amazing. Robben visually observed that the eye of this thing should be at least fifty meters long.

Around the eyes of this giant blood, there is a thick black breath, which forms the rest of the monster's body, and large swaths of black smoke flow in the tooth's sword formation, which seems to be a tooth stuck. A huge door, but now the monster is using the shackles of this sword formation to continuously accumulate power, wanting to destroy this sword formation.

And now, that huge blood eye is floating in the air, and the body is made of thick smoke, which looks like a python with huge eyes.

In front of this giant eye, a small figure floated there.

Sarok gave himself and Robben blessed with Eagle Eye, and suddenly everything became clearer.

She was floating in front of the monster's giant eyes, turned out to be teeth.

Looking at the huge, indescribable monster in front of him, Ya sighed a little, "We guys who shouldn't exist in this world are still really persistent, although I don't know that you came from that world, but... You seem to have difficulties too, which really makes me sad."

Ya gently shook his head: "You seem to like this place very much. I have to tell you not enough. No matter what you want to do, it is no longer possible. Now you have broken into our place, and we are still at war with the demons. If you rush out of the space door like this...

In the distance, Sarah clasped Laroben's clothes, "What is that woman whispering to herself?"

Robben let out a sigh of relief, wondering why this woman has so many questions a day, "I can't speak, how can I know what she's talking about?"

Sarok was a little puzzled, "What can this woman and a monster have to say, can it be... she can't solve this thing immediately?

"Hmm...Look around." Sharok's eyes were a little bit more naive. "This is no way. This place is not an ideal place for fighting. Many places under the big space gate are occupied by the Protoss. If it is here If something happens, then there will be quite serious consequences, eh?"

At the end of the speech, Sarok was stunned, "This...what about the other gods of war?"

Robben replied weakly: "The rest of the war gods, uh, what to do, including Mundo... he is drinking in his tent."

Sarok was surprised: "Brother, how do you know?"

"Ha, sister! I'm just a little weak now, but my feelings have not disappeared. I will still do some things that may seem unreliable, but if only some general news, I can still be aware of The fluctuations in the air are directly understood."

"It's really a little monster!" Sharok's eyes were full of surprise, but he couldn't help but express his joy. For Robben's various situations, Sharok is beginning to feel particularly happy now.

Under the big space door, Ya seemed to sigh very much, muttering to himself as if talking to the strange thing.

"In fact, it is not easy for us. We do not exist in this world, but we have come to this world. For this reason, we have to pay a lot of price to live as stable as other people..."

"We really paid too much for this... and until now I have realized what I want."

Regrettably, after seeing the monster, Ya suddenly asked, "Can you not speak? If we can, we might as well have a chat. I had a good friend before, and he was my companion...at least I was originally It’s understandable that way, but it’s very awkward... In fact, he and I are enemies, so the description of him is naturally inaccurate, "We can really cheat..."

Ya laughed self-deprecatingly, still looking at the monster, "Aren't you talking? Oh... Sorry, I don’t think you seem to be a creature of our level at all. Maybe you don’t need to speak at all, and you don’t need to learn our language. Sometimes...power is indeed the beginning of solving many things."

Slowly stepping back, UU reading www.uukanshu.com slightly moved his hand, and said, "Gossip, let’s stop here. Since you have no intention to communicate with me, I don’t need to talk too much. The meaning of, I... after all, came here for the peace. I'm afraid... there will be some unpleasant conflicts between us. After you go to the place, I hope everything will be normal."

As he said, Ya slowly pulled out the long sword on his waist, but this action seemed very obvious. The huge blood eye made a strange neigh, and he stepped back vigilantly, connecting the giant eye to the ground. In the thick black smoke, huge claws appeared looming.

"You are really difficult enough." Looking at the shape that appeared in the shadow below the giant eyes, Ya smiled instead, "Also, before the war, there must be one who can let go of guard and use it as you like. The object of strength, it is better to go to the battlefield in such a battle."

Tooth’s sword slowly drooped, and the body of the sword glowed with a burning golden light. The body of the sword glowed in the strong golden light, and it almost became another sword. At the same time, the back of the tooth lit up. A curtain of light.

"This woman is going to be real! Let's take a closer look at what she has to do!" Sharok in the distance was excited, "This is first-hand information!" To be continued. (.M.. reading.)

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